InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eyes Half Open ❯ Reflection ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
(A/N: I don't own Inuyasha *Openly weeps)
Chapter 1 : Cast Off
~Three days a sign,
Your rebirth can't hurt,
Branch out behind.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAlone he trudged through the barren winter landscape of the thickly settled forest, packing the snow lightly under-foot as he traveled relentlessly onward. A silent ballet of snowflakes adorned the air with their spectacle, reaching down with icy fingers to glaze the snow as it lay there untouched by any disturbance. A bitter winter wind whipped resoundingly through the trees, pushing long, blonde bangs out of crystal blue eyes as they squinted against winter's cruel touch. He was ill dressed for travel, wearing only a light jacket covering a less than protective white undershirt and a plain pair of Brown dress slacks, and now he shivered at his unknowing mistake, wishing desperately for a source of warmth.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe sky was emotionless, choosing instead to gaze through a veil of thick, Grey clouds like a natural pollution in the air, making it impossible to determine any kind of time. The atmosphere of the forest was a quiet spectacle, broken at intervals by the ferocity of the winter wind, giving tune to winter's previously soundless serenade.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊA sound in the distance fought the wind for dominance, making it difficult to discern by normal hearing. It sounded like the scream of a small child.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊSlightly changing direction, the boy increased his pace dramatically, his footsteps now pounding through the intervals of silence as he made for the sound he had previously heard.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊBreaking through a particularly closely cropped copse of trees, the boy burst into what looked like a small clearing, a blotch of white disrupting the pattern of black in the forest. Inside the clearing a small black-haired girl sat terrified against a snow-laden tree trunk. She wore a small brown robe that ran long down to cover even her feet. Directly across the clearing, advancing in a predatory manner crawled a ferret youkai. Ten times the size of a normal ferret, its red glowing eyes darted to and fro, searching for any impedance against his eminent kill.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe small girl, seeing the blonde-haired boy's entrance, gave him a wide-eyed look of fear and helplessness, fortifying that look with another dismayed scream, as if to implore his help by straining her vocal chords to their limit.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe ferret Youkai noticed the boy last, swerved its head in his direction and growled savagely, letting him know how dangerous it could be. The boy stopped short, he'd never seen a creature like this before, it was huge, way bigger than a ferret was supposed to be. Reflexively grasping the handle of the green-handled Katana at his waist, the boy crouched low into a combat stance, drawing his sword in a fluid movement and holding it readily behind him.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe ferret thing gave another feral growl and charged haphazardly towards the boy's direction, its mouth foaming visibly as its instincts took over completely. The boy stood his ground, waiting until the ferret was within a short distance, which was not long as the ferret was extremely fast. Spinning, as he knew to do in this case, the boy neatly sidestepped the ferret's animalistic charge and fluidly brought his sword down, hard.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe creature hadn't even the time to voice it's pain. Hard, cold steel bit through flesh, bone and marrow as the boy's blade sang the beast's death song in the frigid air, taking its head clean off. White snow was stained Scarlet as the youkai's still moving body tumbled into the snow with a barely audible thump, marking its death in shades of pink.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe boy looked up from his kill to the girl cowering against the tree as he re-sheathed his sword, she had stopped screeching, but she still insisted on shaking like a dry leaf, giving the boy another terrified look after a furtive glance to the beast's now headless body.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe boy advanced slowly, half-crouching half-standing, his hands straight out in front of him, palms up. The girl's eyes weren't relieved of their previous terror, but she made no discernable effort to move, aside from her incessant shaking. Reaching within touching distance of the small girl, he looked her over cautiously, searching for any sign of injury. Finding none, he bent down slowly and picked up the girl bridal style, eliciting a jump and a small cry from the child. Whispering soothing words and holding her tiny form closer to him, the boy managed to calm her down somewhat. She seemed to have accepted her position and had the fabric of his white shirt fisted tightly in both hands as she closed her eyes and let the warmth of his jacket keep her.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊHis sharp blue eyes roamed the terrain under him, coming to rest on the little girl's still fresh tracks in the pristine snow. Taking them as a guide he started for wherever the girl had come from.