InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Suppose ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: 7/11/05


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Six: Suppose

By: Yabou

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“Sesshoumaru, I have an important task for you.” Lord Konton paced the span of his office.


He already knew what it was. His father wished that it would be he who would protect the human girl from harm during her journey to the ancient well. “Yes, Father?”


“You will accompany Lady Kagome to the well in the Western Lands.” He paused for a moment in contemplation. “Something strange radiates from this woman-child.”


Sesshoumaru gave him a look of disbelief. “I will do as you require, but I have a question, if I may so ask it.”


“You may.”


“This…strangeness you sense. Is it that of familiarity?” Sesshoumaru wondered.


Lord Konton frowned. “No. It is not. What do you mean by familiarity?”


He simply shook his head. “Nothing of importance.”


“Very well.” The Inu no Taisho granted. “You leave within the hour. I will have need of you here in a very short period of time, so I must warn you against any prolonged absense.”


“What brews, Father?” He questioned. The worry present in the great youkai’s voice was reason alone to fear a great gathering of evil.


Turning away, Lord Konton whispered, “I am unsure.”


“I will return before even half of the lunar cycle has passed.” Sesshoumaru promised as he waited for dismissal.


“Be careful, Sesshoumaru.” Lord Konton grasped his young son’s shoulder in a silent understanding. “Go. Prepare yourself. Your mother and I will see you to the gates in one hour’s time.”


“As you so desire it,“ Sesshoumaru made a low bow and left the room.


Any lord would have been a fool to send his half-trained only heir into such disturbing terrain, but something about the young woman spoke of power and the need of protection. He did not know what her burden was, but his wisened eyes could see how hard the load weighed upon her shoulders.


“Be safe, my Son.”


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Kagome tied the obi into an elegant but simple knot at the back of her light traveling kimono. She had protested for nearly an hour about taking several of the beautiful pieces of silk and embroidery with her, but Lady Bishou had not listened. She had stated that it would be unheard of that such a beautiful young woman, and a miko at that, travel on such a journey without a few gifts of parting.


Finally, she had conceded and agreed to take two of the lighter, less frivolous, sheaths with her. The spare was currently folded within the bottom of a medium-sized black bag that she had fashioned as a back pack substitute. It looked absolutely ridiculous, but it did the job.


Her fingers daintily ran over the edges of a low cherry wood table that had been placed in the room after she had come back from breakfast that morning. Several mementos were arranged on the table so that she might pick one or two to cherish and remind her of the kindness of the demon family after her return.


Her heart clenched at the thought of the impending deaths of Lady Bishou and Lord Konton that awaited her in the future. They seemed so happy. It was impossible to imagine that Lord Konton would simply leave his Lady for another, and Kagome could not bring herself to think of what might have occurred that led the Inu no Taisho to Inuyasha’s mortal mother.


“I’ll miss you all.” She quietly whispered as she fingered a particularly beautiful hair piece that rendered a exquisite white lotus blossom frozen in mid-bloom. She could still hear the woman’s bouncing laughter from the night before…


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“Why do you appear so overwrought, my Dear?” Lady Bishou questioned as she pulled her hair into a high twist.


She rolled her thumbs anxiously. “Oh, just a little nervous about meeting Lord Konton, I guess.”


“You have nothing to fear, Kagome.” Lady Bishou laughed. “He will not bite you.” A devious smile overtook her lips. “I reserve that for myself.”


Kagome couldn’t help but return her gesture. “Yeah. I know.”


The Lady tugged the beautiful ornament from her obi and used it to properly secure Kagome’s hair. “The Lotus is a very brave blossom, Miko. It has the strength to endure any storm. Maybe it will help you overcome your own fears this night.”


Kagome ran a single finger over one of the finely sculpted petals. “I hope so.”


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Placing it into her bag, she added a brush, a bar of soap wrapped in silk, one thin, absorbent piece of cloth, and a long piece of fabric that was guaranteed to keep her warm at night. Satisfied that she was ready to travel, she clasped the single, fused Shikon fragment around her neck with both hands and gave a silent prayer that her journey would be a safe one.


