InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ A Lesson of Love ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Lesson in Love

Kagome stared into the water. Her yukata was pulled to her knees and her feet was dangling in

the water. With Rin in bed and Sesshoumaru in his bedroom, she could think alone. The half

moon reflected the waters, but the picture in the water wasn't clear because of the ripples. It

was much like the disarray in Kagome's thoughts. She wondered if Inuyasha would ever stay

out of her thoughts. It seemed like he invaded every space of her. Her mind, her sight, her

heart, her soul. Everything. It was true, that old saying, that the first love is always the

hardest to overcome. Nothing could stop her from replaying that scene in the woods. No

matter how much dislike Kagome tried to muster against Inuyasha, all she could see and hear

was him. His eyes that showed worry when she was in danger, his concern when she was sick,

his fierce way of protecting her. Her heart would always be his, she knew. But it was always

invisible to him. *Don't you know? Baka. I'll always love you. No matter what you do. No

matter who you love. I'll always love you.*

"Always." she whispered to the moon.

Sesshoumaru woke up. His windows were open and a cold wind was blowing. Rather than use

the strength of his mind to close them, he got out of his warm bed. As he was closing the

window he smelled a strong scent of sorrow. Whoever gave off it off was in agony. *Who could

be so sad?* Pulling on his robes, he went to look for the one who was in such sorrow.

Following the scent he found himself getting closer to his lake. The night was clear, not a

cloud in the sky. And though it was early summer, a cold wind was blowing. The wind was

teasing him, blowing the scent around till it surrounded Sesshoumaru. Coming closer, he

spotted a lone figure sitting by the lake. *It's her?* He crept quietly and could feel the sadness

coming from her. *She is sad again. From what?* Her hair was down and her hands were

clasped in her lap. She was staring at the moon reflected in the waters and her face was

unhappy. The wind was creating ripples that distorted the picture of the moon. Her muscles

tensed and she turned around.


"Why are you out here so late? Youkai could grab you and kill you in a second."

"Ah, but wouldn't you have sensed them before and killed them before they entered your


*Damn, she was right.*

"You didn't answer my question."

"I needed time to think."

"Thinking of my brother again? You are pathetic to always think of him."

"Maybe I am, but your first love will always make you think of that person constantly. So you

can't call me pathetic because everybody else feels that way too. By telling me that thinking

of someone makes me pathetic, you are calling the world that too."

"Why were you thinking of him? I thought you came here to escape."

"I did, but love is a hard thing to escape. It will follow you to the ends of the earth and never

leave you alone. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's bad. I thought, maybe, just

maybe, if I came here, I could forget. But it makes me think even more. You can't forget

someone you love. They stay permanently with you, a constant companion, a constant

reminder, and even, a constant enemy. You can never forget them. In a way, they become a

part of you."

"Can a person forget?"

"In time. But it all depends on how strongly you love that person. Could you forget? Can you

forget someone that you love so much, that you would die for them?"

Sesshoumaru was silent. *Could he forget Rin? Did he love her?* All this talk of love was

confusing him.

"Love is too complicated. That is why real youkai do not love. It gets in the way of

everything. Which is why my brother is not a youkai. Youkai blood he may have, but not a

youkai heart."

"If he did, do you really think he would survive? The reason he got this far was because of his

emotions. It was his human emotion that gave him more power to protect the people he love!

Had he not loved, he would have been a fighting a battle that gave him no reason to fight."

"Fighting for survival."

"That's fighting with love as well. If you did not love your life so much, what would you be

fighting for?"

*Damn, how could a human have this much logic? She was arguing with him like an equal, and

was winning!*

"You are right though, love is complicated. But when you are in love with someone and that

someone loves you back equally, then everything comes in place. I guess that's why I'm so

confused right now. Inuyasha never did love me equally."

Sesshoumaru could find no words to say.