InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eyes Like Yours ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Eyes Like Yours
By: DarkCrystalis
Disclaimer: God, I might just make this story so I don't have to write so many freakin' disclaimers. I don't own Inuyasha or the gang, no matter how much I change them and bend them to my will...or put them in uncomfortable situations...-grins evilly but decides it's time to get on with the story-
Chapter 7
Take One: (at 10am.)
"STOP!" Inuyasha yelled from his director's chair, standing up with aggrivation on his face.
"WHAT! AGAIN? WHAT DID I DO WRONG THIS TIME?" Kagome clearly was annoyed at having to do the same actions over and over.
"You act like you're dead."
"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't LOOK like I'm dead!"
"Is this really the time for pitiful arguments? We should really try to finish this commerical, so I won't have to put up with you anymore!"
"So that's how you feel about me, eh? Then that day when the CAR almost HIT ME, you should have just LEFT ME TO DIE, you JERK!" Storming off stage in understandable anger, Kagome didn't bother to look behind her as she left the scene of the arguement.
Miroku looked around him anxiously, and then shrugged with a deep sigh.
"I guess it's time for a BIG break, then..."
Sango glared at him harshly, and ran out of the studio to catch up with the fuming Kagome.
"I'm NOT going back in there, with the IDIOT talking to me like that!" Kagome fumed some more as she spoke to Sango.
"What was all that about, Kags? Is something going on between you and the silver haired idiot? All I have to say is that since yesterday, he's been in a pissy mood. I have a hunch that Miroku knows why, but since the two are deadlock friends, he won't spill the story. I just thought you should you can kinda give him a break for now, you know?"
Kagome seriously contemplated what her assistant boss and friend said to her. It was true, even when he'd called her last night, reminding her about the shoot the next day, he seemed sort of snappy.
Kagome recalled the short and uneventful phone call.
"Moshi moshi, this is Kagome!"
"Must you announce yourself like that? It's like saying 'I'm a young and desperate girl, and the world needs to know!' I just wanted to tell you that the shoot is tomorrow, as a reminder."
"Eh...WHAT! Desperate young girl? Who says I'm desperate? Now listen here, you! You're going to..."
The line was dead, and it seemed quite apparent that he'd hung up before her rant even started.
"Ugh, that guy is a BASTARD!" Kagome took the cordless phone and tossed it across the room. It crashed into the wall, but surprisingly left no marks or scratches.
"Inuyasha would have probably called me weak for not breaking the phone..." she muttered to herself, sighing heavily.
Looking at Sango with despair in her eyes, she made her decision. She would go back to the studio, after her break, and put up with his pissy behaviour. If he wanted to act childish, it was his choice, and she couldn't do anything about it. If anyone was going to be the grown up here, it had to be her.
Making a coffee and sitting down, she smiled at Sango, silently telling her that she would continue with this charade.
...30 minutes later...
With her strong resolution, she marched back into the studio and onto the stage.
"15 minute's up! We are going to do this scene TODAY and I'm going to do it WELL, no matter what!"
Kagome smiled her biggest smile yet, and stood with her hands on her hips, waiting for Miroku's reply.
"Err...right! Good job, Kagome! Let's get the show on the road! Or, at least in this case, the commercial..."
Take Two: (about an hour and a half after the last take, at 11:30am.)
"Cut, cut, CUT! You messed up the line!"
"What! HOW? What did I do wrong, this time!"
"You said "Eclipse Contacts"! They're actually "Eclipse PERSCRIPTION Contacts"! That needs to be clearly outlined in the commerical. Roll it yet AGAIN!" Inuyasha bellowed from the director's chair.
"Good god," Kagome muttered from on the stage. He was being really picky, but he had made a good point. If she didn't mess up her line, things wouldn't have been stopped.
She decided to take a coffee break, and go for lunch. Things were getting stressful around here.
...Two Hours later...
Sighing, and with renewed determination, Kagome walked back onto the stage, and they tried again for Take Three.
Take Three: (just after the lunch break, at 1:30pm.)
Blinking slowly into the far away camera, Kagome delivered her line.
"Do you have a hard time seeing right in front of you, or far away? Problem solved! Do you want beautiful eyes, even though you need a perscription? No problem! You can have eyes like THESE, with Eclipse Perscription Contacts!"
Staring into the camera with her breathtaking eyes, she did her best to put emotion into them, capturing the people staring at her.
Miroku was stunned, more so than he had ever been. Her eyes looked even more lively and beautiful with the proper lighting and scenery...if that was even possible.
She continued, paying no heed to the people's shocked reactions.
"Just order the perscription from your optomitrist, and your vision problems will be solved! For breathtakingly beautiful eyes, think Eclipse!"
