InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embarked ❯ Embarked ( One-Shot )

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By Rose Angel

Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Rin were walking down the forest in the midday. Sesshomaru walked impacifily and smoothly as the others followed regularly. Suddenly his head perked up and he started to sniff the air. Rin looked at Jaken with intrest, he mearly gave her puzzeled look.

Sesshomaru suddenly dropped to the ground on all four, (lets say he stole another arm) and started to sniff the ground. He started to sniff and follow the smell as quickly as he could. Rin broke into a run in order to keep up, tripping Jaken.

Sesshomaru finally reached the smell, a CAT youki. He got up and grinned evily. The cat youki looked up, his eyes getting larger, gulped. Sesshomaru started to growl as the cat backed away slowly. He stepped foward for every step back, not knowing the others had caught up. "Um, can't we make a deal? Not ALL of your kind chase us!" The cat suddenly blurted out nervously.

That got a laugh from Sesshomaru. "Well, I'm NOT!" Suddenly the youki transformed into a full cat demon and ran. Sesshomaru followed transforming into a smaller version of his dog form about the size a little larger than a tiger.

Jaken was left bafled as the great demon HE served CHASED A CAT! Rin mearly giggled and swept dropped. Her Sesshomaru-sama was a big puppy chasing a kitty. She had seen it many times in her village by normal creatures and new how to stop the poor cat from being killed. She giggled and ran off to the woods....

Sesshomaru was chasing the feline as fast as he could and still he could NOT catch it! He would get the cat if it was the last thing he did, other than getting the Sword from his half-brother but thats another tale.

He was getting close to that tail, closer....closer....closer....almost gonna get it. SLASH! Before he could get any closer he was soaking wet heavy with water he stopped. Before he knew it he was being tugged by the neck and had to follow less he choke. The it stopped and he heard movement. Shaking off the water from his fur, he got a better look at what was at his neck. A leash.

A black leash was tightly bound to a tree was around his neck. Seeing who dare defie him he saw Rin. Her hands on her hips in a comedic fashion. He started to bark. That got another bucket of water. Shaking it off he saw Rin closer.

"Bad Sesshomaru-sama! Bad! Sesshomaru-sama should not chase kitty! Sesshomaru-sama will stay like that till he gets better!" was all she said before sitting down. Sesshomaru tried to pull the leash but found he couldn't the length of the leash didn't give him much. He also could not chew it seeing he couldn't reach it.

Defeated he sat down his tail between his legs. Rin waited a while before getting closer. "Sesshomaru-sama, please don't be mad a Rin. But if Rin didn't Sesshomaru-sama would kill the kitty! Rin likes kitties too! Rin will go get dinner!" she said happily.

Sesshomaru looked at the girl with sorroful eyes... Rin started to whimper too feeling sorry. "Rin will let you go if you stay and wait so dinner can be gotten." That got a happy bark causing her to giggle.

It was fifteen minutes later when she returned and Sesshomaru was back to his normal manner. Rin set 'dinner' which was berrries, nuts, and some fruit. She let him go of the leash, he transformed back to his human form. She expected to get hit after it but he mearly chuckled. "Rin thank you, if that got out that I chased cats it would be a disgrace. Now lets not bother with this while I get some meat thats not cat."

Jaken returning was baffeled to see why they eating like always. He mearly went over and sat down every thing 'normal'.

The End!

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