InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eien Ni Nakunatta Shunkan: A Moment Lost Forever ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 17 )
Arghh! So sorry about the LONG delay! Sorry I didn't take time to respond to reviews this time, but BELIEVE me, I REALLY, REALLY appreciate them ALL. It's SO nice to hear what you guys think!
But maybe you'll all be LESS mad at me if I mentioned there's some very preliminary naughtiness towards the end of this chapter?!
Anyway, please don't hold your breath for the next mini-installment. I've written myself into a tight spot where obviously it appears that a bit o' romance is about to occur and as I've never put anything like that on `paper' --- OYE. So I'm sure I'll be angsting over what sounds right. Hmmm. What to do?
Guess I'll shut up now!
THANK YOU NOTOES (So glad everything's okay! No -thank you for YOUR support!) AND MANON LE CHAT (I know that out-of-character leap thing is really a pain! Mr. Killing Life Cycle in the striptease --- ha, ha!)!!!
Chapter 16: Kettei
As soon as Rin had marched somberly away with a still rather perplexed Jaken trailing at her heels, Sesshoumaru felt the sudden urge to abandon the shiro again.
The taiyoukai desperately needed time alone with his thoughts. He NEEDED to come up with a solution to this one momentous, looming, and utterly life-altering decision.
He needed to make the choice that he could no longer afford to avoid ---
He simply had to settle Rin's fate once and for all. Right now. Today.
The wavering and hesitancy had dragged on long enough, and, for all their sakes, he had to pronounce some sort of judgment. This whole damn experience had been entirely maddening --- not to mention completely at odds with the very nature of his character.
He had NEVER been the type to allow anything to provoke him for so long. If something caused him irritation, if something defied him or stood in the way of his plans --- IT DIED, plain and simple. In all his long life, in fact, there only seemed to be three creatures that had managed to remain exceptions to this one rule: Rin herself, of course; the foul, cowardly Naraku; and Inuyasha --- but that was merely because he simply hadn't gotten around to killing the half-breed yet, he amended quickly.
Once again, his instincts clamored for violent exploits and the diversion of battle. But it would not be that straightforward or easy this time. The only thing he could pick on HERE was Jaken, and he wasn't in the mood, especially considering the toad's recent triumph in carrying out his orders.
But the taiyoukai was equally certain he would find no worthy opponent to ease his building aggression on the plains of the Western Lands either --- he had been quite thorough and merciless when he had scoured his domain for possible threats a month ago. No, there would be no distractions or delays this time, and he would have to work through this alone.
Well, maybe not entirely alone.
With long, purposeful strides, he made his way swiftly to the large outbuilding that served as Aun's stable, scowling as he marched through the large double doors.
At the unexpected sight of Sesshoumaru, the weary dragon bolted instantly back to his feet, seeming just as confounded and confused at his master's behavior as Jaken had been a moment before.
The taiyoukai murmured a soft greeting in a small attempt to calm him, and turned hurriedly to reach for the creature's matching bridles.
The dragon's exhaustion was forgotten instantly, and he could hardly stop dancing around the wide stable corridor as the taiyoukai struggled unsuccessfully to outfit him back into his tack.
Growling in annoyance, Sesshoumaru lowered the bridles to rub absently at the creature's scaly withers. It wasn't long until those twin heads drooped in sheer bliss, and Aun made ridiculous grimaces of pure delight as his master's strong fingers instantly sought out and found all of his favorite itch spots. The beast settled into a peaceful stupor, his long tail lashing in happiness.
With a sharp pang of guilt and remorse, Sesshoumaru made a mental note to seek the poor animal out more often. It had been far too long since he had lavished this manner of undivided attention on the dragon himself. Over the years, Rin had come to assume primary responsibility for Aun's care, and, in the course of her absence over the past few months, he had done nothing to ease his mount's obvious boredom and loneliness.
By the time he finally adjusted the braided leather headstall behind the last pair of Aun' tufted ears, the beast was trembling with equal measures of enthusiasm and great impatience. The two individual heads bared their needle-like teeth and snapped at one another in their jealously to secure their master's entire attention.
Sesshoumaru shook his head at their bizarre antics, and reached back to grasp the richly detailed saddle and breastplate next. He paused in momentary indecision and then realized he needn't bother with it at all. The taiyoukai was in far too impatient of a mood, and had no desire to deal with the many cinches and girths, or the annoying, constant flap and noise of the trailing saddle skirts. He didn't really need those cumbersome trappings anyway.
In one smooth, fluid motion, he was astride Aun's russet-scaled back. The dragon needed no further urging at all, and lumbered through the wide stable doors, scrambling to take to the sky.
Aun loped steadily through the air, the many fittings and buckles of his bridles jingling faintly. The soft silk of the reins and long tendrils of the taiyoukai's silvery hair whipped back in the rushing wind, and Sesshoumaru sighed as a familiar rush of adrenaline assailed him at once.
He had been thinking about this for days now, after all. All those hushed talks with Rin in the tranquil, quiet hours of early dawn had rekindled some of his old boyhood memories. Memories of just how easy and carefree life had been all those hundreds of years ago ---
His life, or rather, how his life had been back in a time when all that had driven his actions was a love of adventure and exploration --- not the lust for power and control that prevailed so deeply and weighed so heavily on him these days.
Aun let out a deep, contented rumble, and Sesshoumaru gave him a fond slap on the shoulder, suddenly recalling how the dragon had been given to him --- an incredible gift, presented in an even MORE incredible show of faith from his esteemed father.
He had been no more than a pup when he had taken the powerful creature into his care. Tending to and taming the unique, unusual beast had been his first real test of responsibility, and his first chance to prove himself in the eyes of his honored parents. The countless hours spent on Aun's back had given him his first taste of independence, and the dragon's great speed had allowed him to accompany Chichiue and Hahaue as they swiftly glided along the borders in their patrols.
Still rather pleased that he had so dutifully met their expectations and had not disappointed their deep confidence and trust, he allowed himself a small smile now. He could remember parading Aun proudly under their window, showing off the creature's gleaming hide and meek behavior, as he demanded a chance to spend a few days away from the shiro touring and guarding the lands by himself. Sesshoumaru scowled at the callow foolishness of his youth, recalling his carefully rehearsed arguments and his rather undignified pleading.
Gods, he had always been a rather overly proud, overly serious, and overly haughty thing, hadn't he? Always trying to play sentinel and protector over the West despite being far too young, naive and relatively powerless. With a clipped laugh, the taiyoukai realized that he would never allow a pup of his own to go wandering off so immature, prideful and inexperienced as he had once been.
Aun's ears pricked back in surprise at Sesshoumaru's small chuckle. The creature perceived the demon lord's unusually light temper and strangely high spirits, and his twin muzzles simultaneously released identical snorts of mischief. Without warning, the playful dragon reared up and dove wildly through the sky, seeking to provide his master with enough excitement to suit his present mood.
Sesshoumaru merely smirked sarcastically at his mount's clear and obvious challenge --- Aun hadn't been able to throw him since he was a mere boy. He reacted to the dragon's blatant test of his skills with his usual bored indifference, simply gripping tighter with his knees, daring the creature to try to unbalance him.
Several invigorating moments later, after granting him an exhilarating, twisting race along the breakers (and a bucking headlong-rush that careened dangerously close to the cliffs), Aun settled back down with a whining grumble of admitted defeat.
Sesshoumaru remained unruffled and unfazed, and smugly offered the dragon another fond slap for his trouble and efforts. Together, the pair glided along the shore for awhile, mostly just to regain their breaths. When they reached the very end of the long, white beach, they spiraled easily upward along the sheer rock face and out over the rolling dunes.