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊEventually the tracks led to a small settlement, dotted with small huts, glowing with a cheery light from many fires. A worried looking woman with hair of the same Sable color as the girl stood at attendance near the edge of the forest. Holding her tightly and rubbing her back was a man of equally dismayed features, together their eyes roamed the edge of the forest, calling someone's name.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Sakura!.Sa kura!", they both called into the unfeeling wind as it drowned their words into meaningless noise, defeating their attempts.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAs the boy and the small girl approached, the little girl caught her name finally spoken. Rising her head to look in the direction of her name, her face brightened and she returned their yells.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Mother! Father!" she called to them, with all her power.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊFinally catching sight of their long lost prodigy, the couple burst into relieved smiles. Their daughter was being carried to them in the arms of a young man with blonde hair, reaching almost to the backs of his thighs, blue eyes stared back at them in a compassionate stare. He was dressed very oddly in some manner or another, but they dismissed this immediately as they gladly took the ecstatic child into their arms, scolding and hugging her fiercely.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"What happened?" the young man questioned immediately.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Your daughter was being hunted by a ferret youkai" he stated simply, "Rest assured, it's dead now."
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe man's eyes widened at his mention of the youkai,
"Arigatou for saving her!" the man said gratefully. " I wish there was something we could do for you."
The boy dismissed his statement with a distracted wave of his hand.
the sound of Sango's palm connecting with Miroku's cheek pierced the relative calm of the snowy clearing as the lecherous monk's wandering hand found it's way once again to the Taiiji-ya's rear.
Inuyasha and Kagome both sighed in resignation, shaking their heads in unison at the grinning monk, who now sported the all too familiar scarlet handprint. He lay sprawled in the snow, aiming his grin at the now fuming Huntress.
"He'll never learn" Shippo said sagely, he too was shaking his head at the monk's antics.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊIt was about midday as far as the gumi could tell, and it had stopped snowing for the moment, leaving the untouched snow to reveal all recent signs of disturbance. Here and there on the trail, small animal track's could be seen weaving in and around among the trees of the cluttered forest. The sun remained in hiding behind a never-ending curtain of stark Grey, watering down what may have been any vibrancy of color and giving the forest in which they traveled a gloomy disposition. The group had no real destination at the moment; they simply wandered, looking for any sign of the elusive jewel shards.
"You know if you weren't so beautiful lady Sango, I might not be forced to compliment your figure as often as I do" the monk jokingly implied, the grin never leaving his face.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊIf at all possible, Sango face underwent an even more red transition before she stalked ahead of the group in a huff.
"Houshi Baka" she muttered under her breath.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊKagome laughed at her friend's actions, her breath was coming out in soft bouts of vapor and her cheeks were slightly reddened from exposure to the cold. She was dressed for the occasion however; wearing a large blue jacket topped off with a blazing red scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. A pair of tight fitting jeans adorned her legs, accompanied by large brown, hiking boots.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊInuyasha watched Kagome as she shook with merriment, her raven hair cascading down her back, her bright, kind eyes watchful and observant as she stood transfixed in the brilliant white snow. He couldn't help but stand mesmerized, gazing openly at her earthly beauty, as a warm feeling ran through his entire body.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊInuyasha inwardly cursed every god known to him as he realized what was happening. He had fallen hopelessly in love with Kagome. Every moment spent away from her felt like eternity while every moment near her was like having his soul renewed. He wanted desperately to hold her, just once. To claim her lips in one, simple kiss. He silently cursed Naraku and his minions. He and Kagome would be forever apart because of that piece of shit. Loving Kagome openly would only put her in more danger, and he couldn't bear to see her hurt because of his own selfish feelings.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊKagome had caught Inuyasha looking at her from afar and regarded him with a heart-melting smile.
Gods he wished he could tell her how much he cared.
(A/N: this is my very first non one-shot, non AU fic, please tell me if you think it's any good. (R&R). Anyway, who's this mysterious boy with the green katana? You'll have to keep reading as I update to find out! Ha!)
