InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Expected Beauty ❯ Going Back Home ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~Expected Beauty~
Summary: Rin, a flower demon, finds a way to the western land. She meets her friend Ayame in the Forest of Inuyasha. They spot the two lords of the western land, a priestess and the leader of the wolf tribe. They end up stealing the shikon jewel from the priestess Kagome, when Kagome finally realize what they were here for, she demands the villigers to kill them. They can't do anything, so Inuyasha puts them in a cell in the western castle. Who will save them, Rin thinks she can get out alone without anyone but she cannot.
Chapter Three: Going Back Home
The nexted morning Rin woke up trying to figure out where she was. She got up and looked out of the window and saw many servants in the garden. She notice she wasn't at her castle she was in the western land. She opened the window before jumping out, she made sure no body was looking or following her. She jumped out and ran to the gate, she jumped over the gate and ran out. When she ran out, she ran through the Forest of Inuyasha getting away from the castle for good. She promised herself that she'll never come back to the western lands for no reason. She started to walk once she was out of sight, she walked to the demon tree, where she first met Sesshomaru at.
When she was there she could feel a strong aura coming from the tree when she placed her hand on it. Rin jumped on a branch and looked back at the western castle, she felt bad for leaving and not telling Sesshomaru but she knew he would find her anyways so what was the point. She started to feel the dark aura that was coming from the tree again, she looked down and saw nothing then she looked up and somewhere out of nowhere someone had attacked her. She thought it was Inuyasha until she figured out that the sense of smell coming from this demon was not Inuyasha vail smell. She looked at the person who attacked her but she couldn't see his face.
"Show yourself"Rin yelled pulling out Azumariah
"Well, well, well what do we have here, I see Lord Sesshomaru has finially let you out of the castle, what might your name be"Someone said coming out from the shadows
"I'm Lady Rin of Caminanatoe, the northern lands, I do not belong to Sesshomaru nor do I belong to anyone but myself"Rin growled at him
"So your the unknown princess that got a beat down by Inuyasha seven years ago are you not"He said walking up to her but made her back up"I'm Ryu of the east, I am the next fallen leader of my land, my brother right behind you is Ryo, we are the cats of all cats but I must say for a dog demon like yourself, your okay"
"Do I really care, no"Rin said walking away but got grabbed by Ryo and pinned her on the tree"For a cat your smart but not smart enough"
Rin scratched Ryo in the face with her claws then jumped back in the tree. Ryu was laughing at Ryo but with him he had another thing coming Rin had scratched him too. Once Ryu saw that she wasn't playing he came charging at her in full speed, Rin dodged all his attacks but she couldn't take it anymore he was toying with her. His pathetic moves was only slowing her down and thats what he wanted to.
"Tell me this, why are you here in the western lands if you don't belong to Sesshomaru"Ryu said blocking all of her moves
"I want revenge for my fathers death"Rin said then stopped fighting"I'm only going to tell you this once and for all, my moves are only going to weaken unless I fall, but if I don't fall I will increase my power and finish you off, my demon streight isn't helping me my flower powers are, You must think I'm only a dog demon like Sesshomaru but your wrong, the only thing that keep me up is being a flower maiden and not the broad power of a dog demon"
"What...."Ryu said stopping the fight"Your the owner of the cherry blossoms I keep smelling, that reminds me of my mother's death"
"Whose your mother"Rin said putting Azumariah back in her sheth
"Aya leader of all cats, she still watches over us and wants us to revenge her death by killing you"Ryu said walking to her"Aya is the lady who sent you father to war and death"
"No she sent my father to war not death after my father killed her, he became weak but he promised me that he would die but he did a day after the war between Aya Queen of all cats and Grestafallen King of Caminanatoe. that little runt Inuyasha, killed him after the war"Rin yelled then charged at him once more which lead them back in the western castles view everyone could see what was going on
"Dream on little princess"Ryo said charging at her with his older brother behind him
They fought till the end. Rin had almost gotten beaten if it wasn't for Inuyasha who interferred. She was surprised that Inuyasha would saved her and protect her but he didn't do it for her he did it so he'll be the one to kill Rin. Rin started to sense fire coming from the sky, she looked up and saw a cloud of fire she knew who it was, it was her younger sister Thorn. Rin ran to her and hugged her for saving her life.
