InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Everything About You ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )
I still (*unfortunantly*) don't own him.
'Then, InuYasha, your fears and weaknesses will soon become your nightmares.' The words replayed in his mind. 'Feh, what the hell is that supposd to mean?'
While InuYashas mind was busy at work once more, this wasn't setting too well for Kagome either, who happened to be having a hard time getting a fire started.
'If what Kikyo said is true, and she can really read InuYashas thought and fears and weaknesses, then is it also true that he fears for my life? That he's afraid that I won't love him as he loves me? But- but what about his promnise to Kikyo? No, it can't be true. InuYasha would never turn his back on Kikyo. Not even But I want to know. Should I go ahead and ask him anyway, even though he told me already not to. No, I don't want him to get mad at me. We're too far from the well. A letter!!!! I can write him a letter! But does he know how to read? Uhmm. Well. Uhmm......"
"InuYasha? Do you know how to read?"
"What the hell are you askin me that for. Of course I know how to read."
'Good. So this just might work. Ok. Here goes nothing...'
Kagome took out her diary and began to speak her mind into words;
I know you told me not to dare ask you about Kikyos' words, but It's like I need to
know. Because the truth is, InuYasha, that I love you too. And it scares me that Kikyo
gave you a warning such as that. Truth be it, InuYasha, I fear for your life, just
like you fear for mine. And you are my greates weaknes, for if anything ever
happened to you, my life would come to a sudden halt. InuYasha,if what Kikyo said
is true, then you shouldn't have any fears. Because I'll always be right her next to you.
Even after our journey is complete. And I'll always love you, no matter who you
choose in the end. I'm aways there and always loving you. No matter what. So
please, don't let me be your fears or you weaknesses, and never let anyone use me
against you in anyway. I love you, InuYasha, and I always will.
'Being his normal self, he'll go for the ramen. Hopefully he pays enough attention to not gulp this down with it.'
Kagome finished cooking the ramen and ate hers. Then placed the letter on top of Inuashas ramen cup.
"InuYasha, I'm going for a walk, Your ramens done and watch out. I don't want to have to treat you mouth again. Remember the last time you pour just-made ramen down your greedy little mouth?"
InuYasha only growled in reply and jumped from his spot in his tree, while Kagome ran and hid behing a tree, watching in anticipation as InuYasha read the letter.
***With InuYasha.***
'Kaome feels this strongly about me, even after everything I've done to her? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO????? A letter. But where huh? What?'
InuYasha searched the camp site for what Kagome called a pencil and paper. When he founfd it he quickly scribbled down his replies and emotions. As quickly as he could, knowing Kagome wasn't too far away, because her scent still lingered. When he sensed Kagome walking back, he quickly eneded the letter and placed it and Kagomes bookbag.
"InuYasha, what were you doing in my bookbag?"
"Nothing, wench!" With that InuYasha ran and jumpde up into his tree, watching Kagome as she read.
k, how is this? This is a little loonger,but once again, I'm updating before school So I've got to go! Thanks for reading! You people are the greatest!
P.S. Review! Please...