InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Driving A Stick ❯ Driving A Stick ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Driving A Stick
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A strangled cat noise went off as a foot stepped on the mat in front of the huge Halloween store. As the four teens entered a fog machine went off and a small bat hanging upside down made its plastic eyes glow red.
“Are you sure we'll find something here?” Kagome asked her boyfriend, tugging on his hand.
“Keh. I got my hanyou costume here last year.”
“Really?” Sango asked from Kagome's other side, “I thought Sess got that for you.”
“He did. He came here.” Miroku said answering for InuYasha.
“Alright! You and Sango go find the dressing rooms and we'll go pick out your costumes!” Kagome said cheerfully, pushing the couple in the other direction.
Miroku and Sango stumbled into the large changing area and noticed that there was no one in the room. Miroku grinned and pulled Sango into one of the dressing rooms.
“Miroku,” She whispered harshly, “what do you think your doing?”
“This.” He smirked and placed his lips over hers to stop any complaints.
He placed one hand next to her head, the other going to her waist. He smoothly moved his body closer to hers and crushed her fully against the wall. Sango's hand came up to rest on the side of his neck while the other rested in his chest.
What about this one.” InuYasha asked his girlfriend.
“No. Sango would kill me if I made her wear that.”
“Yeah, but Miroku wouldn't care.” He laughed, he put the playboy bunny outfit back and grabbed another.
“Have you ever seen Miroku in tights?” Kagome asked before he could show her his choice.
“I don't ever want to.” He grabbed hers and placed it back on the hanger and showed her his, “What about this?”
“That's what they wore last year!” Kagome laughed.
Sango moaned slightly as Miroku's hand came up to rest under her breast, pulling back she leaned her head against the wall, exposing her throat to Miroku's lips. He trailed his kisses from her ear to the hem of her shirt. Miroku shifted the angle of his hips and pressed them together with a hard thrust, causing Sango to groan louder. He paused at the area just under her ear and nipped lightly, soothing the bite with his lips and tongue.
“Miroku…” Sango whispered, “Please,” She stopped when she heard foot steps walking into the room, stopping a few doors away from the room they were in. She held a whimper in as her boyfriend sucked on her neck. He lifted her and she placed her legs around his waist.
Slowly he made his way back up to her lips as he moved their hips together. He let his hand travel up the length of her body, squeezing the plump flesh of her breast before placing his hand at the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. The hand that rest under her breast moved up slightly, grazing her clothed, hard nipple.
“Miroku,” She whispered against his lips, “Someone's outside.” She trailed her lips to his ear, nipping on the priced skin, moving down to his neck she trailed her hands under his tight shirt, moving her hands up to touch more of his toned stomach. She watched his eyes close as their hips rotated against each other again.
Sucking in a breath of air Sango sighed. Miroku took his hands and placed them both on her hips. He opened his eyes and placed small kisses along her neck. As she started to unzip his jeans a nose plugged voice broke through their haze.
“Excuse me. This is a costume store, not a bed room. Please exit the dressing room.”
Kagome took a quick glance at the bag she held and almost laughed when she saw InuYasha's. She laughed showing it to InuYasha, “Guess we have the same idea.”
“Let's find one more, just incase.”
After finding three more costume's for their friends Kagome and InuYasha walked into the dressing room, stopping short when they couldn't see their friends.
“Shh.” InuYasha said silently. He tip toed over to the rooms and glanced at the floor under each room. Spotting Miroku's beat up skating shoes he walked back to his girlfriend and shook his head.
“Where are they?” She asked still whispering.
InuYasha pointed to the room the two occupied and glanced at Kagome.
“Why didn't you get them?” She asked again, keeping her voice low.
“Keh. They're busy.”
Kagome looked at him confused, tilting her head she asked, “Doing what?”
She `eep'ed slightly as she was suddenly in InuYasha's arms, his hips connected to hers, his lips ravishing her mouth as his hands went from her waist to her back. He nipped her bottom lip, sucking it slightly before thrusting his tongue into her mouth. InuYasha grinned against her lips after a while and pulled back smirking.
“Oh,” She whispered. She smiled suddenly, a mischievous look in her eyes. Taking her fingers and pinching her nose she raised her voice and said, “Excuse me. This is a costume store, not a bed room. Please exit the dressing room.”
“Shit,” and many other curses were heard as Miroku dropped Sango to her feet and opened the dressing room door in a haste.
“This is yours.” Kagome said laughing at the expressions on her friend's faces, pushing Sango into a room, InuYasha pushed Miroku into another.
“Wow,” Sango replied looking in the mirror, turning to her friends.
“I told you it'd look good.”
“InuYasha,” Miroku called from the dressing room, opening the door he continued, “I don't know if this is for laughs but,” Miroku stopped short, looking at the matching outfit his girlfriend had on.
The black long sleeve jumpsuit was like a second skin on her, the zipper went from her groin up to the middle of her breast bone, showing a nice amount of cleavage. There was a stripe of black and white checker squares on one side of the black material, the design only there and on the small folded down collar, stopping where it met under her arm, leaving the sleeves black and mall embroidered patches of car sponsors were placed around the top half of the outfit.
After a long moment of looking back and forth between his friends and Sango he couldn't help but say, “You can drive my stick anytime.”