The taiyoukai guided his mount further west, cutting swiftly across the now snow-scattered meadows. It had been forever since he had just simply traveled the borders of his own lands for the sheer pleasure of it. He stared down and surveyed the all-too-familiar landscape, quietly taking in fragments of the majestic scenery all around him. His lands --- everything stretching from the sea to the lonely purple mountains looming in the distance.
He urged Aun forward again with a click of his tongue, setting the creature circling faster through the sky.
Below him, the entire territory was teeming with wildlife. Plump, flighty hares, shuffling boars and sleek red deer all crept timidly along the edges of the fields, seeking to fatten up before the first deep lingering cold of winter finally arrived.
Though he could tell another storm was fast approaching, at the moment everything was perfect --- the sun was bright, the sky was that keen azure that could only be seen on these crisp fall days, and the wind whistled briskly through the cypress trees. Despite having traveled a fair distance, his sensitive ears could still make out the gulls calling raucously from the beach in noisy crescendo, and he suddenly wondered what silly topic Rin and Jaken were doubtlessly arguing about at this very moment.
He didn't have long to ponder on those thoughts, however, as a pair of fat does made the fatal mistake of racing across his path. Within seconds, he was off Aun's back, instinctively streaking after them in feral pursuit.
With a quick snap of his wrist and one crack of his whip, it was all over --- both animals were brought down instantly, even before they had the slightest chance to perceive that danger and death were lurking silently above them. The demon felt his heart race in excitement --- he had forgotten how much fun it was to simply hunt game, rather than track down and struggle with bitter adversaries. Sesshoumaru swiftly gutted the deer and threw the unfortunate animals hastily over Aun's shoulder. Cleaning and butchering the carcasses was a menial task he would reserve for Jaken.
His golden eyes gleamed as he cast an appreciative glance over his kill; Rin would most certainly be equally pleased with his prowess. No doubt she was tired of eating all those damn dried, flavorless grains at the shiro.
The taiyoukai chose to walk silently at Aun's side now. Together they crested the summit of a steep hill, and stared out over the vast plains, surrounded on two sides by forests as far as the eye could see. Sesshoumaru studied the distant, stretching terrain as the rather unconcerned dragon bent his heads to nibble at a tuft of sedges.
His thoughts turned to Rin yet again, and he suddenly found himself wishing he had invited the girl. A faint feeling of pride built inside him as he realized she'd no doubt be just as awed with this incredible view as he was. No more than a second later those peaceful thoughts were chased away by a small pang of guilt --- yes, he SHOULD have invited Rin. Despite lavishing the girl with presents, he HAD been rather rude and dismissive of her in front of Jaken.
He growled. It was time to get this over with. It was time to grudgingly admit the truth.
He wanted the girl to remain with him, yes, but some memories were too deeply rooted inside him. He had carried far too many prejudices and burdens for so many long centuries now, and perhaps no amount of reconsideration would change them. He always held displays of emotion in contempt --- but --- but --- whatever emotion he was building for Rin was different, and not so easily named.
Or maybe it was easy to name, and he just didn't care to accept it? Was this --- love?
The great youkai couldn't be sure, and shuddered reflexively at the very mention of that awful word. He had never quite imagined such a disastrous feeling or emotion wresting control of his ordered and logical mind. But if what he was currently feeling WAS love --- was it really such a horrible disaster after all?
Both Chichiue and, much as he hated to admit it, that pathetic whelp Inuyasha had become stronger as a result of their strange devotion to their human women. They had become more focused, more powerful only after they had pledged their lives and souls to protecting the life of another.
Unconsciously, he reached out to stroke the too-pale skin of his still slightly-aching left arm. Hadn't he born witness to that fact himself? Inuyasha had most definitely only been able to defeat him all those years ago because he had been fighting to save the life of that wretched, simpering, ridiculous little human miko in Father's tomb.
Fucking miko.
He sullenly returned to focusing on his father and half-brother again, forcing himself to remember that their great loves also brought about their ultimate disgrace --- and their eventual fall.
True, Inuyasha's current fate remained to be seen, but his one love, his first love, had ended in a tragic catastrophe. What if a similar doom were to happen between himself and Rin? He had countless enemies, and she had been used against him many times in the past. He bristled angrily, suddenly remembering her as a little girl struggling helplessly in the clutches of Suikotsu, with those wicked blades pressed into her throat --- her shaky, pleading cries for him to be careful as Jakotsu attempted to herd him past Hakureizan's holy barrier ---
He tore at the soft ground, remembering how it had been equally gratifying to plunge his claws into that swaggering, strutting okama's chest.
As quickly as he settled on the pleasing memory of maiming one human, another thought interrupted to nag at his conscience. What if he claimed Rin only to discover that he couldn't let go of his hate for her kind --- what if they were too damn different after all? Could he stand her accusing, condemning eyes focused upon him, full of the same emptiness and loathing as that dead woman Kikyo held for his half-brother?
Condemning? Accusing? Could HIS little Rin ever hate him? The girl loved him already, of that fact he was sure. He did not need to hear her words --- one only had to look in her eyes to see the truth.
But there was so much more to Rin, and he realized he would be sitting upon this hill all night if he tried to summarize every one of her appealing qualities. How could he ever let anything --- even his disdain of humankind --- blind him to her charms?
Despite this new connection between them, despite this tie to his youki, the fact remained that she was still merely human. Merely human? Somewhat human? Just what the hell was she now --- he was so confused.
And yet it was simple --- some accident of fate had put them together and now --- and now he just couldn't be without her.
But why?
Rin had truly come to mean so much to him --- she had become a necessary, integral part of his life, though whether or not that was a favorable development still remained to be seen.
Longing for something --- someone --- against all reason and pride --- what WAS that? Please don't call it `love' again, he scoffed miserably.
With another shudder, he suddenly remembered Hahaue's death. Her selfless act of sacrifice.
Maybe --- maybe love did not have to mean weak, pathetic or cloyingly sweet. Perhaps it merely meant caring about another's life more than your own? He shifted uncomfortably. Weren't those Father's very same words, now reached as a conclusion in his own mind?
He truly was a fool.
Sesshoumaru sighed. By the time the moon rose, one way or another, he would have his answer.
Kagura's breath caught as she stared nervously down a steep, spiraling staircase. Her ruby eyes narrowed in suspicion, and she shot Kanna a scathing look.
"You must be joking, right?" she hissed, gesturing into the sinister depths. "You can't honestly expect me to be stupid enough to go down there!"
Kanna did not reply, but merely shrugged her shoulders and continued to pace slowly down the crumbling, ancient steps.
Feeling more than a little sick, Kagura paused nervously. The foul smell of death and decay was all around her, and the air was unnaturally still and stiflingly hot. That black, forbidding staircase seemed to go on for miles, as if it was a pathway that led straight down to the deepest pit of hell. With everything she knew about her evil master --- with all she knew about Naraku's black schemes and even blacker heart --- she wouldn't be surprised if it WAS hell that truly awaited her at the bottom.
She bit her lip in indecision. She had come this far, she reasoned. If her master was presently holed up here, she couldn't turn back now.
Steeling herself for the worst, Kagura slowly proceeded behind her smaller `sibling', careful to place her feet only where Kanna had already tread. She had to abandon that cautious plan rather quickly, however, for when she looked too far below, she simply became too damn dizzy and disoriented. The wind-witch couldn't help but notice that the stairs were shifting somehow. It was barely perceptible; they weren't exactly moving really --- it was more like a melting or a fading.
And then there were the bleak, shadowy doors --- she didn't want to look at them either. Every once in awhile, one would appear suddenly to branch off of the cool rock wall, just beckoning to be opened and explored. Some seemed to offer the promise of escape. With others, there seemed little doubt that only death awaited on the other side.
