InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enchanted ❯ Through The Woods I Go ( Chapter 1 )
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~Kagome goes hiking one day and feels a presence.......present time A/U~
Disclaimer, I, Sadly do not own, this story is for my weird entertainment! Enjoy!
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“Mom, I’m going out for a hike be back in an hour or so for dinner!” Yelled Kagome down the hall to her mother.
“Ok hun be careful, be back before dark, you know how I worry.” Replied her mother.
Kagome put on her red and black sneaks, “Ok bye!” she said cheerfully. Kagome walked out of the front door and saw the sun out shining and felt the gentle breeze. The sunset shrine was at the edge of Tokyo, it was almost a suburb for it had vast woods beyond her shrine. Some say that they have felt eyes on them walking through the forest, but Kagome knew better, she wasn’t one to believe in silly superstitions, that was left for her grandfather!
She walked down an old dirt path behind the well house and into the woods. It was beautiful this time of day, the sun peeked through the leafs, the birds chirping, the swaying of the trees, and the ancient forest smell. She saw a family of deer crossing a hallow, and two little raccoons snuggled up in a tree, sleeping and waiting for the night to create mischief. She walked through the hallow and smelt the poppies blooming everywhere.
Kagome came up to a little creek and decided to stop and rest for a couple of minutes. She sat on a fallen-down-log by the clear creek with some fishes swimming by. She let out a relaxed breathe ‘It’s nice to be out here, I’ve always felt so peaceful when I come out into the woods.’ she thought. Suddenly she had a feeling of being watched, but she brushed it off thinking it was an animal. But it wouldn’t go away, and she felt like a human being watching her, so by her new founded fear she turned around.....yet no one was there. She turned back around and was puzzled.
Kagome thought about it, and she came to the conclusion that what ever or whom ever it was, she felt no animosity coming from them. As the wind blew around her she felt a gentle touch on her cheek and to her amazement ( and what seemed against her will) she closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. When she open her eyes, again no one was there.
Being a little spooked, but secretly curious, she went and got back on the trail to her house. As she was walking she heard patters amongst the trees. ‘Get hold of yourself girl, your basically the only one who goes into these woods, everyone one else is to frighten to! No one else is here.’ she ran through her head. Just as she was about to escape the woods, a magnificent wind blew p around her and she was in a whirlwind of leaves. She smiled to herself and laughed, oh how she loved nature! She thought she heard a chuckle but was already spooked so she stepped through the bow of leaves and into her shrine grounds.
“Did you have a lovely walk, hun?” asked her mom while she was cooking rice and salmon.
Kagome took her shoes off and put them by the door, “Yes it was great as usual, but........hey mom? Do you think there is anything weird about the woods?” Asked Kagome
“Well not really, but there’s always animals running wild in the woods so your bound to hear something, I think that’s why everyone reluctant to go in there.”
Kagome looked at dinner, “Yea that’s true.” She said still not convinced, “I’ll go call Souta and Grandpa to dinner.” She said while getting up.
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After dinner, Kagome went to her room to read. She was lying in her bed with her book and she heard a noise outside towards the woods. She knew this cause her window was right besides the trail. She put her book down and went to see what was up outside. She scanned with her eyes out the window towards the woods, with her memory of today still fresh in her mind. She saw them. Glowing passions of gold and amber. No colors she has ever seen before on an animal. The eyes spoke to her in an almost ancient Langue....She felt happy and excited and.....loved. It really confused her because she thought she should be scared seeing two eyes glowing out the dark resins of the woods. Yet she wasn’t for some strange reason.....she grinned.
He saw her for the second time today. He knew he shouldn’t be here looking up at her and letting her see him, but he couldn’t help it. He felt drawn like a invisible rope tagging him along. He knew it wold be soon so he can finally talk to her, and feel her, and hold her. So many years in these woods has he lived alone. Now he wouldn’t be, he felt her the day she was born. Never has he had this feeling! As he looked at her grin, he smiled brightly and jumped off a sign and thought of how he would dream of that day soon he would be one, not just his half. Looking back at the sign he read ‘Inuyasha’s Forest’, smiled secretively and ran to his slumber.
