InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ever More ❯ Whats Wrong? ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: What’s Wrong? Hello everyone its me minsuki again! Wellthat was my very first chapter of my very first story... sorry if it was bad. Any way on with the disclaimer: T_T I don’t own Inuyasha i get it gosh stop making me feel bad oh ya well ur a big meaniee so hahahahahahhaha.... ya I don’t own him.... :'(k and now on with the story! ^.^Chapter 2: What’s Wrong?Later the next day it was the normal everyday routine, Kagome got up late, Shippo went to play with the little kids out side, Miroku was being a hentai again (hmm surprise surprise...), Sango hit Miroku and Inuyasha was sulking in the goshinkibou(sp?) again. Yep normal day well we know better don’t we? We know that all normal days end up not so normal in the end and that’s just what happened."What’s wrong with Inuyasha" asked Miroku who was yet again modeling a red handprint on his cheek.
"I don’t know he has been sulking since this morning and I haven’t really talked to him because the last time i tried he just ignored me so I gave up” replied Shippo.
Kagome who had heard their conversation walked out of the hunt and started down the pathway towards the goshinkbou(still don’t know how to spell it so tell me please! thankiees) upon reaching it she found exactly what she thought she would find. There was Inuyasha slumped against a thick tree branch of the goshinkibou. Inuyasha who had smelt Kagome coming pretended to be sleeping in high hopes that kagome would give up trying to talk to him and go back to keades hut. But much to his dismay Kagome stayed right where she was and kept nagging at him to tell her what was wrong. After three minutes of Kagome trying to get him to talk he finally cracked and told her exactly what was wrong.(mahahahaha cliffy if you want to know what is wrong Inuyasha then you are going tohave to review and tell me to!! mahahahahathankiees!
Minsuki out~^.^ ~luv~
"I don’t know he has been sulking since this morning and I haven’t really talked to him because the last time i tried he just ignored me so I gave up” replied Shippo.
Kagome who had heard their conversation walked out of the hunt and started down the pathway towards the goshinkbou(still don’t know how to spell it so tell me please! thankiees) upon reaching it she found exactly what she thought she would find. There was Inuyasha slumped against a thick tree branch of the goshinkibou. Inuyasha who had smelt Kagome coming pretended to be sleeping in high hopes that kagome would give up trying to talk to him and go back to keades hut. But much to his dismay Kagome stayed right where she was and kept nagging at him to tell her what was wrong. After three minutes of Kagome trying to get him to talk he finally cracked and told her exactly what was wrong.(mahahahaha cliffy if you want to know what is wrong Inuyasha then you are going tohave to review and tell me to!! mahahahahathankiees!
Minsuki out~^.^ ~luv~