InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dial "H" for Hentai! ❯ Demons... With Tails? Part One ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*evil grins* I own Inu Yasha!! *dances* Er... *is tapped on shoulder by important-looking man in a business suit* Sheesh, lawyers. Can't take a joke? Allright...
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inu Yasha...

Yay! to Priestess of the Blade! You get a cookie! Hope you like chocolate chip!

Chapter Three: Demons... With Tails??? Part one
Kaede returned to her hut at nightfall, a steaming pot and loaf of bread in her hands. She walked past the curious Kirara, opening the door. The four occupants looked up as she entered, cutting off their conversation. "Here is some food for ye," she said, setting down the pot and bread. "Ye did not think I would starve ye now?" the corner of her mouth quirked up, and she turned around and left.
"Kaede!" Kagome called, running to the mat as it fell back into place.
"Good luck!" Inu-Yasha snarled from his corner. "That old hag isn't going to tell you anything until she's good and ready!" Kagome turned around, forlorn, and returned to her seat. Sango started to fill bowls with the steaming miso soup, and Miroku tore the bread into four pieces. They ate silently, each pondering the discussion they had that afternoon.

"So, what did you dream about, Kagome?" Miroku asked after they had finished their late breakfast.
Kagome turned red. "I, I don't really remember," she said, her blush deepening.
"Yeah, right," Inu-Yasha snorted. "What's so embarrassing about a nightmare?"
"It's personal!" Kagome replied, turning her back and taking out a textbook. She pretended to study, but couldn't focus on the words on the page. Her thoughts kept returning to her dream.

She woke up in the middle of the night, having to go to the bathroom. She grabbed her bow and quiver, and left the hut. "Shouldn't have drank all that green tea," she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself to protect against the chill in the night air. She went to the edge of the woods, found an adequate bush, and did her business. On her way back to the hut, she heard a sound coming from further in the village. Curious, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and strung it to her bow, pointing it at the ground as she crept towards the sound she heard. In the dark, she made out the figure of a man. The moon came out from behind a cloud, and the features of the man became visible. He had long, silver hair, and dog ears atop his head. He was holding the Shikon Jewel, now whole, in his hand, and sneering at her.
"Baka wench," he sneered. "I only used you to get this," holding up the jewel. Rage coursed through Kagome's body, making her feel nothing but hatred and betrayal. She looked at the bow and arrow in her hands, noticing she was wearing the outfit of a priestess, instead of her usual school uniform. Paying it no attention, she raised her bow, aiming at the hanyou.
"Inu-Yasha!" she called, startling him, and causing him to hesitate. She released in that momentary lapse, the arrow piercing his head and spearing into the ground behind him. She approached slowly when he didn't move, crouching to pick up the discarded jewel, and straightened to examine the dead body. A small stream of blood trickled down his face, and then her eyes were drawn down, to his tail. "Odd," she said to herself, "Inu-Yasha doesn't have a tail." After she spoke, the figure before her seemed to fade, and when her eyes focused again, it was not the face of the hanyou before her. It was an old man! Frightened and ashamed, she forced herself to run back to Kaede's hut. Her eyes darted around the room, assuring herself that everyone was there, and asleep. And there Inu-Yasha was, where he had been when she left, asleep in the corner, clutching tetsusaiga.

"What about you Miroku?" Sango prodded. Their conversation drew Kagome out of her thoughts.
Miroku looked amusedly at Sango, "Hmm?"
"What about you? What did you dream about?"
"Oh, that," Miroku looked disappointed. "It was about my wind tunnel. No big." He sipped his tea.
"'That?'" Sango questioned. "What did you think I was asking you about?"
"Well, I was hoping you were looking for me to help you pass the time while we're stuck in here, but I guess now's not the time for"
Sango cut him off, "NEVER's the time for, for... Ugh, you, you, HENTAI!" She slapped him.
Inu-Yasha chuckled, "Just about the wind tunnel, huh? Doesn't sound like much of a nightmare to me."
"Well, not just..." Miroku trailed off, his eyes staring at the wall but not really seeing it.

