InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ Who? What happen? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chapter Three) +^ Who? What happen?

Shippou just sat in camp watching.

Kirara was watching as they approach her and Inuyasha.

Suddenly they stopped and looked at them.

Kagome was about to ask when Kirara intercepted her.

" I'm Kirara"

Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

Then Inuyasha sniffed the air around Kirara.

" The 'wench' do smell of Kirara, but some of the smell is different." Said Inuyasha.

Kirara turned and glared at him.

" Watch your tongue 'hanyou' before I take care of it myself." She hissed.

' Who do he think he is?'

Kirara turned back to the girls with a softer look.

" How can you be Kirara? When she is..." Sango trail off when she didn't see Kirara anywhere.

"But I'm Kirara my lady."

+^~ A little later ~^+

Everyone was sitting around in camp.

Kagome was the first to speak since everyone else chose not to.

" So, Kirara-Chan what happen?"

Kirara looked up at her then Sango and back again.

She sighed. " Shippou and I were playing hide 'n-go-seek. I ran into the root of a tree. The tree glowed and I glowed then I fainted. That's the last thing I remember. I think."

" You said, the tree glowed and you as well." Asked Miroku.

Kirara nodded. " Hai, and the color was a light blue light."

During the conversation Inuyasha just seem like he couldn't take his eyes off her.

She turns to look at him and he turns his head away trying to hide the blush.

' What the hack I'm I blushing for?' He thought.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that dog-breath?"

Kirara said annoyed that he keeps staring.

Shippou was in Kagome's arms on her lap.

" I thank your pretty Kirara. I think Inuyasha thank so to."

Said Shippou with a grin on his face.

He grins wider when he saw Inuyasha and Kirara blush.

"Shut up, runt!" Said Inuyasha trying to sound angry.

" I say Kirara is beautiful also." Commented Miroku.

"Do you know who you favor Kirara?" Asked Kagome.

Everyone looked Kagome's way.

She looked from Kirara to Sango and back smiling.

" Who, Kagome-Chan?" Asked Sango and Kirara at the same time.

Kagome giggled. " I say Kirara looks like Sango in away."

"NO SHE DOESN'T WENCH!" Shouted Inuyasha.

Everyone just looked at him like he was stupid.

"WHAT?" He shouted again.

Through all this nobody ever noticed some one in the tree listening and watching everything.
+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah