InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ Explosion ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Kagome could feel something in the pit of her stomach. Fear? Anger? *Anticipation. What is

going to happen? I know Naraku is there*


He looked on toward the mountain.

"Do you think Naraku is there? Or is this another trick?"

"He's there. I can feel his presence, and that disgusting stench of his."

Kagome gave a small sigh and strung her bow. She closed her eyes and looked deep into

herself. She could feel it, in the center of her soul, the endless power that had lately awoken.

But would it be enough? She stretched her senses, trying to feel out for Naraku. The wind

picked up and she opened her eyes. He was there, and with an almost complete Shikon jewel.

How did she know? It was just there, like it was a part of her. She reached into her pocket and

held on to the shards she had. As they neared the mountain the wind grew stronger. It was

wailing a warning, but it was no use. It would end today, she knew. And so did the wind

because all of a sudden it disappeared.

"He is here."


"No, Inuyasha. And those human friends of yours."

The cloud started to lower down into the forest canopy. Inuyasha was waiting below, body in

ready for a surprise attack. He was about to jump when he stopped in midair. Kagome could

see his mouth making out a word as she floated down. Kagome.

Shippo raced into to her arms and held her tight. Sango ran up as well and hugged her friend.

Miroku kept a strange distance from Kagome, almost studying her. And Inuyasha, he did

nothing, except glare at his brother. When she was done hugging they all turned questioning

eyes at Sesshoumaru, their hands in on their weapons. Kagome scrambled to get in front of

Sesshoumaru, shielding him from them.

"No! He is here to help us! He is our ally!"

Sanga's arms relaxed.

"Ok, Kagome-chan, I trust you."

Inuyasha growled.

"Lies! Why would my brother of all people want to help the very people he hates?"

Both were glaring each other down and Kagome gave a weak smile.

"Mou, you two need to put aside your differences. Our enemy is Naraku, not each other. Just

this once, can we work together to take out a bigger threat."

Sesshoumaru dropped his piercing glare at Inuyasha and casually leaned against a tree.

"I have no intentions of fighting against our allies. I just wonder if Inuyasha will attack me in

the midst of battle."

"No, he won't." Kagome put emphasis on won't, silently wording out s-i-t to Inuyasha. He

responded by throwing up his hands in defeat, knowing that that one word would render him

useless. Not to mention humiliate him in front of his brother.

"I would ask you two to shake hands, but thats asking a little too much, neh?"

Kagome gave a cheery smile, trying to keep up her facade of confidence. Inuyasha noticed

her strained smile and frowned. He was about to say something when everybody in the

clearing froze. They could all feel the aura of literally hundreds and hundreds of approuching


"Naraku's army?" Kaogme whispered.

The youkai brothers nodded in unison. They all began to follow the aura of the youkai, while

wondering if they would come out of this alive.

They came upon a wide field packed with hundreds of waiting youkai. Kagome could spot out

Naraku in the back. *The coward!* She could hear the angry growling of Inuyasha and a

softer growling from Sesshoumaru. Shippo jumped into her arms at the sight of the menacing

youkai, trying to burrow himself in her arms. She hugged him tight and told him to hang on

her shoulder so she could have free hands for the bow. The three humans and two youkai (not

counting Shippo) made a line facing the youkai. Swords were out, a boomerang ready for

throwing, a staff pointing toward the youkai, and a bow nocked and pointed. There was that

split second silence before a battle starts and then the youkai flew toward them. Inuyasha

yelled at Kagome as he ran towards the enemy.

"Kagome! Stay in the back where you won't get hurt!"

Kagome listened to him and dropped back while loosing arrow after arrow. But it seemed that

for every youkai that was killed dozens more took it's place. There were too many, but still

the heroes fought. Ducking, slashing, stabbing, and punching. Kagome tried to pick off youkai

getting too close to her and Shippo. But soon her arrows were out. She gathered Shippo in her

arms and drew out the power inside her, creating an impenetrable shield. Every youkai

hitting her barrier cried out as they burned to a thin dust. Kagome watched on helplessly as

her friends battled to save the world. But she could see that the superior numbers of Naraku's

army was overwhelming them. Sango was wounded in a dozen places and Miroku was fighting

his hardest to protect her. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were as far apart as possible from each

other. But she could see that their arms were starting to tire. All of her friends were beginning

to be rounded up into the center with more and more youkai attacking. Before she realized

what she was doing, she was running towards them. Demons tried to stop her but were hit by

her powerful shield. But with the pounding of hundreds of demons, Kagome could feel her

shield beginning to falter. She fell from the relentless pounding on her shield, feeling it to her

bones. A wave of youkai crashed into the center and Kagome cried out as she saw her friends

getting cut up by sharp claws and teeth. She screamed her anger and something inside her

exploded. The last she remembered as she fell unconscious was a beautiful glowing light

surrounding the field.