InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Everything Makes Mistakes ❯ What is Dear to You? ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What is Dear to You?
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha! I never have and never will! Even through Inu Yasha's not IN this's a Dead Cory Day for "Everything Makes Mistakes". O.o *MT addict and PROUD, dammit!* So this is just a side-story. I do, however, own Fillie and Jouna, so don't bother trying to steal them. I know them like I'd know my children if I had any, morons.
A/N: Okay, FIRST OF ALL!'s 1...Disclaimer is 2...Author notes...3...FOURTH OF ALL is the song that inspired me to write this. ^.~ Notice the words "What is dear to you?". I thought 'HEY! FIC IDEA!" Plus, the song just rocks. -.- Took me forever to find a translation. I actually just ended up copying it from the subs of an InuYasha epsiode I downloaded. -.-; Ladies and gentlemen, <i>Grip!</i>!
The sevens stars scattered in indigo
Now, we each invite love
And when it's crushed, our love cries out
Even though we could flee from it
We still cling to our dream
We won't ever lose to false moments
Let's wake up this moment
Before long, we'll be enveloped
By choking the reality of every day life
What is dear to you?
Within this extravagent world
The fragments of eternity appear then disappear
Hinder them, catch them
Let's stick with what we have now
So we can finally smile
Let's stick with what we have now.
Jouna sat next to a small stream. He looked at it and began to speak to himself.
"Legends are odd things. You sit and wonder of them, and come to find you don't care. But what about the times you DO care? What about the times you sit and wonder and want to know?"
"Then something's probably wrong with your head." Jouna jumped, though the voice was familiar. He looked up and, on a branch above him, was a half-breed, as she called herself. A half-demon. A hanyou with turquoise eyes, long bronze hair, bronze dragontails hiding her, or, better yet, her lack of, ears, two kitsune ears on top of her head, bare feet, sharp claws, and a long furry tail. Not to mention an awesomely powerful nose. His best friend, Fillie.
"You would know a lot about it, wouldn't you, <i>Filipeus</i>?" He stressed her full name with a purpose. And that purpose was to piss her off. It didn't have the desired effect. She jumped from the tree and sat next to him.
"I hate that name," she muttered, her bangs clouding her eyes. Then Jouna remembered the one thing he swore to never forget: she didn't hate her name because it was "stupid", she hated it because her mother had given it to her. Even though her mother was the reason she was only half demon, she had lived longer than the kitsune-youkai father and raised the hanyou to the best of her ability. She had been killed by the villagers, who taunted Fillie mercilessly for what she was. They didn't fear her...yet didn't except her. "Filipeus"* was a god the woman loved to hear legends of and named her daughter for him. The name painfully reminded the hanyou of her mother. And what had happened after she had found her dead. The villagers who remembered feared her now and kept their children away from her. The children still stoned her when they could. Many of them had good aim for their age and hit their desired target: her head. Usually her beloved ears.
"I...I'm sorry, Fils," stuttered Jouna. She shook her head, her ears flopping a bit and her hair swaying.
"I should just forget that. She was...dear to me, but she always told me to be happy." She smiled a painful, forced fanged smile at Jouna. "You weren't around when it happened. Be glad. I could've killed you."
The young girl was 16. 42, if you counted the time she was sealed to the inside wall of a villager's hut for 26 years. She would outlive everyone in the village. Except, of course, maybe the White Youkai, his mate, and their half-demon pups.
"But that wasn't your fault! You didn't...couldn't know that would happen! You were only 12!" Jouna himself had been the one to release the young girl from her "eternal" slumber. The trust of a human was new to her then and took close to a year to accept. 3 years, now, and they were still best friends. To the end.
"But...but..." Fillie didn't know what to say or how to put it. "I can still smell their blood! IT NEVER COMES OFF! IT'S SO DISGUSTING!"
Jouna could tell his friend was about to break down, so he put an arm around her, tweaked her ears a little, and pulled her close.
"You said your mother was dear to you," Jouna whispered to the surprised girl. "But...right now. In this time. What is dear to you?"
The question echoed in her head. <i>What is dear to you? What is dear to you? What is dear to you...?</i>
"Nothing," she finally answered. Jouna looked at her.
"I don't believe you," the human said, pinning the hanyou to the ground next to the stream.
"I hold nothing dear to m-" Jouna put a finger to her lips. She shut up.
"Don't lie to me."
"I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie.**" She looked him in the eyes. <i>His eyes are so wonderful. I lose myself inside them...inside him. I become a part of him with only a glance into his eyes.</i> She mentally shook the thought from her head. He was still staring at her...
"I've waited so long to do this," she heard him mutter before his soft lips prevented her from speaking any further.
<i> his eyes aren't the only thing about him I get lost in.</i>
15 (*Sigh* Yes, 15.) years later...
