InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ The Crying Time ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Question: Is there going to be a lemon?

Answer: Yes, but not for quite some time. This was addressed in the original AN on Chapter 1, but I deleted it. Don’t worry. There will be one location where there is an R version without lemons. (FanFiction.Net)

Questions: Did Kagome alter the future by saving Sesshoumaru’s mother? Is Sesshoumaru going to be cold?

Answers: I’m sorry. I can’t answer these because it would reveal part of the plotline. Please, be patient.

Question: Can you add me to your update list?

Answer: Sorry. I don’t have one as of yet, but it’s not really necessary if you figure out my rhythm. I update this story every Wednesday and Saturday.


Shinsou - Thought


OMAKE at the end of this chapter!


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Embracing Ice

Chapter Fourteen: The Crying Time

Written By: Yabou

Edited By: FireAngel 8723

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Her hands twisted the already decimated remains of the perfect, blue silk square. Three days had passed since the passing and cleansing of the demon child named Shinsou, daughter of the Inu no Taisho, Lord Konton, and the demoness who possessed the blessing of Sight, Lady Bishou. Sister to the revealed Prince of the Western Lands, Sesshoumaru.


The entire youkai society went into a respective shock after the tragic death of the royal child and the rediscovery of one who they had imagined died many years ago.


Kagome gave Lady Bishou’s covered hand a light squeeze before pouring her own small amount of sake into a basin placed beside the corpse. She watched as her actions were mimicked first by Sesshoumaru, and then in a joint session by the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands.


Her gaze fell on the ancient priest, an old, religious human monk who wore robes of the palest shade of violet. One gnarled hand clutched a rosary of a deeper purple as he whispered antediluvian words over the tiny body. He lightly sprinkled the contents of the bowl over the remains, coating the child and pyre in the heavy liquor.


Lady Bishou stepped forward after the relic of a man finished his prayers for guidance and deliverance into a new life for the blessed, small soul. Her fingertips brushed against the fine hairs covering the delicate dog-like figure. She refused to let the tears she held back fall for her child. This creation would be reborn; a better life given because of the inability to accomplish anything in its previous one.


That was the way of the kamis. The next life was a theory based on the previous; a never-ending cycle of judgment and reward, or punishment. Karma was a fragile balance that had to be maintained in order for perfect harmony. The ultimate goal.


Lord Konton grasped the hand of his grieving wife. They would mourn the loss of this child, but only behind the safety of closed doors. It was critical to hide the intense sense of loss and sorrow from one’s enemies.


The priest moved in a slow semi-circle around the small altar, pushing it into the water’s edge. His hands grabbed the rosary, and everyone was forced to cover their eyes as the pieces of timber erupted in a pure, white light that faded into the consuming orange flickers of fire. It was done. The soul of Shinsou was put at peace with the weak body, and the aura was allowed to rise into the heavens to be greeted with the blessings of the kamis through reincarnation.


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Another four days passed before anyone saw Lady Bishou out of the confines of her rooms. An additional seven passed before she was able to speak to anyone without bursting into tears.


Kagome cried for them all. She cried for the experience of the death of an innocent child who was given no chance to live. She shed mournful tears over a youkai female who struggled against the depression that accompanied the loss of her spawn. She even wept for the grief-stricken gaze that would pass over the Inu no Taisho’s face whenever it appeared that no other being was watching.


But, most of all, she sobbed for the slow-forming ice that began to appear in the eyes of the Western Prince, Sesshoumaru. She could see the lack of emotion in his smirks, and she could no longer hear the jubilant bounce that occurred with his natural tones. He was becoming the Demon Lord she knew.


It was a fearful sight to say the least.


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She turned instantly, and she couldn’t help but notice the slight bags that tugged at her eyes or the pale tightness of her skin over her bones. “Yes, Lady Bishou?”


The youkai graced her with a small smile. “Please, we are beyond formalities, you and I.”


“Of course,” she nodded. “What can I do for you?”


“There is much that needs to be discussed.” She sighed, suddenly feeling the heaviness of her body. Weeping was an arduous stress upon the humanoid form.


Kagome gave her a look of slight confusion. “All right.”


She smiled again - a little stronger than the last. “You have been such a blessing to my family and I.” Her graceful hand stroked the miko’s cheek. “I am not sure I could have endured this without you. Thank you, Kagome.”


She gave a slight blush. “I don’t need thanks. I feel as if I’m just taking up space. I haven’t been able to help with anything-.”


“Ah, but you have.” Lady Bishou began to walk, tugging on the younger woman’s right arm. “Come. We must discuss other important matters now. There is a grave danger approaching, and you must be prepared.”


“Me?” Kagome’s eyes widened in distress.


“Yes, Kagome. There are many things I See in your future that must be discussed.”


“That you see? What are you talking about?”


“Kagome,” the Lady paused. “I know of your Truth.”




“I know of your journeys with the hanyou, Inuyasha.”


Her eyes doubled in size. “Inuyasha?”


“Yes, I know of Konton’s second son.”


“I - I - I -,” ‘Great job, Kagome. Bail out!’ Her gaze refocused for the inevitable deer-in-the-headlights look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”


Lady Bishou shook her head. “Do not fear, Child. I have faith in Konton. I do not believe that he would be unfaithful to me.”


Kagome gave a nervous giggle and rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. “How do you know that?”


She sighed. “I do not know why I was granted with such a gift, but the kamis chose to bestow me with a precious gift and a terrible burden. Impending occurrences flash before my Slumber’s eye, and I know them for Truth.”


“Oh.” Kagome whispered.


“Kagome,” Lady Bishou paused as they entered the garden. “You must prepare yourself for what is to come. I am not sure of the circumstances, for I have not Seen them, but I know that there will be many great trials in your life.”


