InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Frozen Silk ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well, I know that last chapter was a sad one; thanks for stickin’ around.

Question: Is Kagome going to fall in love with/marry the Sesshoumaru of the time period you’ve created or the one in the feudal era?

Answer: Well, I would really like to answer this question, but I can’t. It would give away too much of the plot line. Sorry.


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Thirteen: Frozen Silk

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: Swasdiva

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Kagome leaned her head against the closed screen with tears in her eyes. There was no way she could possibly face him like this. ‘Get yourself together, Kagome. You can do this. You have to be strong…’


‘But I’m weak…’


She gave a few more snuffles to clear her nose and wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeves. ‘I can do this. I can do this.’ “Sesshoumaru?”


No answer.


“Sesshoumaru, may I come in?”


Still no answer. ‘I guess that’s a yes.’ Her shaking hands grasped the slider; taking one more strong breath for reassurance, she pulled it back. ‘I can’t look. I can’t look.’ Her eyes caught sight of the cherry, hardwood flooring. She turned, sliding the door shut.


‘Turn around, Kagome. You can do it.’ Her hands clutched the door like a life line. ‘I can do it. I can do it.’ She could hear him breathing somewhere in the room. ‘Be strong.’


“Sesshoumaru?” Her voice was nothing more than a breath of air. She turned. He sat in the middle of a large futon in the middle of the room, his hair fanning out against white, silk sheets that darkly contrasted with his black hakama. She approached him slowly, afraid of breaking the strong silence surrounding him.


Somehow, her hands found his shoulders, and she hugged him for all she was worth. He wasn’t crying. He just sat, as still as stone, in the middle of his dark room. She leaned her forehead against his back and carefully kneeled behind him, allowing her body to press against his own.


She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks and falling into his hair. ‘So weak.’ Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly to the side and looked at her through shielded eyes. His nose twitched at the onslaught of her tears.


Before she knew what he was doing, he had picked her up and turned, crushing her body to his chest. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.


“For what?” He spoke but continued to look at the far wall.


“I’m supposed to be making you feel better. Not the other way around.” She wiped a few more tears from her eyes.


“I deserve no such comfort.”


She turned her head, gazing up into his eyes. “What are you talking about?”


“Nothing.” He glared at the floor.


“No.” Her fingertips grazed the sides of his face as she forced him to look at her. She nearly shuddered. It was there. That freezing, emotionless glaze filled his eyes. “Don’t do this,” she clutched his chest. “Please, don’t do this.”


His arms tightened against her back. “You must go.”


She shook her head. “I’m not leaving you.”


“Why would you stay?” He asked, a touch of curiosity in his voice.


“Because I know you, and you don’t deserve to be like this.” She could feel the tears fighting to break their way through again. She wouldn’t let them.


He snarled. “You know nothing of my transgressions, woman.”


“No!” She strengthened her hold. “I don’t care about what you’ve done wrong. You just can’t do this. Don’t shut out the world, Sesshoumaru. It needs you.”


He frowned at her and gave a weak attempt to push her away. “I will not be responsible for the Death of one so innocent.”


It was her turn to frown. “What?”


His claws ripped into the sheets. “It is my fault that she is dead.”


“No its not. Why would you think something like that?” She began shaking her head.


“It is.” He grabbed her chin. “How do you suppose that my Mother became so scarred inside? It was I. My poisons ruptured her body when I was born. I destroyed her, and now I have murdered my own sibling.”


“No,” Kagome mumbled, her hand caressing his forehead. “Sesshoumaru, it’s not your fault. She knew the risks of having a child when she became pregnant. It’s no one’s fault. It was an accident. For goodness sake, you were a baby, how could you understand what you were doing?”


“My conciousness does not matter. I damaged her.”


“Damn it, Sesshoumaru!” Her fists pounded his chest. “It wasn’t your fault. And by doing this, by shutting yourself out of the world, you’re killing the only thing that your parents have left. Don’t make them lose two children in one night.”


He shook his head. “You know not what you speak of.”


“Yes,” she grabbed his face again. “I do. Don’t make them lose you too, Sesshoumaru, because if you shut them out, you might as well be dead. Don’t do that to them.” She felt the sudden dampening on her cheeks. “Don’t do this to me.”


His eyes widened in surprise as she continued to ramble on.


“Don’t make me accept him again, Sesshoumaru. I like this you. Please, don’t do this to me.” The sobs racking her body overwhelmed her to the point where she could no longer speak. Her hands twisted in the pale fabric of his yukata.