Fillie leaned against her mate. 57 years old. Not much for a demon, but, considering her human blood, she looked incredibly young. Not that much different from the day she had found her mate, actually. Maybe a bit taller now, but not much.
"Hey!" A young girl tugged on her tail. Fillie looked at her with a smile.
"What is it, Sakura?"
"Nife is sparring with Blayde again!" the young girl said.
"Who's winning?"
"Blayde, of course!" Sakura sqeaked happily. It was her dream to grow up to be like her older sister. "Rajah is making sure they play fair." Her second oldest brother was always...usually...sometimes the little pacifist. Of course, when is came down to Nife and Blayde, the two went at it like there was no tomorrow, so it didn't matter whether or not someone was supervising. Nife loved using his fangs and Blayde was known for her claws. Sakura paused. "Mother? Father?"
"Hai?" The two watched their youngest daughter, Fillie tweaking the young 1/4 demon's ears a little.
"I love you." With that, she walked away, her brown hair fluttering and shining bronze in the dusk. The two smiled.
"What were you saying, Fils?"
"Ask me again." It took Jouna a second to realize what she meant. He put his chin on her shoulder and whispered into her skin.
"What is dear to you?"
*Eh-heh...Filipeus probably isn't a real god. @.@ Don't hurt me! I was just reeaally tired and decided 'What the hell?' and left it!
**I was reading Episode Zero at the time I was writing this. A must-have for Gundam Wing fans. So, yeah. I thought that was just perfect for the story. It might be yet ANOTHER lie on her part, but it was still appropriate, ne?
And, yes. Fillie and Jouna do have a thing going on, but Fils denies it. Part of the reason why Jouna wasn't letting her go in the first chapter is because of this. ^.^; You'll see later, though. They're so much fun to write! =D I like Fillie better, though. >.> Don't tell Jouna.
Sorry to all those who wanted chapter two. I just couldn't get it finished in time! ;-; FORGIVE ME! I would've worked on it today, but I had DnD! ^.^ NYAY! I won't be uploading anything for the rest of the week 'cause I gotta baby-sit my little cousin Kennedee. $50! n.n That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! *ahem* So, unless she wants to draw Kagome or trace my manga again (THE 5-YEAR OLD DREW THE DAMN GIRL BETTER 'N ME!), I won't be getting much done (so don't bother asking, Sute. You got your own stuff, remember?). Well...that's all! n.n; D00D...half this fic is Author Notes...*walks away scolding self*
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha! I never have and never will! Even through Inu Yasha's not IN this's a Dead Cory Day for "Everything Makes Mistakes". O.o *MT addict and PROUD, dammit!* So this is just a side-story. I do, however, own Fillie and Jouna, so don't bother trying to steal them. I know them like I'd know my children if I had any, morons.
A/N: Okay, FIRST OF ALL!'s 1...Disclaimer is 2...Author notes...3...FOURTH OF ALL is the song that inspired me to write this. ^.~ Notice the words "What is dear to you?". I thought 'HEY! FIC IDEA!" Plus, the song just rocks. -.- Took me forever to find a translation. I actually just ended up copying it from the subs of an InuYasha epsiode I downloaded. -.-; Ladies and gentlemen, <i>Grip!</i>!
The sevens stars scattered in indigo
Now, we each invite love
And when it's crushed, our love cries out
Even though we could flee from it
We still cling to our dream
We won't ever lose to false moments
Let's wake up this moment
Before long, we'll be enveloped
By choking the reality of every day life
What is dear to you?
Within this extravagent world
The fragments of eternity appear then disappear
Hinder them, catch them
Let's stick with what we have now
So we can finally smile
Let's stick with what we have now.
Jouna sat next to a small stream. He looked at it and began to speak to himself.
"Legends are odd things. You sit and wonder of them, and come to find you don't care. But what about the times you DO care? What about the times you sit and wonder and want to know?"
"Then something's probably wrong with your head." Jouna jumped, though the voice was familiar. He looked up and, on a branch above him, was a half-breed, as she called herself. A half-demon. A hanyou with turquoise eyes, long bronze hair, bronze dragontails hiding her, or, better yet, her lack of, ears, two kitsune ears on top of her head, bare feet, sharp claws, and a long furry tail. Not to mention an awesomely powerful nose. His best friend, Fillie.
"You would know a lot about it, wouldn't you, <i>Filipeus</i>?" He stressed her full name with a purpose. And that purpose was to piss her off. It didn't have the desired effect. She jumped from the tree and sat next to him.
