InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Devastating Plans ❯ Transforming, memories, and WHAT?! ( Chapter 10 )
(AN: Hello!! Thank you for all the wonderful reviews! I'm terribly sorry for the incredibly slow update!
Yuki: *sniffles* You should now that I don't own Inuyasha by now... )
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Kag ome was breathing heavy because of the pain she had just endured. But within a mere few minutes, it gradually evened out. Kagome's eyes looked all around the room, then finally rested on the grinning Naraku. "N- Naraku." The sound of his name rolled off her tongue and she found that she kind of liked the little sensation.
"Yes, my sweet miko?" Naraku's voice echoed off the walls and sent chills down Kagome's spine.
Kagome didn't say anything else. . . Something didn't feel right, something was out of place. And Kagome just couldn't figure out what it was. There was a familiar smell in the air that reminded her of someone. And as soon as she thought that, a sudden jolt of power pulsed through her veins.
Naraku noticed Kagome's sudden look of hatred on her delicate face as she looked towards the door behind him. Naraku smirked, he knew what lied behind the door facing his back. A surprise really.
"Who's there?" Kagome's voice dripped with venom, a picture of a familiar face of a white haird hanyou appeared in Kagome head as she growled softly.
"Just me." A gruff voice reached Kagome's now pointed ears.
"Inu. . . yasha?" Kagome asked standing in the same position as before, and raised an eyebrow.
And just as she had said that, the door swung open quickly. The very first thing anyone saw was his absolutely divine long white hair that cascaded down his back and over his broad shoulders. With each step, their was a metallic 'thump' on the ground.
Inuyasha froze in mid step, and hesitantly put his right foot back down. Her gaze. . . It reminded him of his former love. kikyo. . . Kagome's eyes were cold and filled with hate. The same look kikyo had given him when she shot the arrow that pierced his chest for 50 long cold years. Her expression, everything reminded him of his beloved kikyo.
Naraku's grin had just gotten bigger.
Inuyasha's gaze was just a ice cold as Kagome's but softened when he noticed the details about Kagome. Her hair was longer, almost below her back, and more straightened. Her once peach soft skin, was now a ebony white and cold. And the expressionless face was replaced with one of pure hatred.
"You tried to kill me didn't you?" Kagome asked accusingly at the white haird hanyou.
Inuyasha remembered once when she had said the exact same thing to his half brother, Sesshoumaru.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flash back *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome pointed the rusty Tetsiga at Sesshoumaru's chest.
"You tried to kill me didn't you?!" Kagome yelled very angrily.
Sesshoumaru raised a thin eyebrow when Kagome realized that she was practically giving it to him, but quickly pulled it back and gave it to him.
"Here Inuyasha, take this. I believe in you."
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End of Flash back *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Well, well, well. . . Now Inuyasha, what are you going to do?" Naraku's sarcasm was all to easy to detect. "Are you going to kill Kagome or not? Just because I tainted her soul completely with a Shikon shard before you expected, you are not?" Naraku's grin lessened.
It was true. Inuyasha had planned to kill Kagome. But only because she had ended kikyo's life before he was given the proper chance to think about accompanying her to Hell. But now that Naraku has made Kagome even stronger than before. . . It made it hard. She now reminded him of kikyo more than ever before. And. . . It would technically be killing kikyo, wouldn't it?
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~**~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(AN : Um. Hello! Thanx SO much for waiting! And, once again, I don't feel really inspired to write chapters, so I had to force this one. So therefore, sorry for the short chappy! Now, what pairing do YOU want?
Please tell me! If not. Then you may not like the results! But. . . I might, MIGHT, do alternative endings . . .
Yuki: Alright, now WHO is up for some castrating?!?!? *laughs evilly*
Miroku: Meep! *hides somewhere with a lot of dogs*
Yuki: Hiss! You'll have to come out SOMETIME!!!!!!!!! Mwhahahahahaha!!!