Chapter 1 : Cast Off
~Three days a sign,
Your rebirth can't hurt,
Branch out behind.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAlone he trudged through the barren winter landscape of the thickly settled forest, packing the snow lightly under-foot as he traveled relentlessly onward. A silent ballet of snowflakes adorned the air with their spectacle, reaching down with icy fingers to glaze the snow as it lay there untouched by any disturbance. A bitter winter wind whipped resoundingly through the trees, pushing long, blonde bangs out of crystal blue eyes as they squinted against winter's cruel touch. He was ill dressed for travel, wearing only a light jacket covering a less than protective white undershirt and a plain pair of Brown dress slacks, and now he shivered at his unknowing mistake, wishing desperately for a source of warmth.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe sky was emotionless, choosing instead to gaze through a veil of thick, Grey clouds like a natural pollution in the air, making it impossible to determine any kind of time. The atmosphere of the forest was a quiet spectacle, broken at intervals by the ferocity of the winter wind, giving tune to winter's previously soundless serenade.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊA sound in the distance fought the wind for dominance, making it difficult to discern by normal hearing. It sounded like the scream of a small child.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊSlightly changing direction, the boy increased his pace dramatically, his footsteps now pounding through the intervals of silence as he made for the sound he had previously heard.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊBreaking through a particularly closely cropped copse of trees, the boy burst into what looked like a small clearing, a blotch of white disrupting the pattern of black in the forest. Inside the clearing a small black-haired girl sat terrified against a snow-laden tree trunk. She wore a small brown robe that ran long down to cover even her feet. Directly across the clearing, advancing in a predatory manner crawled a ferret youkai. Ten times the size of a normal ferret, its red glowing eyes darted to and fro, searching for any impedance against his eminent kill.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe small girl, seeing the blonde-haired boy's entrance, gave him a wide-eyed look of fear and helplessness, fortifying that look with another dismayed scream, as if to implore his help by straining her vocal chords to their limit.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe ferret Youkai noticed the boy last, swerved its head in his direction and growled savagely, letting him know how dangerous it could be. The boy stopped short, he'd never seen a creature like this before, it was huge, way bigger than a ferret was supposed to be. Reflexively grasping the handle of the green-handled Katana at his waist, the boy crouched low into a combat stance, drawing his sword in a fluid movement and holding it readily behind him.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe ferret thing gave another feral growl and charged haphazardly towards the boy's direction, its mouth foaming visibly as its instincts took over completely. The boy stood his ground, waiting until the ferret was within a short distance, which was not long as the ferret was extremely fast. Spinning, as he knew to do in this case, the boy neatly sidestepped the ferret's animalistic charge and fluidly brought his sword down, hard.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe creature hadn't even the time to voice it's pain. Hard, cold steel bit through flesh, bone and marrow as the boy's blade sang the beast's death song in the frigid air, taking its head clean off. White snow was stained Scarlet as the youkai's still moving body tumbled into the snow with a barely audible thump, marking its death in shades of pink.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe boy looked up from his kill to the girl cowering against the tree as he re-sheathed his sword, she had stopped screeching, but she still insisted on shaking like a dry leaf, giving the boy another terrified look after a furtive glance to the beast's now headless body.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe boy advanced slowly, half-crouching half-standing, his hands straight out in front of him, palms up. The girl's eyes weren't relieved of their previous terror, but she made no discernable effort to move, aside from her incessant shaking. Reaching within touching distance of the small girl, he looked her over cautiously, searching for any sign of injury. Finding none, he bent down slowly and picked up the girl bridal style, eliciting a jump and a small cry from the child. Whispering soothing words and holding her tiny form closer to him, the boy managed to calm her down somewhat. She seemed to have accepted her position and had the fabric of his white shirt fisted tightly in both hands as she closed her eyes and let the warmth of his jacket keep her.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊHis sharp blue eyes roamed the terrain under him, coming to rest on the little girl's still fresh tracks in the pristine snow. Taking them as a guide he started for wherever the girl had come from.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊEventually the tracks led to a small settlement, dotted with small huts, glowing with a cheery light from many fires. A worried looking woman with hair of the same Sable color as the girl stood at attendance near the edge of the forest. Holding her tightly and rubbing her back was a man of equally dismayed features, together their eyes roamed the edge of the forest, calling someone's name.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Sakura!.Sa kura!", they both called into the unfeeling wind as it drowned their words into meaningless noise, defeating their attempts.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAs the boy and the small girl approached, the little girl caught her name finally spoken. Rising her head to look in the direction of her name, her face brightened and she returned their yells.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Mother! Father!" she called to them, with all her power.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊFinally catching sight of their long lost prodigy, the couple burst into relieved smiles. Their daughter was being carried to them in the arms of a young man with blonde hair, reaching almost to the backs of his thighs, blue eyes stared back at them in a compassionate stare. He was dressed very oddly in some manner or another, but they dismissed this immediately as they gladly took the ecstatic child into their arms, scolding and hugging her fiercely.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"What happened?" the young man questioned immediately.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ"Your daughter was being hunted by a ferret youkai" he stated simply, "Rest assured, it's dead now."
