InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enlightened Hearts: Miroku & Sango ficlets ❯ Stragglers Behind ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Originally posted on 5-7-06.
Stragglers Behind

A blood-red horizon fell over her as she stood - a woman alone inside a cracking wall of unrest.

Scrunching her face, looking forward with old eyes, she was beyond crying for now. The voices of the past shifting through time did little to weaken her, but filled her with vigor instead.

The taijiya village, her home, used to be a welcoming, hardy place. 

And people used to walk here, fight here, give birth here, and no matter what your skill, no matter your family, it was a place to belong.

We were like a pack of wolves - a stronghold where warriors were made and honor was born.

The heavy wind was at her back now. One more stray wolf of a once great stronghold stumbled around aloof, sequestered from the kindred - grasped by a tourniquet of morose.

Unwillingly, he was stripped from her arms - her last tie to family, a final tie to origin.

Kohaku ...

The screams of the dead buzzed on the wings of an errant fly. The blare of vengeance dripped in her ears.