She had to stop watching Kanna's progress altogether, and instead concentrated solely on her own toes. Kagura forced herself to proceed downward, pressing her fingers to her belly to control her raging nausea.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, they reached the base of the steps, and the demoness found herself in an empty, vaulted and completely freezing cavern. She stared back up at the staircase to try and note her bearings should she have to flee. With a gasp of alarm, she realized it was gone ---- and in its place there was now a seemingly endless hallway. How the hell would she get out of here if everything kept changing and shifting?
"Kanna --- is this --- are you doing this?" Kagura spat uneasily.
There was a small pause before the pallid creature breathily responded, "This is Nothing, no more than a Void. This is my home."
The smell of death was even more pronounced down here, and there was tremendous jyaki all around her. She could taste a very familiar malevolent power with every breath she drew in.
Naraku was most definitely here.
Another tiny gleam of white instantly caught her attention as it contrasted dramatically from the gloom of the suffocating shadows. Kagura advanced upon it warily, scowling when she heard an all-too-familiar, mocking little voice. An utterly vicious, mocking little voice --- Hakudoushi.
"Ahhh, Kagura --- O-hisashiburi. It's been awhile, has it not?" he murmured sweetly, though his cruel look remained derisive as ever.
Damn --- though he appeared to be no more than a child, there was nothing innocent or pure about this little boy. Those calculating, pale violet eyes contained just as much warmth as one could expect to see in a viper's cold stare.
"What the hell are YOU doing here?" she snapped. "Surely you haven't gotten tired of collecting heads?"
Kagura glowered down upon him, squaring her shoulders in agitation. The demoness very wisely kept her eyes trained on the sharp edge of his gleaming pike; she didn't trust this little monster as far as she could kick him. She had seen him murder far too many others --- youkai and human alike, it was all the same to him. He killed them all without mercy and always while wearing the same pleasant little grin he sported now.
Hakudoushi's smile broadened, as he seemed to be assessing and appraising her as well. "I'm surprised you have the courage to crawl back, Kagura --- we know you've failed us again," he sighed, his voice dripping with dismissive boredom.
"Of course I had to come back, fool! YOU or NARAKU --- or --- or just WHATEVER the hell you two are --- don't leave me much of a choice, do you!?" Kagura hissed, spitting at his toes. "And spare me the criticism --- you haven't scored any great victories either, as far as I can tell. Honestly, just hiding here, cringing in this dark, this chaos."
Hakudoushi's eyebrows arched benignly, and he seemed content to let her have the last word --- for now. He moved to sit on a low stone bench that seemed to rise up and materialize from the very shadows of the floor of the cavern. The demon boy leaned back comfortably, seeming as bored and indolent as any aging king propped on his throne. "Yes," he intoned again. "WE are very disappointed with you, Kagura."
The demoness felt all of the jyaki shift around her menacingly, and her fists clenched reflexively as Hakudoushi's voice suddenly blended into its deeper, richer sounding counterpart.
Kagura whirled around the instant she felt warm, sultry breath tickling against her pointy ear.
She had rounded on her true master --- spinning and squinting in the pervasive darkness just in time to see him slowly pull back a wicked claw that had been far, far too close to her throat.
Kagura instantly dropped to the floor, every muscle tensed and ready to spring at a moment's notice. She dragged her fan up in hasty self-defense ---
But Naraku merely laughed at her delayed reaction. "Pitiful, Kagura, absolutely pitiful," he whispered, casting her an oily smile. "You realize, of course, I could have killed you ten times over since you first slithered back into my presence."
He moved to Hakudoushi and patted the child on his fair lavender hair, as if he were greeting a favorite dog.
"You are becoming very sloppy, Kagura," he added casually, over his shoulder. "Now I understand how that mangy wolf managed to defeat you."
"We are getting impatient!" Hakudoushi interrupted with a whine, kicking irritably at the rocks. "We are tired of staying down here!"
"Not to worry," Naraku answered. His slippery smile most certainly did not reach his eyes. "In fact, this Naraku has an interesting task specifically prepared with you in mind. I'm sure you'll find it --- amusing."
The evil child leaned forward eagerly, small hands flexing in their already too-tight grip on his pike. Hakudoushi was forever intrigued by the prospect of carrying out Naraku's ever violent, sadistic orders.
The half-demon did not disappoint.
"It's time for you to collect someone for me. He'll fight --- of that I have no doubts, but ---" Naraku eyed Hakudoushi with pride, "luckily, I have every confidence in your abilities." He paused in delivering his assignment to throw Kagura an especially scornful look.
"But you, my lovely, willful little traitor. What shall we do with you?"
"Kill her! Kill her!" snapped Hakudoushi, enthusiastically leaping from the shadows. His amethyst eyes were aglow at the very prospect of slaughter. "Here --- I'll do it for you!"
"Hush now," Naraku droned. "There are plenty of other victims all waiting for you."
The small demon sighed contentedly, and went back to reclining among the stones, his mind already filled with wondrous plans for destruction --- and the wide array of murder and mayhem he could unleash.
Naraku turned his attention squarely on Kagura again. "But what to do with you?" he repeated, tapping his finger on his chin. She scowled at him insolently.
"I suppose I should count myself fortunate that I have more obedient servants than you, ones who seldom disappoint --- or at least I thought so," the half-demon mocked sarcastically.
He suddenly fixed Kanna with an equally critical, dangerous gaze. "Why did you not wait where I had instructed? You risk inviting my enemies to this place before this Naraku is fully ready to receive them."
Kanna threw her master an unruffled and entirely bland look, and gestured calmly to her mirror. Naraku gazed down in interest. Despite his words to the contrary, he knew the deathly pale little creature would never disobey him without good cause.
"We returned because we saw that child," Kanna stated in her dry and emotionless monotone.
Naraku frowned in confusion. "What child?"
The demoness stayed eerily silent, only rousing Naraku's curiosity further.
"Kanna, my sweet," he murmured in fascination, as the glass of the mirror began to gleam. "What have you brought this Naraku?"
Once again, Kanna did not reply, but dutifully angled the captured reflection a little higher for Naraku's inspection.
Kagura's eyes narrowed in disgust. If she didn't know better, she might actually think the pasty little demoness looked proud. The wind-sorceress squinted into the glass, shielding her ruby eyes against the ghostly light that poured forth. There it was again --- that strange, uncanny vision of that stubborn little human girl, Rin, together with her taiyoukai.
Naraku frowned at the puzzling image: Sesshoumaru and the wide-eyed, useless little brat that was always following in his wake? Did that interfering, overconfident bastard attack his minions yet again, and thwart another of his well-laid plans?
He growled angrily. "SO --- would I be correct to assume that this haughty, self-glorifying, arrogant youkai has once again taken his pleasure in meddling with this Naraku's intricate strategies?"
But Kanna's next words were truly thoroughly baffling. "No, Master. We only came across the girl --- the youkai lord was not there with her."
She paused to draw a rattling breath. "You know my powers, Master --- after all, you are the one that graciously granted them to me. This mirror merely shows her soul. Her human soul. And it is clearly tied to that demon."
Kagura backed up automatically as Naraku did something she never would have expected: he blinked somewhat slowly in utter mystification, his head inclining one way and the other, clearly lost in deep thought and deliberation --- as if he could not really believe his eyes.
"Tell me, where is this child now?" he asked with feigned kindness, reaching out to almost lovingly drag a sharp claw across Rin's faded reflection.
"She escaped us, Master."
"You say the taiyoukai was NOT with her, and yet you were unable to subdue a mere slip of a human girl?" Naraku's sugary tone had faded to be replaced with a more violent edge.
Kagura took a deep breath, and backed up a few more steps --- this was it.
"Kagura allowed this girl to get away before I had time to fully examine the connection, my Master," Kanna rasped. Her words were delivered without feeling or emotion; she seemed thoroughly unaware and oblivious to the fact that she might have just issued her `sister's' death sentence.
