InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Exploring the Sengoku Jidai ❯ Gift ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He thought he must be somewhere near the ocean… the air was so grey and thick. Obscured from sight, he'd come here to hide, knowing he could never be hidden but seeking the comfort of illusion just the same.
Faces moved in and out of the swirling tendrils of gloom. Perhaps he'd known them. Perhaps not. Pretending at memory, he made them into family, friends… sister… and then they disappeared, just as they always did, leaving him alone.
Moisture clung to him as he moved through it, droplets forming on his lashes and in the corners of his eyes. Dripping off him, the fog whimpered for him the tears he could not shed, sobbed the sorrow he could not lament, wept the pain he could not feel.
Briefly the moving air showed him a vision of himself, just a sad boy alone in the mist. And though he did fully not understand why, he was grateful - because for just a moment he was himself.
Too soon, darkness gathered and he felt the call buried between the dead fleshy muscles at his spine. Shaking away whisps of feeling along with the rain that had begun to fall, he drifted away.