InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing Ice ❯ Love - Expressed (Lemon Version) ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: (Lemon Version) This is the NC-17 version of this chapter. For the R version, please go to:
Dedication: For my sister author who also knows that great things can happen in thirty-three chapters, this goes to you, Demonlordlover. Reading something of yours is like blowing pixie dust over the pages, it shimmers and glitters until the whole world is golden.
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Embracing Ice
Written By: Yabou
Edited By: Wiccan
Chapter Thirty-Three: Love - Expressed
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Her throat was dry. She could feel her sandpaper-like tongue rubbing uselessly against the roof of her mouth as she sought some sort of non-existent relief. Through slow, measured movements, the miko and future mate of an inu youkai kept her head down and watched her feet as they peeked out from beneath her kimono with each step she took.
He was breathless, staring at the entourage that surrounded her, hiding her from prying eyes. Carefully, the demonic prince examined their circle for a fault - some place where she would be visible. The need to see her, to confirm her presence, was overwhelming. He had to resist the urge to push them aside and run away with her. They were so close now.
When the sea of females parted, their eyes caught, then they were both gasping for air.
Butterflies erupted in a symphony of movement in the pit of her stomach, but she focused on the one who had become her world. By his side, there was no need to fear. His aura was like a balm against her soul. It reached out to embrace her, and she smiled in return. `You always seem to know what I need… You are what I need.'
She was beautiful. He smiled as he watched her twist her hands inside of her sleeves. It was a nervous habit that was very unbecoming of a lady, and he loved her all the more for it. She was never, could never be, the prim and proper sort. She was Kagome. Even without sleep from assisting Ikris' birthing, she was beautiful.
“Kagome.” He whispered her name and the rest of the world fell away. At that moment, they were all that mattered in the universe.
Smiling, she stepped away from the crowd and up onto the small platform. “Sesshoumaru.”
His eyes gleamed with unspoken humor. “It would seem that we have some unfinished business, little miko.”
“Do we?” Kagome laughed, not noticing as the women took their places amongst the crowd. “I don't know about you, but I always wear my ceremonial get-up to assist in the births of demi-gods. Don't you?”
“It was a joyous occasion,” Sesshoumaru conceded. “However, I had hoped to accomplish something else last eve. My only respite is that it will be accomplished now.”
Her expression twisted into one of love and sincerity. “Oh that. I suppose we probably should see about it.”
“You suppose?” Sesshoumaru teased, raising one eyebrow. “I assure you, I will not force your hand.”
Turning toward the cave ahead of them, she slid her arm against his and moved forward. As they entered the darkness, she whispered, “A little rough love never hurt anyone.”
Her demonic prince nearly faltered.
“So what are we doing?” Kagome continued in a soft voice.
Sesshoumaru chuckled. “We are walking.”

She frowned. “I can't see anything. Where are we walking to?”
“My father,” he replied, his tone a little tighter than before.
“My son,” Konton called out from the all-consuming black. “Who has dared to enter our ancestral home at your side?”
The young youkai nudged his future mate, signaling her necessity to speak.
“I am Kagome,” she responded, unsure of what he wanted to hear.
Red eyes pierced the empty space, and tiny blue pupils focused on the human female. “And what are your intentions here, Miko?”
“I wish to mate my lord Sesshoumaru.” She answered, resisting the urge to tangle her hands in the sleeves of her kimono. Among youkai, words did not hold much value, they relied on actions to convey what they felt. Appearing nervous would do her no good if she wanted to be gifted with Sesshoumaru's soul.
“Can you accept the consequences of your actions, Miko?” the demon lord asked as he watched her body for any sign of hesitance. “Will you give up your spirit in return for his? Can you sacrifice your identity to become one with a beast?”
“He is not a beast,” she argued, gripping Sesshoumaru's hand to control her anger at Konton's statement.
The Inu no Taishou laughed, “Do not fool yourself, Miko. We may hide our identities in pleasing shells, but our minds remain the same. We are creatures. We are beasts.”
In front of and beside her, the two inu youkai morphed into the forms they were provided from birth. An unearthly light cut through the darkness from behind the demon lord. Powerful, white, fur-covered legs raised their animalistic torsos many feet above her own head. Kagome smiled and nuzzled against the soft coat covering Sesshoumaru's leg. “You are wrong, Lord Konton. Even in this body, he is still Sesshoumaru. He knows who I am. He loves me. And, I will always love him, no matter what shape he holds.”