At first, the full implications of Kanna's words appeared lost on the evil hanyou. "That insignificant little girl," he mused with equal parts of wonder and disbelief, completely unable to mask his interest, "is somehow tied to Sesshoumaru?!"
Naraku marched away in building agitation, voicing some of his thoughts as he paced. "A connection. I don't believe it," the half-demon sighed with a smile. "For years, this Naraku has sought that arrogant dog's power, only to have every attempt repelled. And all this time, the very instrument for attaining it has been so close --- why, even right within my very own grasp so, SO many times."
He quickly turned back to regard Kagura --- his rather wayward and errant incarnation --- coldly. "You ---" he grated, raising his claws threateningly.
All along, Kagura had thought she was prepared to fight --- but the sudden speed and ferocity of Naraku's brutal attack stunned her. In an incomprehensible eruption of power, his form suddenly ripped into a thousand different directions at once.
"Fujin no Maiiiii!!" she screamed in retaliation, sending out a shockwave of energy into his suddenly towering and twisting form.
She realized too late it was the wrong thing to do. The pieces of sickly grey flesh that tore and split from that rotting, putrid mass under her sharp blades of air rained down all about her. Within seconds, she was surrounded, rendered helpless and trapped. She couldn't breathe in the sudden choking mist of rancid shouki.
Her next scream was not defiant at all --- it was more of a wail of helpless terror than a battle cry. Kagura clawed desperately for her freedom and continued to try to resist bravely, but that crushing, constricting weight was all around her. She felt like a little fly trapped in a spider's web. Dimly, she remembered the markings marring her back and realized her quick analogy was probably much closer to the truth than even she cared to imagine.
She knew what her fate was to be --- hell, Naraku had threatened this very end for her on occasions too numerous to count. She KNEW what happened after Naraku caught some unlucky youkai in his tangled, jumbled coils --- she had seen it too many times before.
After all these years of combat and conflict, she thought she had developed a real understanding of the true meaning of pain. But nothing the wind-witch had ever experienced could have prepared her for this. She was in agony, the torture and torment intensifying to a roaring, excruciating burn the likes of which she'd never known.
Kagura remembered that she had once pompously declared she wouldn't fall without a fight. She even recalled she had once sworn that she would nobly accept her own demise --- that death would be preferable to being a mere slave. All her noble vows of rebelliousness and insubordination were gone the moment she felt a second terrible blaze of Naraku's jyaki slash through her.
Within seconds, she felt her mind become frozen, numb and utterly vacant. Her ideas, her knowledge and her experiences unraveled; everything seemed to be drawn into her chest, to be pulled steadily from her body. Her memories, her wants, her wishes, her dreams, her desires --- they began to vanish from her consciousness, dragged from her mind just as surely and indisputably as her youki was being drained from her body.
With revulsion, she realized the longer these unbearable moments dragged on, the piercing sensations actually began to feel ---
Good --- pleasurable even.
Her heart seemed to drum in time with Naraku's in a slow rhythm that felt so soothing, so welcoming. She seemed to need to hear that dull thud just to remind herself to take in a breath of her own.
Wait a minute. Her head jerked up and her power flared in some last-ditch instinct for survival. She screamed again as she abruptly remembered what was happening to her. She was returning to Naraku's flesh, merging with her Master.
"Oh gods!! Son of a bitch!!" she wailed, all her former arrogance and pride forgotten as that pull intensified. She was right --- she HAD walked into hell! No, she moaned, focusing what was left of herself on one last futile attempt at resistance. You have to get him out of your head. You have to fight this. Remember Kohaku --- if he can escape, maybe ---
High above her, Naraku suddenly burst out laughing --- a deep, bitter and wholly evil sound.
"Oh Kagura, tell me you're not still dreaming of running away, my love? Did you honestly think Kohaku got away from me?!" the half-demon seethed in wicked delight. "Did that pitiful boy's escape inspire you? Does his freedom give you hope? Foolish woman --- you have spent too much time around Inuyasha and his pathetic companions!"
Kagura groaned weakly in disgust --- Naraku was in her very mind, and clearly seemed to be able to read her every thought. With a bitter sob, she suddenly realized he probably could have read them all along.
"Come now, Kagura!" Naraku continued mercilessly, and the truth of his words hurt just as horribly as the insufferable pain in her defeated body. "I let the boy go! He didn't break away from this Naraku --- he was dispatched! Even now he is my spy! And the best part is that he isn't even aware of it!"
Kagura cringed as that next round of mocking laughter echoed within her skull just as it reverberated throughout the hideous darkness of this seemingly endless room. "Everyday, Kohaku gathers more and more information about the hanyou and his followers --- discovering their every weakness!"
Tears built in Kagura's crimson eyes, and, at the moment, she did not have the composure or the willpower to hide them.
"Simply marvelous!" Hakudoushi suddenly crowed, swaggering in for a closer look. He still maintained an air of watchfulness, minding his distance somewhat and keeping a fair space between himself and those steadily pulsing coils. "Do that again!" he cried. "Naraku, look at her tears! Look at her face --- she DID truly believe Kohaku got away from us!"
Kagura turned away in shame and humiliation, praying it would all end soon. She tried to remember the feeling of a cool breeze against her face, but found the memory of the sensation had been drawn from her mind.
"Mou owari da ---" she murmured in despair.
The moment she uttered those words, completely resigning herself to the inevitability of death and defeat, the winding coils withdrew. The hideous assault was abruptly ended.
Kagura collapsed to the floor and closed her eyes tightly, trying not to focus on the frightful sight and scent of her smoldering and peeling skin. Before she could gulp down a full, panting breath, Naraku knelt before her and dragged her painfully to her knees by her short, matted hair. The wind-witch whimpered and desperately tried to wrap her burned fingers around his wrist to force his grip loose.
"It seems you owe that little ningen girl another debt, my dear Kagura. She has just saved your life yet AGAIN. For at the moment, I am more interested in meeting HER than in putting you out of your misery."
Naraku leered down upon her, his breath as fast and erratic as her own as he struggled to contain his feral pleasure and excitement. The corners of his mouth twitched, pulling back over a row of gleaming teeth to form the most frightening and appalling smile she ever had the misfortune to see. Kagura turned away, completely unable to stop the deep tremors of fear that wracked her fatigued and broken body.
The evil hanyou continued to smile wickedly down upon her. "Yes, I want that little girl," he stated ominously. "After all, this Naraku would benefit more from absorbing her master's power than yours, Kagura!"
At a sudden flash of cold steel, Naraku glanced upwards to see his child-like bunshin gleefully prod the wind-sorceress with his pike.
"Hakudoushi," he snapped, interrupting the demon-child's play. "Please extend Kohaku our warmest wishes and go welcome our wayward boy back into the fold. I have a new assignment for him as well."
"And the half-breed?" Hakudoushi sneered maliciously. "When I collect Kohaku, can I collect Inuyasha's head too?"
Naraku shook his head slowly, and his small incarnation looked profoundly disappointed, frowning in obvious dissatisfaction. "Not even the ears?"
Undeterred by the negative reply or the scowl his master now threw him, Hakudoushi brightened slightly a few seconds later. "If not Inuyasha --- his head OR his ears --- how about his bitch then? Can I kill her instead?"
"Not at the present, I'm afraid," Naraku murmured icily as he unceremoniously released Kagura from his crushing grip. He watched in cruel pleasure as the she fell limply back to the cold ground. "After all, we have other plans for them."
With a curt nod, he stepped over Kagura's battered form. The demoness lay shaking and beaten, thoroughly unable to control her sobs.
Rin walked cautiously from her chamber. The measured cadence of her pace had absolutely nothing to do with any lingering fear or shy reserve at confronting her master --- the simple fact was that it was just too damn difficult to move in her elaborate, heavy new kimono.
