InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ The One Who Protects ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EDITED: 7/13/05

Question: Why did you use the name Lord Konton instead of Lord Toga, like in the movie?


Answer: Well, technically the movies have nothing to do with the real anime or the manga, so I felt that I had the artistic freedom to come up with a new name that I liked better. Besides, I’ve been using this name since before the third movie came out, and the meaning (Chaos) is just too cool. -- I will be taking the same later liberties with Inuyasha’s mother’s name (and no I‘m not giving it away yet).




Jishin - Self Confidence

Kiri - Mist

Bishou - Smile

Konton - Chaos

(in case you were wondering)


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Eight: The One Who Protects

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Swasdiva & FireAngel8723

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Kagome shuddered against the cold water and stared blankly at the back of the weary young youkai’s head. She could still tell that he was trying to grit back the majority of the pain from his wounds while hissing to her that he was ‘fine’ and didn’t need any help.


Sesshoumaru, future Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, had protected Kagome, a fragile human woman.


The idea of it caused her mind to go reeling, and left her contemplating what would cause this powerful being to turn away from the mortal species.


Sighing, she allowed her mind to wander back to the earlier events of the day - namely, the ones that left Sesshoumaru with that gaping hole in his leg.


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Kagome grunted against the powerful heat of the first heavy rays cast off by the sun. They had only been traveling for a few hours, and she could already feel several strong, ripping cramps returning to her calves and the tops of her thighs. It had been a long two days since their stop in the sickly village, and she felt as if she had been walking non-stop ever since.


The young demon lord never pushed her too far, but she could see the first signs of strain on his face as their journey continued. She couldn’t imagine what would be worrying him so much. “Sesshoumaru?”


All previous, tedious formalities had been forgotten somewhere along the road. After all, who was there to notice?


“Yes?” He found himself responding to the woman-child’s every whim without second thought after two constant days of boredom. It was rather disconcerting, but now was not the time to think upon it.


“Is something wrong?”


He slowed his step. ‘Can she feel it to?’ “Do you sense any disturbances in the area?”


Kagome frowned and closed her eyes in thought. “Not really…why?”


Sesshoumaru sighed. A bright yellow bear youkai could charge them, and he seriously doubted that she would notice. The days he spent at her side had proved her companionship to be remarkable, but, even after the display at the village, he was left doubting the real capacity of her magical abilities. “It is of no consequence at the moment.”


The young miko smiled and shook her head at his archaic speech patterns. “Whatever.”


The next hour continued in a quaint and unoppressive silence; both members of the pair seemingly contented with the quiet arrangement. However, Sesshoumaru’s face revealed that all was not well.






“Do you still sense no interference?”


She shrugged. “No. What exactly is it that I’m looking for anyway? There’s nothing that I can search for here. It’s not like anyone here could have a Shiko- errr…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


She mentally berated herself; rambling was definitely one of her worst qualities.


“What is it you speak of?” Sesshoumaru paused on the trail to stare her into confession.


“Noth-” Kagome’s denial of sorts was completely abandoned when the inu-youkai ripped her off of the beaten path and threw her into some sort of smelly bush.


Sesshoumaru pushed the young woman to safety before turning to face the oncoming race of youki in the distance. His claws cracked in a morbid anticipation of the danger. Three seconds later, a fat, bald looking youkai came to a screeching halt in front of Sesshoumaru only to spit some putrid, acidic semi-liquid out of his mouth.


The adolescent demon dodged the green glob with ease before throwing out his talons in a strike that was strangely reminiscent of Inuyasha’s Sankon Tessou. Kagome watched in awe as the two danced around the area; the larger one leaving a burning trail of green sludge in his wake. She couldn’t help but notice how different this Sesshoumaru was from the one she had seen and been acquainted with only briefly in the future. His movements were graceful, yet unperfected, and while his face remained blank, she could see the slight twitch of his upper lip when his actions failed to create the wanted results.


If only she had a bow and arrow…


If only…she wasn’t so weak.


Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, was beginning to feel the strain of distracting the overly agitated slug youkai. His advances were unusually fast, and his poison was of the most violent potency. “Why do you assault this Sesshoumaru?”


The slug snarled in response. “You are the son of Lord Konton, Ruler of the Western Lands. All under his service must die.”


The dog demon raised a single brow in response. “And your hatred is well-founded?”


“My family was left unprotected and slain while in his care!” He bellowed, spewing another ball of toxins toward the young demon.


Sesshoumaru frowned in thought. “Your name, Sir?”


“Jishin,” his corpulent green lips sneered.


“Jishin?” Sesshoumaru repeated in disbelief, a sudden anger overtaking his features. “What pitiful task have you come to weave by declaring such lies in the Western Lands?”


“I feint not.” He screamed and raced toward the angry young demon. “You will be destroyed.”


Kagome watched on in horror as the slug landed several devastating blows to her escort. ‘Why do I always forget to bring my arrows at the most convenient times for the enemy?’ Quickly, she scanned the surrounding area for any type of makeshift weapon. ‘Oh yeah right, like the kamis just decided to rain bows and arrows today.’


A sudden grunt of pain from the battle scene drew her eyes back up to Sesshoumaru. He laid on the ground in what seemed to be excruciating agony. Kagome began to worry on her lower lip when the other youkai finally felt the steady pulse of heady power rolling off of the jewel at her throat.


“What is it you carry, girl?” His eyes sparkled in an unspoken hunger as he stalked closer.


She began scrambling backward in an ill attempt to put more space between them. “N-Nothing!”


