InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA ❯ 1st day of school ( Chapter 1 )
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Chapter 1:New friends
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Kagome pressed the snooze button on her alarm clock; that read 7:45A.m.
It was Kagome's first day at her new school, Shikon High School.
“Oh my god I'm going to be late on my first day of school!” Kagome said
Because school started at 8:00A.m.but she was so used to setting her alarm clock as 7:45 because her old school started at 8:30A.m.
Kagome got her school uniform and rushed to the bathroom.
When she stepped out she was all ready, with her straight but curly raven black hair down her back.
Kagome rushed down stairs, got a slice of toast and ran out the door.
“Bye mom, Sota, grandpa see you later” Kagome yelled.
“Bye honey have a wonderful first day of school” her mom said.
“Bye sis” Sota said.
“We wish you luck” her grandpa said.
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Kagome was at the school in a matter of minutes because she lived only a few blocks away.
While she was walking inside she accidentally bumped into someone, who had white/silver hair, the most gorgeous yellow/gold eyes and cute fuzzy doggie ears.
“Hey watch it!” He said.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I should watch where I'm going” Kagome said.
“Yea, whatever” he said with a dull voice.
Kagome walked into the school towards the office “what's his problem” she wondered.
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In the Attendance Office
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Kagome walked up to the front desk.
“Excuse me Miss, I'm new here and I need to get my schedule.”
“Oh you must be Ms. Higurashi, am I right?”
“Yes you are” Kagome said.
“Ok one second” the secretary said.
“Here you go Ms. Higurashi your schedule, locker and combination, and you need to go to the library to get your text books.
“Ok, thank you very much.”
“You welcome”
Kagome walked out the door first went to the library then to her locker put her books inside and went to the gym for her first period class; P.E.
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Class hasn't started yet so Kagome still had time.
Kagome walked to the teacher, Mrs. Kagura.
“You must be the new student, Ms. Higurashi, while looking at Kagome's schedule.”
“Yea” Kagome said.
“Ok here is your P.E. locker and combination and you can get your P.E. clothes inside the locker room.” Mrs. Kagura said.
“Ok, thank you.”
Kagome walked into the girls locker room, got her P.E. uniform and got dressed.
Today was Wednesday so it was an early day, so in P.E. you have to run a mile.
“Ms. Higurashi you'll be number 22 ok” Mrs. Kagura said.
“Ok.” Kagome said.
Kagome stood on her number while roll call was being taken.
To her right was a girl with long brown hair.
To her left was a guy with black hair tied up in a tine ponytail, with 2 golden earrings on one ear.
“Hello new girl ” the girl on the right said.
“Hi” Kagome said.
“What's your name” the girl asked.
“Kagome, you?”
“I'm Sango and that guy right there is my boyfriend Miroku, be careful he is kind of a pervert always touching my ass.”
Kagome laughed.
“Hello Kagome” Miroku said.
“Kagome would you considering baring my child?” Miroku asked.
*Slap* “Pervert” Sango yelled. Miroku had a red handprint on his face.
“Ow Sango you didn't had to hit me that hard ”Miroku said.
“Oh yes I did,asking the new girl to bear your child is going way too far seriously ” Sango said.
“You know me sango whenever I see a pretty lady I always say that” Miroku said.
“Yea but for the new girl?” Sango asked.
“Whatever, you know you still love me.” Miroku said.
“I'm starting not to” Sango mumbled to herself.
“What?” Miroku asked.
“Nothing” Sango said and smiling.
“Hey you never asked me that Miroku” Sango saying in a just noticing now voice.
“Oh I'm sorry Sango, I never relised.”
“Sango do you consider bearing my child”
“But why?”
“Because I was just being sarcastic gosh”
Kagome laughed at all this
“Anyway so Kagome where you from?” Miroku asked.
“Oh cool I never been to America before” Miroku and Sango both said.
“But I was born and grew up here in Japan till I was about 7 years old. Then moved to California because my dad's business moved there so yea, but then my dad died so we moved back here into my grandpa's house.
Oh I'm sorry for your dad's death. Miroku and Sango said.
“Oh its ok even though it was only a little while ago I don't think about it much because if I did I would be sad and my father wouldn't want that to happen.” Kagome said.
“When I was about 10 years old my dad died too. I never met my mom before so my little brother Kohaku and I grew up as Orphans pretty much.”Sango said.
“My dad died too when I was really really little, then this monk dude raised me” Miroku said.
“For real, wow so now you're like a monk yourself right Miroku?” Kagome asked.
“Yea pretty much.” Miroku said.
“Ok class stop your jabbering and go run that mile now” Mrs. Kagura said.
Kagome and Sango went into the girls locker room and got dressed into their regular school uniform,
“Hey Kagome do you want to eat with me at lunch, you can meet the rest of my friends?” Sango asked.
“Sure that would be great, thank you.” Kagome said and smiled.
“No problem” Sango said.