Even though her mobility was somewhat hindered, there was at least one thing she could be slightly thankful for: she had discovered rather quickly that her elegant, formal outfit forced her to assume a much more regal and dignified posture. So, at least outwardly she appeared more confident than she really felt within her own heart, she reasoned optimistically.
She wandered the halls aimlessly, feeling increasingly self-conscious and ill at ease with every long, lonely minute that passed. Where did everyone disappear too? Where did Sesshoumaru-sama go?!
She turned into the familiar corridor leading to his room, only to find the shoji-screen still ajar --- just as she had left it when she had bolted from this chamber no more than an hour ago. A quick, cautious peek past the darkened doorway revealed that her master was not currently within. She stood at the threshold in momentary indecision. Was it still acceptable for her to just enter uninvited to simply await his return?
No, she shook her head forlornly, it most certainly wasn't. Rin remembered all those times she had crept to this doorway when her adolescent fears became too great. Her chest tightened as she recalled the looks of stern reproach the taiyoukai would cast her when he nudged her awake in the morning. No, it simply wasn't seemly or proper for her to loiter shamelessly outside his bedchamber. She straightened her shoulders again and marched away quickly before anyone should see that she had lingered here.
Rin back-tracked her steps, and returned to settle patiently in the genkan. Every hallway, whether great or narrow, intersected with this main room, and Sesshoumaru-sama would have to move past her eventually. She brushed her trailing bangs out of her face and moved to sit on one of the wide steps leading up to the spacious dais, her chin resting in her small hands.
Jaken was the first to shuffle by, muttering irritably under his breath as he busied himself with some pointless task. He blinked when he spotted Rin, seeming somewhat pleased to see her out and about. The grumbling toad came to sit beside her, his chore momentarily forgotten. His blunt claws gestured inattentively over her lovely new gown and he fixed her with a look of mild apology.
"This Jaken was wrong, jo-chan," he muttered sheepishly.
"Hmmm?" she murmured absently in return. Her hazel eyes remained fixed on her current watch and she peered expectantly down the corridors for any sign of the taiyoukai.
Jaken frowned as the girl continued to ignore him. "If you're waiting to thank Sesshoumaru-sama, you're wasting your time. The Master's gone."
There --- that got her attention!
"Gone?" Rin blinked. "Gone? But --- but --- he didn't even say goodbye."
Jaken burst out in loud guffaws of laughter.
"Obviously that wretched mutt, Inuyasha, must have hit you on the head one too many times! Ha --- what's the matter with you? Sesshoumaru-sama never says goodbye!"
The cranky demon continued to chortle at her strange sense of humor, shaking his head at her amusing response. Silly ningen girl and her outlandish jokes!
But from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a full glimpse of Rin's stricken expression and focused back on the girl in pure panic. Wait, the silly little baka wasn't laughing; this wasn't one of her inane tricks --- she was truly stunned and disappointed! Genuinely upset!
The toad gaped in confusion, trying to piece this utterly frustrating puzzle together. Sesshoumaru-sama had thrown Rin away, only to compulsively drag her back mere months later --- scarcely a minute's worth of separation in a demon's long life. Why, it was almost as if his lord couldn't bear to be parted from the girl for even the smallest stretch of time! Why else would he go through all the trouble to collect her again?!
With a tiny sigh of relief, Jaken supposed he really should not complain overmuch that Rin was back in his master's care.
In truth, he was actually rather grateful. Not only had he missed the annoying, argumentative girl himself, but Sesshoumaru-sama always seemed calmer, more balanced in her presence. Jaken shuddered, remembering that the taiyoukai's bitter looks and intense mood swings had been truly terrifying to behold after he had sent the young woman away.
But now that she had returned to live with them, it was RIN'S emotions that were clearly scattered, HER moods that were beyond control or prediction. Even now, her eyes were over-bright with unshed tears --- wait a minute --- were they --- did they?
"Orokana mono! What have you done to our great master?! What is happening here? Just what the hell has been going on in my absence?" Jaken shrieked.
"Nothing," Rin murmured, feeling desperately depressed and utterly betrayed. "Apparently nothing has been going on here."
The girl rubbed at her pounding temple, more to shield her eyes from Jaken's intense scrutiny than to soothe the dull ache presently throbbing there. She withdrew into her own dark thoughts as the toad continued to rant at her side.
What was happening indeed? Over the past few days, her master had been acting so differently --- so tender, so caring; she had very nearly seen every girlish fantasy from her childhood come to life. AND Sesshoumaru-sama had said he was going to kiss her; he had held her so gently, so lovingly every night --- but now ---
But now he had taking to brooding on his own again --- certainly not a good sign by any stretch of the imagination.
If the taiyoukai was ashamed or could not acknowledge the subtle change in their deepening relationship in front of Jaken, then how much of a relationship could it really be anyway? If Sesshoumaru-sama would not bend his lofty, untouchable image in front of his most devoted and loyal servant, how would he act in the presence of a more imposing, more powerful demon? The handsome, endearingly haughty youkai had always claimed he did not care what others thought of him --- he had always carried himself like he was better than anyone else. Was he still that embarrassed of her?
Why did he shut her out?
Because Totosai was right, she realized sadly. Because you're still only human, and in Sesshoumaru-sama's eyes, `human' will always be synonymous with `inferior'.
Rin felt her eyes burn. Her master may have declared she wasn't a pet, yet his recent dismissive actions were not leaving her very convinced of the sincerity behind his words.
She did not mean to seem ungrateful, sitting here in his fine ancestral home, lazing about in the fine new clothes he had provided her --- but still, a simple kind word or small smile would have filled her with much greater delight than yards of sweeping fabric or ornaments for her hair.
Rin looked back at Jaken, not at all surprised that he was still raving uncontrollably about her insolence and insubordination. She found herself wishing most desperately that the miko or the demon slayer were here --- gods, any woman would do at this point. She was so terribly confused and in frantic need of some practical female advice.
She briefly debated seeking guidance from the little toad, but came to her senses rather quickly. Rin somehow doubted the enraged, sputtering demon would be very helpful at the moment --- and there was no way she could talk to the little creature about such embarrassing matters of the heart.
Jaken was TOO closely involved in this whole situation anyway. As hurt as she was by Sesshoumaru-sama's insensitive detachment, the reality was she would never betray his confidence by squealing her problems into someone else's ear. Over the past few days, the great taiyoukai had actually begun to unburden his spirit and share both his past recollections and present thoughts with her and ---
And she would do nothing to jeopardize or break his fragile trust.
Rin cast Jaken a wry grin. Besides, she had still never quite recovered from that FIRST long ago lecture she had received from the toad on these more `delicate' romantic matters. She still cringed in embarrassment, remembering his awful, stammering little sermon on --- on --- s-sex. Gods, she did not ever want to endure THAT experience again.
With a sigh, she rose to her feet and politely excused herself, earning another rather angry, yet slightly worried look from Jaken.
Rin headed slowly back to her room --- she would have preferred to stroll through the garden and enjoy the crisp autumn air and sunshine, but this damn dress would severely limit her outdoor activities. She was not usually prone to sulk, but this occasion simply demanded a good pout. And, if she was going to brood and mope around, she might as well mope and accomplish something at the same time --- she decided to organize her large assortment of amazing new presents.
Her mind made up, she glided down the well-appointed hallways, pausing briefly as she passed a large gilded looking-glass hanging on the wall.
She stopped and stared at the strange, stylish girl within the glass. With practiced ease, Rin gathered a large portion of her somewhat unruly bangs, and twisted them into a fashionable loop. She reached into the folds of her robe and pulled out those two dainty beaded combs, and pinned the long section into an elegant knot. With a grin, she stood back and shook her head to set the shimmering strands of pearls cascading through her dark tresses.
