InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Expect the Unexpected ❯ Conception ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha…is this really necessary?

Chapter Ten: Conception

Kagome woke a bit flushed the next morning, warm from the shape beside her and the blush in her cheeks from her dream…she hadn’t meant to dream that! She regretfully pulled herself from the warm embrace of her hanyou, who had held her through the night, and once again found herself nearly naked. She couldn’t let her family see her like this!

Even though her mother knew that she had been undressed and sleeping with Inuyasha…her mother had been the one to undress her after all, or so she hoped…Kagome did not think that her mother would appreciate the sight she would see right now. Inuyasha had been holding her rather tightly…and that handprint was in a really bad place. Kagome blushed brilliantly…he wouldn’t ever do that while he was awake…but maybe she didn’t mind it when he was sleeping…

She shook herself, physically and mentally, giving the newly awoken hanyou an interesting view…a half-naked Kagome shaking herself violently…wow. He couldn’t help but admire her, and she squeaked when she saw his eyes on her, sweeping the blanket about her again, and taking them from the hanyou. If she had been blushing before, she was burning now.

Inuyasha was bare to the waist, showing her something that she really did notneed to see right then. Impure thoughts…bad! With another of those intriguing shakes, Kagome gathered her wits and pulled her eyes from the hanyou’s chest. His smirk was too much though, and she fled the room with cheeks aflame. Damn that smug hanyou! He was definitely getting ‘sat’ this morning!


Inuyasha enjoyed watching Kagome’s flight. The blanket flew up as she ran, giving him a delightful view of her rear, and it was all he could do not to break out in a bright grin. He wouldn’t mind waking up to that every morning. He definitely could appreciate her body. There were no worries about her at all, since he had already fallen deeply for her mind and heart. Her beautiful body was just a perk…as the hanyou was really noticing for pretty much the first time.

Inuyasha sighed softly and pulled himself up from the couch. His shirts were laying rather carelessly over the side, and he pulled them sloppily back on. He started to follow the girl up the stairs, but he realized she would probably be taking a bath, and she always got mad when he spied her naked, no matter how innocent he was of peeking. Instead he wandered out to the go-shinboku to relax in its branches.

His chest hadn’t quite healed and was still quite sore. There might have been some venom in those barbed vines, too, because his wounds burned uncomfortably. Inuyasha growled then, remembering something other than Kagome’s soft curves and warm flesh. He still didn’t know what had happened to Hojo, though the boy couldn’t have survived having his face cut in half…could he?

He reeked of Naraku, after all. If he had possessed any jewel shards, Kagome would have noticed him sooner. But it was possible that the boy was not dead…He shouldn’t have even been in this time! Naraku didn’t know about it! Something was dreadfully wrong with the situation. Inuyasha would have to watch over Kagome even more closely than ever before…Maybe he should be with her now, her modesty be damned! She could bear him being there when she bathed, if it would keep her safe.

Of course, now his mind finally turned to the events prior to the boy’s attack. He had never quite understood what was going on during his fall away from himself, away from Kagome. He knew now what had happened, of course, and he felt extremely guilty for his weakness. He had nearly let Kagome die…He had nearly killed her himself! Of course, that night had been when he had finally become himself again.

He had finally reached the breaking point of his barrier when he decided to kill Kagome. If Shippou had not been awake, she would be dead, but the fox had served a purpose for once. As soon as that moment had passed, the barrier fell, and his senses had slowly returned. It had been his pain at her rejection of him that had caused so much. It had been that pain that he had sealed himself up for. But his sealing had been too weak. The pain had seeped through, causing him to want her dead or gone.

It had been strongest then, when he had nearly killed her, but once his senses began to return, so did his love and duty. He had something to balance the pain once again. He had quickly remembered his duty to save Kagome from the bastard Hojo and come after her. He couldn’t have hoped for such a wonderful outcome though.

There was very little pain left in him, now. Kagome loved him, and he would never feel the hurt he had felt then, ever again. Unless she died…but he wouldn’t let that happen! He would kill Naraku and all of his servants. He would protect Kagome forever. He would make amends to her for how he had treated her in his period of heartlessness. He would spend the rest of his life trying to make up for it, though he knew he would never forgive himself. Inuyasha swore to himself that Kagome would not regret loving him…He would do his best to make her happy.


