InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dying ❯ Dying ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Inu-yasha sat there,
on the rim of the well,
Not just for anything,
But for KAGOME!
In his mind her name rang loud and clear until,
Her face popped into his mind,
All his thoughts on Kagome were gone now.
By Kikyo{emi: stupid bitch}
Then he thought to himself,
`She's dead. Why do I still care?'
Those words rang in his mind.
What would it be like to DIE.
“Oh stop your bellyaching!” A little voice rang out.
“What who said that?” Inu-yasha replied.
“S'me one of Emi's lil' poet fairies!”
“Oh, Emi you say?” Inu-yasha pondered.
“Yes, Emi, you numb-brain!”She smart mouthed back.
“Oh yah, I remember her!”
“Well my name's Di-ara. I'm here to recite a poem on dying to you.”
“Oh how cheery!” He said sarcastically.
“Oh, shut up and listen! Heheherm;
It sounds painful.
It's not.
Even when it's forced,
Way before your time.
Don't fear.
We're all here.
And Inu-yasha's thoughts of Kikyo,
were put to rest.