Kagome snorted. “Like there aren’t enough already.”


“Kagome,” the youkai frowned. “Please, you must understand this. You have many years ahead of you, and I will not always be at your side to guide you.”


A fear sprouted in the young woman’s eyes. “Are you going to-?”


Lady Bishou shook her head. “I have many years left in my possession.”


Kagome sighed in relief before reflecting on the female’s claim of Sight. “Bishou?”


“Yes, Child?”


“I…Do you know what’s going to happen to me?” She hugged herself and turned away. “I mean, I understand if you don’t want to change Fate or something…but…I’m really scared.”


Lady Bishou grasped her chin and made her lift her eyes. “Kagome. With all my heart, I know this: you cannot change the ways of fate. What is meant to be will be - no matter what you attempt.”


“So…Fate is…predetermined?”


“Fate has a fickle touch, Kagome, but in the end, what you are destined for will be accomplished.”


Kagome frowned. “So, where am I destined to be? Here? The Feudal Era? Or my own?”


This time it was the Lady who sighed and broke their eye contact. “I see no other location for you in the span of my life.”


A sudden weight pressed upon the young miko’s chest, and tears formed in her eyes. “I…I’m never going to see my family or friends again?”


Lady Bishou grasped her shoulder. “I spoke no such words.”




“I can only tell you of my journey’s span, but Kagome, many things have changed since you began your travels here.”


“What do you mean?” She was so afraid now. Any wrong word could break her soul into a million shattered pieces.


“The remains of the Shikon no Tama you carry have completed themselves.” A single hand motion stopped the curious young woman’s questions. “When you spoke into the darkness of the flame in the middle of the wood, you asked for a wish, and the jewel granted it for you.”


“A wish?” Kagome’s eyes went blank in contemplation.


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“I wish…” She whispered quietly into the darkness. “I just want to see my friends again.”


Her eyelids closed slowly, no longer able to withstand their heavy weight. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she registered an unfamiliar tingling that died away to nothing in less than a second’s time.


(Chapter 9)


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“Your wish will come true, Kagome. You will see your friends again.”


“So I…I’m just going to grow old and be forced to live while my body deteriorates?” She gasped.


“No, Child. Do you not understand? When you wished upon the ‘complete’ jewel, you erased everything that composes the magic that surrounds you. You, in essence, obliterated a part of your being. You will be unable to move on, in any form of life, until you regain what you have lost, and the magic that you so wish for will not return until you have reached the point of your own disappearance.”


“I’m…I’m frozen?” Kagome clutched the silk above her beating heart and collapsed against the hard stone of the pathway.


Lady Bishou nodded.


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Sesshoumaru slowly backed away from the screen that led to his mother’s private gardens; he felt his breath stopping as he headed back to his own rooms. ‘She spoke the truth?’


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A/N: Guess what?! It’s OMAKE time! Yah!

This begins right after Lady Bishou tells Kagome about being stuck in the Heian/Nara Period.

(NOTE: This is not a part of the real fiction…it’s for laughs people.)


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“No, Child. Do you not understand? When you wished upon the ‘complete’ jewel, you erased everything that composes the magic that surrounds you. You, in essence, obliterated a part of your being. You will be unable to move on, in any form of life, until you regain what you have lost, and the magic that you so wish for will not return until you have reached the point of your own disappearance.”


Kagome sighed and tilted her head to one side. “Wait…I’m confused…I don’t understand!”


“You are forever locked into the period you currently exist in.” Lady Bishou clutched her arm, waiting for the emotional outbreak that would surely erupt from the girl.


“Uh…” the young miko shook her head. “So you mean…I get to go home?”


One delicate eyebrow twitched on the graceful youkai’s face. “No…you are destined to remain here.”


“What does that mean?” Kagome innocently asked.


The Lady quietly ground her teeth. “You will not be returning.” Her claws were beginning to pierce the human’s kimono.




“Damn it! Are you stupid? Can you not comprehend the most simple of phrases?!” Her strong hands wrapped around the fragile woman’s throat and began a heavy shake. “What is your problem? I can’t believe they force me to work with this! I want my damn lawyer, and I want him now!”


She dropped the gasping girl on the floor and walked away.


Sesshoumaru suddenly appeared in the doorway. “Is something wrong?”


Kagome nodded. “Your Mother has gone insane.”


“Really?” He questioned, entering the private garden. “I knew it would happen one day.”


“Yeah…one day they’re normal and then Bang!” She made a large waving motion with her hands. “The next thing you know, they’re in a straight jacket and asking you for more cookies.”


Sesshoumaru examined a nearby tree with a look of accusation. “Are you the same life form who attempted to maim this Sesshoumaru?”


The tree twitched.


“I thought so.” His arms reached out to grapple the tree, but it quickly dashed away, running like a banshee through the small area and destroying the shrubbery.


Kagome starred at the damp dirt in awe. “Oh! Mud pie time!”


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A/N: Lol. We used to make those… Okay, one more thing…I’m going to be posting a new story tomorrow! ^_^ An A/U! Here’s a preview, thanks for reading!


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Title: Of the Taiyoukai and Lace

Genre: Humor/Romance

Rating: M (FanFiction.Net)/MA (A Single Spark)(MediaMiner.Org)

Type: A/U

Pairing: Sess/Kag and others

Summary: Determined to make in on her own in the deadly world of fashion, Kagome steps out from under the sheltering wings of her supermodel mother and fashion-corporate leader brother only to find herself working in the back room of a high-fashion store in the middle of Tokyo. All is rather dull and mundane until she enters her tiny room one day only to find a seething taiyoukai shredding her latest creation…this isn’t exactly what she wanted when she asked for a new set of scissors…

Update Days: Thursday and Monday