Kagome had forgotten to ‘sit’ Inuyasha after her bath, though she had remembered to kiss him once or twice. He seemed not to mind. If anything, the smile on his face said that he was actually happy, happier than Kagome had ever seen him. Though this could have just been because he was admiring the way her short skirt seemed to flip up so often. Kagome noticed him staring once or twice but couldn’t decide whether to scold him or not. Her dreams came back to her vividly, and she decided it would be best just to keep away from the subject, so she ignored it.

They had returned to Sengoku Jidai following her bath--and a few kisses in the well-house--mostly to let the others know that everything was all right…better than all right. Inuyasha didn’t seem too enthused at telling the monk that they were in love, but gave in to her sweet eyes and soft lips. Love seemed even stronger than he had thought. It was downright dangerous!

Kagome seemed to realize that he could not resist her and immediately began to use it to her advantage. He was carrying her backpack--which seemed heavier than usual--and her bike as well. He was such a fool for her face…But he didn’t mind like he should have. Somehow the thought that he was doing too much for her never occurred to him. He wanted to do more! If he hadn’t been mad when he had lost his heart, he was mad now that it was so full.

Inuyasha stiffened as they drew near the village, however, dropping both bag and bike absently. Kagome turned to him in reproach, but he was glaring beyond the trees to the unseen village. Kagome opened her mouth to find out what was going on, but Inuyasha immediately swept her onto his back and leapt towards the village. Then Kagome felt it…jewel shards…lots of them!

Inuyasha bounded into the village and to Kaede’s hut. Everything was silent. They had not seen animal nor human at all as they had approached. Nothing stirred. Then a sound rose in the silence. It was an unpleasantly monotonous buzzing, and it grew louder with each moment. Kagome gasped as she saw the swarms of Saimyoushou rising from the all about. There were so many of them!

Kagome was so focused on the venomous wasps that she almost didn’t notice the roaring that followed them as thousands of minor demons appeared. It was too much! What was going on? The most shocking thing, though, was that behind all of the demons stood a figure, dark hair billowing in the wind. Kagome could see his eyes even from such a distance. They were the second most evil eyes she had ever seen. Naraku.

Kagome started at the enraged snarl behind her before realizing that it was Inuyasha. He looked as if he were about to leap through the hordes of demons to cut Naraku in half. Then Kagome saw what had him so wrathful. At Naraku’s feet lay the figure of a young woman, broken. Kagome instantly recognized her. It was Kikyou.

Kikyou’s form was beaten and battered, and her clothes were in tatters, what little of them were left. Her long skirt had been shredded enough that it might as well have not been there, and her shirt had been torn in the front, exposing her breasts, which had been clawed at from the markings upon them. Her entire body seemed covered in cuts and bruises. Naraku looked extraordinarily proud.

Kagome realized that Inuyasha wasgoing to attack Naraku just a second to late. The hanyou leapt forward mindlessly, swinging Tetsusaiga with all of his might. The entire village exploded before him and shrieking filled the air as thousands of demons were caught in the blast. Inuyasha continued on towards the hazy figure that could just be seen through the dust and smoke. Kagome ran forward to stop him, but a burning pain in her leg caused her to fall to the ground.

She looked down to see the small gash in her leg and blood trickling to the earth. A shadow blocked the sun from view and Kagome could barely make out the shadowed face of Kagura, who smiled cruelly down at her. Kagome looked beyond the menacing woman to her hanyou for help, but he was still struggling to reach Naraku in his blind rage. Kagura struck Kagome hard, across the face sending the young girl sprawling. Kagome’s cry seemed to awaken the hanyou, and he turned back to help her, but another sound froze him in his tracks.

Kikyou cried out in pain as Naraku put his hand to her throat and pulled her into the air. She was still alive! Inuyasha instantly turned to save her from Naraku, but the smell of Kagome’s blood held him back. Kagura raised her fan to finish Kagome and Naraku tightened his fist about Kikyou’s neck. Inuyasha looked into Kikyou’s eyes as he finally had to choose. He saw the betrayed look in her deep eyes as he turned and dashed towards Kagome. He would never forget it. A sharp crack filled the air and echoed in his ears no matter how he tried to ignore it.


Kagome saw Kagura raise her fan to strike and closed her eyes, awaiting the end. There was a moment then there was a tearing and she felt the hot spray of blood across her front. She opened her eyes in shock to see Inuyasha through Kagura, who was falling away from herself in two pieces. His face was speckled with black blood, and his claws were dripping with it. He looked fearsome with that horrible snarl on his face and the blood soaking his clothes, but Kagome couldn’t help but throw her arms around him and kiss him. She had not thought she would survive that time. Why had she thought that? She had Inuyasha, didn’t she? Then she remembered Kikyou and drew back in surprise.

