InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ever Wonder ❯ More Mindless Babble ( Chapter 2 )
Okay, I know you think this is another chapter, but it isn't. I have several problems of why I can't give you a new chapter till about the 6th of September.
Firstly, I have a major writers block! I can think up anything, so I either need ideas or sugar!
Secondly, I start school on the 2nd of September and I might be able to draw inspiration from my friend (Fanfiction Name: Kohaku River Princess), because I've given her some ideas for one of her stories on Fiction press, so thank you Jane-Jane!
And Last but not least, I think I have enough reviews to go on! Thank you to those who reviewed and to those who put Ever Wonder on your favorite stories list.
I will be putting a review response on the next page or I might just add a chapter and put the review responses on the bottom.
Anyway, thank you again for the reviews!
Oh and before I forget Pairings?!
Boys that need a girl:
1) Inuyasha (I like the paring of him and Kago. and its one of my fav.)
2) Jaken (You'll see how this works in the next chapter, I have a little idea but won't tell now)
3) Hiten (You'll see in a few chapters why!)
4) Maten (Same thing as Jaken you'll know next chapter.)
Girls that need boys:
1) Kagome (Yea...)
2) Kirara (Next chappie explanation)
3) Kagura (Many chapters away explanation)
4) Kanna (Same as Kagura)
Okay the pairings I already have:
Sesshoumaru x Sakuya
Naraku x Kikyo
Yura x Maemi (Next chapter explanation)
Sango x Miroku
Rin x Shippo
And the pairing that you are choosing, I came to a conclusion of who should go with whom. Tell me if you don't like the pairings, okay?
Kagome x Inuyasha
Kirara x Jaken
Kanna x Hiten
Kagura x Maten