InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Sadness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*I'll only say this once, Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi

Chapter 1: Sadness

Kagome sat, huddled against the God tree, as if she was trying to draw strength from it. A cold

wind blew around, as if to signify a sorrowful event. Maybe it was, it seemed that Kagome's

sad aura was felt by the forest and the air itself. Any youkai nearby would have sensed an

incredible sadness permeating the forest. The moon was full tonight, and by chance, it's silver

moonbeam rested on the girl's form. A fairytale setting, yet, one thing it lacked was the

happiness that was always found in those sort of stories. The girl was mourning something

that was lost to her. But no tears were on her face, only the feeling of knowledge that that

something was never really hers in the first place. But it still did not explain the lack of tears

when her aura was so broken-hearted. Then all of a sudden, the cold wind ceased its soft

wailing and blew gently just around the girl. Her mouth moved and a single word came out.

The wind swirled around her just once more, then left to a new destination. Inuyasha's ears

perked up, trying to pick up a hushed sound, but he couldn't hear it, nothing but the wind. He

tightened his arms around a black-haired woman. All the while, the same wind mocked him,

echoing the sound he could not hear...why...why...why.

Sesshoumaru walked around aimlessly, anxious for something to hunt. A cold wind blew

around and his ears heard something, something that his hanyou brother could not, or

refused to hear.... why. Curiousity arose in the youkai lord. The voice that whispered that

word sounded so sad and so...lonely. The wind changed again and it seemed to be going back

to something or someone. Sesshoumaru sped away, as fast as the wind itself, following it to

the source of the voice. The voice that, in one word, lured a powerful and emotionless lord to

pursue it. As Kagome quietly sat against the God tree the wind returned. But not alone...