Rin gave a small noise of delight. She had suddenly noticed that the lacquered mantle beneath the mirror held a shapely vase brimming with a few more of the azaleas she had plucked from the garden a few days ago. The young woman quickly selected a cluster with white flowers, and snapped off a few of the small branches to fix the delicate blossoms artfully around her crown. There --- flowers. Now she felt more like herself again.
She vowed when this was all over she was going to sleep for at least ten days straight. She reminded herself once more that before Jaken's horrendous little display of bad timing, Sesshoumaru-sama HAD declared he was going to kiss her. `Many times', in fact, he had said. She smiled to herself.
But would he still feel the same when he returned? And how should she remind him of his words? She just didn't understand, and cursed her inexperience. Doubtlessly, a more confident, worldly woman would know exactly how to see this through, while she didn't even know where to begin!
Sesshoumaru-sama was TOO proud, but she was prepared to prove she could comport herself in the same damn dignified, and, yes, slightly pompous manner! Her grin widened mischievously at the strangely rebellious nature of her thoughts. Just as she had on that first night when she had stood shyly before his bed, she reminded herself that this was all a peculiar dance, a bizarre game.
And the next move was very clearly his.
Just because Rin had come to realize that her fate was currently out of her hands, it didn't make the next few hours any easier. Valiantly, she tried to escape her pressing thoughts with boring labor. But as the hours dragged on her tension just got worse and worse ---
The girl spent the better part of the afternoon arranging and rearranging her room, wishing fervently that night would never come, thus sparing her the embarrassment of realizing she'd been cast aside yet again.
Idly, she ran her fingers across the gorgeous silk of her luxuriant new kimono and moved to stare out her small window once more, searching the sky for any sign of her master's return.
This would be so much easier if she didn't love him, she reasoned. It was unbearable actually --- it hurt to care for someone so much and not be confident they shared the same feelings in return.
"Doko ni iru?" she whispered to herself, gazing out at the orange sunset. All those the hours she had spent in his arms, the shy beginnings of conversation --- they could not erase his underlying coldness. Perhaps his heart was truly unreachable, protected by a wall just as imposing and real as the spiky, vicious armor he wore. The demon was scornful of tender sentiment, a complete stranger to affection --- and - and he would never love her.
Oh shut up! Stop whining! she snapped in her own mind for the hundredth time that afternoon.
Rin gave an impatient huff, ceased staring at the sea and decided to inspect her beautiful new shamisen instead.
The large musical instrument was rather fascinating indeed. It was crafted of the most fragrant mulberry and sandalwood, polished to a rich gleam with exotic oils. She lowered herself to the floor gracefully and strummed the ivory bachi experimentally across the three strings with great ceremony. The girl instantly dropped the bow and put her hands to her ears, cringing in horror at the simply awful, sour sound she produced. Alright, she mused --- it appeared she would have to practice.
Never one to accept defeat easily, Rin merely moved onto the gekkin next. Surely the smaller, moon-shaped lute would prove easier to deal with --- and more natural to learn. Rin drew her small fingers against the strings and winced at the tuneless racket --- she seemed to be discovering rather quickly that her musical talents appeared restricted to singing.
Gods, she had no idea how to make these silly things sound right.
Rin only glowered at the last instrument --- a shakuhachi, a small bamboo flute. She didn't even want to try it, and pitched the offending thing into the far corner of the room. The flute only reminded her of that poor young hime who had once developed a fondness for Sesshoumaru-sama, to rather disastrous results.
At the moment, Rin did not want to be reminded of former romantic rivals --- no matter how hopeless or doomed their affections had been. After all, the fate of her own relationship with the taiyoukai had not been decided.
To distract herself from the fact that the sun had all but disappeared under the horizon and twilight was upon her, she next moved to sit on the tatami mat with her new calligraphy supplies. She scrawled out a few lines of rather badly composed poetry, soon discovering that she was too preoccupied with the prospect of dripping black ink on the fine material of her fancy robes to think clearly.
She should just take this damn kimono off! But then, of course, Sesshoumaru-sama would probably come home, and then how would she get the cursedly complicated thing back on again!? She pursed her lips thoughtfully --- she did not think she could convince Jaken to play lady's maid again.
The moon was beginning to rise and the storm clouds were building as steadily as her growing agitation, and Rin paced the length of the small room angrily.
She felt cornered and trapped. Make that cornered, trapped and --- hungry? With a groan, she realized her stomach was growling again. She marched angrily off to the kitchens, peering around every door in case she should unexpectedly run into Sesshoumaru-sama.
But, once again, the only creature she found was Jaken. The toad threw her an annoyed look, still angry no doubt that she had chosen not to confide in him earlier this afternoon. Despite his scowl, however, he moved over at once to offer her room at the low table. With an unladylike snort, Rin noticed he had already rediscovered the sake.
"What does that stuff taste like anyway?" she grated, sniffing cautiously at the bottle.
The old toad smiled dreamily, "Like liquid fire! It's one of the only truly marvelous things your kind has ever created!"
Rin eyed him dubiously, but reached out to grab a cup for herself. "Well, it smells simply terrible."
"You're not supposed to care what it smells like!" Jaken snarled defensively.
The girl politely refilled the youkai's cup, and, before she could refuse, he had poured some of the clear, pungent liquid into her own. Rin eyed it carefully. "So --- what do I do now?" she asked nervously, reaching out to take the wide bowl up with hesitant fingers.
Jaken rolled his eyes at her seemingly silly question. "Well, you drink it!" he sneered.
"Jaken-sama," she murmured sweetly in reply. "Did I already tell you today how much you irritate me? I KNOW you drink it, but --- do you gulp it fast or sip it slow?"
Jaken eyed her appraisingly. "Well, one such as you had better swallow it down quick before you lose your nerve!"
"Are you inferring I'm a coward?" she gritted through clenched teeth, slapping her hand on the table petulantly.
"Never!" Jaken sniggered. He suddenly seemed a bit too suspiciously obliging and cooperative. "Okay now, hold it like this," he instructed, demonstrating the proper way to hold the bowl. Rin watched wide-eyed, studying and imitating his motions earnestly.
"Now --- one, two, three, Kanpai!" With his little shout of triumph, Jaken drained the contents in one gulp.
Rin shrugged. "Kanpai!!" she shouted with noticeably far less enthusiasm and fervor than the little youkai. The girl sputtered and choked as the scorching, bitter liquid burned a trail down her throat. "Mazui!" she whined, wiping at her lips with her sleeve.
Jaken smiled gleefully and immediately moved to pour her another glass before she could object. As proper etiquette and custom demanded, she sighed irritably, then took the tokkuri and refilled his as well.
"Oh --- I forgot!" the toad added. "Here!" He clinked his earthenware cup with hers. "We should offer a toast!"
"A toast?"
"Yes!" he shouted, gesticulating wildly with his clawed hands. "We should drink in honor of something or someone!"
"To what!? To who?" Rin questioned, catching some of his excitement, despite dreading the thought having to taste that awful liquid again. She giggled happily, setting the dripping chains of pearls from her elaborate hair ornaments twinkling noisily all around her face.
"Who?! Who do you think we should drink to?!" Jaken scolded. "We should drink to Sesshoumaru-sama, of course!"
Rin burst out laughing again. "Of course! Hai! I suppose I can do that!" She raised her glass merrily.
"To Sesshoumaru-sama!"
"To Sesshoumaru-sama!!"
Jaken glanced timidly towards the rear of the kitchens, then back towards the door, as if assuring their privacy.
"And to Sesshoumaru-sama possibly meeting his match," he said, raising his glass again and sounding a bit too pleased.
Rin choked and spit out half her drink.