The dog at her side lowered his great muzzle to woof softly into her hair as the one before them lowered his massive body to the ground, tucking his head between his front paws in a sign of acceptance. A low, swishing sound echoed through the empty cavern as the two swayed their tails from side to side.
Kagome resisted the urge to giggle at their antics. It would not do to upset the battle-hardened warriors by admitting that they were cute enough to make her squeal with girlish glee. Her hands caressed the soft pelt while she continued to address the Inu no Taishou. “I accepted Sesshoumaru's heritage long ago, and I will not let the boundaries of our species keep me from loving him. He has given me his whole heart by accepting me as I am, and I cannot expect to give him anything less in return.”
Their bone structure shifted once again, returning them to their humanoid identities. When the transformation was complete, Konton spoke, “You have passed the trials required of our kind. You are immune to our poisons. You accepted our ways, and you sacrificed your life for that of your mate. There are many things that you have yet to learn, but you are willing to do so.” Shifting to face Sesshoumaru, he inquired, “Is this the female you wish to join?”
“It is,” the younger youkai replied without a moment's pause.
“Will you sacrifice your spirit in return for what she has offered you?” Konton continued.
Sesshoumaru nodded curtly. “I will.”
The demon lord's aura flared away from his body like a wildfire, cutting a path across the stone floor toward Kagome. “You will block my attack,” he commanded. “If you prove yourself to me, I will allow you to mate Sesshoumaru.”
Focusing her powers into a shield, she attempted to hold the youki at bay. As it slammed against her barrier, the young miko was pushed backward, stumbling for few seconds before slipping her feet into a battle stance. Hands raised in front of her face, she reinforced the power flowing from her body.
At her side, Sesshoumaru bristled. “What are you doing?”
“If she is to take a place among our pack, I must determine that she will not be a hindrance. You have approved of her. Your mother has approved of her. Now, it is my turn,” the great inu replied.
“You will not-” Sesshoumaru attempted to stand between them, but he was interrupted by a quiet voice.
“Don't,” Kagome whispered, sweat beading on her forehead. “Don't stop me. Let me do this. Let me show that I am worthy of you.”
Settling her with a hard look, he nodded his consent and backed away from the fight, taking up a position against the far wall. “I will not interfere if this is what you wish to do.”
With a small smile, she returned her attention her opponent. “Do what you must, Lord Konton.”
In a flash, he was on her, tossing her into the ground and rolling their bodies. “And if I must kill you?” he asked, pressing her into the stone.
Kagome grunted, jabbing her elbow into his ribcage and scrambling away. “Then you'll have to do better than that.”
The demon lord chuckled and wrapped one of his powerful arms around her calf to yank her down again. “Do not believe that you will escape so easily, Miko,” he replied, landing a blow on her shoulder that nearly rattled her brain.
Sesshoumaru watched the pair as they wrestled in the dirt, eyes wide with wonder. No more of their magics had been exchanged, and it almost seemed as if they were beginning to enjoy the tussle. Konton was treating her almost as if she was a wayward pup undergoing training.
Kagome gasped when she felt a clawed hand press trap her throat. Taking slow, deep breaths, she examined the face of her attacker. His lips were twisted upward in a confident, half-smirk, and his entire body was relaxed against her. It was then that she realized his intent. `He's playing with me. He's treating me as if I was his own.' With a brief nod to her Alpha, she allowed her head to fall limp in his grasp, exposing her throat for all to see.
“You have done well, Little One,” he whispered, gaze lit with pride. “You will make a fine mate for my heir.” Rising, he pulled Kagome to her feet and led her to her place at Sesshoumaru's side. To his son, Konton said, “She has demonstrated her capabilities as your mate. Tonight, you will retire with your lady in our den, and when you return, our games will begin.”
Kagome frowned as the demon lord left them alone in the dim space. “Games?”
Sesshoumaru shrugged, turning to lead her deeper into the quiet cavern. “Youkai sport. You have shown your strengths against my father. It is expected that I show my abilities in front of a crowd. You have no need to fear, Kagome. It is merely a game.”
“This isn't one of those `ha-ha-let's-kill-each-other' things, is it?” she asked worriedly.
The demon chuckled in response. “No, Kagome. I do not know where you get these ideas.”