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe man's eyes widened at his mention of the youkai,
"Arigatou for saving her!" the man said gratefully. " I wish there was something we could do for you."
The boy dismissed his statement with a distracted wave of his hand.
the sound of Sango's palm connecting with Miroku's cheek pierced the relative calm of the snowy clearing as the lecherous monk's wandering hand found it's way once again to the Taiiji-ya's rear.
Inuyasha and Kagome both sighed in resignation, shaking their heads in unison at the grinning monk, who now sported the all too familiar scarlet handprint. He lay sprawled in the snow, aiming his grin at the now fuming Huntress.
"He'll never learn" Shippo said sagely, he too was shaking his head at the monk's antics.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊIt was about midday as far as the gumi could tell, and it had stopped snowing for the moment, leaving the untouched snow to reveal all recent signs of disturbance. Here and there on the trail, small animal track's could be seen weaving in and around among the trees of the cluttered forest. The sun remained in hiding behind a never-ending curtain of stark Grey, watering down what may have been any vibrancy of color and giving the forest in which they traveled a gloomy disposition. The group had no real destination at the moment; they simply wandered, looking for any sign of the elusive jewel shards.
"You know if you weren't so beautiful lady Sango, I might not be forced to compliment your figure as often as I do" the monk jokingly implied, the grin never leaving his face.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊIf at all possible, Sango face underwent an even more red transition before she stalked ahead of the group in a huff.
"Houshi Baka" she muttered under her breath.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊKagome laughed at her friend's actions, her breath was coming out in soft bouts of vapor and her cheeks were slightly reddened from exposure to the cold. She was dressed for the occasion however; wearing a large blue jacket topped off with a blazing red scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. A pair of tight fitting jeans adorned her legs, accompanied by large brown, hiking boots.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊInuyasha watched Kagome as she shook with merriment, her raven hair cascading down her back, her bright, kind eyes watchful and observant as she stood transfixed in the brilliant white snow. He couldn't help but stand mesmerized, gazing openly at her earthly beauty, as a warm feeling ran through his entire body.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊInuyasha inwardly cursed every god known to him as he realized what was happening. He had fallen hopelessly in love with Kagome. Every moment spent away from her felt like eternity while every moment near her was like having his soul renewed. He wanted desperately to hold her, just once. To claim her lips in one, simple kiss. He silently cursed Naraku and his minions. He and Kagome would be forever apart because of that piece of shit. Loving Kagome openly would only put her in more danger, and he couldn't bear to see her hurt because of his own selfish feelings.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊKagome had caught Inuyasha looking at her from afar and regarded him with a heart-melting smile.
Gods he wished he could tell her how much he cared.
(A/N: this is my very first non one-shot, non AU fic, please tell me if you think it's any good. (R&R). Anyway, who's this mysterious boy with the green katana? You'll have to keep reading as I update to find out! Ha!)