InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Doubt ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


The two sat in silence. Sesshoumaru could feel the sadness again. The anger was gone, and

once again, sadness had taken it's place.

"I always wondered, who does he see when he looks at me? The image of Kikyo? Every time he

saves me, is it Kikyo he was saving? Every time he says a kind word, is it to Kikyo? Who

am I to him? I have asked myself this question so many times, I myself, am starting to doubt

who I am."

"How can you doubt who you are?"

"You would be surprised how easy it is to doubt yourself. Every day, people look at me and

say the name Kikyo. Every day, Inuyasha tells me Kikyo is a better archer or a stronger

person. And every day, when I look at my reflection in the water, I see the mirror image of


"Your scent and personality differs from the dead miko."

"I wish everybody else would see it from your point of view. Unfortunately, they don't. And

you can't change how they think if you are beginning to doubt yourself too."

"It is getting late, go inside your room and sleep. Tomorrow, we start looking for shards. I

said I would help you and I intend to keep my word."

He was gone before Kagome had a chance to say good night. And the wind blew even colder.

She sat there thinking. She had told him her fear, her doubt. She hadn't told anybody that.

Why did she tell him? *He's right, love is complicated.* She sadly looked at her reflection one

more time and got up. *I need to sleep on this.* Her legs walked automatically and took her

to her chambers. Rin was sleeping in her room tonight so Kagome was alone. Turning on her

side, she softly sighed and went to sleep.

Sesshoumaru was in his room sitting in his chair, and thinking of her again. *So she doubts

herself. Was that why she looked unhappy at her reflection? Kagome looks nothing at all like

the dead miko. Similar features, but a completely different body altogether. The dead miko

smelled rotten and evil, while Kagome smelled pure....and pleasant* Sesshoumaru slammed

his fist into the arm of his chair. He was thinking of her again and he couldn't stop. He did not

like how his thoughts kept turning to the girl. A human at that. It was confusing him to no

end. What was happening to him? It felt like his thoughts were slipping through his fingers. He

couldn't control them anymore. What would be next? His actions? Would he kiss her next?

Sesshoumaru winced. No, he could not allow this to happen. This will go no further. A steely

glint in his eye, he dared Kagome to do her best.

There was a knock at her door. Kagome groggily opened her eyes.

"Who is it?" *At this early of an hour too?*

"Get up, we are leaving in an hour."

Groaning, Kagome got up.

"This early?"

"It's called discipline. Now get dressed."

"What happened to packing?"

"Take only what you need, we'll be coming back to the castle every once in a while."

Kagome hurried to slip a yukata on.


She opened the door. Sesshoumaru stood in front of her.

"Um, can we stop by at my home?"

"At Inuyasha's village?"

"Ah, no, the well."

Sesshoumaru lifted one of his eyebrows.

'You live in a well?"


Kagome spilled the secret of the well, telling him everything about it.

"Fine, let's go, we'll be there in two days, if we hurry."

"You believe me?"

"I would have known if you were lying. Your cheeks turn pink whenever you lie."

Kagame's hand lifted to her cheek. *Is he serious? My cheeks turn pink when I lie?!*

Sesshoumaru gave a hidden smile as he turned and left; leaving a flustered Kagome to inspect

her cheeks at the mirror. *Oh no! he's right!*

They didn't take Rin with them, no matter how hard Rin begged, Sesshoumaru flat out

refused. Finally, he ordered her to stay and she obeyed without another word. *Odd

relationship* she thought while she gave one last wave to Rin. He said it would be a long

journey to the village, and that if she hurried, they would be there in two days. He seemed

bent on arriving there in two days. But Kagome didn't think much of it because she trusted his

word. A pity, because soon, she would be deceived.