"Do you mean ME?! A match for Sesshoumaru-sama? I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, secretly feeling a bit touched by his kind, accepting words.
As usual, the toad never let any affection or compliment flow between them without remembering to arouse anger and petty jealously as well.
"Oh shut up, baka na ningen me!" he cried. "Do you think I am blind? I have traveled with the Master for over a century! This Jaken has stood in HIS mighty company long ages before your wretched ancestors were even spawned! Human, something is going on here --- and it's all your fault!"
The girl remained speechless, concentrating solely on wiping up the sake she had splashed across the table.
Jaken leaned forward conspiratorially, and cupped his little hand over his mouth to muffle his words --- after all, one never knew when the master might be near. "Just remember, girl, with these inu-youkai, you have to choose your battles wisely --- they've got skulls as thick as a bull's, all of them!"
Rin shook her head in dumb wonder, and refused the third serving of bitter alcohol that Jaken had poured in her cup. She was already confused and slightly emotionally overwhelmed --- she had no wish to be confused, emotionally overwhelmed, AND intoxicated at the same time.
Upon leaving Jaken to the rest of his drink, she found that night had fallen. The girl decided she would walk the length of the courtyard once before returning to her lonely chamber. She made her way outside, quietly replacing the poems hanging from the furin with the rather poor, silly rhymes she had written in the course of the afternoon. A low rumble and a massive dragging shadow startled her. "Aun?"
The young woman turned in surprise. The dragon was thudding across the courtyard towards his stable, clearly exhausted and dazed --- but rather contented all the same.
Rin laid her hand on his cool scaly flank as he heaved past. "What happened to you, Aaa, Unn?" she annunciated slowly. "Where have you been?"
The creature merely growled again, and continued plodding towards his stall and the promise of a soft bed of straw. Rin noticed the large stone lanterns of the garden had been lit and moved to investigate. As she approached the bathhouse she was so still caught up in her roiling thoughts that she was almost upon HIM before she realized it.
An exclamation of surprise passed her lips as she came to an abrupt screeching stop. Her eyes grew as wide as those damn sake bowls and she stared dumbly at the scene before her ---
Sesshoumaru-sama stood on the low deck of the bathhouse. He'd shed that imposing armor and dark haori, and was currently stripped to the waist. His entire torso was bared and exposed naked to her view!
All she could do was stand there frozen. Her eyes were unblinking, her mouth fell agape, and an unbearable heat spread up from her throat to color her face.
For his part, Sesshoumaru-sama seemed unfazed by her unexpected appearance and blatant staring --- with a sigh of relief, she realized it was because he had NOT even noticed her at all! Instinctively, she jumped back to hide behind a glowing chochin, trying to decide how to escape without revealing her presence.
But, despite her fears, she couldn't resist one small, tiny peek. What could it hurt?
Slowly, she raised her eyes to glance back up at her master.
The taiyoukai was obviously preparing to wash before heading into the ofuro for a relaxing soak. He had carried a large pottery container up from the well, and Rin watched in fascination as he slowly poured the water all over himself.
Rin could only stare dumbfounded as it coursed in a slow trail over his long hair, down his shoulders, chest and back, and then along his arms. Her mouth was painfully dry and she found herself unable to even think of one intelligent thought.
She had always known he was powerful --- broad shouldered, hard muscled. But she was not prepared for this sight --- for the pure, wild beauty of him. She blushed as she suddenly caught a long, teasing glimpse of the pale skin of his thigh, where his hakama slashed in a deep, revealing "v" under its broad ties.
Steam surged into the chilly air and she saw him shiver slightly in the cold. He shook his head, sending a fine spray of water flying all around him. There was a sudden gust of icy wind, and Rin watched in horror as his nose suddenly twitched and he drew in a deep breath --- damn, her scent!! Was she insane?! Why didn't she run when she had the chance?!
In the next instant, Sesshoumaru had whirled to face her with a rather curious look, and Rin reluctantly stood up and stepped out from behind the huge stone lantern. Surprisingly, the taiyoukai seemed to have an utter lack of embarrassment at being caught in such an intimate act. He thrust his clawed hands into his wet, silvery hair, pushing his bangs aside and out of his eyes as he gave her a more thorough, considering look.
Sesshoumaru's quizzical expression softened --- and he merely stared at her with an equal look of appraisal. Rin was sure her burning cheeks were about to literally burst into flame. Gods, he seemed to be admiring her --- he seemed to like what he saw!
That thought alone caused her mouth to close with a snap and her stomach to lurch. Still unwilling to run and thereby reveal just how intimidated she was, she commanded her legs to move slowly as she backed stiffly away from him. It took every ounce of her strength to maintain her dignified retreat.
For his part, Sesshoumaru only remained staring at Rin's timid form in a dizzy sort of shock.
Those clothes. Her hair. Her eyes.
She was --- she was truly lovely.
Standing there, shivering in this faded garden, she appeared so young and slender. And yet from those nights of holding her at his side he knew she possessed a woman's fullness. His eyes moved over her, noting the curve of her hip beneath the sturdy, crisp line of her obi and the press of her breasts under that fitted yoke of her ivory kimono.
She seemed on the verge of racing off in embarrassed flight. Her whole body was tense and ready to spring away at any given second.
Her complexion glowed with the soft health of youth; it was pale, but with a definite, pronounced pink blush in her cheeks. She bowed her head nervously under his inspection and the slight action faintly shook the chains of pearls that glistened against her hair and skin, reflecting tiny sparks of moonlight.
Rin blinked shyly, and then unexpectedly turned her eyes up to meet his gaze once more.
Did she not realize she was only goading him to pursue her?
The brief, uncomfortable silence continued as they gazed solemnly at one another.
Sesshoumaru knew the girl was trying to gauge his reaction. Rin was obviously trying to decide how just confident she should be --- or else, just how much danger she was in if it became apparent that he had reached an unfavorable decision during his afternoon travels.
There was always something savage about him, something akin to that huge beast she knew he could become. His face was harshly etched in the flames from the flickering torchlight: strong jaw, high striped cheekbones, and eyes that watched her with all the unnerving perceptiveness of a predator. At the moment, only his lips revealed any hint of softness --- she suddenly realized they were curved in the barest ghost of a smile.
As she stared at his lips, quick, unbidden thoughts of that kiss they were about to share pricked in her memory. Rin instantly felt that faint heat creep up into her cheeks again.
Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to speak, then closed it just as quickly. His expression changed again and his eyes darkened, flooding with crimson. Rin gasped --- she had seen that look before: all those months ago when he'd held her pinned to the ground.
He suddenly stalked towards her, those intense eyes never leaving her face. Rin didn't have the will to react.
But rather abruptly, there was an unexpected squawk and Sesshoumaru-sama's forward progress was checked, and his arms shot out to balance himself. The taiyoukai glanced downward with narrowed eyes.
Jaken had appeared from out of nowhere and clutched him about the ankles, clearly somewhat inebriated. "SHESSHOOOUMARU-CHAMA!" he called up admiringly with a pronounced slur.
Rin didn't need a second excuse to escape from this place --- before she could rationalize her thoughts, blind instinct seized control of her mind and suddenly she ran, bolting back down the garden path and scrambling through the archway.
Sesshoumaru was feeling equally stupid at the moment. Rin had just fled --- even before he could call out to stop her. He snarled and shook his leg, kicking free of Jaken's ridiculously tight grip. The thoroughly aggravated demon lord dragged the tiny toad up by the scruff of the neck, his eyes no longer gleaming with lust but with the promise of violence.
Luckily, in his rather tipsy state, Jaken seemed perfectly oblivious to the danger.
"Jaken," the taiyoukai drawled slowly. "To the stable with you --- NOW! There you will find two fat deer that need to be skinned and tended to. If you bother this Sesshoumaru again tonight, by morning you will be gutted and hanging up beside them!"