"Rin let's go home for good"Thorn said while putting everyone in danger with her fire she started, she had cause fire to go everywhere, even in the castle"Let's go sis"
"We can't Thorn everyone in the castle plus Sesshomaru is still in there I have to help him"Rin said running to the castle
Rin and Thorn ran to the castle and saw that everything in the castle was burning, they ran to the tower and saw Sesshomaru standing by the window looking at his land be destroyed. He noticed that someone had enter the room and looked at them, He looked at Rin who was looking at him and then looked at Thron who was glowing with fire, she had it everywhere even in her eyes.
"You caused this didn't you"Sesshomaru said pinning her to the wall"I'm going to kill you, you should have been dead years ago if I didn't save you"
"Sesshomaru noooooo..... she didn't started it, she may have started the fire but Ryu and Ryo of the East is here invading your lands and trying to kill me, so don't kill her"Rin said pushing his hand away from Thorn's throat"Please Sesshomaru don't kill her, were leaving"
"To where"Sesshomaru said letting Thorn go
"Back to our kingdom"Rin said jumping out of the window with Thorn behind her"Were not coming back not even for a visit, and I am sorry to say but you can't come to Caminanatoe theirs a passage you have to go through to get there"
"Noo"Sesshomaru said running after her and Thorn but they were using up all their demon power
Sesshomaru ran after Rin and Thorn. When they finially stopped they looked at Sesshomaru than took their kimonos off so they can swim in their bikini's. Rin walked in the water then looked back at Sesshomaru, her face looked sad, really sad. Thorn pulled on her arm to go, Rin said her goodbyes by releasing a tear drop. That was the end, she jumped in the freezing water and swam to the bottom of the ocean and went back home and this time for good. Sesshomaru just looked at the clean plain ocean and waited until he was ready to leave he was thinking of going after her but he didn't. Inu Taisho walked up from behind him and looked in his eyes and saw complete emptiness in him.
"Sesshomaru go after her"Inu Taisho siad looking at him
"No, she gone for good and it going to stay that way"Sesshomaru said wanting to walk away but he couldn't, he wasn't about to let her go like that
"Sesshomaru go, this stubborness that I'm getting from you simply tells me that you care about her and doesn't want her to leave"Inu Taisho said putting his hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder"Go after her, she needs you"
Without saying a word Sesshomaru jumped in the water and followed Rin's smell. He notice that he was almost out of breath, he tried to hold it in more but couldn't,he swimmed to the surface. He jumped out of the water and saw he wasn't in the western lands no more, he was in the northern lands. He got out of the water and saw guirds pointing spears at him. They grabbed him and brought him to their queen.
They walked through the northern lands, they jumpped up a steep that was made so the prisoners won't escape while jumpping. They walked to the casle and into the main hallway. Sesshomaru noticed that everyone in the castle was happy about something, he thought it was because of Rin which it was. When they finially got to the queen, they open the doors to her study room and threw him in there. Rin looked down at the prisoner, she knew exactly who it was, Sesshomaru, she knew he was going to follow her through the passage of Caminanatoe.
