InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Promises Last Forever? ❯ Kikyo's Plan ( Chapter 6 )
Kikyo's Plan
"Naraku! Come here!" Kikyo needed to talk to this kid. He was easy enough to get to do something. All she had to do was mention Kagome, and he'd do anything. She knew this - she'd done it before.
"Ok, Kikyo. What do you want? I'm not sleeping with you. I don't want to catch something." Naraku responded, as he walked over to her.
Kikyo's face reddened with fury. "I wasn't gong to ask that. I get the message the first time. I was going to ask for a favor from you."
"What kind of a favor?" Naraku asked, cautiously. Kikyo was known to use people to her advantage.
"Take Kagome out on a date. But ask her out in front of Inuyasha. I want him to see."
"Why?" He liked the idea of Kagome, but not of Inuyasha. That new kid rubbed him the wrong way. And he didn't like half-demons to begin with. Just because he was hiding his status from humans doesn't mean that the demons of the school didn't know. And hanyou's were a disgrace to youkai. (yes, I know Naraku's a hanyou too. He's just an arrogant fool.)
"I want Inuyasha. And you want Kagome. Take the wench away from Inuyasha, and he's all alone. I'll pick up from there. Your reward is Kagome. I trust that she's plenty. And I'll finance your date, if you like."
"That won't be necessary. My reward will be her lips pressed against mine at the end of the night."
"Whatever floats your boat buddy. As long as it's done." Kikyo said coldly.
"It will be." Naraku turned and left. He had never thought of asking the girl on a date, but had always admired her from afar. Not that he wasn't upfront. He usually was. But she had this aura of untouchablity. And plus. She was unmarked. Kouga told him he got with her, but wouldn't let him mark her. It was unlike Kouga - or any demon - not to mark their mate, but Kagome was a delicate flower. It was too bad, the girl broke up with Kouga the day after he took her. But now Naraku could have her.
He found himself walking over to wehre Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango were sitting. It was the end of the day, so they were just sitting and talking. Kagome let out a light laugh. Naraku loved the way she laughed.
"Hey, Kagome." Naraku sat next to her. The other three silenced when he came by. "I was wondering, would you like to go out with me Friday night?"
`Aww, that's so sweet!' Kagome thought. "Sure! What time will you be by?"
"About seven. And dress nicely." Naraku said, and got up to leave. "Oh - " he turned around and handed her a yellow chrysanthemum.
"Oh! Thank you!" Kagome said, happily. It was her favorite flower next to getting a dozen roses.
"You're quite welcome." And with that, he left.
All three of them looked at her shocked. Inuyasha looked especially crestfallen.
"What? It's just a date." Kagome said. But in her mind, she was thinking, `It's the best I can do, since Inuyasha won't have me…and I might as well keep my mind off of that anyway.'
Miroku glared at her. "Remember the last time you said that?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm smarter now. I know what I'm doing. Even if it turns out to more than just a date. I'm ready."
"Feh." Inuyasha said. However, there was a hint of disappointment in his voice. Only Kikyo picked up on it, and she was standing across the courtyard.
She crossed over to the four-some and turned to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, can I see you for a second?" Kikyo asked, and pulled him violently by the arm a few feet away. "Why are you disappointed? And don't say you aren't because I can tell."
"Feh. I'm not. What do I care if Naraku asks the girl out? He's got every right to."
"Because you do care, you stupid, insensitive baka! Just admit it. I can't take it anymore. I don't know what happened between you and her but it's over now! Don't you get it? Are you really that dense? She's setting you up! And you, you're falling for her, right into her trap!" Kikyo said, although quietly, full of force.
"She - she what? A trap?" Inuyasha stammered, shocked. Kagome would never hurt anyone, especially not him, or so he thought. But she was being so nice to him for a while now…
"Yes, you idiot, a trap. There's a reason she's the school's tease. A better term would be heartbreaker if you asked me." She replied, her voice edged with malice. "I see it in your eyes every time you're with er. The eyes betray every secret of the soul…"
And with that, she leaned up and kissed him, full on the lips. And Inuyasha realized that he didn't care. In fact, he was glad. He wanted Kagome to see this - if she was setting him up, which he now realized she probably was, it would teach her. Show her. Why else was she being so nice to him? He gladly responded to Kikyo's kiss, and then deepened it.