Miroku awoke, feeling antsy. 'My hand is itching,' he thought. 'Fresh air will help clear my head.' He got up and quietly left the hut, staff in hand. Outside the hut, he stretched, taking in a deep breath of the cool night air. He heard a low chuckle from somewhere in the village, and turned to check it out. He was walking through the village when he caught sight of a large man-shaped being. The fur of the man's coat glinted silver in the moonlight. Miroku approached cautiously, making out the mask of a baboon as he neared. "Naraku," he breathed. A low chuckle came from the man. "Damn you, Naraku!" Miroku screamed. "I will finish this now! Wind tunnel!" He removed the prayer beads from around his right hand, uncovering the large hole in its center. Large insects began swarming at him, coming from Naraku. Miroku quickly recovered his hand, cursing under his breath. Naraku continued to laugh at him. "I won't give up!" Miroku yelled. "If I can't suck you in, I'll beat you bloody!" With that, he launched himself at the man, beating him with his staff repeatedly, as Naraku sank to the ground under the weight of the blows. Eventually, Miroku realized Naraku was no longer moving. He halted, his staff raised for another blow, and nudged Naraku's body with his foot. 'No way it could've been that easy,' he thought absently. The man rolled over onto his back, still unmoving. "I, I did it," Miroku giggled, "I killed Naraku!" He studied the body laying at his feet, and noticed something he hadn't seen before. "I didn't know Naraku had a tail." His eyes became blurry, and when he was again able to focus, he noticed that the form laying on the ground was no longer that of Naraku, but that of an old man. He slowly lowered his staff in shock, sweat breaking out on his brow. "What," he gulped, "what have I done?" He turned and ran back to the hut, never looking back.

"Miroku, he-llo-o?" Sango was waving her hand in front of his face. He focused his eyes on her, blushing and averting his face.
"S-sorry. I must have spaced out there for a minute."
"What were you thinking about, monk?" Inu-Yasha eyed him suspiciously.
"Nuh-nothing," Miroku replied. He faked a yawn stretching. "Damn, I'm tired, think I'll take a nap," he said, lying down and closing his eyes. Sango just blinked at him, confused.
"What was that all about?" she asked Inu-Yasha.
"I'm not sure, but I think there's more to his dream than he wants to tell us," Inu-Yasha said, going to the corner and sitting down. "A nap sounds like a good idea. We can't do much else anyways." With that, he closed his eyes. Sango watched him for a minute, then turned to Kagome.
"Hey, Kagome."
Kagome jumped, startled. "Y-yes, Sango?" she asked, turning towards her.
"Whatchya readin?"
"History," Kagome relaxed a little.
"Oh, anything interesting?"
"No, not really," Kagome replied, turning back to her book. Sango sighed, deciding to try to sleep as well. She closed her eyes, and the scenes from her nightmare replayed in her mind.