"You may go now but leave him"Rin said looking at the guirds leave then back at Sesshomaru"Why did you follow me this time"
"You left without no reguirds of telling me"Sesshomaru said walking to her
"I told you I was leaving"Rin said looking at him
"Yeah at the last minute"Sesshomaru said taking a seat nexted to her
"Why do you have to do this to me Sesshomaru, I don't belong out there in the Western Lands, I belong here with my people and my family that I still have which is my sister"Rin said yelling at him"Seven years ago, Inuyasha not only killed my father but he killed my mother and half of my people and part of my clan"
"Why take it down on me"Sesshomaru yelled while walking to the window"I'm not the one who started this all, I tried to protect you from people like Inuyasha and what do you tell me I don't need your protection, that's the last time I'm ever helping you out"
"I told you Sesshomaru I was lying"Rin yelled while walking to the window and stood next to him crying, she started to calm down alittle"I only said it because now that I'm older I don't need protection nor do I want it"
"I should have never came here, my father was wrong"Sesshomaru said walking to the door
"About what me needing you, Sess you should know me by now"Rin said looking at him walk away"I do need you and I do need your peotection at least"
"_"Sesshomaru said nothing he could think of anything nor could he think of what to say to her, he just keep walking out the door
"Sesshomaru you walk out that door and the guirds are going to get you"Rin said running in front of him"What's with you, I been knowing you for like ever and never have I ever saw so much stubborness or anger in you eyes when it came to me"
"Move out of my way Rin"Sesshomaru said almost growling at her
"What, are you growling at me now, Sesshomaru I hope you know this is my land and whatever I say goes"Rin yelled at him knowing that it was the truth"Don't do this Sess"
"Move"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand and moving her out of his way but she got back up and walked infront of him again
"You know Sesshomaru I know you better than that and if I was someone else walking infront of you and disobeying your orders you would kill me"Rin said pushing him away from the door"Why don't you treat me any different than how you treat others"
"Rin you got guts I must say but this is going out of hand now move"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand but she started to poison him with the poison she had in her hand"What the..."
"Being a flower is better than being a dog demon"Rin said trying to push him away"This poison will go deep into your system and before long you'll be dead"
"You want that don't you Rin"Sesshomaru said pinning her gently to a wall"Stop poisoning me and I'll let you go"
"Who said I wanted it"Rin said pushing him out of the way but Sesshomaru grabbed her again"Let go Sesshomaru"
"No"Sesshomaru said gently pushing her on the wall again"Give up Rin, you won't win"
"I'm going to say this once more, I'll only weaken if I fall but if I don't fall my power will increase itself and will kill my enemy, my dog demon powers don't help me during my fights it only makes me weaker if I don't learn to control it, my flower powers are the only thing that keeps me up and running without them I would be dead"Rin said looking at him"My family is different then others we seperate our powers from each other when we are not together but when we are together we put our powers in one and we become restless and hunger for more power and now that my mother and father is gone me and Thorn has not that much power unless we put them together but it won't matter"
"What are you really trying to say Rin that if you and your sister puts both your flower and fire powers together you can kill someone"Sesshomaru said leanning down to her"Well..."
"No that not what I'm trying to say, Thorns power will increase itself if we put our power together but my power can't increase itself unless someone more stronger put their powers together or if my mother and father comes back from the dead"Rin said looking at him lean down to her"If Inuyasha didn't kill them then I wouldn't be in this mess"
"Your turning weak by the minute aren't you Rin"Sesshomaru said
"No I'm not I just won't have people calling me weak when they are the ones that are weak"Rin said so softly as if he could here it"I won't turn weak untill I get my revenge, and I won't give up either not even to you Sesshomaru"
"Who said you had too"Sesshomaru said leanning down to kiss her
What bugs Rin the most is when Sesshomaru does the same thing to her everytime they end up fighting and arguing with each other Sesshomaru always have to be soft on her before it gets to them never talking to each other again. Sesshomaru grabbed her chin and brought her closer by putting his arms around her waist and pulling her to him. Rin had gave into the kiss, she pulled his collar to pull him abit closer. While Rin and Sesshomaru were making out Thorn walked in silently and saw them kissing, she smiled and wished them luck then walked out and shut the door silently so they wouldn't hear her.
~~~Nexted Morning~~~
The nexted morning Rin woke up in her room half-naked nexted to Sesshomaru who only had his kimono pants on, she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She walked in the bathroom and took a shower, then walked out, she noticed that Sesshomaru was already up. Rin walked out of the bathroom in only a towel. She walked to her closet but before she could even open the door Sesshomaru had grabbed her hand and brought her to him and kissed her roughly. After that he walked in the bathroom and she walked in the closet, she got out a white dress with a orange left hand seleve and a orange collar, she had blue flowers at the bottom of the dress. When she was done she walked out, she didn't see Sesshomaru walk out of the bathroom yet, so she left without telling him.