The End
I hope you all enjoyed my story, I was outside today, and got inspired! ^_^ Til next time!
Disclaimer, I, Sadly do not own, this story is for my weird entertainment! Enjoy!
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“Mom, I’m going out for a hike be back in an hour or so for dinner!” Yelled Kagome down the hall to her mother.
“Ok hun be careful, be back before dark, you know how I worry.” Replied her mother.
Kagome put on her red and black sneaks, “Ok bye!” she said cheerfully. Kagome walked out of the front door and saw the sun out shining and felt the gentle breeze. The sunset shrine was at the edge of Tokyo, it was almost a suburb for it had vast woods beyond her shrine. Some say that they have felt eyes on them walking through the forest, but Kagome knew better, she wasn’t one to believe in silly superstitions, that was left for her grandfather!
She walked down an old dirt path behind the well house and into the woods. It was beautiful this time of day, the sun peeked through the leafs, the birds chirping, the swaying of the trees, and the ancient forest smell. She saw a family of deer crossing a hallow, and two little raccoons snuggled up in a tree, sleeping and waiting for the night to create mischief. She walked through the hallow and smelt the poppies blooming everywhere.
Kagome came up to a little creek and decided to stop and rest for a couple of minutes. She sat on a fallen-down-log by the clear creek with some fishes swimming by. She let out a relaxed breathe ‘It’s nice to be out here, I’ve always felt so peaceful when I come out into the woods.’ she thought. Suddenly she had a feeling of being watched, but she brushed it off thinking it was an animal. But it wouldn’t go away, and she felt like a human being watching her, so by her new founded fear she turned around.....yet no one was there. She turned back around and was puzzled.
Kagome thought about it, and she came to the conclusion that what ever or whom ever it was, she felt no animosity coming from them. As the wind blew around her she felt a gentle touch on her cheek and to her amazement ( and what seemed against her will) she closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. When she open her eyes, again no one was there.
Being a little spooked, but secretly curious, she went and got back on the trail to her house. As she was walking she heard patters amongst the trees. ‘Get hold of yourself girl, your basically the only one who goes into these woods, everyone one else is to frighten to! No one else is here.’ she ran through her head. Just as she was about to escape the woods, a magnificent wind blew p around her and she was in a whirlwind of leaves. She smiled to herself and laughed, oh how she loved nature! She thought she heard a chuckle but was already spooked so she stepped through the bow of leaves and into her shrine grounds.
“Did you have a lovely walk, hun?” asked her mom while she was cooking rice and salmon.
Kagome took her shoes off and put them by the door, “Yes it was great as usual, but........hey mom? Do you think there is anything weird about the woods?” Asked Kagome
“Well not really, but there’s always animals running wild in the woods so your bound to hear something, I think that’s why everyone reluctant to go in there.”
Kagome looked at dinner, “Yea that’s true.” She said still not convinced, “I’ll go call Souta and Grandpa to dinner.” She said while getting up.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^_^~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After dinner, Kagome went to her room to read. She was lying in her bed with her book and she heard a noise outside towards the woods. She knew this cause her window was right besides the trail. She put her book down and went to see what was up outside. She scanned with her eyes out the window towards the woods, with her memory of today still fresh in her mind. She saw them. Glowing passions of gold and amber. No colors she has ever seen before on an animal. The eyes spoke to her in an almost ancient Langue....She felt happy and excited and.....loved. It really confused her because she thought she should be scared seeing two eyes glowing out the dark resins of the woods. Yet she wasn’t for some strange reason.....she grinned.
He saw her for the second time today. He knew he shouldn’t be here looking up at her and letting her see him, but he couldn’t help it. He felt drawn like a invisible rope tagging him along. He knew it wold be soon so he can finally talk to her, and feel her, and hold her. So many years in these woods has he lived alone. Now he wouldn’t be, he felt her the day she was born. Never has he had this feeling! As he looked at her grin, he smiled brightly and jumped off a sign and thought of how he would dream of that day soon he would be one, not just his half. Looking back at the sign he read ‘Inuyasha’s Forest’, smiled secretively and ran to his slumber.
The End
I hope you all enjoyed my story, I was outside today, and got inspired! ^_^ Til next time!