InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dont Mistake Me ❯ Dammit! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vampyre Excel: Excel…Excel…author of my stories…of hentai…ai ai ai…*doodling a chibi Inu Yasha hugging a kitty…the Kagome hugging a chibi Miroku doll with a saki bottle in its hand* Oh, I'm writing the chappy now peoples… patient if you want a good one…and…I'm a bit on the slow side…since I'm kinda going through a mid-life CRISIS HERE! And I just announced something to someone…and he took it well. Oh, anyway…onto the story…

Last Time: "Shippo!" Kagome picked the boy and up what shocked him most were the feet. Those tiny weenie little…fox feet. `Oh…my god…holy lord…' then his world crashed down and his vision went black.

Continued! :

Kagome rushed over to the boy and shook his body, and Shippo took out some pocky and started licking the tip, bobbing his head to the music.

"Kagome…Kagome! Listen to this! Oh, watch this!" he yipped still bobbing to the near non-existent music, while Sango rushed to the girl's side, and muttered,

"This always works with Miroku." She raised her hand as Miroku tried to scream out the words,

"NO!" in sympathy for the poor kid, as her hand descended on his left cheek.


"Oh…my GOD! THE PAIN!!!!" Makoji gripped his cheek, rolling on the wooden floor, tears streaming from his violet eyes. Inu Yasha shook his head and huffed, thinking how this kid could actually be related to him.

"His lineage must be so far down the line, that his blood only holds an ounce of demon blood!" he wailed grabbing his hair and pulling it. Kagome jerked her head and screeched,


"Don't tell ME what to DO!"

"I'll say what I WANT TO!" she stood and glared, her eye twitching, too much was happening.

"Watch who your TALKIN' TO!" He bared his fangs, and left out one word that he knew was forbidden.

"SIT!" and unfortunately, it still pushed her too far, and his body was sent plummeting into the wooden floor, crushing the weaker boards. Makoji grinned and winced at the pain.

"Handy…" he stole a piece of candy from Shippo's paw once he looked away and quickly disposed of the item. Miroku slapped the back of his head, making him struggle to get the mint down his throat.

"Be nice, Miroku! And as for YOU, Makoji!" Kagome pointed at him, her finger centimeters from his nose, and he pulled his face back, making his oversized spike collar slide forward. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?! WHY ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING FOR ME!?"

"Uh…I'm lost? Verbally and physically, so…I'm kinda…" he glances at the dancing kitsune mouthing the words,

"My neck, my back…my uhhh and my crack." With his small hands roaming his head.

"Freaked out…you know, babes throwing a huge thingy at me…this guy threatening to suck my in his hand…is that good? Is that even POSSIBLE? And that guy right on the ground…I just don't like him much…" and Inu Yasha growled as he peeled himself from the floor.

"Listen here…buddy!" he spit out a chunk of wood from his mouth, "I'm your…like…great…great…grandpa. So show some respect…or you can end up like all my enemies out there."

"Inu…Yasha…" Kagome warned him with a side-glance and returned her eyes back to Makoji. "Yep, that's it. You're going back."

"Back where, may I ask?" he cooed and snickered to himself, and Kagome just stated the whole entire story, without beating around the bush, and left out a couple of…events that aren't needed to know. Makoji's eyes thinned as his jaw slackened, and he took his time soaking it all in.

"Tada!" Shippo ended his small dance with a snap, and then screamed about Milkshake coming on. "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…"

"So you're serious? No, no…no, no, no…you're lying…" he pushed himself towards the door and slid outside, and took deep breaths. He stared at the people, who returned his stares as the continued shopping in the open market. "…it can't be the past. This must be STAGED!" and as soon as he steeped off the stair, something sharp and painful hit his neck, and he swatted at it. Feeling nothing but a small, thick prick, he pulled it out of his jugular vein as a little bit of blood tricked down his neck, under his collar, and down his shirt.

"I'M SERIOUS MAKOJI!" Kagome bounded out of the cottage with the others nodding, but Shippo threw his head to the side and started sucking on another pocky stick. He looked at her and wiped his neck off, and growled,

"Damn bugs…" and shook his head at her. "Still don't believe…" and he walked back into the forest.

"Jesus Christ! What is…why the hell…Makoji! It isn't safe in there!" Kagome cupped her fingers around her mouth to echo the sound, but apparently, it wasn't sufficient.


"Nice shot Kanna…" two red eyes watched the boy pick out the prick, and she grinned.

"Naraku will be most pleased…" Kanna whispered, holding her mirror once more.

"I didn't go to London for nothing."