InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Worry About Me ❯ Chapter 6- Growing Apart ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Don't Worry About Me…
I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, they belong to Takahashi Rumiko.
“Kagome…” Inuyasha silently whispered,” why would you even do….” Kagome placed her delicate finger towards Inuyasha's lips.
“Don't worry about it”, she replied with a fake smile, “I promised didn't I?”
Kagome walked away, heart aching, he would always be there right?…it just won't be the same.
“Kagome!!!”, Inuyasha yelled, clenching his fist. :::I'm so sorry:::
Chapter 6: Growing Apart
“Kagome this isn't what it looks like!” Inuyasha said nervously.
Kikyo, annoyed at the interruption of Kagome's appearance, suddenly started walking towards Inuyasha, still in lingerie, and encircled her long and creamy arms around his broad shoulders.
“It's exactly what it looks like…Inu…why are you lying to her…” Kikyo said with a fake pout.
`Well, this bitch has some nice timing…I was just about to give Inu a passionate embracewith this new outfit.'
Inuyasha just worriedly stood there, still wondering the perfect explanation to say to his best friend. Of course it wasn't fucking helping that Kikyo had her arms all over him.
`Damn Kagome…what can I say to make you feel better…'
Kagome stood there across from Inuyasha, never once letting her sapphire orbs leave his amber ones. She wasn't going to let him…no…the both of them…see her be weak.
`Don't cry Kagome!…Inuyasha already made his decision…all you can be is a best friend…and be by his side…no matter how much…it hurts'
Was this really reality? Was she actually standing there like an idiot watching Inuyasha and Kikyo on their…date. That one single word. It had stung her heart immensely. As much as when she heard about the death of her father. Kagome would have never thought she'd be feeling this much pain again…no…she never would have thought that it would come from Inuyasha. Her best friend
“No problem Inuyasha, I just wasn't expecting to run into you. I guess you won't be going to Youkai Tech with Sesshomaru until later on.” Kagome said, trying to change the mood, “Well sorry for interrupting…I'll see you guys later.”
Kagome said her last words with a false smile, and started to walk away quickly.
`I have to get away from him…before he sees me likethis...'
Inuyasha and Kikyo stood there for a couple of minutes just looking at Kagome walk away. Her little disruption had made Kikyo very happy, of course. She would have never guessed that Inuyasha lied to his best friend, just so they can go out on a date.
`I guess she doesn't mean as much toInu as I thought…interesting…'
Inuyasha had been feeling the complete opposite. He was just expecting on having a good time getting to know Kikyo, nothing harmless…well except for her kisses and hugs…nothing serious. He would have told Kagome about this situation later, but now…everything is going so wrong! How could he face her…at all…
`Kagome…I want to go after you…but, now…what will you think of me…'
“Inuyasha…you're going to Youkai Tech? I thought we'd be out all day?” Kikyo said, releasing Inuyasha from his train of thought, “Well…?”
Huh?...Oh, of course not babe.” Inuyasha stated, with a forced grin.
The guilt he that felt in his heart rapidly came back. But this time no matter how much he had tried to ignore it, nothing was going to make him forget.
Kikyo released Inuyasha from her grip, and proceeded to go back to the fitting room to change back to her normal clothes. It took her a couple of minutes, but when she stepped back out she saw Inuyasha sitting there on the floor staring into nothing. His eyes seemed so distant and miserable. Kikyo, however, didn't appear to care. She never once asked him if anything was wrong.
“Come on Inu! I want to pay for all these things.” She yelled already heading towards the register.
Inuyasha just lazily got back up on his feet, and quietly followed Kikyo. Once she finished paying for all of her things, they walked out of the Victoria's Secret, and went towards the next store that took her interest. On the other part of the mall, a rejected young woman was still walking with no destination in her mind. The same picture kept replaying in her head…Inuyasha and Kikyo…together…
`…How could you…'
She somehow managed to go towards the bathroom, and with luck there was no one there. Kagome walked in the second stall and started crying softly. Her whimpers echoed toward the whole bathroom, but she didn't care. Inuyasha…the one person she thought she could rely on anything…just…lied to her…and for what…over some girl. Kagome stayed in that fashion for a few moments longer, before going in the direction of the sinks. She washed her face and noticed that her eyes were a little puffy, but not as red. So she applied concealer under her eyes to hide her crying, and quickly remembered about her friend. Sango was probably worried why it was taking her so long just get a bag that she'd forgotten in Victoria's Secret.
`…At least she'd be there for me…even if Inuyasha isn't…'
Once Kagome was satisfied with the appearance of her face, she ran towards the food court looking for Sango. With luck Kagome was able to find her quickly, she was sitting and eating a Chicken Caesar Salad near Saladworks.
“There you are! I was starting to get worried. I thought you'd leave me or something!” Sango said angrily.
