InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Threadbare ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I'm so happy with the reaction I got to having Rinseternalsoul guest author. By the way, I just wanted to say it because I haven't before… Thanks for all of your reviews for this story, and a special thanks to all of you who supported me while I was out of it after the accident. I can't tell you how wonderful that made me feel. This story has had over 25,000 hits on FanFiction.Net alone! THANKS!
(Oh, and for those of you who were wondering why Chap. 16 was entitled with the phrase “Shifting Sands”… it's because Ikris is from Egypt…get it? Sand… Egypt…. Yeah.)
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Embracing Ice
Chapter Eighteen: Threadbare
Written By: Yabou
Edited By: Not yet edited…
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“INUYASHAAAAA!” She screamed, wrenching herself out of the clutches of one of the worst nightmares she had ever experienced.
Her body stank of a sweat brought about by fear, and she hated to force her eyes open for an even stronger fear that what she had seen would be real. She had dreamed that they had all died…right there in front of her very eyes…by her own hand. Her body shuddered at the mere thought of betraying her companions.
“Lady Kagome?” A deep voice spoke, his breath fanning out over her face. “Lady Kagome, are you ill?”
Kagome felt the tears well up into her eyes. `That's right… I couldn't kill them. They haven't even been born yet.'
Sensing her tears, Lord Konton moved to sit on the edge of the futon next to a very jumpy priestess, Ikris. The woman who had dashed out across the halls in search of them, screaming that the Lady was vibrating with death. How one vibrated with death, he still didn't understand, but she had been the First Priestess in the Temple of Anubis… so she had to know.
“Lady Kagome?” He tried again, watching a fountain of tears run down his wife's face for no apparent reason. The girl was merely sleeping, and yet his two female companions seemed deeply disturbed by it.
“Hnnnn…” Kagome weakly tried to push some of the fog out of her brain and open her eyes.
A tall figure with amber eyes and silver hair leaned over her body, and for a moment she willed him to be the one she sought after so badly. She allowed her mind to, once again, forget that she was several hundreds of years out of place. “Inuyasha,” she whispered.
Lord Konton gave her a slightly confused look.
“Inuyasha,” she spoke again. Her hands grew a mind of there own, and with a gentle pink light surrounding them, she touched his cheeks. The darks stripes there fading away for a moment or two. Next, she ran her palm against his forehead, only slightly distorting the crescent moon. Tears continued to leak out of her eyes. “No.” Her voice became harsh. “Not him. You're too much like them both to actually be one or the other.”
She rolled onto her stomach, willing them all to go away.
“Who is Inuyasha?” Konton asked, ignoring the slight tingling feelings that slowly passed out of his face.
The young woman gave a half-choked sob into her pillow.
“Konton,” Bishou called, placing her hand upon his shoulder. “Now is not the time.”
Kagome gave another weeping sound and sat up to face the female youkai in one swift movement. “When is the time?” She cried. “Why am I here? You know!” She accused. “I know that you do. What you said in the garden that day, did you mean it? Am I trapped here like some bird in a cage? Why? Why? Why!”
“Kagome…,” Lady Bishou pulled the girl into a gentle embrace. “The truth is always with you, Kagome.”
The young miko's body began to convulse lightly with suppressed cries. “No. It isn't true. It can't be true!”
“Life is not an easy battle, young one.”
Her free hand weakly pounded the futon. “I just want a break here! One, single, damn break!”
“I know, young one. I know.” The older youkai soothed, making shushing sounds as she pressed Kagome's forehead against her cheek and ran her claws through the girl's hair in a comforting gesture. “Time has become obsessed with you.”
“W-what?” Kagome croaked.
Lady Bishou gave her mate a slight smile when he and the priestess, Ikris, slipped out of the room. `Later. Let us speak of your heartbreak later, my love.' Her eyes saddened at the thought of what would now have to be discussed.
“Time, my dear one,” she continued in a quiet voice. “Cannot let you go. You are an experience that it is unwilling to surrender to one of its phases alone. All of time wishes to be granted the pleasure of having you.”
“You can't be serious.” Kagome sighed, her body tiring with each passing moment. The nightmare and her fears slowly slipping away to the rhythmic passing of Bishou's claws through her hair.
Lady Bishou smiled and let out a small laugh. “In a way, I am, and in others, I am not.” She pulled Kagome away to look in her eyes. “You see, young one, you are quite important to the Fates, and thus, time. …For you must save it all…”
Kagome sighed and bowed her head. “You know, I've never really dreamed of being anything spectacular. I never wanted anything outrageous out of my life…no fame, no fortune, just a normal life… Why can't I have that?”
“Because, dear one, you will have it all.”
Another tear found it's way down her well-tracked face. “What if I don't want it all?”
“Fate cannot be changed, Kagome.” She shook her head and gave her a watery smile. “We are bound to the life that is granted to us.”