Stomping her foot, she frowned at him. “Most of the time they are!”
“It is simple posturing, Kagome,” he calmed her. “Do not be afraid.” Taking her hand, he guided her along the softly lit corridor toward the den's center. It was a long-standing tradition for a new-accepted couple to spend the night of their mating in the protective belly of the ancient home. It was an impenetrable fortress that assured them that they would be undisturbed while tying their souls together.
Several minutes later, they were greeted by a set of heavy, wooden doors. Sesshoumaru lifted his claws and sunk them into the ancient timber, barking low in his throat. A deep blue sheen shuddered across the surface in response to his request and forced the barriers open.
“What did you just say?” Kagome wondered aloud.
Sesshoumaru gave her a soft smile. “It is the call of my pack. After we are mated, you will be able to feel its pull no matter where you are.”
Kagome shivered as the cool air rushed out of the space. “It's so cold.”
“We are in the heart of the mountain. It is much higher than the main house. The air filtering from outside is much colder here,” he informed her, as he worked his way to a pit carved into the stone wall. “Would you like a fire?”
Kagome nodded, trying to resist the urge to let her teeth chatter. Her mind raced when she caught sight of what the den contained. Depictions of great dogs had been painstakingly engraved into the mountain, and several large, colorful banners portraying the massive, white inu hung from the nearly invisible ceiling. The space was substantial enough to house nearly a half dozen of the demons in their true form. “What is this place?”
“It was created long before my father's birth,” Sesshoumaru informed her. “It was the home of my kind before they could contain themselves within a mortal shell. As the Inu no Taishou and Lord of the West, it is his right to den here.”
“Wow,” she gasped, still caught up in the enormity of the den.
“Come,” he returned to her side after lighting a fire in the hearth.
Kagome's earlier nervousness returned when he escorted her into a smaller room that held a pallet large enough to support Sesshoumaru's demon form. She carefully settled into its softness as he stirred the fire to life. Watching his movements, she sighed, caught up in the fluidity of his body. He possessed a grace that she could never hope to achieve. After he completed his task, he walked slowly toward her and took a seat next to her on the edge of the bedding.
“You are uneasy,” Sesshoumaru said, finally returning his gaze to her eyes.
“No,” she shook her head, trying to dispel the worry in his face. “Not about this. Not about you.”
Leaning forward, he carefully brushed his lips over hers. “Then what do you fear, little miko?”
Kagome closed her eyes and sighed, enjoying the feel of him. “I've never done this before.” She blushed. “What if I'm… bad?”
Sesshoumaru laughed. “I do not believe it possible,” he conceded, slipping a hand under her hair and drawing her forward again, enjoying the feel of her skin. “We will conquer the unknown together, little miko. As a monogamous creature, I will never know anyone else.”
“That doesn't really make me feel better,” Kagome frowned. “I'm not totally reassured by the idea that you won't know the difference. I want to be good at this. I want to please you. I want to make you happy.”
Stopping her with another kiss, he pressed his forehead against hers and whispered, “Lay with me?”
“Okay,” she acquiesced, and nodded, attempting to hold back her blush.
Sesshoumaru slipped between the blankets and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her as close as he possibly could without losing sight of her wide, blue eyes. His Alpha had approved of his chosen mate. To receive such a gift so early in life was unheard of, and he was determined to stand by her side for the rest of his days in thanks to the gods. “I love you,” he breathed.
“I love you too,” Kagome smiled, feeling the knot in her chest loosen. He always seemed to know just what to say. With a soft sigh, she closed the distance between them and nestled into his chest. “You'll never leave me, will you?”
Dipping his head, he breathed the light floral scent of her hair. “I would not - could not - exist without you, Kagome.” Moving lower, he kissed a trail down the side of her face and neck, reveling in the feel of her small hands clutching his arms. His fingertips traced the slight v in her clothing, barely slipping into the fabric and following the curve of her breast. “What of you? Will you stay by my side?”
“Always,” she promised, gifting him with a quiet moan and arching into his touch. Her breath hitched when he assaulted her throat, nipping and licking the delicate flesh to his heart's content. One of his hands breached the cloth barrier separating their bodies and cupped the swell of her chest. With a tentative caress, the demonic prince created a pattern over her skin that made her heart race.