She walk out of her room and to the main enterance of the west wing, she walked to the royal garden but before she got there she told Mina when Sesshomaru comes out bring him to the royal garden. She walked in the garden and saw her sister placing flowers on her mothers and fathers tomb stone and started to pray. Rin walked to her and put her hand on her shoulder. She wished the war between her and Inuyasha never had happen because if it didn't her mother would have been alive still.
Rin he died along time ago
"Mina always told me that you had always wanted to meet our father"Rin said softly
You knew
"Rin what was he like"Thorn said looking at her"I always wanted to meet him but never have, mother said that he was some water god and had always took care of the waters that's why we have this new passage"
Stop her, Rin stop this nonsense now
"Well Thorn, he had never liked water until he meet mom, he knew it was his birth right but never liked it"Rin said looking at her"He became a god after he had me but after the fight with Aya he became weak, Everyday when he fought Aya he thought that she was dead but she wasn't that's what made him weak"
"Rin seven years ago someone said that you saw his sprit, how"Thorn said getting up
Too late
"I called to him, after I heard the truth I fought with Inuyasha then ran to the forest and called out to him"Rin said walking back in the castle"If you really want to see him then go to the demon tree of life, his tomb is there but only his sprit will come"
And with that she was gone untill she heard a scream, Rin ran to the royal garedn and saw Ryu and Ryo capturing Thorn. Thorn was screaming for help, it wasn't safe for her to go anywhere alone now. Rin ran to her but got pushed back by Ryu. He still had that scratched mark on his face from when she scratched him yesterday. He pushed her back and slapped her across her face leaving bloody lines. Rin touched her face then got up and pulled out Azumariah.
"Well hello Rin, it's nice to see you again"Ryu said touching her face then saw a mark on her neck"Your marked, who marked you"
"First of all it's Lady Rin to you"Rin said slapping him also leaving more marks on his face"And second of all I don't need to tell you who marked me"
"Wench, your going to pay for that"Ryu said charging at her but she dodged his weak attacks"I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your sister becasue she is coming with us"
""Rin said running to him but he was already gone"Damn.."
"What's with you"Sesshomaru said walking from in back of her and saw tears in her eyes
"They took her"Rin said while Sesshomaru hugged her"Damn that cat I'll have his head"
"Lets go"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand and running to the clear open sea
"Where"Rin said being dragged
"You want your sister back don't you"Sesshomaru said looking at her nodded"Then lets go"
Sesshomaru and Rin ran to the open sea, Rin of course took off her dress to swim in her bikini again. They both jumped in and swimmed to the other side to get to the western lands. When they got there they jumpped out of the water and dried off. Sesshomaru gave Rin his top part of his kimono so she'll be warm. They walked to the Western castle and saw his father on the chair reading something then put it down. He looked at them and smiled then got up and walked to them.
"Where exactly have you been"Inu Taisho said looking at him then at Rin who still had part of Sesshomaru's kimono on"I sent you to look for her yesterday, what took you so long"
"I was at the same exact place you told me to go"Sesshomaru said looking at his faher than at Inuyasha who is now walking down the stairs
"Well, well, well what do we have here"Inuyasha said looking at them but was mostly looking at Rin"Why the hell is she here"
"Inuyasha, she can be here if she wants to"Sesshomaru said looking at him
"What is that look in her eyes that looks so sad"Inuyasha said laughing"What another one of your family members died"
"Not funny Inuyasha"Rin said softly"Thorn's missing"
"What..."Inu Taisho said looking at her
"Ryu and Ryo of the east kidnapped her"Rin said tugging on Sesshomaru's arm
"That's not a surprise"Inuyasha said laughing"Ryu should have took her along time ago"
"Shut up Inuyasha"Rin yelled then stabbed him in the stomach with a thorn"That's what you get Inuyasha"
"Damn you Rin"Inuyasha said looking at her then at the mark on her neck"She's been marked by who"
"None of your business Inuyasha"Rin growled walking to the guest room Sesshomaru first put her in
"You marked her didn't you Sesshomaru"Inuyasha said looking at her
"And if I did what would you do Inuyasha"Sesshomaru growled while following Rin to the guest room
"No one tells me anything"Inuyasha said walking to his room
To Be Continued
Summary: Rin, a flower demon, finds a way to the western land. She meets her friend Ayame in the Forest of Inuyasha. They spot the two lords of the western land, a priestess and the leader of the wolf tribe. They end up stealing the shikon jewel from the priestess Kagome, when Kagome finally realize what they were here for, she demands the villigers to kill them. They can't do anything, so Inuyasha puts them in a cell in the western castle. Who will save them, Rin thinks she can get out alone without anyone but she cannot.