“Will I ever see them again?” Her voice wavered, as if afraid to hope.
Lady Bishou gave a small sigh and gripped the jewel fragment hanging around Kagome's neck. The one that had mysteriously fused when she had fallen through the well to this era. The one that now refused to glitter with its unknown magics. “That is a very complicated question, but yes, dear one, you will see all of those close to you again.”
“Really?” Her eyes lit up with joy, and Lady Bishou felt her heart sink.
“Yes, truly. Now, sleep for our day will be long. There are other subjects of which we must speak, but on the morrow. Please, rest deeply, dear one.”
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“Where did you learn Japanese?” Kagome questioned.
Ikris smiled brightly as they traveled toward the dojo for Kagome's training session with the priestess Ishi. “Mating to Wepwawet had several…advantages. I am able to understand many languages and respond in kind.”
“Wow,” Kagome gave her a slightly distorted smile. She was rambling and she knew it; she was doing anything to avoid thinking about the oncoming conversation with Lady Bishou later in the day.
“Yes,” Ikris gave a warm smile that turned into a slight frown. “I do miss him dearly.”
“I'm sure that you'll see him again, Ikris. After all, it's not like anything would stop him from visiting you here.”
Ikris gave her a wide-eyed look. “You would not disapprove of his visitations?”
Kagome almost laughed. “Of course not. Who am I to stand in the way of true love? I've always been a sucker for a happy ending.”
“Kagome!” Ishi called from the steps of the dojo. “You are late. The sun is far passed the rise of the mountains.”
Kagome bowed and took her place on one of the stone risers. “I'm sorry. It was a long night.”
Ishi eyed the new woman before nodding in acceptance. “Very well. And who might you be, priestess?”
Ikris bowed. “I am the Lady Ikris, First Priestess to the Temple of Anubis.”
Ishi raised an eyebrow before ignoring her all together. “Kagome, meditation. Now.”
Kagome sighed and closed her eyes, trying to find some dark place in her mind that wasn't riddled with holes or tearful memories.
Two agonizing hours later both of her feet were asleep, and she was no closer to grasping any sort of divine level. Unless overall numbness was the ultimate goal.
“Priestess Ishi,” Ikris interrupted them. Well aware that Kagome was getting absolutely no where.
“Yes?” Ishi responded, not even bothering to open her eyes.
“I believe that Lady Kagome may render herself unconscious, should she stay here much longer.”
Ishi sighed deeply and rolled onto her feet, remaining in a crouched position, with her eyes still closed. “And you have a suggestion?”
Ikris smiled. “Yes, I believe that I may.”
Ishi opened her eyes and began walking back into the temple. “Very well. You will bring her back to me when she shows any sign of manifestation.”
Nodding, Ikris tapped Kagome on the shoulder. “Kagome?”
“Eh?” The young woman yawned.
“Let us return to the main house.”
Kagome beamed. “Really? What'd you do?” Her eyes widened, and her voice lowered to a gigglish whisper. “You didn't kill her, did you?”
“Kagome!” Ishi yelled from the confines of the temple. “I suggest you depart before I decide not to be so gracious.”
Scrambling to her feet, she laughed. “Right, right. Let's go!”
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“This is not what I had in mind, Ikris.” Kagome grumbled, frowning at all of the creative outlets available to her.
The older, darker-skinned woman passed her an easy smile. “Calm yourself. Sit here beside me.” She replied, patting a spare pillow on the floor of Lady Bishou's study.
Kagome continued to complain under her breath, but she took the offered seat.
“Now,” Ikris continued. “What is it that you do in your free time?”
“Free time?”
“Yes, when you are not consumed by the activities of the family.” She gave Kagome a knowing look. “When you feel the need to relax or concentrate.”
Kagome frowned. “Well, I haven't really had a chance to do any of that since I've been here.”
“Then before you came to the Western Lands.”
Kagome closed her eyes in thought and leaned against the bookcase behind them. `Before the Western Lands? Before the Feudal Era? What did I do back then? Did I even have a life?'
Unbidden, a memory flashed from the recesses of her brain.
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“Kagome?” A light, female voice called from the stairway. “Kagome, are you up there?”
The young girl, who had turned ten the previous week, frowned at her unfinished handiwork. “I'm not done yet, Mama!”
Mrs. Higurashi smiled from the doorway. “It looks beautiful, Kagome. I'm sure he'll love it.”
“Promise?” Kagome's eyes filled with hope as a few scraps of fabric and an unfinished handkerchief fell onto the bed. She moved toward her mother, wrapping her hands in the woman's apron. “Do you think I'll be done by next week? His birthday is so soon.”
“I'm sure. Now, let's go. Everyone else is all ready at the table.”
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“I,” she took a deep breath, attempting to steady her voice. “I used to enjoy sewing… when I was younger.”