He smirked. “Ah, now it is you who lie. You have been in the company of one such as Lord Konton for far too long.” His oily hands reached out for the Shikon no Tama and grasped her neck. “A sad thought, truly. Such a pretty creature, you are.”


One finger caressed her skin.


She froze, unable to think or move properly. A perfect picture of a damsel in distress. Tears began to burn her eyes when she felt his brute strength forcing the air out of her lungs. “N-no,” she whispered. “H-help me, I-Inuyasha.”


Suddenly, amber eyes replaced a set of evil black ones, and a disgusting rain of green stench covered them in a sticky, indescribable substance. Poison. It settled with a heavy weight in the air. Sesshoumaru groaned, allowing his body to fall to the ground.


The trickster youkai had managed one final blow upon his person that resulted in a gaping wound in his right leg. It burned like nothing he had ever felt before, and he could feel the super-concentrated venom spreading through his system at a disturbing rate. “Kagome?” he managed.


Worry clouded her face, “Oh, Sesshoumaru, I’m so sorry!”


Her arms flung themselves around his neck and squeezed him tightly. “Please,” she cried. “P-please, forgive me. I-I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry!”


He frowned and grimaced a little. “You are not at fault.”


She violently shook her head. “Yes, I am! If only I hadn’t been so scared. I should have brought a weapon. Oh, this is-s a-all m-my fault.”


Her small, cold hands sought out his wounds, examining them with a critical eye.


He gently pushed her away. “There is a body of water a short distance from here.”


She nodded meekly. “Can you walk?”


“No,” he responded. “Grab hold.” He ordered, directing her to grip his unwounded shoulder.


A thick mist formed around his feet and lifted them into the air. His breathing became more labored as the few vital minutes passed. The cloud formation sapped away most of his remaining strength.


Finally, they reached a rocky outcrop that lay next to a busy stream.


Kagome released him the moment they touched the ground. “Take off your haori.”


He lifted an eyebrow in surprise.


“Take if off. Your wounds must be tended.”


“They will heal.” He gave a light hiss when she applied a small pressure to his leg.


She frowned. “Don’t be a tough guy, stupid.”


“You must wash.” He commanded.


“I don’t th-”


“The poison will damage you shortly, Miko.” He growled.


“Oh,” Kagome eeped and hopped into the water, quickly scrubbing the green goo away with sand from the bottom of the creek. Her makeshift bag was left, forgotten, at Sesshoumaru’s side. Removing her outer layers, she tied the yukata in a loose knot at her knees and proceeded to kneel and cleanse her hair.


The young demon sat, stunned, at the sight before him. A grown woman, miko no less, was standing in front of him, dripping wet, in nothing but her undergarments. It was…scandalous. He blinked to prove that he wasn’t in some perverse dream. Shaking his head in utter disbelief, he managed to partially turn his injured body away from her and direct his eyes in another direction.


Kagome sighed happily after the last bit of grime was washed away and twirled to face her guide. “Now let’s-” she scowled. “What are you doing?”


“You expose yourself to me and dare to ask me what I am doing?”


The miko turned a brutal shade of red. “O-oh, I, um, sorry…”


He sighed. “It is of no consequence.”


She gave a nervous laugh and donned a new kimono, tossing the old one into the water to soak. “Now, let me see your injuries.”


“No, it is unnecessary.”


She growled. “Yes, it is! You don’t want an infection, do you?”


He gave her an odd look. “A what?”


“Um,” she fought to change her words. “Don’t make me come over there!”


He gave a rueful laugh. “You cannot expect to threaten the likes of me, woman.”


‘Great, now he’s back to that, is he?’ “I do, and I am.”


He chuckled again, but relented and allowed her to worry over his injuries.


She gave him the warmest smile she could manage and started her inspection.


‘I’m so stupid.’ She berated herself. His pains were all her fault. ‘If only I were better, stronger…then I could have defended myself.’ Her fingers caressed his skin with the lightest touch.


She ran the pure sand over his searing skin with ease, pushing away all of the clotted, dirty blood and grime and allowing it to flow clean before pressing a piece of her sleeping blanket to stop the new bleeding. Preventing infection. It was a common idea that had been used for hundreds of years, but at this point in time it was unheard of.


People were punished by the kamis for wrong doings and not allowed to live. Everything relied upon religion. It was the basis of the family; the center of the village and country unit.


And, it caused the death of millions in this era.


“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome spoke softly into the early waves of sunset. “Who was Jishin?”


He let out a heavy sigh. “He was, at one time, a very reliable source of information for the Western Lands, but proved that he held himself above that of our Nation when he traded information about my father to a bordering leader. His family was removed from our Lands, and they attempted to escape to the safety of the border, but they were executed when the leader, Lady Kiri, discovered that Jishin’s secrets were all lies.”


“Oh,” her breath brushed across his skin because of her nearness. “It’s so sad that his family died because of something he did wrong.”


He marveled at the complexities of the woman. He had eradicated a despicable soul, and yet, she still felt sorrow for him. He had attempted to kill her, but she still forgave him. Her heart was very pure.


‘It’s all my fault.’


“It could not be helped.” He commented, knowing the direction of her private thoughts.


Tears began to drip down her cheeks. ‘It’s all my fault.’


Sesshoumaru watched the sobs that overthrew her body. Silently, he allowed his arms to wrap around her form and pull her close; his eyes closing in a soundless prayer for the fragile creature he protected. Her hands fisted against the makeshift bandages covering his skin.


“I-I’m so sorry.”


He remained still, allowing her the comfort of his tight, unyielding embrace. The comfort of a stone amongst water. The safety of protection. The only reassurance he could offer. The offer of a shield in the oncoming storm.


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