InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Four ( Chapter 5 )
Disclaimer: I can't think of any sarcastic way to say this, but oh well! I don't own Inu-Yasha!
Author's Note: Hiya, guys! ^_^
Well, it's Wednesday- we're over the hump of the week! Yea!
Oh- GOMEN! is being stupid again and not letting me do reviewers. >< Gods, I hate that!
Grr. . .::grounds teeth:: How else can I tell you how much I appreciate you?!
. . .
Well, I guess the updates help.
::deep sigh:: Oh well. I'll try and reply next chapter, okay?
Anyway, HERE IT IS!
The chapter you've all been waiting for! XD
Here we go!
~Chapter Four: Ah, Shit~
~Kagome's PoV~
When I was 13 and I still had free time to do things I enjoyed- rather then hunt for the shards of some shattered crystal bead- I would always read fanfiction.
You've heard of fanfiction, right?
Anyway, I would always go on and read fanfics about my all-time favorite manga, entitled Neko-Sakura. Without going into a long, in depth summary of this story, I'll just give you the basic plot line:
It was about a cat youkai who eventually fell in love with a human girl he hated named Sakura.
Really brief, right?
Well, anyway, almost all the fanfiction based off of Neko-Sakura had to do with Sakura getting pregnant and screaming at Neko about it before they both finally accepted it and moved on; only staying together because of the child they'd created.
Excuse me?!
I'd always hated those stories.
I mean, if they loved each other enough to do *that* in the first place, why the heck were they complaining?
After reading a few of these, I made a promise with myself.
I promised that if- by some weird turn of events- that happened to me, I'd react differently.
. ..
I just never thought it really *would*.
Happen to me, that is.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I awake early the next morning; so early that the sky is still pink and gray.
Slowly rubbing the remaining sleep from my eyes, I glance up at Inu-Yasha.
By the gods, is he kawaii. . .
His ears twitch in his slumber as I watch him; on his face a rare, calm expression.
I snuggle a bit closer into his side, absorbing his body heat as his arms subconsciously tighten around my body. His hands rest on my stomach, sending little tickles of pleasure through my body every so often.
I close my eyes and prepare to fall back into a deep sleep- - -
When I suddenly realize that I really need to use the toilet.
Sighing in annoyance, I carefully detach myself from my hanyou and tip-toe into the hall, heading towards the bathroom.
Closing and locking the door quietly behind me, I finish my business and go to wash my hands when I notice something.
It should be my time of the month by now. . .
Opening a mahogany closet door, I pull out a small calendar from the shadowy back corner and flip through it in the dim lighting of the washroom.
Let's see. . .
According to when my last `monthly cycle' ended. . .
Yeah, `it' should have started up again two days ago.
. . .
Well, I guess it was kinda common for `it' to be a few days late, right?
I mean, what with all my time jumping and that.
Besides, there's no way I could be pr-.
. . .
Later that day I stand alone in front of the personal care section of the drug store, surrounded on all sides by little containers full of rather embarrassing substances.
Thankfully, I had been able to shake Inu-Yasha off for a while by promising him a year supply of ramen- and even then it took a little persuading. But I had eventually gotten rid of him, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.
Now let's see. . .
My hands brush past box after box of more blush-worthy items. Condoms, morning after pills, other- um- things that I'd prefer not to mention. . .
Finally I find a few boxes containing pregnancy tests.
They look innocent enough, I guess. Pink cardboard with blue writing and smiling, happy women on the front.
I gaze blankly at them for a moment before reaching out to grab one-
"Oi! Higarashi!"
Oh my god, please no.
Curse it, it is!
"Hojo-kun!" I smile fakely as I turn to face the boy and-
And oh my god, Ayumi, Yuki, and Eri are here too!
Shit shit shit!
. . .
I'm sounding more like my hanyou each day, aren't I?
"What are you doing here, Kagome-chan?" Ayumi smiles, holding a basket filled to the bursting point with candy and mangas in her hands.
"Um. . . well, I was feeling a little better so I came to pick up some medicine. . ." I begin slowly, carefully reaching out to grab a random box.
Yuki's eyebrows shoot up to her hairline as I drop the container into my basket, and Eri begins snickering.
"Now why would you need THAT particular medicine, Kagome-chan?" she asks slyly, nudging a giggling Ayumi in the side.
Hojo, who can't see the box inside my basket from his place behind the three giggling girls, looks confused.
As I cautiously look down into my basket, my eyes widen and my face pales.
Ah shit.
"I- Um-! That's not the kind of medicine I meant to grab!" I insist as I push the morning after pills back onto the shelves, sure that my face was about to spontaneously combust.
"Suuuuure, Kagome-chan," Yuki laughs.
"I knew you weren't really sick!" Ayumi gushes.
"So, level with us," Eri snickers. "Was it with that guy you've been all hung up on. . .?"
"What's going on?" Hojo asks curiously.
Ah, he's the fountain of naiveté, is he not?
Well, in this situation, it's better for me, I suppose. . .
I try to back slowly away, but am followed by my persistent, hyper friends.
"I- I- I-!"
"What's he like, Kagome-chan?"
"Is he sweet?"
"Is he cute?"
"Is he *hot*?"
"Er- What's going on?"
"What's his eye color?"
"Does he have a brother?"
"A twin, maybe?"
"Um, girls? I would really like to know what's-?"
"When was your first kiss?"
"How long have you been together?"
"How long have you been having sex?"
"ERI!" everyone gasps, turning to stare at her blankly.
She just shrugs.
"Come on, you know you want to know!"
"Well. . . kinda," Ayumi admits as a look of horror graces my red face.
