InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enemy or Lovers? ❯ The beginning ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters
The beginning
“Wake up Kagome wake up” my mom called my name but I didn't feel like waking up.
“Kagome I'm not coming up there to get you!”
I twisted and turned but somehow my eye didn't open. I felt so comfortable on my queen size bed.
I jumped opened my eyes. The loud bang on the door interrupted my beautiful thoughts. I look at the clock
“Oh mom I'm late for the first day of school why didn't you wake me up earlier”
“I tried to but you wouldn't wake up.”
I whined and hurried to the bathroom to take a shower and brushed my teeth. I went to my closet and picked out my favorite outfit. I put on my light green tank top with my black blazer and with jeans that had green sprinkle and with my name written downward and my shoes is black.
I ran downstairs grab a toast said my `goodbyes' and ran to the bus stop. I stood there for while until I saw Sango and the pervert Miroku. I sighed in relief that I wasn't the only person late.
“Hey Kagome”
“Hey Sango”
“What up Kagome”
“Hi Miroku”
We stood there in silence until the bus came. Finally the bus came I thought the bus was going on strike and didn't tell us. We went in and the first thing Miroku did is sit next to this new chick on our block it really didn't bother but I'm surprised it didn't bother Sango. We found a seat all the way at the back.
“ummmmmm why are we all the way back here”
“So that we could talk about every weird person that sits in front of us”
Sango loved to criticize everyone it was her gift. I didn't really care I was too anxious to find out who was in my class and who was my teacher. Sango was staring at the ales like there was some show or something since I was bored I got up to see who was there or what was there. That is when I saw the forbidden face Koga.