"CUT!" Miroku yelled, immediately stopping the cameras from rolling.
"Great! That was AMAZING! I've never done a commerical so quickly in my life! It only took three retakes...I'm so happy right now..." Miroku looked up to the sky and muttered prayers of thanks, and then abruptly turned to Kagome.
"I still can't believe we did the whole commerical in ONE fact, only in about 4-5 hours!"
Kagome took a look outside through the small studio window, which showed no darkness. It must have been at least 3pm by now, although they'd only gotten there at 10am. It had taken very few amounts of takes and time, which ended up being a marvellous thing.
Miroku hugged Kagome in a non-perverted way, but that didn't stop Inuyasha's growl from erupting out of his throat. He pulled back instantly, not wanting to get on Inuyasha's bad side. Things were already bad for him, and he didn't want to get even more mixed up in it all.
Taking his wife's hand, Miroku gestured that everyone should leave the studio.
"This calls for a celebration dinner! To the fastest commercial ever made by Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha's studio!"
"Here, here!" Kagome added with a big grin on her face.
She was actually sort of sad that it'd all ended, and she might not be seeing them again. In the short time she'd known Sango, they got to know each other fairly well. Kagome had liked Sango right away, and the feeling was mutual.
They talked about lots of things through their lunch break, about Miroku's perverted ways, or reasons why Inuyasha might be in such a bad mood.
Neither knew the answers to the men's behaviour, and decided not to question it anymore.
Either way, Kagome knew somewhere inside that she would keep in touch with Sango, no matter what happened after the commercal. If she kept in contact with Sango, she would doubtlessly see Miroku, too, which meant she would probably see Inuyasha as well...
"Ugh, I don't want to see HIM," she ground out, making Sango look over to her in confusion.
Kagome laughed nervoulsy, and waved her hand in response.
"Nothing, Sango-san!"
After Miroku had "kicked" everyone out of the studio, he locked up, and they piled into his car.
"To the resturant!" Miroku called out excitedly, and growling stomachs replied in respose.
After they'd filled themselves to their limits of food, they managed to squish their "expanded" bodies into the car. (A/N: "expanded" was my nice way of putting "bloated" LOL!)
Kagome sat in the back beside Inuyasha, as Sango and Miroku sat in the front together, while he drove.
The long commercial shoot, lights and excitement had made Kagome tired, so with the car's soft rocking movements, she fell asleep, and fell unknowingly into Inuyasha's shoulder.
He unconsciously ran his hands through her silky hair, and she moaned softly in response.
Shocked at seeing what he was doing, he resisted the urge to shove her away at her contact with his shoulder.
What was wrong with him? Why did she suddenly make him feel warm inside, where his cold heart should reside? Things weren't making sense, but he liked what was happening to him.
Far too soon they got to Kagome's residence, and unfortunately for Inuyasha, she was sound asleep beside him.
Inuyasha sighed, and then crawled out of the car, still supporting her sleeping form with the hand that didn't open the car door.
He picked up her light weight easily into his arms, and walked into her house.
Everyone else was sleeping, so he had to be quiet as he hunted for her room.
After looking around for a minute, he found a room with the door still open. He peeked inside, and saw lots of pink sheets on a bed, a desk with a computer, and other things. The floor was littered with clothes and text books, but her bed had nothing on it but it's comforter and two pillows.
Laying her gently down onto it, he nearly yelped in surprise when her hand shot out to pull him down with her. Picking her up once more, he wandered over to the window, and gestured for Miroku to leave. It seemed that he would be spending part of the night with Kagome, if not the whole night.
Settling her down under the covers, he brushed back her bangs as he sat beside her. She curled her body against him, and once again unknowingly insisted that he lay down with her.
Doing as she asked, he lay over top of the sheets,keeping her form against him.
"Kagome...what am I going to do with you?" he whispered out into the darkness of her room, closing his eyes.
Author's Note:
Everyone! I somehow managed towritea chapterand post it, while atmy cottage! WOOHOO!
I've started writing TWO new stories at my cottage! They're going really well so far, and one of them has so many twists in it that it's crazy!
Anyway, I need an editor...because for me to always edit doesn't always help.
There is only one condition, and that is that you must have a HOTMAIL email account, so when I send you the story with all my bolded, underlined, and italicised words, they won't be changed into normal font.
If you are interested (once again), I'll send you the long version summary, so you can read it, and tell me what you think! Email me with your response, if you're interested! My email is located in my profile.
Thanks so much, and I hope everyone read that message...I really DO need an editor...
Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews! It seems as though I have some new readers that like the story as well!
Love you all, my readers and reviewers!
Until Chapter 8!