Chapter Three: Going Back Home
The nexted morning Rin woke up trying to figure out where she was. She got up and looked out of the window and saw many servants in the garden. She notice she wasn't at her castle she was in the western land. She opened the window before jumping out, she made sure no body was looking or following her. She jumped out and ran to the gate, she jumped over the gate and ran out. When she ran out, she ran through the Forest of Inuyasha getting away from the castle for good. She promised herself that she'll never come back to the western lands for no reason. She started to walk once she was out of sight, she walked to the demon tree, where she first met Sesshomaru at.
When she was there she could feel a strong aura coming from the tree when she placed her hand on it. Rin jumped on a branch and looked back at the western castle, she felt bad for leaving and not telling Sesshomaru but she knew he would find her anyways so what was the point. She started to feel the dark aura that was coming from the tree again, she looked down and saw nothing then she looked up and somewhere out of nowhere someone had attacked her. She thought it was Inuyasha until she figured out that the sense of smell coming from this demon was not Inuyasha vail smell. She looked at the person who attacked her but she couldn't see his face.
"Show yourself"Rin yelled pulling out Azumariah
"Well, well, well what do we have here, I see Lord Sesshomaru has finially let you out of the castle, what might your name be"Someone said coming out from the shadows
"I'm Lady Rin of Caminanatoe, the northern lands, I do not belong to Sesshomaru nor do I belong to anyone but myself"Rin growled at him
"So your the unknown princess that got a beat down by Inuyasha seven years ago are you not"He said walking up to her but made her back up"I'm Ryu of the east, I am the next fallen leader of my land, my brother right behind you is Ryo, we are the cats of all cats but I must say for a dog demon like yourself, your okay"
"Do I really care, no"Rin said walking away but got grabbed by Ryo and pinned her on the tree"For a cat your smart but not smart enough"
Rin scratched Ryo in the face with her claws then jumped back in the tree. Ryu was laughing at Ryo but with him he had another thing coming Rin had scratched him too. Once Ryu saw that she wasn't playing he came charging at her in full speed, Rin dodged all his attacks but she couldn't take it anymore he was toying with her. His pathetic moves was only slowing her down and thats what he wanted to.
"Tell me this, why are you here in the western lands if you don't belong to Sesshomaru"Ryu said blocking all of her moves
"I want revenge for my fathers death"Rin said then stopped fighting"I'm only going to tell you this once and for all, my moves are only going to weaken unless I fall, but if I don't fall I will increase my power and finish you off, my demon streight isn't helping me my flower powers are, You must think I'm only a dog demon like Sesshomaru but your wrong, the only thing that keep me up is being a flower maiden and not the broad power of a dog demon"
"What...."Ryu said stopping the fight"Your the owner of the cherry blossoms I keep smelling, that reminds me of my mother's death"
"Whose your mother"Rin said putting Azumariah back in her sheth
"Aya leader of all cats, she still watches over us and wants us to revenge her death by killing you"Ryu said walking to her"Aya is the lady who sent you father to war and death"
"No she sent my father to war not death after my father killed her, he became weak but he promised me that he would die but he did a day after the war between Aya Queen of all cats and Grestafallen King of Caminanatoe. that little runt Inuyasha, killed him after the war"Rin yelled then charged at him once more which lead them back in the western castles view everyone could see what was going on
"Dream on little princess"Ryo said charging at her with his older brother behind him
They fought till the end. Rin had almost gotten beaten if it wasn't for Inuyasha who interferred. She was surprised that Inuyasha would saved her and protect her but he didn't do it for her he did it so he'll be the one to kill Rin. Rin started to sense fire coming from the sky, she looked up and saw a cloud of fire she knew who it was, it was her younger sister Thorn. Rin ran to her and hugged her for saving her life.