Sango awoke to Kirara whining in her sleep. Sango smiled, scratching the cat's stomach. Kirara looked at her through slitted eyes before rolling over and going back to sleep. Sango lay back down, trying to fall back asleep. She tossed and turned for awhile, finally opening her eyes and sighing. 'Maybe if I go for a little walk,' she thought, and stealthily crept out of the hut, hiraikotsu slung over her back. She walked through the sleeping village, making sure to tread quietly so as not to disturb any of the villagers. As she looked up at the stars, thoughts strayed to her deceased family and the village of the demon exterminators. She brushed away the tears forming in her eyes, and looked down to see a figure walking towards her in the darkness. 'Looks like I'm not the only one with insomnia tonight,' she grinned, changing direction to intercept the villager. As she neared, she noticed how small the person was. 'Why, he's no more than a child!' she mused, intending to advise him against wandering alone at night. Just then, a sliver of moonlight passed across the boy's face. She gasped as recognition hit her like a bag of bricks. It was her brother. "Kohaku?!" she said in shock.
"I am no longer Kohaku. The brother you once knew is gone. I merely inhabit his shell. And my only mission is to destroy you, last of the demon hunters!" his eyes flashed with an angry red light. Sango gasped, and took a hesitant step back, transfixed. He took this momentary weakness to his advantage and attacked, the chain of his weapon snapping as it went taught. Sango came to just in time to dodge its blade, anger coming into her eyes.
'How dare they possess my brother's body!' "How dare you?!" she yelled, taking hiraikotsu from her back and throwing it at the body of her brother. He jumped atop the nearest hut, laughter in his eyes. She could not take a demon laughing at her in her brother's voice. As he leapt up from the roof, she again released hiraikotsu, but this time connected with her target. His limp body fell the the ground, his severed head landing nearby. She caught hiraikotsu, slinging it over her shoulder once again, and smugly approached the beheaded body. Her breath caught in her throat, and she had to remind herself that despite appearances, this was no longer Kohaku, just the shell he once inhabited. She smiled through her tears, looking at his small body. 'Now you can lie in peace.' Her eyes traced the line of the body in the dark. 'He was so cute,' she thought, 'especially that tail...' She gasped. 'He was a human before! Had this demon been unable to betray its presence by manifesting a tail?' Her tears were blurring her vision. She wiped a hand across her eyes, and when she looked down, it was no longer her brother's body before her, but that of an adult. The head, lying face-up nearby, showed grey-streaked hair, and the face was that of an old man.

Kagome closed her book, unable to concentrate, and turned around to see the others asleep. She shrugged, curling up on the floor and studying Inu-Yasha, his furrowed brow, his lip curled up, exposing his fangs. He was dreaming.

It started out the same as always. His ears twitched to some unknown sound, rousing him from sleep. 'Damn humans,' he thought, looking from one to the other of the sleepers within the hut. 'Can't lie still for one minute.' He shifted himself, bowing his head to his chest, trying to fall back asleep. He was almost unconscious when his ears twitched again. 'That didn't come from inside the hut,' he thought, standing, tetsusaiga in his right hand. He left the hut, and headed in the direction of the sound, into the woods.
"Inu-Yasha!" he whirled around to see Kagome aiming her bow and arrow at him.
'Wait,' he thought, 'no, it's Kikyo.' The next thing he knew, he was being shot through the chest, pinned to a tree. 'Isn't this familiar,' he mused, when suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the arrow was gone. 'This is new,' he thought. He stood in the middle of the village, Kikyo a few paces away, an empty bow in her hand. "Damn you, Kikyo! I trusted you, I even loved you, and you betrayed me!" Anger flared in his eyes and he leapt at her, claws spread wide. He slashed at her, shredding her clothing. He clawed at her again and again, his fury making him lightining-fast. She couldn't retaliate, only grunt in pain. Soon he felt his claws tear through flesh, warm blood gushing over his hands. He kept slashing his claws until his hands dripped blood, slowing down as exhaustion overtook him. She fell to the ground, blood pooling around her. He breathed heavily, looking down at her limp body, eyes full of malice. He studied her, the woman he once found so attractive. 'She looks stupid with a tail,' he thought, turning away, then paused. "Tail?" he asked himself, turning back to the body. When he looked down, however, it wasn't Kikyo laying there. The face of an old man looked up at him, his eyes blank, face contorted into an expression of anguish. Inu-Yasha's stomach knotted up as he raised his bloody hands to examine them. "Why Kikyo?" he asked his hands. "Why would you deceive me again?"

After waking up from their naps, they had decided to tell the others their dreams. Each was considering the stories they had heard from the others, all feeling the horrible weight of guilt.
"So," said Miroku, breaking the heavy silence. "Do you suppose that we all killed him?" Inu-Yasha just growled, not lifting his head from his soup. Kagome blanched, a horrified look on her face. Sango made a strangled sound in her throat, then coughed, choking on her bread. "Uh, nevermind," Miroku said, returning his attention to his dinner.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~*A/N: Hahaha... I know, I'm evil. Did they really kill him? What's up with the tails? Think you have it figured out? Join me, next time, for another installment of "Dial 'H' for Hentai!*~