Sesshoumaru felt himself come alive as she moaned against him. The passionate way her body responded never failed to stir his lust. Arms slipping down her body, he circled her waist and pulled her flush against hm, letting her feel the full effect of what she did to him. Her legs parted, moving to delicately grip the edge of his hips through the layers of fabric, and she pressed against him. Realizing that there would be no other way to remove her clothing, he tugged her upward. “You must stand.”
Complying with his wishes, Kagome allowed him to maneuver her form until he stood behind her in the middle of the pallet. She panted heavily as the youkai continued his attack, placing fevered kisses along the length of her collarbone while his hands manipulated the ties holding her kimono shut. The slow burning heat in her stomach grew as each glide of his tongue over her skin sent another bolt of arousal through her. Winding one arm over her shoulder, she fisted his hair and held him close, never wanting his electrifying touches to stop. The heat of his breath skated over her skin, causing her to shudder in his hold.
Finally, the boundary dispersed as her obi fell to the floor. As she turned, his fingers outlined the curves of her body, starting with her breasts and working his way down until he was at the swell of her hips. Her clothing slid from her shoulders and caught on the crook of her elbows as she buried both hands in his haori, melting easily into his hard form. Dancing over her thighs, Sesshoumaru dipped between them, caressing the young miko with a touch so soft that he remained on the outer edge.
A single digit slipped inside, burying deep in her body with one smooth stroke.
“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome cried out, unconsciously rocking against his hand as he pushed into her.
Growling against her neck, his eyes clenched shut at the feeling of her muscles rippling over him, beckoning him to enter previously forbidden territory and bring her to new heights. Withdrawing halfway, the demonic prince pressed upward again, using his other hand to manipulate the small protrusion of sensitive flesh that made her beg for more as he set the pace.
Kagome worked her way between their bodies and gripped his obvious arousal through the layer of thick hakama, unsteadily stroking him as he made her body sing. Her legs shook from the force of holding her own weight, and when her first orgasm raced through her body, she drooped in the circle of his arms, trusting his strength to keep the both of them from crashing into the bedding.
He lowered her gently to the pallet and removed the unwanted clothing from her form, tossing it into a corner to be forgotten.
Kagome smiled, wrapping her hands in his haori as she caught her breath. “It's no fair. I'm naked, and you're still wearing all of this.”
“A situation that will be quickly remedied, I assure you,” he chuckled, allowing her to push the top from his shoulders and untie the confining hakama. With quick movements, he deposited them beside her things and returned to the bed.
Parting her thighs, Kagome beckoned him to come closer. “I think I feel a little chill.”
“Do you?” he asked, stalking forward, the muscles in his lean body contracting as he hovered over her. Lowering his hips, they both gasped at the pleasurable initial feeling of friction.
“I love you,” she whispered, and raised her head to slide her tongue over his pointed ear, drawing a pleased groan from his mouth.
With one hand on each side of her waist, Sesshoumaru slowly pressed into her, restraining the snarl that threatened to escape his lips at the first feel of clutching warmth pulling him deeper.
Kagome choked as he eased into her body. The uncomfortable stretching grew into a burning pain when he filled her completely. Closing her eyes, she fisted the sheets and resisted the urge to cry. Each breath she took made her shift, sending another sting through her.
Noticing her pained expression, the demonic prince stilled, willing his movements to freeze while she adjusted. Tapping her chin with the hand closest to her face, Sesshoumaru spoke softly, “I love you too, Kagome.” Her beautiful blue gaze caused a smile to cross his features.
“Help me through this,” she pleaded, wanting the pain to fade away.
With a small nod, he pulled away only to press into her again. He attuned his senses to her body, taking note of the way she winced. “I do not wish to hurt you.”
“No,” Kagome shook her head. “It was less. Do it again.”
Hesitating for a moment, Sesshoumaru repeated his actions and was surprised by the small gasp that escaped her lips. “Are you-?”
Kagome reveled as the pressure eased and gave way to an enticing tension. “Again,” she whimpered huskily, “please.”
Slowly, they learned the rhythm, slipping against one another until the strength of their want spurred them forward. Her hands caressed his hair and the sinful contours of his body as he drove into her. He focused on her touch and dropped haphazard, open-mouthed kisses over her chest as she seductively arched into him.
With a passionate cry, Kagome reached her second completion, slick from sweat and newly learned satisfaction as Sesshoumaru growled into her breasts and spilled himself into her welcoming depths.
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