Ikris gave a slight nod and moved to a small chest. “Very well.” Her hands passed Kagome a large container filled with thick, vibrant threads. “I want you to choose some of these.”
Kagome absently began to pluck a few of the darker colored sets from the box before Ikris's hands stopped her. “What?”
“Close your eyes.”
“But how can I know if they match if I can't see them?” She responded with a slightly confused face.
“Let your hands tell you what to select.”
Kagome tried to raise an eyebrow, but she ended up raising them both and looking quite stupid. “Let my hands pick them?”
Ikris shook her head and gently used her fingertips to close Kagome's eyes. “Trust me. I have been a priestess for quite some time, and I know a little about it.”
Kagome stuck out her tongue, but she also began to run her hands over the delicate selections. “Right. Lead on, oh Great One.”
She sighed and delved her hands deeper. Her fingers played with the different textures, slowly pushing aside ones that seemed soft and weak. Something inside of her had already seemed to settle on what she would be making, and it required strength and force. One of her nails grazed a thicker cording of thread. It felt as if a hum reverberated through her hands from the thread. She pulled it out and settled it into her lap. Her perusal continued until two more hum-worthy selections were made and a sort of odd, yet harmonizing vibration filled the air around her.
“Keep your eyes closed, Kagome.” Ikris warned, removing the discarded pieces and returning with a fine knife to cut the thread. “Now, take this.” She pressed the knife into Kagome's hand. “Cut each roll to the right length.”
“But how do I do that without knowing what I'm making or opening my eyes?”
Ikris's voice took on a slightly humorous lilt at the irritated edge overtaking the young woman's voice. “You will know. If your choices are correct, you will know.”
Kagome gave an overdramatic sigh before giving into her own curiosity, “How is this going to help me with my powers?” Her hands carefully unrolled the first piece. When she had pulled what she assumed to be twelve armspans of material, the hum she had previously felt became a soothing note that she could almost hear. `Weird.' She thought, but her hands moved and swiftly cut the thread before doing the same with the other two.
“You shall see.” Ikris hid a smile and placed the three cut pieces into a separate part of the chest with the knife. “Now, open your eyes. That is enough for today.”
“Really?” Kagome grinned. “What now, then?”
“Lady Bishou has requested that I bring you to her after you were finished with your duties.”
Kagome allowed her redirected thoughts to mar her brow with a frown. “She wants to discuss this morning?”
“I would think so. There seems to be much to be discussed.”
“That's what I was afraid of.”
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“Concentrate!” He roared, his attack barely missing the younger youkai's left leg and sinking into the ground.
Two blurs of white sped across the training field, only stopping when one or both of them were hit.
Sesshoumaru chose not to respond, but instead, he countered his father's sword with a swift sidekick to it's hilt that succeeded in knocking it several paces away. Lord Konton then proceeded to rake his claws across his son's exposed stomach. “You must keep up your guard at all times.”
The younger demon let out an almost inaudible sigh before twisting his position to throw an uppercut directly into Konton's jaw that sent them both awkwardly taking a step back. “Better.” Konton gave his son a curt nod and moved his jaw to both sides, popping it back into place and allowing his teeth to reset themselves. “Now, what has distracted you on such a fine day?”
Sesshoumaru frowned deeply, contemplating the forwardness of his question. “Who is Inuyasha?”
His father showed the slightest amount of shock. “Inuyasha? Where did you hear that name?”
“She screamed loudly, Father. And, she has spoken it before.” His mind replayed the moment as his fists clenched tighter.
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“No.” He stared at her. “It's okay. You're safe with me, Kagome.”
Her facial expression melted into one of confusion. “Inuyasha?”
The hairs on his neck bristled at the unknown name. “No, Kagome. Sesshoumaru.”
“S-Sesshoumaru?” She bit her lip. “Good?”
“Yes,” he breathed a small sigh of relief, finally taking her hand in his own. “Breathe, Kagome.”
(Excerpt taken from Chapter Sixteen: Steady Stars, Shifting Sands)
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“When?” Konton ushered him to a stone bench. “When has she spoken it?”
Sesshoumaru glanced cautiously at his father. “She was afraid.” He paused. “She says that name when she is afraid - as she did last night.”
“Interesting.” Konton replied.
“Who is Inuyasha, Father?”
“I am not sure, my Son. I may only speculate that it is someone who resembles myself. She confused me with him.” He gave Sesshoumaru a hearty pat on the back. “Do not worry overmuch. I fear that no one could steal her away from you. Now, let us continue without further distractions.”
“Take her? Of what do you speak-?”
“Guard yourself!” Konton cut off any further questions by shoving the end of his retrieved blade through Sesshoumaru's arm.
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A/N: Interesting, yes? Okay, so the next chapter will reveal the secrets of Kagome! Yah.