InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eras Ago ❯ Back to Our Roots ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ugh I really must have a death wish. 3 fanfics already and then there is this 1. Disclaimer I don't own anything. This story is inspired by LadyoftheHouseoftheMoon.
Glossary -
Ningen - human
Sesshoumaru - Great/Perfect killer
Inuyasha - Dog demon
Shippou - Silver
Kitsune - Fox Demon
Boke - idiot
Touga - graceful/sophisticated
Kagome continued through the roots of the Sacred Tree. `Damn that Naraku,' Kagome thought angrily. `One minute I was spending time with Inuyasha and then boom, Naraku shows up and Inuyasha wants me to hide under the sacred tree's roots with Shippou.' Kagome sighed and Shippou looked behind him. Kagome had to travel on her hands and knees while Shippou just had to walk.
“D-do you think Inuyasha will be ok?” Shippou asked quietly. “Of course he will, Shippou, it`s Inuyasha, he hasn't let us down yet,” Kagome reassured Shippou. Shippou smiled weakly and continued walking. Kagome looked back and wondered, `Please be alright Inuyasha.'
They continued moving until Shippou stopped suddenly. “What's wrong Shippou?” asked Kagome. Shippou just pointed up ahead. There was a strange light up a head. “Come on Shippou, we have to keep moving,” Kagome pleaded. “Ok, but why?” asked Shippou.
Kagome sighed, “You heard Inuyasha, go in as far as you can, and I honestly don't want to listen to him going on and on about how we didn't do what he said.” Shippou laughed softly. They continued through and then they say what looked like a small vortex. Shippou gulped and continued walking, Kagome right behind him.
A blue light surrounded them like when Kagome went through the Bone Eaters Well. The light subsided and Kagome looked back at the blue vortex suspiciously. They continued crawling until Shippou fell out of sight. “Shippou? Shippou!” Kagome said. Suddenly the ground fell out from beneath her in the darkness and she landed on Shippou with a grunt.
Suddenly a voice that sounded very much like Jaken's said, “Filthy vermin, how dare you intrude in my Lord's presence.”
Kagome looked up and growled. Right in front of her was an imp. She picked up a large rock and smashed it on the imp's head.
“Girl,” said a very different voice. “Why are you smashing my vassal?”
Kagome looked up and saw who appeared to be Sesshoumaru. She rose angrily to her feet and started poking the demon in the chest while ranting, “So what? You hit more than I do so quit complaining! I'm sick and tired of your cold, hard headed way of thinking!”
“Woman, I do believe that we have never met before, so quit judging me. And second, what you say is true, I do tend to hit him a lot,” the young demon said.
Kagome stiffened. She now saw the difference between the two. Sesshoumaru had a set two smooth demon markings. This demon had a set of one rough demon markings. Besides that the only difference was their style.
“Well sorry to bother you!” she said panic evident in her voice. She picked up Shippou and threw him into the cave of roots. She quickly turned around and crawled into the cave of roots.
The young demon cocked an eye brow. `What an interesting woman,' he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by his vassal, “Lord Touga, how can you let that ningen woman insult you so?” Touga ignored the little imp and walked around the Sacred Tree, and crouched down at the most logical exit place.
@ @ @ @
Kagome and Shippou scurried through the tunnel hurriedly. One problem the light was gone. This not detouring them, they continued through the tunnel and popped out…. right out in front of the demon lord.
“Oh, poo, now we're really in it now,” Kagome said more to herself than anyone.
“Well, ningen if you were trying to escape me you failed miserably,” Touga said simply.
“Gee, I had no idea, thank you Captain Obvious!” Kagome snapped back. Shippou, worried, whispered, “Kagome, don't, they're gunna kill us!”
Touga thinking the woman was amusing (and ignoring the kitsune's comment) said, “You are welcome, Lady Sarcastic. Come ningen.”
He extended a hand out to the amusing woman, who took it yet grumbled, “I'll ningen you, in about a minute.” Touga chuckled as the woman dusted herself off, though she was still covered in mud. “Well ningen, my name…” he was interrupted by the little imp, “This is Lord Touga, son of the Inu-no-taisho.” Touga hit the imp on the head and said, “This is Boke, and I do believe that you have a name so it is…”
“Kagome Higurashi,” snapped Kagome. She looked at Shippou who just looked stunned. Then it dawned on her. Lord Touga, of course! It was Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's father! Now she gaped at the young, living form of their father. So she was hurtled more than 500 years from the feudal era and Inuyasha's dad wanted to rip out her throat, well what else is new. But she had a bigger problem, how on earth was she going to get home? . . .
Hello. In case you hadn't noticed it's a Touga/Kagome fic.