InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't try it a Second Time ❯ Meeting a Wolf ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry it took me so long to update. I'm working on 2 stories right now and I also don't have a computer. So I have to go to the Library all the time and I'm also really busy with school right now. But I will try to update sooner!
Chapter 5

It was lunch now and Kagome headed outside toward the rest of the spiders with nothing but a coke in her hand. As she walked closer, she got a view of Kagura and Naraku making out under a tree and on the opposite side of the tree was the rest of the spiders chilling. Kagome look at how Kagura sat on top of Naraku with each leg on the opposite side of his waist and her hands grabbing fist full of hair and Naraku's hand holding her sides. Kagome looked away to and saw Bankotsu had Kanna pinned on the side of the tree, also making out.

'I really need a boyfriend' thought Kagome sadly. As she came closer, Naraku saw the sad look on her face and told Kagura he needed a smoke. He got up and walked over to Kagome and led her to a table and they sat on top. He pulled out a Newport short, and passed Kagome one. They lit it up, and after her second drag, Kagome felt better.

"So, what's up?" asked Kagome

"You do not look happy," Naraku pointed out

"so, there is nothing wrong," lied Kagome

"Do not lie to me, what troubles that head of yours?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about that teacher from this morning, he really got on my nerves" said Kagome

"You should have just walked away, you don't need to explain yourself, stop letting people walk over you" said Naraku calmly

"Yea I know"

"I doubt that you do" Naraku took another drag "you told me you would change, the only change I see is the appearance, you do not need to explain your decisions, make them and go along with it" said Naraku as he picked up a boy staring a Kagura lustfully

"Go handle him" smiled Kagome " I need to think." Naraku nodded and threw her a pack of Newport and a lighter. Kagome smiled at him as she finished her first. Kagome took another out and put the box between her legs. She was in the middle of lighting her second when a voice startled her.

"Hey beautiful" said a husky voice

Kagome lit up her Newport and turned around to face the voice. It was a tall, tan boy with ocean blue eyes, and his hair in a long ponytail. "My name is Kouga, what's your name?" he asked as he took a seat next to her

Kagome took a drag and study the boy, and she notice the jacket he wore meant he was a wolf. It was a leather dark brown with the face of a wolf in the back snarling. "I'm Kagome" she replied

"A spider huh? If I knew you before I would have definitely make you a wolf" said Kouga with a smile

Kagome ignored him and continued on her Newport "so why are you here?" asked Kagome after 2 minutes

"I saw a sexy girl and I came over to get to know her" said Kouga

"Sure, what ever" mumbled Kagome

"Playing hard to get Kagome" he said with a dashing smile showing his fangs

"I don't play wolf boy," and just then, the bell ranged. Kagome finished her Newport and started on her coke. She grabbed the rest of her pack and stood up.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around sexy" said Kouga

Kagome rolled her eyes “sure,” was the simple reply he got as she walked away

Kouga watch as she reunited back with the rest of the Gang and headed inside the school. "I'm going to make you my woman,” he said with a smirk as he caught up with his gang.
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It was the last block class until school end and Kagome couldn't wait till that bell ringed. "5 more minutes" mumbled Kagome as she avoided getting hit by the ball.

Naraku sat in the corner of the gym with Kagura on his lap as he watch Kagome gracefully miss getting hit by the ball and whacking people dead when she catches the ball.

Sesshomaru sat on the side bench in the gym and threw dirty looks at Kagome who whacked him hard behind his head and got him out. He was itching to kill her. 'Why does she get me so worked up?' thought Sesshomaru

The bell ringed and everyone quickly ran out of the gym. Sesshomaru walked to Kagome and saw her smirked. "Good game mutt" she laughed. Sesshomaru growled and spin around toward the door. ' When I get the chance, I'm going to kill her slowly' he thought as he headed toward his Gang.
This is it for Chapter 5! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed to chapter 6 please and REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!