"Uh, Kagome?" Sango was nudging her friend. Kagome was laughing at a note she was writing to her friend, Ayame, but Sango kept nudging. "Kagome, you may want to see this…"
Kagome looked up from her note to see something she rather had not have. Kikyo, her sworn enemy, was kissing <I>her</I> prey. But no. It wasn't that he was her prey. Because then she shouldn't have cared this much. He wasn't her prey anymore. Because she couldn't stand the sight of him kissing that slut. He should have been kissing her…
"Sango…that should…that should be me right there…"
Miroku blinked twice. "Wait, has the heart breaker's heart been broken?"
A single tear ran down her cheek - the first one she had shed since Hojo's rape. She got up and ran, forgetting her books and even the note, which was now fluttering to the ground.
Inuyasha quickly broke the kiss with Kikyo. He smelt a tear and had heart it drop onto the ground. He looked over to Miroku and Sango and….wait, where was Kagome?
Miroku was looking at Inuyasha with his usual lecherous grin on his face. He was worried about Kagome, sure, but he was very proud of Inuyasha. He had done better than take Kagome, he had taught her a lesson. Which Miroku had secretly had been hoping for for ages now.
Sango, however, was glaring daggers at the boy. She had looked up at him from a single sheet of paper that she was reading while kneeling on the ground. She got up and walked to the pair - Kikyo and Inuyasha. When he saw her moving towards them, Inuyasha had quickly let go of the girl he was once embracing.
"You two." She glared at Inuyasha, then Kikyo. She shifted her gaze to Inuyasha. "I'll deal with you later. Until then, you may want to read <b>this.<b>: She shoved the note into hies hands. She then turned to Kikyo.
"You scheming, conniving, cowardly little BITCH. Never, ever, ever let me see you within fifteen feet of me again. You may not live to see the end of the day. And I keep my promises."
Kikyo stood up straight. "Or what?" She had a smile on her face saying "I-dare-you" to Sango.
Sango returned the smile with a smirk of her own. "Or this." And with those two words, she punched Kikyo square in the nose. A faint crack could be heard. "And that was just a fucking taste."
Kikyo held her hand up to her nose as she walked away. "This won't be the end." She continued on her way, surely running to the nurse and then to the principal. Like Sango cared. Kikyo had tortured Kagome when she got raped in her sophomore year, she wasn't going to let Kikyo do it again when something good came along. Not on her watch.
Sango turned around to get her books. She paused before leaving. "I'm going to talk to Kagome if I can find her." And with that, she left. Sango knew that Kagome was with Naraku. Whenever she was upset, she went to play with the boys. And if Kagome wasn't then Sango swore that she was a monkey's uncle.
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Inuyasha stood there with the paper in his hands. He shakily held it up and began to read it.
I know I shouldn't be asking you this, but you're the only person I know who has had deep hatred turn into liking the person, or in your case, love. Even if it is with Kouga. I hope all is well with you two.
You know about my past with Inuyasha. I was very angry when he came back. I didn't need him ruining my last year here. However, my mood brightened when I realized I could toy with him like everyone else here.
`Huh.' He thought. `So Kikyo was telling me the truth.' But something told him to read on.
However, something that I didn't expect happened. My old feelings resurfaced. But now, it's not like a schoolgirl's crush, its more like I wish I could be with him every second every day and I can't say how happy I am he moved here. Because he's returned feelings to me that I never thought I could feel again. It's like he brought my heart back to life.
I know Naraku asked me out. But that's just because I know Inuyasha would never consider me for anything more than a friend. I just wish it could be more…
Write back.
She was in the middle of signing her name when she must have seen him and Kikyo kiss. That was given away by the pen line going down the page after the `a.'
But now he had a problem on his hands. How was he supposed to tell Kagome he felt the same way?