Jaken still seemed unaware of the threat of aggression, and his enormous eyes shone with gratitude and adoration. Without another word, he stumbled off to the barn, wobbling ever so slightly. Sesshoumaru shook his head --- no doubt his servant would be snoring in a matter of moments.
Good, he thought, eyes greedily following the path Rin had taken. Judging by her stricken expression, doubtlessly the girl was scrambling back to her OWN chamber.
The time for hesitation was over --- there would be no more waiting, no more doubt, no more interruptions. Just as she was no longer the unwanted village urchin, he supposed he could no longer be just some cold, unfeeling demon lord. He had made his decision and it was time to claim what was his.
He let his power build around him, fading slowly from the cold, empty garden to reappear instantly in her small room. Just as he planned, he had arrived there first and settled into the shadows to await her skulking entrance.
He glanced around quickly. Her chamber was now restored to the condition it had been all those months ago --- when he had collapsed into her soft bed. Well, he corrected quickly, there were decidedly less dead flowers hanging from the rafters, of course. The darkness made the simple room seem particularly small and cozy now, especially as the weather began to rage outside and a fierce freezing rain suddenly struck the tiled roof with a furious rhythm.
His inspection was abruptly ended, as the screen door was flung wide and the girl finally burst into the darkened chamber. Her breath was labored, her pace obviously slowed by the sheer weight of those layers of damp silk and satin.
Rin sagged weakly against the wall, resting her forehead against the paneling. The girl brought both hands up to her temples and fought the urge to sob uncontrollably. She was exhausted, her spirit felt dark and crushed.
Gods --- her master was such an enigma, so kind and generous one moment, so callous and cold the next. And that darkness she had just beheld in his eyes --- she would never forget it. She was certain that was --- that was lust! Why on earth did she run? She slapped her forehead with her open palm --- you are the stupidest, stupidest girl that ever lived!
Sesshoumaru watched as Rin collected herself and then tiptoed morosely back over to the door, obviously checking to see if she was being followed. He fought the urge to smirk at her telling actions --- clearly, she had no idea he was standing only a few feet away. The taiyoukai did not wish to frighten her further, but this was an opportunity he simply could not miss. After all, no more than a few minutes ago, hadn't she attempted to observe HIM without his knowledge? This was only fair.
His eyes slid over her once more from the shadows, taking in that lovely heart-shaped face, those elegant robes and that stylish mass of raven hair adorned with pearls. He felt the sudden urge to grab her, to hold her close and crush her in his embrace --- but he very much doubted she'd appreciate being seized in the dark. Wait, why was he so concerned with startling her? He had --- he had every right to be in this chamber now.
This house, these lands --- this girl --- they all belonged to him.
He most certainly did NOT beg at doors.
"Rin," he murmured, slipping out of the darkness. The girl stiffened in alarm, but did not cry out. The demon instantly felt her body temperature spike and the pace of her heart quicken dramatically, as she slowly turned to face him.
"Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin squeaked, pressing herself against the wall. "Ummm, you have returned --- welcome home, my lord."
What a stupid thing to say! she cringed inwardly. Of course he had returned --- she had just been caught ogling him in the garden for several long minutes.
The taiyoukai frowned at her decidedly fearful reaction and nervous words. "Why do you cower? Are you still so frightened of this Sesshoumaru?"
He paced closer but she only edged steadily away. "Why do you keep your distance again?"
She lifted her pointed chin, unable to answer that question herself --- after all, HE was really the one who held the answer to it.
She KNEW what she wanted. She had always known what she wanted. All these years, she had placed her fate, her life --- her heart --- in his hands. She would not make a fool of herself any longer ---
Rin drew herself up proudly as she thought of what she should say. She seemed completely unaware that she made quite an enticing picture to the demon, standing there in the darkness with her hand resting gracefully over her heart.
"I am confused, my lord. I am not sure how to act around you any longer," the girl sighed. "You have made Rin far too happy --- but --- "
She couldn't choke out the rest. Part of her --- the little-girl part --- wanted to race into his arms and cling to him, to tell him all he had come to mean to her. But the more grown-up and sensible part of her psyche told herself that such an act would be met with scorn.
Sesshoumaru stopped squarely in the center of the room, standing absolutely still, as he considered her candid, unfinished reply. His chest was still bare and he seemed like some damn statue brought to life, looking absolutely ageless, flawless. Rin could not keep herself from stealing surreptitious glances at the sculpted muscles of his chest.
He took another step closer. "I have reached a decision. Regarding you."
"I know," she choked miserably, preparing for the worst.
He barked out a quick laugh. "You know?" he asked somewhat incredulously. "I do not truly believe so. I am surprised at you, Rin."
The demon's words were bland, and he pointed an accusing finger at her newly made bed. "You usually have a fair grasp of this Sesshoumaru's mind. Therefore, I am disappointed you would fail to understand the situation now."
"Sesshoumaru, umm, I mean --- Sesshoumaru-sama?" she prodded as he stared back at her with a faraway expression on his face. "You are disappointed in me? Why? And what have you decided?"
The youkai remained silent, and she began to get frantic. "Rin doesn't understand! What is it that you want, my lord?"
"I want you," he answered smoothly.
Rin's eyes jerked up in panic. She shook her head slightly, certain she must have misheard him. Yet his face, so watchful and waiting, told her otherwise. He wanted her? She HAD heard him correctly and yet she could not believe it.
"I want you to come back to my chamber," he amended quickly.
Ohhh --- he was evil. So vague. She tried to remind herself that this was a perfect example of his cruelty. Especially now when he was standing there so relaxed --- looking so striking and ethereal in the gloom. This is when she must be ready for his worst.
"You do not want me, my lord. It --- is --- impossible."
When he advanced closer, her shock turned to panic. He looked for all the world like some fierce predator again. He was huge and commanding, and even with his power leashed it was still nonetheless indisputably there. But though his jaw was set, and his expression dark, his eyes seemed strangely warm, and just a little teasing --- teasing?
"My little Rin was never this afraid before. In fact, I do not ever recall seeing her tremble so." He reached out slowly and caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning her face up to meet his. Their gazes collided with breathless impact.
Rin stared up at those amazing eyes. They were so beautiful, so startling. The centers were that pale, tawny amber that always seemed to catch in the light. But they were edged in that amazing darker color, a bright gold that was so --- so mesmerizing.
"You want me to return to your chamber? To stay with you?" She was having difficulty swallowing. "Nothing more?"
"Perhaps more," he answered mysteriously.
Perhaps more? Did that mean ---
"Master?" she gasped. "What ---"
The demon lord's face remained frustratingly impassive. "I want you to come with me. But if you choose to follow this Sesshoumaru, to share his bed tonight --- you will not be sleeping."
Rin gasped. What was he saying? He wanted to ---
A wry grin parted her lips and her eyes became warm with emotion. "Then --- that's perfect, for I am not at all tired." She laughed then, the noise light and quick as the silver wind-chimes in the garden.
Okama: Crossdresser
O-hisashiburi: Long time, no see!
Shouki: Demon air; evil mist; "miasma"
Fujin no Mai: Kagura's primary attack
Mou owari da: It's finished --- It's over
jo-chan: honey, little girl
Orokana mono: Fool!
Doko ni iru?: Where are you?
Shamisen/ bachi: traditional three-stringed instrument and the pick/bow
Gekkin: traditional stringed instrument, "moon lute"
Hime: princess
Kanpai: Cheers!
Mazui: Disgusting! (in regards to the taste of something)
Tokkuri: earthenware bottle
baka na ningen me: You stupid human!
Furin: Wind chimes
Chochin: Huge outdoor stone lantern
Ofuro: bath; bathhouse
Thank you once again to Manon and Notoes for all your time!
