InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Strong ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Kagome walked stiffly, it took a lot for her to walk away from Inuyasha. Sure, she had done it

many times before, but that was just to get home or when she was mad. Now, she was walking

away from him, not from what he had done or was trying to do. She was walking away from

himself. *Things had to be this way. I won't be able to stand being near him again, not after

what he did. Gods Kagome, be strong, you've only been apart from him for a short time and

already you're falling apart! You need to be strong.* But her hands were trembling and her

vision was a little blurry. *This won't do, I need to be more alert than ever now. I'm on my

own, no Miroku or Sango or Inuyasha to protect me. I need to be strong.* She had everything

she needed, bow, arrows, food, clothing. What she really needed right now was confidence

and strength. There were so many things that could go wrong that was running through her

mind. Then she felt a warmth on her chest that was slowly spreading through her body. She

looked down and was surprised to see the Shikon shards glowing. *It' me strength?*

"Will you protect me?" Kagome asked the shards, half expecting a voice to answer.

The shards just gave a twinkle and stopped glowing. Reassured by the shards on her neck, she

straightened her back and walked faster. Climbing up the hill that served as the village's

boundary Kagome overlooked the forest. She closed her eyes and spread her senses. A faint

tug at her heart showed her that there was a shard....near the West. She left her eyes closed

and sighed. *That's a little too close to Sesshoumaru's lands. And I really don't want to see

him again. But, maybe if I remained discreet. Kami, who am I kidding? Sesshoumaru watches

his lands like a hawk. .....But I need to gather the shards.*

"I have no other choice. Shikon, give me strength."

She held onto her bow tightly and made sure the quiver of arrows were where she could

reach them easily. And she started walking to the West.

Sesshoumaru cursed for the umpteenth time that day. He didn't know what possessed him to

pick up such a human trait, but he had been using it that whole week. He kept replaying that

scene from a week ago over and over in his mind. He had done what he would have normally

done, but every time the picture came up, he felt like he had did something terribly wrong.

Images of his brother and his friends were vague, but what stood out was that sadness from

her. That damn sadness that kept capturing his soul. It wouldn't let him escape, no matter

what he did to keep busy or to push it in the back of his head. It would always return as a

reminder. But a reminder of what? *I did exactly as I intended to do, everything had been

thought out in my head* A small voice whispered inside of him, *Did your heart think it out

as well?* Sesshoumaru slammed his fist into a tree, causing it to crack and fall. That voice had

been another new annoyance to him. It said things that he would have never said before. And

what was worse was that it was coming from deep inside of him. But....but he couldn't help but

feel a little guilty at what he had done. He had even caused a cut on Kagome's neck, after

promising he wouldn't hurt her. But that didn't count, did it? *Perfect, now I've got a

headache. What's happening to me? The last time I got a headache was over a century ago.

And that was over the oni matter, not a simple human being.* He needed to run, he needed a

hunt. Calling Jakin with his mind, he instructed his servant to look after Rin while he was

gone. And with the murmur of the wind, he was gone.

Kagome made good speed, with little talking and small breaks here and there, she felt the

Shikon's presence closer. She didn't know how she traveled so far in such a short time, but she

had an inkling that the Shikon had to do with it. *It's anxious to become whole again.* When

she felt that the Shikon was very close, she hid her pack down in a small grove and made

ready her bow and arrows. Cautiously walking, she approached the youkai who held the

shard. She underestimated the youkai and it attacked her before she could let loose a shot. It

had felt her coming near it. It was a reptile youkai and with the shard, it had become nearly

three times it's size and strength. She was thrown against a tree with a swipe of it's claws and

she nearly passed out but her determination pressed her to stay awake. She reached down

into her soul and used her powers inside to make a barrier. Now when the youkai tried to hit

her, his hands were burned. Taking careful aim she hit the youkai's neck. She quickly ran over

and took the shard that was on the side of it's throat. The youkai turned to dust when she

picked up the shard. Pleased with her success, she grinned at her first victory. Her elation

made her unknown to the presence of another youkai.

He felt his blood coursing through his veins as he moved faster. This was what he needed, a

good hunt, and he smelled prey in the winds, human prey, and it was even bleeding. Which

was making his instincts kick in stronger. His youkai blood, raging inside, didn't identify the

scent long enough to let him know the human smelled of jasmine, night, and sorrow. His eyes

turned to a light shade of red as he got closer and closer. Then he slowed down till he slipped

in the shadows the forest made. As he got closer he could see his prey and his slightly red

eyes bled into a darker red as he felt his predator blood flowing faster. In a quick burst of

speed he caught his prey in surprise and grabbed it by it's throat. Then something purple

flashed and his hand was burned. The pain brought him back to himself and when the red

turned back to sun gold, his eyes widened. Kagome?