“What a beautiful necklace.” Lady Bishou interrupted.


Kagome gasped at the unexpected entrance. “Yes, it is I suppose.”


“Wherever did you get it?” She reached out to touch it, but stopped when Kagome gave a sudden flinch.


“I guess that you could say it’s a family heirloom.” Kagome was slowly backing into a corner, and she knew it. “I should be going now. My friends have waited long enough.”


Lady Bishou stopped in front of her and smiled gently. “Oh the secrets you hide, Miko Kagome.” She paused and suddenly changed direction, heading back toward the shoji. “I think that if I were able to have a daughter I would want her to be like you. The pure beauty of your heart and soul consume your aura. Have you never experienced loss?”


Kagome’s mind wandered over the hundreds of thousands she had seen die before her very eyes at the hand of Naraku. She thought of Kohaku - the lifeless shell, Kanna - the souless void, Kagura - the enslaved spirit, and of Inuyasha - the one who could never love her without another. She thought of her own father; the man who had been ripped away from her family before she had even reached her tenth birthday.


But then she smiled and said, “No, I don’t suppose that I have.”


Lady Bishou nodded. “You suppose overmuch, Kagome. You must know.” And with that, she left the room.


Kagome allowed herself a small, giggling smile. “I suppose I do.”


“You suppose what, Lady Miko?” Sesshoumaru’s muffled voice came through the shoji even as he slid it open. “Are you ready to take our leave?”


The giggling passed quickly while she took one last longing look at the room; she could have been happy here.


No Shikon no Tama to worry about.


No evil Naraku to fear.


No death to see.


No angry hanyou to argue with.


No friends to laugh with.


No love to hope for.


“Yes.” She spoke, gathering the soft folds of black material into her hands and settling it on her shoulders. “I’m ready.”


“Good.” He held out an arm to her. “Travel is best in the morning hours. Human bodies are very subjective to heat.”


She snorted. “I’m not going to pass out at the first ray of sun, you know.”


He raised an eyebrow. “I meant no attack on your personage. I was only implying that it would be more suitable to travel as quickly as possible before the heat comes so that you might not be uncomfortable.”


“I’m not weak. I can take it.” She violently began shaking her head. “Honestly, I think all you inu youkai are alike.”


“You know others?”


She frowned. She was becoming too comfortable around this altered version of Sesshoumaru. She had to guard her words more closely. “I was merely observing that you seem to be just like your father.”


“Thank you.” He responded, unaware of her growing aggitation. Anyone should be honored to be compared to the Inu no Taisho.


“Oh, you! Hmpfh!” She grunted and marched into the breezeway. “Aggravating men!”


Lord Konton’s unexpected laughter only caused her to throw her fists up into the air and stomp with stronger vigor toward the gates.


“What have you done, Sesshoumaru?” He questioned his son, unable to keep all of his rising laughter from his voice.


He gave a slight tilt of his head. “I do not know, as of yet. Do you suppose she is suffering from female predicaments?”


“Do yourself a favor and do not ask her that.” Lord Konton gave him a light pat on the back. “It would not help you were your journey spent in silence.”


Sesshoumaru nodded and swiftly followed the female. “I will return soon, as promised, Father.”


“That I pray,” Lord Konton whispered. “That I pray.”


“I pray it also, my Mate.” Lady Bishou gently slid her hand into his own. “Our son is strong. He will face his destiny with everything he has.”


“But will it be enough?” The demon lord felt himself push the words out into open air before he had a chance to stop them.


She gave his hand a light squeeze. “We shall see.”


“Are you certain it is she?” He warily asked.


She gave him a beautiful smile. “I am certain. It is sooner than prophecied, but it is she who will lead our son. It is the miko, Kagome, who will capture his soul.”


Lord Konton gave her a short chuckle. “I hope he is prepared, then, because she’s got one hell of a fighting spirit.”


“Language.” She laughed as she playfully swatted his shoulder.


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