InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Evil Bitch Muse Takes Over ❯ Evil Bitch Muse Takes Over ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no money from this crack…
Evil Bitch Muse Takes Over
Lyris stared over Roxanne's shoulder in shock at what Knittingknots muses were doing in her calligraphy crack fic. Her mouth gaped, and her eyebrows were drawn down in consternation. In dread, Roxanne peered over at her.
“How dare that tart, Black, do that to my Snark!” Lyris said in an outraged tone of voice.
“This is not the time,” said Roxanne. “We are supposed to be writing a story for the `calligraphy' contest at first tweak.”
“So write!” Lyris replied, and stormed off, fists clenched.
“Get back here, I'm not writing without you!” Roxanne called, but it was no use.
The muse of Hentai and Comedy had exited stage right.
“Come on, we don't need her,” said Evil Bitch muse peevishly. “Just write.”
In a garishly decorated tattoo parlor, InuYasha suddenly appeared shirtless in the tattoo artist's chair. Next to him, Kagome popped up, tattoo pen in hand. The hanyou looked startled, and Kagome nearly dropped what she was holding.
“Hey, what's going on?” said InuYasha, gripping the sides of the chair and leaving deep gouges.
“This…is a tattoo artist's pen,” said Kagome, holding it up wonderingly. “But tattoos are for criminals!”
“This is my story now,” smirked Evil Bitch muse. “And I don't care if tattoos are for criminals in Japan.”
Kagome gulped, and then did as Evil Bitch muse intended, tattooing calligraphy in black on InuYashas chest. They were words to songs….
`I put a spell on you, because your mine.'
`I believe in you, I would do anything just to find you,
I have to be with you - to live, to breathe, your taking over me.'
When Kagome was done, she gaped in shock and blushed.
“What does it say?” InuYasha asked, not sure if he really wanted to know.
Kagome stammered out the words to him and InuYashas eyes nearly bugged out of his head.
“I'm not done yet,” said Evil Bitch muse, and suddenly the roles were reversed.
Wearing only her bra on top, Kagome was suddenly in the chair and InuYasha held the tattoo pen. The hanyou went to throw it on the ground, but Evil Bitch muse kept it stuck to his hand. He looked up at Evil Bitch and growled angrily, but she was not afraid. She just smirked down at him evilly, her black eyes glittering.
“Um, maybe we should try and get Lyris back,” said Hyacinth softly, clinging to the back of Roxannes chair. “I'm afraid.”
“Shut up little bug,” said Evil Bitch muse. “Respect your elders - you may learn something.”
“But I don't know calligraphy!” InuYasha protested.
“In this story you do,” said Evil Bitch muse. “Write…”
The hanyous hand moved to Kagomes chest, and black calligraphy appeared.
`You are an obsession, you're my obsession, who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me.'
`I want to fuck you like an animal, I want to feel you from the inside.'
“What does it say?” said Kagome, her voice tinged with dread.
“Believe me Kagome, you don't want to know,” said Hyacinth, her voice quivering. “Lyris back yet?”
“Hey Lyris!” Roxanne called angrily. “Will you get your musey little but back here?”
“I'm busy!”
“Hypolite, you have to do something,” said Hyacinth, her blue eyes big and round and tear filled.
“And just what do you expect me to do?” The big, Amazon muse of Action/Adventure said, quirking an eyebrow.
“You're bigger than her, think of something!” Hyacinth squeaked.
“Don't you two dare plot against me!” Yelled Evil Bitch muse, but was suddenly scooped up, kicking and screaming, by Hypolite and carried away, stage left.
“Whew!” Hyacinth said in relief, and suddenly noticed Lyris returning, happily holding hands and swinging arms with Snark.
“Gee, I'm so glad you are back!” Hyacinth said. “Look what Evil Bitch muse did!”
The little muse of Gentle Romance pointed at the screen. Kagome and InuYasha were desperately trying to get the black, tattooed calligraphy off each other, with no luck. Lyris giggled.
“Oh, poor things,” said Lyris. “It's okay, I know how to make InuYasha and Kagome happy.”
While InuYasha and Kagome were scrubbing at each others chests the rest of their clothes suddenly disappeared. They stopped what they were doing, and stared at each other, wide eyed.
“Okay, have fun!” Lyris said with a happy grin.
Slowly InuYasha pushed Kagome back into the chair, and then climbed on top of her, his lips crushing hers in a passionate kiss. They began to writhe and moan, their hands traveling up and down each others bodies in frenzy.
“Well, its better than what Evil Bitch muse was doing,” said Hyacinth with a sigh.
“I rather liked the calligraphy they are wearing,” said Lyris, and giggled. “And so they screwed each other and lived happily ever after!”
Roxanne groaned, hit save, and closed the computer. That had not been what she had in mind for the calligraphy theme, but muses would be muses - and hers and Knittingknots seemed to always to play together - and off each other.