InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different isn't always bad ❯ Do you smell smoke? ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks to all those who reviewed!
I would like to ask people to please STOP commenting on Kagome’s last name, I know what it is I just don’t like it. If it offends anyone or if they just seem to have a stick so far up there ass it bothers them, then don’t read the story.! I have said this before and it makes it apparent that people don’t read the author notes. I’m every so sorry that I have some originality and some people just don’t!
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Later that day with Kayo…
“So Kagome care to tell me why you have brought a crying plastic doll to training?”asked Kayo.
“Not really.”answered Kagome.
“Tell me why you have brought that monster with you now!”ordered Kayo.
“Hey don’t hurt my baby boys feelings!”shouted Kagome.
“Huh?”said Kayo.
“This is Twinkie, he is one of my set of twins. Inuyasha has HoHo.”said Kagome.
“Again I say, HUH?”said Kayo.
“It’s a stupid project for human development. We get married, get a job, have some kids.”said Kagome.
“Sounds painful.”commented Kayo.
“More than your training.”said Kagome.
“So that thing is a big ball of misery?”asked Kayo.
“Yep, and I have to deal with it for a week.”said Kagome.
“How will you survive?”asked Kayo.
“I’m afraid I won’t. I’ll probably end up dead before the week is over.”said Kagome.
“What a horrible way to die. It’s so small but so evil.”said Kayo.(in case you haven’t notice Kayo is not a baby person).
“Yeah we have to make sure not to damage it during training.”said Kagome as she sat the baby down(it’s in a car seat).
Kayo just stood there staring at the baby.
“Earth to Kayo what’s up?”asked Kagome.
“Could you at least cover it up. It’s giving me the creeps.”said Kayo.
“The all powerful Goddess of fire is afraid of a plastic baby!”laughed Kagome.
“Stop, just cover it. It’s staring right at me.”whined Kayo.
“Lets just start.”said Kagome.
3 minutes later…
Kayo jumps down and covers her head.
“It’s going to explode!”yelled Kayo.
Kagome stared at Kayo fumy for a minute before busting up laughing. She then walked over to the baby, picked it up and began feeding it.
“Get away from it Kagome. It will suck the life out of you.”screamed Kayo as she ducked behind a bush.
“Kayo get up it just needed fed.”said Kagome as she finished with the baby and got into fighting stance.
3 and ½ minutes later…
Kayo dropped to her knees and covered her ears.
“Please make it stop. Your doing this on prupose to punish me for eating you flavored snow(ice cream). I’m sorry I wont do it again.”said Kayo.
“Stop being a drama queen.”said Kagome
“Fine. I’ll training is finished see you later.”said Kayo as she left.
“I don’t know who’s the bigger baby you or her.”said Kagome to Twinkie.
Fuck you!
“I rest my case.”muttered Kagome.
Next day in homeroom…
Kagome was sitting in her seat trying to get the dumb doll to stop crying. (By the way it wasn’t going so well) when Miroku walked up and sat next to her facing in her direction. After a few minutes of silence Kagome turned to Miroku.
“Is there something you need Roku?”asked Kagome.
“You’re a girl right?”stated Miroku.
“I hope so or I’ve been buying the wrong underwear.”said Kagome.
“Well it’s just I need help with…”stuttered Miroku.
“Sango.”said Kagome.
“How did you guess?”asked Miroku.
“Because the only one that’s blind to how you feel is Sango. Everyone else guessed years ago.”said Kagome.
“Should have known that you guys all had guessed.”said Miroku shyly.
“Yeah so what can I do for you?”asked Kagome.
“I need you to help me make my move.”said Miroku.
“I’m not really good at the wooing part.”said Kagome.
“That can’t be true, from what I’ve seen you’re the queen of wooing.”said Miroku.
“I wish.”said Kagome.
“Anyways you’re her bestfriend. I need the inside scoop.”pleaded Miroku.
“You mean you want me to ask her about you then tell you what she says?”asked Kagome.
“Yes! The would be perfect.”
“Ok”said Kagome as Sango came in and sat next to her.
“Sango, Miroku thinks your hot. He wants to rock your world then cuddle with you. What do you think?”said Kagome.
“…………….”said(or didn’t say) Sango.
“Ka…Go…Me. That is not what I ment.”stuttered Miroku.
“I’m sorry but I don’t have time for you to be a pussy.”said Kagome.
“Is that true, what she said?”asked Sango.
“Well do you want it to be true?”asked Miroku.
“Yes I do.”answered Sango.
“Then it’s totally true.”said Miroku as he brought Sango in for a kiss.
5 minutes and 23 seconds later…
Miroku and Sango are still making out!
Please review
Quote of the day:
Excuse me but do I look like someone who cares!
Advice for everyday life: It’s only funny till someone gets hurt…then it’s hilarious!
Alittle something about you: It looks like you fell out of an ugly tree…and got hit with all the branches!