InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Devastating Plans ❯ Training and the soul is seeking ( Chapter 8 )
(AN: Um. . .This certainly has been a long update ne? Sorry if I had made you mad at me! But please read my other fics to! And thanks to all whom waited patiently!
Yuki: *Ties Miroku up to her bed with handcuffs* There, all done!
Miroku: Jeez, you didn't have to go that far. I didn't know you liked it kinky. *Smiles lecherously*
Yuki: *Blushes* P-Pervert! *Shakes head back and forth* I don't like you anymore-
Miroku: So all along you loved me! Now you can bear my children!
Yuki: AS A FRIEND! *Looks horrified* I would never!
Miroku: Want to bet?
Yuki: I don't bet!
Miroku: Then would you like to have s-
Yuki: *Puts duck tape over his mouth instantly* Shut up!
Disclaimer: *Whimpers* Sadly I don't own Inuyasha and co.So don't rub it in! Grr.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~**~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (Hours after Kagome and Sesshoumaru started to spar)
(In Naraku's Fortress)
"What would happen if your plan goes awry for Kagome?" A woman's voice rang through the hall.
"Do you dare to question me?" A male voice asked in suspicion.
"No Lord Naraku, I was simply asking if you had a back up plan is all." The woman's voice came again.
"There will be no mistakes, I will not allow anything to go wrong." Naraku said calmly pissed off.
"Sorry for asking my Lord."
"Get out of my sight, or parish were you stand."
"Yes Naraku." The woman left a Naraku pondering his lust for Kagome.
"Is she worth all this trouble?" Naraku asked the Onigumo inside himself.
'Yes, if she is mine then we shall acquire great powers as one.' Onigumo replied inside his head.
"But why her, why Kagome? Why not use the Shikon No Tama to restore kikyo's life back?" Naraku asked, sitting down Indian style on the floor.
'Because, the lovely maiden kikyo is no longer of this earth and time, and Kagome's miko powers is more.enjoyably sweet and innocent. As for kikyo's, hers was stained with the hanyou's deceiving love.' Onigumo answered.
(AN: And if all of you nice people reading my story, I think I have come to the conclusion that Naraku is mentally unstable.
Naraku: Wench, are you calling me insane?
Yuki: Yes.Don't kill me! I'm a nice a person, really!
Naraku: And that's the problem.
Yuki: I think I'm in trouble, *Screams* SOMEBODY HELP ME! YUKI DOES NOT DESIRE DEATH!
Death: Did somebody call me?
Yuki: Dumb dog, get outta my story!
Death: *Grumbles* Stupid cat. *Leaves* But I'll be back! )
(AN: Um...Back to the story)
"Fine Onigumo."
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At Sesshoumaru's Fortress *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Aho! Now wait a minuet, who's talking about me." Kagome said suspiciously, the sighed heavily, "Oh, well."
"What are you babbling about woman?" Sesshoumaru asked posing to strike Kagome with his sword.
"Nothing Sesshoumaru." Kagome said as she blocked his attack. And then thrust her sword at Sesshoumaru, who merely dodged the attack.
They went on attacking and defending until the next dawn approached, and then departed to go to bed.
(AN: Sorry, I'm not good with fighting scenes or battle scenes! Imagine it anyway you want!)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Next Day *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome woke up with a start when someone began to shake her roughly. 'Urg,' "What time is it?" Kagome asked with her eyes closed.
"7:00 in the morning." A male's voice said.
"Sesshoumaru. . . It was 5:00 when I went to bed. It's to early in the morning." Kagome told Sesshoumaru.
"It is never to early to get stronger woman. Now get your lazy human butt up out of bed, or you will suffer the consequences when you do decide to wake up." Sesshoumaru said in one breath, all the while glaring at Kagome's closed eyelids.
"Fine, leave so I can change." Kagome said irritably. When Kagome felt Sesshoumaru's presence leave her room, she got up from her nice bed, and changed into her fighting outfit.
Kagome walked out of her room and head towards the same place the spared least night. She walked through the huge hallways that led her to the sparing room, where she found Sesshoumaru in.
Sesshoumaru was standing up straight, holding his sword up to his nose, sweat rolling off his skin in concentration. And then, lighting fast, had his sword right between her eyes.
"Hello Sesshoumaru." Kagome said, her face void of all emotions.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"As always, Lord Sesshoumaru.."
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Naraku's Fortress *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
'Times up, it has been a month since I drained of all your precious soul.And Now I will make you mine.'
It was the perfect plan. Well in Naraku's eyes it was.
'I must be close enough to make the crystal in my pocket, to stop resisting. But not so close as for Kagome to sense my dark aura.' Naraku thought as he dashed from tree to tree. Naraku ran into a clearing, were there was only but a few trees and shrubs near by.
Naraku let Kagome's soul call to her.It will draw Kagome into a trap. A soulless body can't resist the call of a soul, especially if the soul belongs to the shelled body.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* With Kagome *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome was in her room, getting dressed because she had just gotten out of the main hot spring; when Kagome felt a tug on her heart. Like something was calling her, searching for her.
Kagome quickly got dressed and stared to roam through the vacant hallways of Sesshoumaru's Fortress.And the feeling led her out side, to a dirt path that led to a cliff near the west.
The sun was begging to set. And when she noticed that the stares were out, the feeling stop automatically.
Kagome scanned the area until her eyes spotted a pink glow; that resembled the glow from a Shikon shard fragment.'But brighter? How is that possible? Nothing could glow brighter than the sacred jewel.' Kagome thought as she moved closer to the bright glow.
Kagome came upon a black crystal, glowing.
"This.Looks familiar." Kagome said out loud.
"Of coarse, it would." Kagome heard someone say, and then everything went black.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(AN : Um...Yah, just to let you know, this story is almost over.^_^ And if I get that far, this will be the first story I EVER finished! Yippe! So make sure you review me what you think! And feel free to e-mail me also!!!!
And I'm in such a good mood, I don't CARE if anyone flames me!
Ja Ne ^_^=!)