InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different but the Same ❯ In need of ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, Sesshou is not mating with them just punishes them. If he marks someone and makes love, that will be mating. About yin and yang! That will be explained later on in the story.

Every thing should come clear before the end of the story. And Yucca didn't say Sama at the end of one of her stances. That was the stupid reason he decided to punish her. Okay you can now read the chapter. Thanks for the reviews.


+^ 'Different but the Same'

(Chpater Eleven) +^ In need of

        Yuc ca peeked at her lord from behind Kagome's still form.

He seemed to be studying Kagome with a smirk on his face.

" Ah . . . my lord I. . "

" Silence. Yucca, leave us. Accompany Rin in the gardens." He told her.

Yucca moved from behind Kagome and made a beeline around Sesshoumaru and left out the door.

She gently shut the door behind her and walked down the hall. She was lost in her thoughts. ' I hope Sesshoumaru-Sama doesn't do anything wrong to Kagome-Chan. Oh, note to self; Remember to thank Kagome-Chan for her help.'

+^ In the Library ^+

        The re was a silence between them.

Then Sesshoumaru moved over to her and was only an arms length away.

Golden eyes connected with brown ones. " You will take her place."

His voice was demanding as he began and took a step forward.

Kagome took three steps back.

The next words were low and husky, but had a little playful tone in it.

"If you'd like."

Then he took a step forward and she took a step backward.

Every step he took she did the same until she was in-between two bookcases and he was in front of her with nowhere for her to go.

'Great! Kagome you hit a dead-end.' Kagome scold herself.

Sesshoumaru put the palms of his hands on the wall on each side of her head.

Then he leveled his head with Kagome's. She put her head down.

"Why?" She asked suddenly.

He moved his right hand under her chin and lifted her head to look him in the eyes.

"I was not intending to punish her . . . entirely. If you obeyed you would not be in this position, now would you? I think not."

Sesshoumaru told her in a husky voice while leaning closer.

He then captured her lips with his in a chaste kiss and moved his other hand to her hip.

He was surprise when she didn't give any resistance and instead returned the kiss.

So, for him being Sesshoumaru he deepened the kiss by nibbling his fangs over her lower lip and tracings his tongue on her lips.

When she gasped he slipped his tongue through.

' Well the wench tastes like honey. '

He explored her mouth with his tongue. Then broke the kiss and looked down at her with a smile.

Her breath was caught in her throat when she caught sight of his smile. 'He looks gorgeous when he smiles.' Thought the Miko.

"You like it?" He asked in a smooth seductive voice.

Sesshoumaru leaned his body up against hers and she gasp at what she felt.

Then she shivered when he grid his hip to her and started kissing her more fiercely.

She moaned loudly then she puts her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him a way.

He wouldn't budge. He kept a firm grip on her.

Then there was a knock on the door and a sound of someone coming in the room and the door shutting. "Sesshoumaru-Sama the other lords are here for a . . . "

The toad youkai with a staff of heads in hand stopped to a dead halt when he heard a growl from his lord and knew he had made a mistake.

"Jaken tell them I, Sesshoumaru will be there shortly."

Came a husky voice that held anger in it.

Sesshoumaru heard Jaken leave and turned his attention back to Kagome.

He started planting gentle kisses on her neck when his mind drifted to what he had to do.

' Dumb toad, stupid fly eating -' He cut himself off.

" We will finish this another time."

He stated firmly before leaving he bent down and kissed her then left.

'Oh my god, what did I get myself into? '

She then slumped down where she was and sat there with her knees against her chest, and arms around herself.

' He is a good kisser. It was how I wanted my first kiss to be. Oh, he stole my first kiss. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk.' Her thoughts drifted. (I know, I know it was lame but no comment)

^+~ Later ~^+

After an hour Yucca found her like that and approached Kagome consciously.

" Ka-Kago . . . me?" The servant asked.

She got no answer and started to panic with worry and fear for her friend.

She hurried over to Kagome to find her asleep with a tear stained face.

Since she was a hanyou plus friend she decided to pick Kagome up and take the woman-child to her chamber.

She got to Kagome's chamber and laid her down and covered the woman-child.

'She should be fine.'

With that in mind she exited the room.

+^` Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah