InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dot Org ❯ Androids and Wine Cellars ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or any of his rights. I am not gaining anything off of this. I'm just writing this as a devoted fan. I also do not own anything pertaining to any search robots online including Smarterchild.

Summary: Is it possible to befriend a robot? Is it possible to depend on a robot? It is possible to fall in love with an online robot? Kagome did. Inu.Kag PG-13 R&R!

Tsuyoku: So, Chapter 5 is up now, which is good. I'm seeing eight or nine, maybe ten, chapters in this story, so to make the plot fit, I might start making long chapter, but boy do they keep writers up at night trying to write these!!!

Dot Org

Chapter 5


"Kagome, this is Kanna. Years of working for the government and having their computer technology at our disposal has paid off. Kanna is a working android computer. She's a piece of art." Miroku piped in. "Inuyasha has been helping us by transferring information from the department to our computers where we have built a master computer in half the size, with human characteristics."

"But about the same personality as the computers they have." Inuyasha bopped Shippo on the head. "Ow! Oi, Inuyasha, what did you do that for.

"You little punk. Be nice to Kanna, she's more of a hacker than you will ever be." Inuyasha stood there with arms crossed over his chest.

"Maybe that's because she's made out of machines; she's a freaking computer herself!"

"Hey, how about we stop arguing and get some work done. I'd really like to get everything settled with the government so that Sota and I can go home, " Kagome interjected. She was still a bit reluctant to sit down on the couch or any of the furniture for that matter. Everything seemed so foreign and weird.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Miss Kagome." Miroku rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish look on his face. "We're actually not sure how long they'll look for Sota. Maybe for life."

"Life?" "Life!"

This didn't sit too well with the siblings.

(End Review)

"Wait, what do you mean life?" Kagome crossed the room over to where Inuyasha stood. "And what the hell is she doing here anyways?" She pointed to Kanna, who was standing up across the room.

"What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked, confused.

"I mean, this slut cost me my job!" At their confused looks, Kagome continued. "She was sleeping with my boss, and she continued to steal my work."

"Miroku, you haven't been programming Kanna for sexual favors again have you?" Inuyasha interjected for the moment. Kagome grimaced at the thought of what Miroku would do with an android, she could almost wretch at the pictures that put in her mind...

"Of course not. That was one time, and I was extremely drunk."

"You still did it."

"Shut up, Shippo!"

"Okay, what are you doing here, Kanna."

"Look, she hasn't been out of this garage but a few times, and those were only tests, she couldn't have possibly been... doing things with your boss," Inuyasha stated. He kept looking from Kagome to Kanna, who didn't really show any signs of knowing what Kagome was talking about.

"Look, I know this girl. It may have taken me a minute because she looks a little different, but this is her."

"Well -- I guess you could say that she is and she isn't at the same time."

Kagome looked towards Miroku. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you. We didn't make Kanna. The government has developed the information to make these advanced technologic androids, which they've started to mass produce."

"What for?" It was the first time that Sota had spoken up since they'd arrived there.

"To tell you the truth, we're not really sure about that part. We don't know why they've been making so many, but I helped steal this one while I was at an office one day; we took her apart, reprogrammed her, and fixed her up to facilitate our needs." Kagome gave him the same odd look that Miroku got. "Which have not been sexual. She'd been more of a help in hacking than anything else."

"Oh. So... how does that explain the 'other droid' that I graciously met? I mean, what would the government be thinking putting an android in a fashion agency?" Kagome finally got the nerve to sit on the old couch. Inuyasha pulled some drinks from the small fridge back in the corner, bringing them over to the living area.

Suddenly the door that Kagome assumed led to the actual house opened revealing an older woman looking through the door. " 'Miro'," Kagome assumed that she was referring to Miroku. "Who are all your friends?"

"Just friends from some of my classes."

"Oh, well, do you guys need anything?"

"No, mom, we've got everything we need. You know your shows are on, right?" Miroku looked at his watch.

"Oh, dear! You're right. Well, you guys have fun and play nice." The door closed softly.

"Classes? Miroku, you graduated college two years ago!" Inuyasha said. How the hell...?

"Yeah, but it keeps her off my back about getting a job. I'm not going to waste my skills on some desk job behind a cubicle..." Miroku stretched out on the couch, even though Kagome sat on one end.

"I'll still never understand how someone so sweet and kind could ever have such a kid like you, Miroku," Inuyasha sipped at his drink while shaking his head.

"Alright," Kagome moved Miroku's feet off her lap as soon as he laid them there. "Let's get back on track. Now what about the Kanna that I know, and what are we going to do about this situation with the government?"

"Well, I'm not really sure. The best bet, I think, would be to look up the information and see what kind they have on Sota." He crossed the room, asking Kanna and Kagome to follow him. Sota and Shippo had begun talking and Miroku wandered over with a board game, knowing that it would take a while to fully get access, even with Kanna's help.

Inuyasha rolled up Kanna's sleeve and fumbled with a loose wire. Kagome really had no idea what he was doing or how he was hooking it up to the computer; remember, she was pretty computer illiterate from the beginning. It still irked her how much Kanna looked like the other one at her work -- er -- ex-job. There were a few differences, however, including eye color. Maybe skin tone, but that was something Kagome didn't really pay attention to when she first started hating Kanna. Kagome just decided that she was going to put the past behind her and forget about Kanna, even though it was hard knowing that she was really a government issued android and wondering why she was working in a fashion and design business in the first place.
"Alright, Inuyasha's voice jerked her head back to the screen. Inuyasha had opened a few programs, none of which Kagome recognized. She pulled another rolling chair over to where he sat and on the way over took in his sight, now knowing what he looked like past all those programmed phrases and computer screens. "Kanna's hooked up and it may take a few minutes to actually get into the system. Though it used to take forever before we got her. She makes it a lot easier now because she is a government product."

"What is it that you're doing now?"

"Well, I'm using a program to randomly choose an IP Address to mask my own. An IP Address can allow people to trace any of my activity to this computer. But these randomly chosen addresses come from a system compiled of addresses across the world," Inuyasha looked at Kagome sitting next to him. It was nice knowing her in person, and she was amusing pretending to fully understand exactly what he was talking about. "Alright, now that we have a mask," a simple looking program popped up confirming that. It had a black background, grey letters, and simply stated that an address had been found listing some numbers afterwards. "I can begin to dial in Kanna's system to the actual computer at one of the headquarters."

"You mean, she's going to call that computer?" Kagome looked at him like he was crazy. "They can do that?"

"In a way, yes. It's complicated, so I'll just leave it in the simplest form." They smiled at each other, but were distracted by a few things popping up al over the screen. Do not ask Kagome to describe these to you, it was hard to comprehend her highschool geometry, let alone an actual computer system. "Hey, guys! We’ve accessed the first part. Come on over here." The other three crossed over and stood behind Inuyasha and Kagome.

"So, are you going to information first?" Miroku leaned on the back of Inuyasha's chair, watching the screen over his shoulder.

"Yeah." From the corner of his eye, Kagome tilted her head as if in confusion. Inuyasha stifled a laugh. He turned to her. "First thing, we find out what information they have on Sota and possibly even you."


"Yeah, you're related. And it may have something to do with the android that was working with you, Kagome." Well, she guessed that they'd find out, though it was a little un-nerving to sit here and wait to see what kind of dirt a corrupted government had on your personal life. Sota just stood in the back, not caring what files they had on him, but really caring about what they had on Kagome.

'Did they figure it out before? But even then, why would they want Kagome...?' Sota figured he'd keep his thoughts to himself for the time being. Shippo beside him was getting a little antsy, and this didn't even concern him, the kid was rather quiet though.

"Here we go." Kagome had no idea how Inuyasha could navigate his way through this place with the encryptions and code that he was using... Was it some kind of programming... or maybe a way to hep Kanna communicate. Now that she thought about it, Kanna was a lot different from the one she'd met before. The first one wouldn't shut up, or keep her legs closed; maybe the reprogramming that Miroku and Inuyasha did help in that category.

"Damn!" Kagome's mind jerked back to the information at hand. "Look at all this information! Name, birth date, social security, residence, which is normal.... but here. Schools and grade in all classes, friends, parents, relatives, you're daily schedule, and regularly visited websites. Wow. Seems they’ve been collecting information on you all night. How could they have all this information so fast?" Inuyasha looked more at the screen. "Here are pictures of you as well. Look at this one, it's very recent."

"Wait, that was taken two weeks ago, how could they have gotten that picture, you hadn't even gotten into the system by then!" Kagome looked towards Sota. He just shrugged his shoulders. "See if they have anything on me, I'm really wondering if that other android was there because of me or what..."

Inuyasha searched under her name. "Here... What the hell!"

"How the heck," Kagome mumbled, shocked by the amount of information on her.

"There's tons of pictures, mainly from where you used to work obviously. And way more information than Sota, which is shocking. Look here, it has a lot of information about designs and the types of fabrics... where did this come from...?" Miroku squinted to make out a pattern that was obviously scanned in.

"Oh my gosh! Those are my proposals! Kanna was the one that was stealing them, I thought that she was giving them to the board as hers, but she was giving them to the... government? What the heck would they use those for?"

"Did you ever consider the possibility that Kanna got you fired for a reason?" Kagome turned towards Inuyasha. She took a long look at him, and she would've let herself get lost in his eyes if it wasn't for her concentration on the situation at hand and how it caused a slow, churning of her stomach. How had it come to this? Her brother was the one that hacked into some government computer... so why did it seem the suits were more interested in her than he? None of this made sense to Kagome, she would've cried had it not been for her company and the three pairs of eyes on her. She figured Kanna would've looked quizzically at her if it weren't for her apparent lack of personality.

"I don't know. That would be possible, but I have no idea why she would do that. You guys know now how I am with computers, I can only do the basic things. If they are watching me, then there's something else about it."


"What the hell is this?" Inuyasha began doing something genius with the keyboard, but the word weren't disappearing, and Kagome was starting to get scared. "It won't let us go any further." Lines of code began to fill that simple black box that Kagome had admired earlier. Even Inuyasha couldn't figure out what exactly it was saying. "What the hell? It's not letting us out either!"

"What's it saying?" Shippo asked, trying to see over Miroku who had blocked the view. Inuyasha yelled in frustration that he wasn't sure.

"They know someone's in their computer." Miroku pointed out.

"Well, can they trace this computer?" Kagome looked towards Miroku then back at Inuyasha.

"Since I used a scrambler, I think not. But..." Inuyasha trailed off. This didn't sit well with Kagome's nerves, we were talking about their lives at stake if they were caught.

"But..." She tried to get him to continue.

"Their technology increases everyday, so it's just a matter of time before the engineers on their payroll figure out a way around our petty hacker tricks." Inuyasha grabbed the bridge of his nose as if to fight off an oncoming headache. The screen went blank for a moment before appearing again and printing codes in the black program. Numbers and other codes begin to scroll, confusing everyone who looked at it, well almost everybody.

"What's going on?" Now MIroku and everyone behind him were looking at the screen so intensely, all trying to find some way to unscramble this messy code.

"They're trying to reverse the scrambler on the IP Address and get past all the randomizing," Sota said, surprising everyone.

"How can you tell?" Inuyasha was surprised. He'd known that the kid was smart, hell, he talked to the kid online sometimes about programming (even though Sota had no idea it was another human), but Inuyasha had had no idea that the kid could read code like this!

"This code, if you figure out the key, it's just communications." Everyone looked at Sota, asking him to explain. "Okay, I figure that they've developed a program to go through all of the IP Addresses in the are in order until it gets a match. And if it doesn't get a match there, then it'll continue to work it's way out of the area until it does. Which means that eventually, the program will trace the computer that we're using, and they’ll be able to point a location." Damn. That made a lot of sense. "At least, that's what I'm thinking, I could be wrong though"

"No, no. That makes a lot of sense. They've never tried this before thought."

"Well, you said yourself, Inuyasha, that everyday the Department was coming up with new technology. But instead of sitting here talking, you should disconnect Kanna from the system. If they find this address, the computer might fry her drive trying to stop the connection."

What was this kid? Was he born from a computer? He hadn't said more that two words at a time on average since he arrived in Miroku's garage, and now he was explaining things that even Inuyasha didn't know about.

"That means that we'd better get out of here. Go ahead and withdraw Kanna so we can get packed up." Miroku crossed the room again and began stuffing various things into boxes. To Kagome, it looked like they'd done this before.

"So," Inuyasha began, looking at Miroku from his spot at the chair. "What are we going to do with the systems and hardware?"

"We're going to put them where we did last time, of course." He gave Inuyasha this 'duh' look.

"Where are you going to put that stuff? And what do you mean last time?!?" Dammit, why did Kagome feel like the only one who didn't understand what was going on. She'd heard just as much as Sota, and here he was spouting out lines and orders.

"Under the fridge, there's a little storage space. It was used long ago as a wine cellar, but now, well, it holds more... useful forms of entertainment." Inuyasha chuckled a bit at that comment, and Kagome wondered what he meant by that. "As for the 'last time', don't worry about that, it was just a misunderstanding." Inuyasha got up before she could ask what kind of misunderstanding he was talking about. "What about your mom, Miroku?" Kagome heard him talking from beside Miroku across the room, both were packing and moving boxes over to the fridge. Kagome wondered what technical things were down there, and why were they hiding them.

"She'll be fine. She knows nothing, and as you can see, she is a bit on the oblivious side." Kanna, Kagome noticed, was putting her cord back into her arm, rolling down the sleeve in the process. Kanna looked at Kagome with these blank eyes, which Kagome wondered how she could've even accused this girl of being the slut from her office. She had not personality. Her eyes were blank.

Kagome guessed that Inuyasha and Miroku did well reformatting her hard drive. She looked to her right seeing Miroku handing things to Inuyasha, who was down in the 'wine cellar'. Her curiosity could not get the best of her. If there was one thing that this whole ordeal with the government taught her, it was that being curious, and snooping around, could get you into a whole hell full of trouble!

"So, Inuyasha," Kagome crossed to where she could see him, but not what was in the cellar. It was best not to know, for now, what was down there. "Where are we going to go? I mean, you have another base like this, right?"

"Nope. Matter of fact, they've never found us here. We had no use for another base." Inuyasha grabbed the last box from Miroku. They seemed to be too good at packing this and putting it away so easily.

"Well, where should we head now? We can take my car."

"You have a car, Miroku? Good." Kagome remembered the walk over here. It was long, and traveling by foot wasn't the most comfortable form of transportation.

"I know where we'll go. Let's move this fridge before they figure out that code. What's your mom going to say about them showing up here?"

Miroku shrugged, "Who knows. But trust me, she's lived on her own since dad died; mom can take care of herself." Kagome felt sad when Miroku had announced that his father had passed away.

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad. My dad left my mom a long time ago, we've been on our own ever since." Kagome empathized with him.

"Well, we've done fine on our own. As I'm sure your family has as well." Miroku gave her a wink.

"Miroku's dad was one of the people I told you about that the government took care of," Inuyasha was getting out of the cellar.

"You mean, you're dad worked against them too?"

"No," Miroku answered sadly. "He worked for the government."

Kagome was, needless to say, speechless. So that's why Miroku had started working against the departments; they had his dad killed. But why would they do that if he worked for them? Miroku has crossed the room, so she decided that the subject was best put to rest for now. The rest of the time, Kagome helped the two guys put a few necessities in the trunk of Miroku's car until Kanna, Kagome, Inuyasha, Sota, and Miroku were stuffed into his small car.

"But I want to go with you!" Shippo said from outside the car.

"Look, we don't have enough room to take you; plus, what would your stepmother say when she found you missing? Stay here, and keep surveillance on my house. When they come, call my cell -- we're going to be tracking any and all process." Without anymore thought, Miroku pulled out of the drive way and into the street. Kagome felt bad that they had to leave Shippo behind, but he was just a kid; not necessary, and he didn't need to stray away from his home. "Where to Inuyasha?"

Next to him, Inuyasha looked towards Miroku only to say, "The place I'd never go to unless it was an emergency."

"His house?" Miroku looked at him like he was crazy. Now what was going on? Was Kagome the only one again who didn't know what they were talking about? "No, Inuyasha, that's trouble right there."

"Where," okay, Sota didn't know either. Kagome listened for their answer.

"My brother's house. I'm not exactly welcome, but this an emergency, and I need something."

"You say that like he'll invite us in for some tea." Miroku wasn't very excited about having to go there. Kagome faintly wondered what was so wrong with Inuyasha's brother if Inuyasha seemed pretty normal.

"Miroku," Inuyasha started. "What other choice do we have? Unless you can pull that floppy out of you pants, that's where we're going. Do it.

All Miroku could do was turn the car down the street to his right and not welcome the thoughts of what would happen to them if they were found at Sesshomaru's house.


End Chapter Five.

Tsuyoku- I've already got the outline for chapter six done, so I'm going to type it up when I get another chapter of Mission Accepted out, which I've already got half typed. Reviews make chapters appear faster!