"I hate that name," she muttered, her bangs clouding her eyes. Then Jouna remembered the one thing he swore to never forget: she didn't hate her name because it was "stupid", she hated it because her mother had given it to her. Even though her mother was the reason she was only half demon, she had lived longer than the kitsune-youkai father and raised the hanyou to the best of her ability. She had been killed by the villagers, who taunted Fillie mercilessly for what she was. They didn't fear her...yet didn't except her. "Filipeus"* was a god the woman loved to hear legends of and named her daughter for him. The name painfully reminded the hanyou of her mother. And what had happened after she had found her dead. The villagers who remembered feared her now and kept their children away from her. The children still stoned her when they could. Many of them had good aim for their age and hit their desired target: her head. Usually her beloved ears.
"I...I'm sorry, Fils," stuttered Jouna. She shook her head, her ears flopping a bit and her hair swaying.
"I should just forget that. She was...dear to me, but she always told me to be happy." She smiled a painful, forced fanged smile at Jouna. "You weren't around when it happened. Be glad. I could've killed you."
The young girl was 16. 42, if you counted the time she was sealed to the inside wall of a villager's hut for 26 years. She would outlive everyone in the village. Except, of course, maybe the White Youkai, his mate, and their half-demon pups.
"But that wasn't your fault! You didn't...couldn't know that would happen! You were only 12!" Jouna himself had been the one to release the young girl from her "eternal" slumber. The trust of a human was new to her then and took close to a year to accept. 3 years, now, and they were still best friends. To the end.
"But...but..." Fillie didn't know what to say or how to put it. "I can still smell their blood! IT NEVER COMES OFF! IT'S SO DISGUSTING!"
Jouna could tell his friend was about to break down, so he put an arm around her, tweaked her ears a little, and pulled her close.
"You said your mother was dear to you," Jouna whispered to the surprised girl. "But...right now. In this time. What is dear to you?"
The question echoed in her head. <i>What is dear to you? What is dear to you? What is dear to you...?</i>
"Nothing," she finally answered. Jouna looked at her.
"I don't believe you," the human said, pinning the hanyou to the ground next to the stream.
"I hold nothing dear to m-" Jouna put a finger to her lips. She shut up.
"Don't lie to me."
"I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie.**" She looked him in the eyes. <i>His eyes are so wonderful. I lose myself inside them...inside him. I become a part of him with only a glance into his eyes.</i> She mentally shook the thought from her head. He was still staring at her...
"I've waited so long to do this," she heard him mutter before his soft lips prevented her from speaking any further.
<i> his eyes aren't the only thing about him I get lost in.</i>
15 (*Sigh* Yes, 15.) years later...
Fillie leaned against her mate. 57 years old. Not much for a demon, but, considering her human blood, she looked incredibly young. Not that much different from the day she had found her mate, actually. Maybe a bit taller now, but not much.
"Hey!" A young girl tugged on her tail. Fillie looked at her with a smile.
"What is it, Sakura?"
"Nife is sparring with Blayde again!" the young girl said.
"Who's winning?"
"Blayde, of course!" Sakura sqeaked happily. It was her dream to grow up to be like her older sister. "Rajah is making sure they play fair." Her second oldest brother was always...usually...sometimes the little pacifist. Of course, when is came down to Nife and Blayde, the two went at it like there was no tomorrow, so it didn't matter whether or not someone was supervising. Nife loved using his fangs and Blayde was known for her claws. Sakura paused. "Mother? Father?"
"Hai?" The two watched their youngest daughter, Fillie tweaking the young 1/4 demon's ears a little.
"I love you." With that, she walked away, her brown hair fluttering and shining bronze in the dusk. The two smiled.
"What were you saying, Fils?"
"Ask me again." It took Jouna a second to realize what she meant. He put his chin on her shoulder and whispered into her skin.
"What is dear to you?"
*Eh-heh...Filipeus probably isn't a real god. @.@ Don't hurt me! I was just reeaally tired and decided 'What the hell?' and left it!
**I was reading Episode Zero at the time I was writing this. A must-have for Gundam Wing fans. So, yeah. I thought that was just perfect for the story. It might be yet ANOTHER lie on her part, but it was still appropriate, ne?
And, yes. Fillie and Jouna do have a thing going on, but Fils denies it. Part of the reason why Jouna wasn't letting her go in the first chapter is because of this. ^.^; You'll see later, though. They're so much fun to write! =D I like Fillie better, though. >.> Don't tell Jouna.
Sorry to all those who wanted chapter two. I just couldn't get it finished in time! ;-; FORGIVE ME! I would've worked on it today, but I had DnD! ^.^ NYAY! I won't be uploading anything for the rest of the week 'cause I gotta baby-sit my little cousin Kennedee. $50! n.n That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! *ahem* So, unless she wants to draw Kagome or trace my manga again (THE 5-YEAR OLD DREW THE DAMN GIRL BETTER 'N ME!), I won't be getting much done (so don't bother asking, Sute. You got your own stuff, remember?). Well...that's all! n.n; D00D...half this fic is Author Notes...*walks away scolding self*