One look towards Naraku showed her the limp form dangling in the demon’s grip. Inuyasha refused to look. Kagome did not know how she should feel. Inuyasha had saved her, saved her over Kikyou. He had obviously chosen Kagome, and he loved her. But the pain in him was so very obvious. Kagome did not think she could stand to see him hurt so. Fury filled her as she looked upon the evil smile of the demon who had caused this.

Naraku’s malevolent eyes were so terribly familiar, so like those that she had seen so briefly shining from Hojo’s innocent face. She could not stop herself as she rose to her feet and put an arrow to her bow. Naraku’s evil eyes filled her mind. Kagome drew back the bow and aimed on without thought. She released before she had even realized what she was doing.

Her arrow blazed with power as it streaked straight at the evil that had destroyed so many lives. Naraku’s cruel smile disappeared completely as he saw his own demise in Kagome’s expression. His eyes filled with unaccustomed fear as the burning arrow flew at him and he gave a short cry before it exploded into him.

The explosion through Kagome from her feet and she was caught by Inuyasha, who protected her from the flying debris that bounced from his form. Those demons that were not caught up in the blast fled in panic, and the saimyoushou seemed to wander away aimlessly. When the hazy veil finally lifted there was no sight of Naraku. Inuyasha couldn’t even find a hint of his foul scent upon the air. It seemed that he was no more.

Kagome stood and stared at the sight of what she had done. There really wasn’t much to see, save the wreckage of some plants and bits of broken earth. She couldn’t feel Naraku at all…but she could feel the Shikon no Tama. Kagome slowly made her way to the center of the blast with Inuyasha walking beside her protectively. There did not appear to be anything there at first, but then Kagome saw it. A bright glow was shining from beneath one rock.

She lifted the rock to reveal the Shikon no Tama, nearly whole. She picked it up and it blazed a brilliant pink, instantly purifying from her touch. Even she had doubted that she could purify Naraku’s taint, but it appeared that she could. Kagome held the little bead in her hands disbelievingly. After all that they had done, all they had been through, she could hardly believe that she was holding the nearly completed jewel in her hands once more. She looked at Inuyasha in wonderment before he bent down and kissed her fiercely. She could not help but shed tears of happiness.


A small form, hazy and indistinct, almost a shade, dragged itself through the forest to the edge of a small clearing. It seemed hardly able to do that, but it struggled on. Suddenly it froze at the sound of voices, shrinking into the shadows.

But where was everyone? Miroku and Sango? Shippou and Kaede? The villagers? Where did they all go?” It was the voice of a girl, sweet and alluring. The shade wanted it…wanted something dreadfully.

I’m not sure where they went Kagome, but after we killed Naraku I managed to find their scents. They left not too long ago, probably fleeing from Naraku and his minions. I smelled Miroku and Sango with them, so you don’t have to worry. They probably went to protect the villagers in case Naraku tried to harm them.” The shade nearly hissed at the sound of that hated voice. It wanted to kill…but it dared not show itself. It would have to bide its time, however long that would take.

Do you think that we should return to my time? If they return…”

When they find that Naraku is dead, they will return and we will come back, but until then we can go back to your time. There is no point in staying in a deserted village, and one half destroyed at that.” The shade listened intently. What was all this?

I suppose you are right, Inuyasha. Well, let’s go then. Once we get to my time, I’ll even make you some ramen.” The shade sneered at the happy look on the hanyou’s face. “I love you, Inuyasha.”

I love you, Kagome.” The shade nearly gagged as the two embraced, kissing deeply. The two broke apart slowly and Inuyasha lifted Kagome onto his back. He then leapt into a well near the center of the clearing. The shade waited, but nothing else happened. They did not reappear. The dark form slowly made its way to the well, prepared to flee at the sight of either of the two who had disappeared down it. But they were not there. Something was odd here.

The shade thought about what it had just witnessed. An idea came to it. It would have to find out more, without being discovered, but it would be worth it. The smoky form chuckled lowly, without any real personality in its voice. It held no shape, was bound to no form yet, but once it found the right form, it would strike. It faded into the shadows of the forest, biding its time, waiting for the perfect moment.

End of Chapter Ten