Sango Tatsuki, she was a best friend to Kagome like Miroku was to Inuyasha. Like them, Kagome and Sango have known one another since they were very young. Sango had rich black hair, which reached a little below her shoulders, and bangs that perfectly complemented her face. She was a little taller than Kagome, but still had the same body features; curvy and petite. Sango was known for her short temper from Miroku's groping or if anybody ever bullied Kagome, but all and all she was a pretty easy going girl to get along with. Kagome always looked up to her as a big sister…Sango was one of two people that Kagome knew she could always count on…
“Sorry Sango! But the people in Victoria's Secret took a little longer than I thought.” Kagome apologized with a false smile, “They had to make sure I described everything that was in the bag, before they confirmed that the it was really mine.”
Sango looked at Kagome with concerning eyes, but never asked her what was bothering her. She knew if Kagome ever needed her advice she'd ask her on her own. There was no use in forcing her to explain her problems.
“Sure no problem Kago, well you want to grab something to eat before we look for swimsuits?” Sango asked as she took a bite of her salad.
“Nah…maybe just something to drink, you mind if I just put my bags next to yours? I'm going to get vitamin water.” Kagome responded.
No go ahead, and can you get me vitamin water too, while you're up there?” Sango replied
“Sure.” Kagome said as she walked away.
`…Good…I think I was able to convince her that nothing was bothering me…'
Kagome went towards one of the vending machines, and inserted in two dollars. She pressed the button with lemonade flavor, for her, and another button with orange flavor, for Sango. She returned back to their seat with perfect timing, because Sango had just finished her salad. They both drank their vitamin water and chatted a little before heading to another store. A few minutes later, they both walked to one of their favorite store, Pac Sun. Sango and Kagome immediately went towards the swimsuit part of the place. They began grabbing anything that caught their interest, not even looking at the price tags. At that moment Kagome felt glad, because she had almost forgotten the incident that had taken place a little while ago. She was relieved that Sango accompanied her in the mall, so she didn't have to go through it alone…
*If you want to, I can save you. I can take you away from here. So lonely inside,so busy out there…and all you wanted was somebody who cares…*
Kagome's loud ring tone was heard through out the whole store. Embarrassed, she quickly put it on silent and continued on with her shopping with Sango. She was silently hoping that Sango wouldn't ask her why she didn't answer her cell phone…but luck wasn't on her side today…obviously.
“Umm…Kagome isn't that Inuyasha calling your cell phone?” Sango asked her best friend.
“Huh? Well yeah…but…I wanted to get all my shopping done, you know…so I wouldn't get distracted. Anyways, I can always call him later.” Kagome answered not even facing Sango, but just skimming through the various swimsuits uninterested.
`…Inuyasha…why are you even callingme…I'm sure you'll worry Kikyo…especially because you're still on your…date'
Inuyasha tried a couple more times getting a hold of Kagome, while Kikyo was busily looking through another pile of clothes. He was getting worried, he had wanted to at least hear the sound of her voice and see if she's alright. (A/N: OF COURSE SHE'S NOT OKAY, YOU BAKA!...ahem…back to the story.) His puppy dog ears drooped lower and twitched a little, indicating that he was feeling down…
`…Kagome…please…I'm sorry…so sorry…'
The rest of their date Inuyasha was forced to pay attention, and make sure that Kikyo didn't notice that he'd been thinking about Kagome the whole time. He'd often start little conversations to liven up the moment, as well as getting to know Kikyo a little better. Talking about general things like…her favorite items…family relationships…previous loves…anything! He just had to get rid of Kagome in his mind, and the pain of guilt in his heart. Throughout the whole date…which he decided to end earlier than anticipated…he really did get to know Kikyo better, and enough so that he'd like to go to another date with her. But first he knew that he had to fix the problem between him and Kagome.
Around 7 o'clock at night, Inuyasha dropped off Kikyo at her large house, but not before getting a passionate kiss from the girl he grew to like even more. She was very beautiful, and for once he felt like she can be a respectable girlfriend in his life. They separated for air and looked at each other in the eyes.
“Thanks for a great time Inu.” Kikyo said seductively, while touching the collar of his shirt, “Call me later?”
“Sure babe.” Inuyasha said.
Inuyasha waited until Kikyo was safe inside her house before heading off to his car, so he can go to Miroku's pool party.
`I have to set things straight between you and me, Kagome…'
Those were Inuyasha's last thoughts before he drove his car swiftly into the dark streets of Tokyo.
On the other side of town, in the Houshi Residence, you could smell the delicious scent of various foods being barbecued, see the splashes of chlorine water splatter everywhere, and hear some of the students of Rumiko High chat with one another. As the host, Miroku was well in groping mode and his next victim was…
“MIROKU!! DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING LEARN!!” Sango yelled angrily with fire burning in her eyes, and with that action, Miroku had once again earned himself a bright red hand print on his left cheek.
