InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Judge a Book by its Cover ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any other characters of this story. (Except Anju)

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Chapter 1
Contains profanity, violence, death, and mature content.
Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance/Angst?
Pairings: InuYashaxKagome for sure. MirokuxSango?
Ratings: T

Cold amber eyes shot open.

He turned to look at the digital clock at his bedside.


As if he'd get up any later than that.

Shifting through the tangles of his blankets, he made his way to the bathroom. The boy looked at the bird's nest that was his hair and hand combed the untamed silver locks. He looked at his familiar face, with the familiar smooth cheeks, the familiar full lips, and the familiar dog ears that perched up on his head. How boring.

And yet as much as he called himself as such, his classmates never thought of him as anything less than InuYasha Tizuhashi, the most popular boy in the entire school. Even the teachers knew it. His father was powerful, therefore he was rich. He was good-looking, and he knew it. He was charming, and he used it to his advantage.

He hated his life.

Walking out the washroom, InuYasha made his way to his walk-in wardrobe. It was feminine, but who cares? What else would hold his clothes? Finally deciding to go with the gothic look today, he took out leather pants and sleeveless shirt. Adorning himself with silver chains around his neck and waist, he added black buckles to his arms.

Exiting from his room to the kitchen, he sat at the island where a fresh pile of eggs and sausages were steaming on a plate. While devouring his breakfast, he half listened to the early morning news report. The woman on the TV screen was wearing way too much makeup just as she did every morning.

" was mysteriously assassinated. The body was found by his wife two hours later." There was then a shot of a picture of a man in his mid-forties. He had short black hair and blank brown eyes; a perfect picture of a normal Japanese male. Two quick looking slashes across his neck were visible through the drying, maroon blood. "Investigators are still looking for the person responsible for the assassination, but it seems the person left no clues..."

InuYasha then looked closely at the man and realized he looked oddly familiar. Then with a click, he remembered. He remembered meeting the dead man from one of those balls his father always held. His name was Akimoto Masahiro(1), a fellow business man of his father's. The silver-haired boy also remembered how Masashiro-san's breath stunk.

Taking a quick look at the clock, he found it was already 7:32.

Time to get to school.

School, what bliss. Kara Ochitano High had been his escape from his empty home for years now. His house had always been so empty, even with all the maids cleaning around the house. But he was sure if they weren't paid, they wouldn't give a damn about him. At school, he at least had some friends.

Driving his way on his black Jaguar he pondered on what kind of shit his teachers were going to drill in his mind. Sure, he wasn't the smartest student in class, but he was smart enough to know that what the teachers taught him wouldn't do him any good in the future.


He was late.

No, he wasn't late by school standards, which was exactly 8:15 a.m. He was late by avoiding-rabid-fan-girls time standards.

Note to self: Never watch the news in the mornings. Especially if it was going to take longer than necessary.

Quickly, he darted to the shadows and made his way to the front entrance. Once he was in, he knew he was safe. All the crazy-girls waited outside.

Sighing in relief when he was in the safe building, he calmly made his way to his first class: Biology.

"Inu-chaaaan!!!!" came a shrilled voice.

Immediately, his dog ears flattened against his hair, he began to pray to every god he knew.

“Oh Kami-sama...”

A pair of slender arms tightly wrapped around his waist as he practically suffocated. "Anju... 'morning. Get off." He said bluntly, trying to pry loose her arms.

"Good morning, Inu-chan!!!" Anju(2) was what you would call a very pretty girl. She had unblemished skin, deep, chocolate eyes, and long, black hair. She was the head of the cheerleader club and was everything every girl wanted to be and was not. She was intelligent and beautiful. She was perfect.


InuYasha didn't know if he was gay or something, but he just didn't like her that way. Every guy wanted her. He and Anju had been friends since they were young. Anju had been a really nice girl when she was younger; caring, friendly, selfless nature. As she grew older, she just... wasn't. She grew bitter. She wanted too much. She just stopped being the Anju she used to be.

'It just goes to show, how much someone can change over the years' InuYasha thought to himself as he escaped from her grip.

The amber-eyed boy had to give himself a lot of credit. He was very perspective. People may not think this, but he was. He could tell with a glance at what the person's personality was. Their appearances and actions gave everything away. For instance, if he looked over at this girl over there, standing in the corner chatting with her friends. He could immediately tell she was terribly self-conscious. She piled too many layers of makeup onto herself, she held herself with a slight hunch, she wore clothes that were revealing, yet she sometimes pulled down at the clothing to cover more.

The group of girls looked over, giggling and whispering noticing his stare.

InuYasha merely gave a knowing smirk and a wink, walking with his confident strides, leaving them swooning and giggling.

It was just another day, another day of his boring life.

Ah... and there you have it. The first chapter of the newly revised version of Don't Judge a Book by its Cover. This chapter was more about InuYasha and how he views things. Personally, I think he's very perspective and not at all stupid. Eh...I better stop now before I give anything else away!

(1) Eh.... I didn't make that name up! I went to this random Japanese website translation thingie and got that name! So eh..yeah. That goes for InuYasha's last name as well!

(2) Anju is totally a minor character I made up just because I didn't want to use Kikyou in a bad way. Anju is just a way to make my chapter look longer. Haha....

And I bet you can see where this story's going, ne? The second chapter is probably not coming up any time soon. I still have to get my thoughts a LITTLE bit organized first. So.... yeah. Lol. Thanks for reading!

Thanks again to my wonderful beta-reader! (who's name will remain unknown!)

Opinions and constructive criticism is welcomed! Flames, as said in the prologue, will be shot down with water guns. telling me to get my lazy butt to update are also welcomed!

Best Wishes.

< /i>