He could feel her body’s uncontrollable shakes. ‘She is going to bring a sickness upon herself.’ His hands unconsciously clutched her a little tighter. “Kagome?”


She didn’t respond. She couldn’t make it stop. Her pupils contracted to mere pinpoints from the lack of air.


“Kagome?” He attempted again.


Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. She had begun to gasp for air without taking anything in. She didn’t respond to him; her body went into a sudden fit of convulsions.


“Kagome?!” He was worried. ‘Why is she doing this?’ “Kagome breathe.”


He made slows circles against her back as her skin began to turn blue.


She tried. She tried to fight against the overwhelming sense of doom that filled her body, but it was too strong. And she was far too weak. She closed her eyes, squeezing out a few more tears. ‘Am I going to die?’


She felt something cold press against her skin, more specifically her lips. It forced air into her mouth only to suck it out again. Then, she felt it leave. Leaving her alone again, gasping for air.


Again. Sesshoumaru pulled in all the air he could and forced it into her mouth. ‘Breathe, Kagome. Breathe.’ He nearly cried out in joy when she took her own, first gagging breath. She gripped his body as she coughed, unable to vomit because there was nothing left in her stomach after the earlier experiences with Lady Bishou.


“Sesshoumaru?” She croaked.


“Yes?” He sighed.


“What happened?”


He shook his head. “I know not, but do no such thing again.”


She gave a short, broken laugh. “How do you suppose that I stop it?”


He shook his head again. “I do not know, but I do not like it.”


She sighed. “Me neither.”


A sudden silence filled the air, reminding them both of why they sat in the middle of his bed in the first place. She wasn‘t willing to give him over to the darkness again. “Hey, Sesshoumaru?”


He looked down at her, wondering what other secrets she could pry out of his body. “Yes, Kagome?”


She was an amazing creature. She managed to do what no one else was able. He had never told anyone about the fear he held for his mother’s womb, and yet, this slip of a woman was able to convince him to pour out the contents of his safely guarded heart simply by giving him a hug. It was almost disgustingly easy for her.


It left him wondering just how attached he could become to this overly emotional female.


“Did you…,” her face flushed a bright shade of pink. “Did you kiss me?”


He gave a slight roll of his eyes. “You could not breathe.”


“Oh.” She looked away, mumbling something else under her breath.


“What? I cannot hear you.”


She blushed brighter. “I said…” She murmured again, but this time, it was just strong enough for his demonic ears to pick up through. “It was my first.”


“Your first?” His eyes widened again.


She turned her face into his yukata. “Yes.”


He frowned. “What a terrible way to experience one’s first.”


Before she could respond to him, he grasped her chin between his forefinger and thumb, forcing her to look at him.


Her face took on a look of complete surprise. ‘He’s not going to…He wouldn’t dare…’ Her thoughts abruptly stopped when she felt the first cool caress of his flesh against hers. She was in shock. Complete and utter shock.


Sesshoumaru, brother to her first companion in the Feudal Era, Inuyasha, and former enemy was kissing the daylights out of her. Her hands moved to push him away, but as he drew her nearer, she found herself merely clutching onto him for dear life. His breath whispered over her face, and she could feel his heart beginning to race.


She was doing this to him. And he was doing this to her.


Her chest fluttered with the eruption of a symphony of butterflies.


She felt him give the lightest tug on her lower lip. A question of sorts, but she couldn’t figure out exactly what he was trying to ask. So, she closed her eyes, merely enjoying the feel of his body against her own.


He nipped her lip again, and she moved to ask him what exactly it was that he was trying to do. But, as soon as her lips parted, she felt a sudden cold rush into her mouth. Kagome attempted to examine the new feeling, brushing her tongue against the sensation of frozen silk in her mouth.


Somewhere in her foggy brain, it registered that he had not only taken her first kiss, but he was also giving her the first French kiss she had ever experienced. ‘I guess its my lucky day…’ She nearly giggled at the thought, creating a delicate stroking friction of her tongue against his. Slowly, they parted, and when she opened her eyes she saw the most beautiful sight.


Amber eyes gazed at her with a tenderness she had never imagined possible. The fingers of one of her hands touched her slightly swollen lips. She spoke the only words she could think of there in the darkness of his room. “You meant to do that, didn’t you?”


Sesshoumaru gave a light chuckle and hugged her again.


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A/N: Well? First kiss! ^_^ I actually didn’t expect it to happen in this chapter, but I was writing and I just went ‘What the hell’. Hope you all enjoyed it.