Kagome and Ayame watched at the hilarious scene before them, and suddenly Kagome remembered the little agreement she had made with Sango. So after she was done yelling to poor Miroku, Kagome looked at her with mischievous eyes. Stating that she was forgetting about their little talk earlier in the day. Sango just sighed heavily, she was a woman of her words…so she did something she'd never done before…be considerate to a lecher.
“Miroku! Oh I'm so sorry! My hand…um…slipped! It's just a reaction…” Sango nervously apologized, and took Miroku by the shoulders and hugged him.
Miroku surprised at her actions, hugged Sango even tighter. Her body felt so perfect in his arms, like they were meant to for each other. Sango's face began to turn a dark shade of red, so Miroku loosened his grip; indicating that she could go if she wanted to. But she never took a step elsewhere, it felt like her feet were glued to the ground. She began thinking as she was standing there looking at him…
`Miroku…why aren't you…groping me…do you really see me…beyond just my looks…'
“Sango…you okay? You're face looks really red, are you hot?” Miroku said with concern.
Sango was suddenly brought back into reality. She wasn't really falling for this lecher was she? I mean come on, this was the one and only Miroku Houshi, the biggest lecher ever to be born. She had always hated everything about him, thinking that all he'd wanted from her was her body…but now…
“Umm…yeah, get a…drink with me?” Sango stammered.
A light of hope suddenly shined on Miroku's eyes. Inside he was as happy as a small boy who'd gotten what he wanted on Christmas Day.
`Maybe she's at least giving me a…chance'
“Miroku?” Sango asked him.
“Of I'd love too! LET'S GO!” Miroku said excitedly.
The two love birdswent towards the snack table, and shyly…were getting to know each other slowly. Kagome and Ayame decided to just leave them alone, and went towards the pool. On the way there they chatted about Miroku and Sango, and how it would be great if they'd hit it off. Regarding, if Miroku could be a gentleman and not a lecher once in a while. After they reached the pool, they decided to just lie down on their half-wet towels. In the midst of their conversation, the red headed girl with pigtails, did notice one little thing missing…
“Well you see Ayame, I had made a little agreement with Sango and…” Kagome said happily, explaining the situation to Ayame.
But she had abruptly cut off her sentence…
“Wait…I just noticed…where's Inuyasha? Aren't you always with him Kagome?” Ayame asked her friend.
…That heartfelt pain came back again…
Kagome looked at her with forced cheerfulness. She had hoped to not hear that name all night…just for tonight…She quickly tried to come up with an excuse for her friend.
“Inuyasha's busy today…he didn't specifically say why…” Kagome said as she trailed off…saying his name was so hard…
`Look at me…lyingjustlike him…'
Kagome sadly smiled on the inside.
“Kagome…why would he be there?” Ayame said with a smile, “When he's right behind you.”
Kagome looked at her with confusion.
`Wait…he was…right behind me…?'
Inuyasha placed his masculine hand on top of Kagome's tresses.
“Kagome…I need to talk to you…alone” Inuyasha said with guilt.
Ayame looked at the both of them, she wondered why they were acting so serious. So she continued to look at them with awe.
“Ayame, can we get sometime alone. If you don't fucking mind!” Inuyasha yelled in frustration.
“Geez, alright I get the picture.” Ayame said while picking up her belongings.
“Ayame wait…” Kagome said as she tried to follow her friend…She couldn't face Inuyasha now…not tonight.
Inuyasha quickly grabbed a hold of her hand and tugged her towards the way of his car.
“What are you doing?” Kagome asked, trying to get away from his grip.
Inuyasha just stayed silent.
`Why am I even bothering, I've never been able to loosen his grip…when he's like this…'
A couple of minutes later they arrived to Inuyasha's car, still no words spoken between them. Inuyasha walked towards the driver's seat and Kagome, did the same, walked towards the passenger seat. A few gusts of wind flew by here and there during the cool night, Kagome felt her body becoming colder by the minute…she was still just wearing a bathing suit after all. Before Inuyasha started his car, he took off his striped hoodie, and placed it on Kagome's lap. She blushed and proceeded to put it on.
`…his scent…his warmth…but it doesn'tfeel the same…because of…Kikyo…'
Kagome hugged the hoodie even tighter, while Inuyasha started to drive towards a place both of them are very familiar with
`…Kagome I hope you'll understand…'
That one sentence was the only thought that Inuyasha was thinking about throughout the whole unspoken car ride towards the park…
End of Chappie
Sorry you guys that I haven't updated for almost a week now. Been kind of busy, but I hope that this chapter makes up for all that. If you guys are wondering, Kagome's ring tone is All You Wanted by Michelle Branch. Which I don't own either…well what's new? Well anyways, PLEASE REVIEW and thanks for reading.