"Rin let's go home for good"Thorn said while putting everyone in danger with her fire she started, she had cause fire to go everywhere, even in the castle"Let's go sis"
"We can't Thorn everyone in the castle plus Sesshomaru is still in there I have to help him"Rin said running to the castle
Rin and Thorn ran to the castle and saw that everything in the castle was burning, they ran to the tower and saw Sesshomaru standing by the window looking at his land be destroyed. He noticed that someone had enter the room and looked at them, He looked at Rin who was looking at him and then looked at Thron who was glowing with fire, she had it everywhere even in her eyes.
"You caused this didn't you"Sesshomaru said pinning her to the wall"I'm going to kill you, you should have been dead years ago if I didn't save you"
"Sesshomaru noooooo..... she didn't started it, she may have started the fire but Ryu and Ryo of the East is here invading your lands and trying to kill me, so don't kill her"Rin said pushing his hand away from Thorn's throat"Please Sesshomaru don't kill her, were leaving"
"To where"Sesshomaru said letting Thorn go
"Back to our kingdom"Rin said jumping out of the window with Thorn behind her"Were not coming back not even for a visit, and I am sorry to say but you can't come to Caminanatoe theirs a passage you have to go through to get there"
"Noo"Sesshomaru said running after her and Thorn but they were using up all their demon power
Sesshomaru ran after Rin and Thorn. When they finially stopped they looked at Sesshomaru than took their kimonos off so they can swim in their bikini's. Rin walked in the water then looked back at Sesshomaru, her face looked sad, really sad. Thorn pulled on her arm to go, Rin said her goodbyes by releasing a tear drop. That was the end, she jumped in the freezing water and swam to the bottom of the ocean and went back home and this time for good. Sesshomaru just looked at the clean plain ocean and waited until he was ready to leave he was thinking of going after her but he didn't. Inu Taisho walked up from behind him and looked in his eyes and saw complete emptiness in him.
"Sesshomaru go after her"Inu Taisho siad looking at him
"No, she gone for good and it going to stay that way"Sesshomaru said wanting to walk away but he couldn't, he wasn't about to let her go like that
"Sesshomaru go, this stubborness that I'm getting from you simply tells me that you care about her and doesn't want her to leave"Inu Taisho said putting his hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder"Go after her, she needs you"
Without saying a word Sesshomaru jumped in the water and followed Rin's smell. He notice that he was almost out of breath, he tried to hold it in more but couldn't,he swimmed to the surface. He jumped out of the water and saw he wasn't in the western lands no more, he was in the northern lands. He got out of the water and saw guirds pointing spears at him. They grabbed him and brought him to their queen.
They walked through the northern lands, they jumpped up a steep that was made so the prisoners won't escape while jumpping. They walked to the casle and into the main hallway. Sesshomaru noticed that everyone in the castle was happy about something, he thought it was because of Rin which it was. When they finially got to the queen, they open the doors to her study room and threw him in there. Rin looked down at the prisoner, she knew exactly who it was, Sesshomaru, she knew he was going to follow her through the passage of Caminanatoe.