"Guys!" I gape, my cheeks as pink as those pregnancy test boxes. "Please! I- I- I-!"
"Come on, Kagome-chan! You can tell us!" the girls chirp as Hojo finally puts two and two together.
"Wait- - - Higarashi, you're not-?"
"Oh my God! Lookatthetimegottago!" I cry in a single breath, grabbing a pregnancy test box at the speed of light before running out of the store with it, throwing the money on the counter as I dash.
Later that night I lock myself in the bathroom and sit on the toilet seat, reading the instructions on the box with a permanently magenta-stained face.
I'll never be able to face Hojo, Eri, Ayumi, and Yuki again. . .
I sigh and shake my head.
Oh well.
Now. . .
According to this. . .
If it turns up pink, I'm pregnant.
If it's blue, I'm not.
If it's green, it's too early to tell.
Simple enough.
Well. . .
Here I go.
After waiting a few minutes, I decide the test should be `graded' by now.
Carefully pulling the stick out of the urine-filled cup, I close my eyes and try to calm my churning stomach.
I'm surprised at how afraid I am.
I've faced countless demons and evil spirits, yet I can't even get through a pregnancy test without fear!
But I have to say-
I'm not afraid of whether or not I'm pregnant-
I'm afraid that, if I am, Inu-Yasha will be mad at me. . .
Taking a steadying breath, I slowly open my eyes. . .
"Kagome. . .?"
I jump slightly from my place in the bathroom.
It's Inu-Yasha.
Flushing the stick down the toilet along with the contents of the cup, I quickly wash my hands and run into my bedroom. There I find Inu-Yasha on all fours, smack in the center of the room, trying to sniff me out by my scent.
It would have been cute if I hadn't been so afraid.
"Inu-chan," I smile nervously, fiddling with my hands.
"Are you ready to go, Kagome?" he asks, getting to his feet and crossing his arms with one eyebrow cocked. "You promised you'd come home tonight."
I'm slightly surprised he doesn't mention the ramen, but who the hell cares at a time like this?
Well. . .
Might as well tell him now. . .
Sucking in a deep breath, I take a seat on the edge of my bed and pat the space next to me, indicating he should sit also.
He does so, looking confused.
"Inu-Yasha," I begin slowly. "I- I- um. . ."
What a time to get tongue tied!
He watches me calmly, though he seems to slowly be getting annoyed as I stumble over words.
"Yes. . .?" he prompts.
"I- I-," I swallow. "I- I don't want you to be mad!" I sob, flinging myself into his chest and clinging to his neck, crying into his haori.
After a surprised, awkward moment, my hanyou slowly wraps his arms around me.
"Why would I be mad?" he questions. "Wait. . . are you telling me. . . "
I hold my breath.
"That you can't come home because of those fuckin' tests again?!"
Had this been a manga like Neko-Sakura, I probably would have sweatdropped.
"That's it, isn't it?!" he growls.
Sighing, I push myself away from him and clear my face of tears.
"No, that's not it," I whisper, sniffing.
He stops his angry ranting to stare at me in confusion. "No?"
"Then what is it?!"
". . ."
". . ."
"God damn it, Kagome, spit it out all rea-!"
"I'm pregnant."
A long silence suddenly passes over us.
It's like someone dropped a thick, woolen blanket over our heads that blocked out all sound.
Please don't be angry with me, Inu-chan. . .
I begin fiddling with my hands again, waiting for him to say something-
Do something-
But no. . .
We just sit in that same, woolen silence. . .
I'm about to ask if he even heard me when he finally speaks.
"Are you. . ." he murmurs, his eyes hidden by his hair as he keeps his gaze on the ground.
He sounds so sad. . .
"Mad at me. . .?"
I blink.
Out of everything and anything- that was the very last thing I expected him to say.
Another, slightly shorter span of silence passes between us.
"Are. . . are you mad at me?" he repeats, looking slowly up at me, his amber orbs wide.
He seems so venerable. . .
"O-Of course I'm not!" I gasp in surprise, grabbing his hand and squeezing it reassuringly in mine. "I- I thought you'd be mad at me!"
"Why would I be mad at you?" He cocks his head in confusion, his brow furrowed.
I blink again.
Um. . .
"I- I dunno. . ."
A third silence covers us as we continue to hold each other's hands.
"So. . ." he begins softly, curling and uncurling his toes nervously.
"Um. . . you don't mind?"
"Why would I mind?" I question, raising an eyebrow.
"Your `skool'. . . your age. . ."
I admit, he has a point.
But going back to Neko and Sakura fanfiction-
Why would they do it if they weren't prepared for the consequences?
Same thing here.
If our consequence for `that night' is a little Inu-Yasha running around- I don't mind!
"I'll work it out."
"I can help. . ." he offers, though we both know there isn't much he can do to help in my time.
Still, the thought is all that counts.
"Thanks," I beam, scooting a little closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder.
"So. . . we're both okay with this?" he asks, giving my hand a gently squeeze.
"Yup," I smile, closing my eyes as he kisses my forehead.
You know, I think we need to have these heart to hearts more often. Inu-chan can be such a sweeti-
"Um, Kagome?" his nervous voice breaks through my thoughts.
"Mm?" I reply cheerfully.
"Have you. . . er. . . told your mother yet?"
My eyes snap open.
Ah shit.
^_^ There you go, they both know Kag is preggo.
Now will the two (or three, if you're counting the pup) of them service Kagome's mama finding out?
Please R&R!
Ja ne!
PS. Yeah, yeah, once again- probably rushing the pregnancy thing. But also once again- the baby's