InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams come true ❯ Dreams come true ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dreams come true
“I've waited for so long and finally you are MINE” Inuyasha pulled the person or shall I say demon closer and kissed them passionately they kissed back. He combed his claws through their black hair down their back and around their waist back up to their 6 pack.
“Inuyasha” their voice deep but so delicate now that it was time. Both demons well actually demon and half demon mated through the night but oh ya here's where it started the day before. The jewel of four souls had been finished for a year now Kikyou went on and Kagome was back in here time permanently with Hojo. Sango and Miroku were together and Shippo was well asleep by the fire. Inuyasha sat on a tree branch thinking.
`Goddamn I should have become a full demon with that dumb jewel stupid Kagome had to make her own wish and then leave. She left me dumb girl' he picked up a familiar scent and this time instead of annoyance came pleasure from the smell.
“Hey dog breath”
“Kouga” he growled and there stood Kouga Inuyasha had been thinking of him since they last met before Naraku was defeated. Inuyasha jumped down and grabbed Kouga.
“Whoa” Kouga jumped back surprised
“Kouga” Inuyasha looked down a little driven by the action but then felt Kouga's strong hands grab his chin. His face lifted and their eyes met, Kouga pulled their lips closer and they embraced in a kiss that would last for a short time but be for an eternity.
Sorry it's short but I like it my friend has gotten me sort of Yaoi crazed hope you like please review.