"You may go now but leave him"Rin said looking at the guirds leave then back at Sesshomaru"Why did you follow me this time"
"You left without no reguirds of telling me"Sesshomaru said walking to her
"I told you I was leaving"Rin said looking at him
"Yeah at the last minute"Sesshomaru said taking a seat nexted to her
"Why do you have to do this to me Sesshomaru, I don't belong out there in the Western Lands, I belong here with my people and my family that I still have which is my sister"Rin said yelling at him"Seven years ago, Inuyasha not only killed my father but he killed my mother and half of my people and part of my clan"
"Why take it down on me"Sesshomaru yelled while walking to the window"I'm not the one who started this all, I tried to protect you from people like Inuyasha and what do you tell me I don't need your protection, that's the last time I'm ever helping you out"
"I told you Sesshomaru I was lying"Rin yelled while walking to the window and stood next to him crying, she started to calm down alittle"I only said it because now that I'm older I don't need protection nor do I want it"
"I should have never came here, my father was wrong"Sesshomaru said walking to the door
"About what me needing you, Sess you should know me by now"Rin said looking at him walk away"I do need you and I do need your peotection at least"
"_"Sesshomaru said nothing he could think of anything nor could he think of what to say to her, he just keep walking out the door
"Sesshomaru you walk out that door and the guirds are going to get you"Rin said running in front of him"What's with you, I been knowing you for like ever and never have I ever saw so much stubborness or anger in you eyes when it came to me"
"Move out of my way Rin"Sesshomaru said almost growling at her
"What, are you growling at me now, Sesshomaru I hope you know this is my land and whatever I say goes"Rin yelled at him knowing that it was the truth"Don't do this Sess"
"Move"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand and moving her out of his way but she got back up and walked infront of him again
"You know Sesshomaru I know you better than that and if I was someone else walking infront of you and disobeying your orders you would kill me"Rin said pushing him away from the door"Why don't you treat me any different than how you treat others"
"Rin you got guts I must say but this is going out of hand now move"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand but she started to poison him with the poison she had in her hand"What the..."
"Being a flower is better than being a dog demon"Rin said trying to push him away"This poison will go deep into your system and before long you'll be dead"
"You want that don't you Rin"Sesshomaru said pinning her gently to a wall"Stop poisoning me and I'll let you go"
"Who said I wanted it"Rin said pushing him out of the way but Sesshomaru grabbed her again"Let go Sesshomaru"
"No"Sesshomaru said gently pushing her on the wall again"Give up Rin, you won't win"
"I'm going to say this once more, I'll only weaken if I fall but if I don't fall my power will increase itself and will kill my enemy, my dog demon powers don't help me during my fights it only makes me weaker if I don't learn to control it, my flower powers are the only thing that keeps me up and running without them I would be dead"Rin said looking at him"My family is different then others we seperate our powers from each other when we are not together but when we are together we put our powers in one and we become restless and hunger for more power and now that my mother and father is gone me and Thorn has not that much power unless we put them together but it won't matter"
"What are you really trying to say Rin that if you and your sister puts both your flower and fire powers together you can kill someone"Sesshomaru said leanning down to her"Well..."
"No that not what I'm trying to say, Thorns power will increase itself if we put our power together but my power can't increase itself unless someone more stronger put their powers together or if my mother and father comes back from the dead"Rin said looking at him lean down to her"If Inuyasha didn't kill them then I wouldn't be in this mess"
"Your turning weak by the minute aren't you Rin"Sesshomaru said
"No I'm not I just won't have people calling me weak when they are the ones that are weak"Rin said so softly as if he could here it"I won't turn weak untill I get my revenge, and I won't give up either not even to you Sesshomaru"
"Who said you had too"Sesshomaru said leanning down to kiss her
What bugs Rin the most is when Sesshomaru does the same thing to her everytime they end up fighting and arguing with each other Sesshomaru always have to be soft on her before it gets to them never talking to each other again. Sesshomaru grabbed her chin and brought her closer by putting his arms around her waist and pulling her to him. Rin had gave into the kiss, she pulled his collar to pull him abit closer. While Rin and Sesshomaru were making out Thorn walked in silently and saw them kissing, she smiled and wished them luck then walked out and shut the door silently so they wouldn't hear her.
~~~Nexted Morning~~~
The nexted morning Rin woke up in her room half-naked nexted to Sesshomaru who only had his kimono pants on, she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She walked in the bathroom and took a shower, then walked out, she noticed that Sesshomaru was already up. Rin walked out of the bathroom in only a towel. She walked to her closet but before she could even open the door Sesshomaru had grabbed her hand and brought her to him and kissed her roughly. After that he walked in the bathroom and she walked in the closet, she got out a white dress with a orange left hand seleve and a orange collar, she had blue flowers at the bottom of the dress. When she was done she walked out, she didn't see Sesshomaru walk out of the bathroom yet, so she left without telling him.
