InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enter The Demon Diva. ❯ Meet the Family ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: All characters and songs belong to their rightful owners. You, however, belong to me.
Notice me- I actually don't know who the song belongs to I just love the movie Pixel Perfect so all props to Disney
Meet the family
I ran into our house and up to the nursery. “Is she ok?” My mom stood up, “Well hello to you too. She's fine but you're not. I need to give you a new charm. Your tail is showing.” I leaned over the crib and cooed, “Hi Amy. How's mommy's little girl?” My mother slipped a necklace around my neck and I felt the magic work. “Why does it have such a tingling sensation?” She smiled sweetly, “You're a Half-Demon, the magic affects you that way.” My father walked through the door and checked all the walls, phones, smoke detectors, etc, until he was satisfied. “Kagome come here, and bring my granddaughter.” She swatted him away, “She just got her mother and she's quiet.” He looked at her as if she said he would scare the child. “Keh”, came his patented response. I shook my head and my phone began to ring, I guess dad was getting her anyway. “Hello there little Amethyst, let's go play.” I looked at my phone, a text from one of my groupies, I mean friends, asking me to get on the video chat. I made my way to my room asking the maids if I looked different. As soon as I logged on I was bombarded with questions. “He's your dad's new protégé. His friends were talking when you left, what happened at the studio?” “Carla, don't worry he's not horrible he has a pretty good voice. It could rival my own. Oh yea, he's singing my duet with me.” They all started talking at once and I closed my laptop. “Seiryoku, I'm going to take Amy to the park.” I shot down the stairs. “No! You can't dad.” His look clearly said, `why not'. “Explain Yoku.” I put my head down wanting to look at him. “No one knows about her yet. I didn't even say I have a little sister at home.” My mom looked unbelieving at me, “You do have a little sister. How do you think Karei will feel?” I rolled my eyes, “Jamie's fine with it mother she doesn't even tell people at school I'm her sister.” My mother looked at us both as my younger sister walked into the room. “Don't look at me I'm passing through.” She maneuvered passed us all and went into her bedroom. On my way to my room I heard her playing her guitar.
“Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note,
A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.
Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
Your too busy playing games,
And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?
If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?
What's it gonna take for you to see,
I want you to notice me,
I'll get you notice me.
I knocked on her on door and she stopped playing. “Come in.” I opened her door and smiled. “It's beautiful. What's it called?” “Notice me”, she put her acoustic in its case and hooked up her electric guitar to the amp. “Is it dedicated to someone?” She shook her head and played some chords. “Here are the words sing it and I'll play, ok?” I took the lyrics and we stayed that way, singing and playing the song over and over. It was soon dinner time after that. Our family sat at the table my little brother was being fed by mom and Amethyst was being fed dad. “Open up Muteki, here comes the plane.” I shook my head at my mother. “You do know you're going to have to get him used to being called Marcus. She stuck her tongue out at me very childishly. “I know that but, he's only one, I don't want to confuse him.” Later that evening I stood at the sink rinsing the dishing before putting them in the dishwasher. I felt my father put his hand on my shoulder and looked up at him. “She's in bed. Are you okay?” I smiled and nodded. “I'm fine dad. I'm going to go to bed too.” I went to my room and put on my pajamas. I sat down next to her crib and cried just like every night before since I found out I was pregnant.