InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Drips, Drops, and Drabbles ❯ Children's Laughter ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Another Second place winner.
Children's Laughter
He watched from the tree as the fox kit preformed tricks for the village children. A blast of flames, a giant top, crying mushrooms, and illusions; it was always the same.
The children laughed, enjoying the magic. Then the tricks would run out and the children would go find other entertainment. The fox's antics were quickly forgotten in favor of toys like balls and dolls.
Then the laughter truly started. He understood, the kit was young and just wanted friends. He had been that way too, once. But Shippou was still learning, demons were unwelcome in human games.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, the laughter from long ago blending seamlessly with the present. A moment later the slight weight of the kit appeared on his lap. Inuyasha opened an eye but said nothing, there was nothing to say.
“When will Kagome be back?” His voice was small and Inuyasha looked at him for the first time. His small cheeks were red and puffy.
“Tomorrow,” He pat the small red head in a gesture of comfort.
“Will you play with me, Inuyasha?”
“Sure, Shippou.” He sighed. “What do you want to play this time?”