She walk out of her room and to the main enterance of the west wing, she walked to the royal garden but before she got there she told Mina when Sesshomaru comes out bring him to the royal garden. She walked in the garden and saw her sister placing flowers on her mothers and fathers tomb stone and started to pray. Rin walked to her and put her hand on her shoulder. She wished the war between her and Inuyasha never had happen because if it didn't her mother would have been alive still.
Rin he died along time ago
"Mina always told me that you had always wanted to meet our father"Rin said softly
You knew
"Rin what was he like"Thorn said looking at her"I always wanted to meet him but never have, mother said that he was some water god and had always took care of the waters that's why we have this new passage"
Stop her, Rin stop this nonsense now
"Well Thorn, he had never liked water until he meet mom, he knew it was his birth right but never liked it"Rin said looking at her"He became a god after he had me but after the fight with Aya he became weak, Everyday when he fought Aya he thought that she was dead but she wasn't that's what made him weak"
"Rin seven years ago someone said that you saw his sprit, how"Thorn said getting up
Too late
"I called to him, after I heard the truth I fought with Inuyasha then ran to the forest and called out to him"Rin said walking back in the castle"If you really want to see him then go to the demon tree of life, his tomb is there but only his sprit will come"
And with that she was gone untill she heard a scream, Rin ran to the royal garedn and saw Ryu and Ryo capturing Thorn. Thorn was screaming for help, it wasn't safe for her to go anywhere alone now. Rin ran to her but got pushed back by Ryu. He still had that scratched mark on his face from when she scratched him yesterday. He pushed her back and slapped her across her face leaving bloody lines. Rin touched her face then got up and pulled out Azumariah.
"Well hello Rin, it's nice to see you again"Ryu said touching her face then saw a mark on her neck"Your marked, who marked you"
"First of all it's Lady Rin to you"Rin said slapping him also leaving more marks on his face"And second of all I don't need to tell you who marked me"
"Wench, your going to pay for that"Ryu said charging at her but she dodged his weak attacks"I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your sister becasue she is coming with us"
""Rin said running to him but he was already gone"Damn.."
"What's with you"Sesshomaru said walking from in back of her and saw tears in her eyes
"They took her"Rin said while Sesshomaru hugged her"Damn that cat I'll have his head"
"Lets go"Sesshomaru said grabbing her hand and running to the clear open sea
"Where"Rin said being dragged
"You want your sister back don't you"Sesshomaru said looking at her nodded"Then lets go"
Sesshomaru and Rin ran to the open sea, Rin of course took off her dress to swim in her bikini again. They both jumped in and swimmed to the other side to get to the western lands. When they got there they jumpped out of the water and dried off. Sesshomaru gave Rin his top part of his kimono so she'll be warm. They walked to the Western castle and saw his father on the chair reading something then put it down. He looked at them and smiled then got up and walked to them.
"Where exactly have you been"Inu Taisho said looking at him then at Rin who still had part of Sesshomaru's kimono on"I sent you to look for her yesterday, what took you so long"
"I was at the same exact place you told me to go"Sesshomaru said looking at his faher than at Inuyasha who is now walking down the stairs
"Well, well, well what do we have here"Inuyasha said looking at them but was mostly looking at Rin"Why the hell is she here"
"Inuyasha, she can be here if she wants to"Sesshomaru said looking at him
"What is that look in her eyes that looks so sad"Inuyasha said laughing"What another one of your family members died"
"Not funny Inuyasha"Rin said softly"Thorn's missing"
"What..."Inu Taisho said looking at her
"Ryu and Ryo of the east kidnapped her"Rin said tugging on Sesshomaru's arm
"That's not a surprise"Inuyasha said laughing"Ryu should have took her along time ago"
"Shut up Inuyasha"Rin yelled then stabbed him in the stomach with a thorn"That's what you get Inuyasha"
"Damn you Rin"Inuyasha said looking at her then at the mark on her neck"She's been marked by who"
"None of your business Inuyasha"Rin growled walking to the guest room Sesshomaru first put her in
"You marked her didn't you Sesshomaru"Inuyasha said looking at her
"And if I did what would you do Inuyasha"Sesshomaru growled while following Rin to the guest room
"No one tells me anything"Inuyasha said walking to his room
To Be Continued