InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Canis primoris! ( Chapter 32 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does.
`Inuyasha or others'
Warning: lime in this chapter!
Canis Primoris!
By Licentia poetica
Kagome was settling the Kai-wolves in a ramshackle, open shed on a hill overlooking the village, tidying the deteriorating building which, while still structurally sound, was being reclaimed by ivy and other clinging vines. Set slightly back from the crown of the hill at the edge of Inuyasha's forest, it had been used years ago for storing farm implements but had fallen into disrepair as the villagers farmed farther away from the aura of betrayal emanating from Inuyasha during the fifty years of his entrapment on the Goshinboku. She hoped that the shed was far enough from most of the village noises and smells, which seemed to make the Kai-wolves nervous. She spoke out loud to them even though she knew they wouldn't really understand her. `I know Inuyasha was talking to them in their language…I wonder why he never yipped or barked at the dogs in the village before? Maybe he was embarrassed, or maybe he was speaking and I just didn't know what to look for…he certainly seemed to use his body a lot when he talked with these dogs. Well, I only hope they'll listen to me, because Inuyasha isn't going to be any help communicating for a while.'
She had followed Yourei Taisei to Kaede's home, carrying the Tenseiga and the Tessaiga dutifully in his wake as he held the brothers tucked under his arms, walking easily in spite of their weight and bulk. She had nervously watched the blood from Inuyasha's chest wound lazily trace a pattern down Yourei Taisei's arm as he walked, but the taiyoukai had ignored it. She gazed down at Kaede's hut and worried her lower lip with her teeth. `Inuyasha still wasn't awake when I left. I hope he'll be all right!'
Her worries were interrupted by Runt, who butted her head against Kagome's hand in a bid for attention. Smiling, she patted the Kai-wolf on the head and scratched behind her ears. “You want to know what's happened to him, too, don't you?” She knelt down and added, “Don't worry. I know it looked like a lot of blood but I've seen Inuyasha survive worse. At least Yourei Taisei let me bind up their wounds.”
Aoi padded up next to her other side and sat down with a huffing sound. Kagome smiled and began to pet the pregnant bitch, idly tangling her fingers in the thick curls on Aoi's neck as she continued to scratch Runt's ears. “Inuyasha told you to watch over me, didn't he?” she asked, tugging at a knot in Aoi's fur. “You followed me to Kaede's door and you waited there until I came out.” Her hands stilled as she recalled stepping out of Kaede's hut and stopping abruptly in astonishment; the Kai-wolves had been sitting in a semi-circle, staring fixedly at the door. Shiro had stood, yipped once, and trotted away, looking back and barking gruffly as she remained standing, bemused, by the door. Aoi had gently tugged at her hand, pulling her until she had followed Shiro up the hill and away from the village, the rest of the pack trotting to the side and behind her.
Aoi growled softly and disturbed Kagome's reverie, nudging Kagome's hand with her nose while Runt burrowed into her lap, nearly pushing her over.
“All right! All right! I get the message!” Kagome laughed as she sat back, using Runt's head for leverage as she shifted her weight. She began to scratch both Kai-wolves as they snuggled closer to her.
Aoi yipped softly, her ears and eyes focused on Kaede's hut.
`I don't understand her, but I think she's asking about Inuyasha,' Kagome mused. `Should I let her know what happened? Who knows, maybe animals understand us more than we think.' She shifted her body into a more comfortable position and explained, “When Yourei Taisei finally put them down inside Kaede's hut I was able to see that neither of them was seriously wounded. The worst injuries were the gashes on Inuyasha's chest…Sesshoumaru poisoned him, I think.” She frowned slightly, thinking of the inflamed parallel grooves and the red welts that had continued to spread until Kaede placed poultices imbued with houriki-grown herbs on the cuts. “Kaede and Midoriko helped me wash and bandage them, but Inuyasha was already healing by the time we put on the last bandage.” She shuddered a bit as she thought of her next actions. “Sesshoumaru had a puncture wound on one of his legs; I had to bandage it by myself because Midoriko and Yourei Taisei said his youki would resist anything that they or Kaede did…but why would he accept me?”
Aoi turned her head and touched her nose to Kagome's cheek snuffling gently. Then she woofed softly and nudged her head under Kagome's hand again.
“Humph. Are you telling me that I smell good? I've already been told that and I don't see what it has to do with him tolerating me.” She began to scratch again as Aoi pushed her head into Kagome's fingers. “Well, it scared me to work on Sesshoumaru's leg, even though he was unconscious. I was afraid that he would wake up and kill me for touching him! After I cleaned and dressed his wound I sat back and my hands were shaking.” She absently scratched Aoi behind the ears, staring down at the village and sighing.
They sat quietly for a long moment, the silence broken only by the susurration of the ivy leaves in a slight breeze.
Aoi's ears perked toward the village and she growled softly. Kagome listened carefully but heard only the normal evening sounds. “Do you hear Inuyasha?”
Aoi flicked her ears back and growled softly before perking them forward again.
“I guess that's a no…maybe. I wish Inuyasha was here.” Kagome breathed deeply and stared down at Kaede's hut. “I keep hoping to hear him yelling. He's going to be so angry that Yourie Taisei hit him and if he can yell it means he's awake and healed.”
Runt whined softly and Aoi's ears flicked backwards again. The action was so reminiscent of Inuyasha that Kagome had to swallow hard against the lump that appeared in her throat. Both dogs nestled closer to her and Runt licked her face.
“I wanted to stay with him, you know,” Kagome whispered after a few moments. “As soon as the wounds were bandaged, Yourei Taisei asked me to place the katanas in the center of the floor and leave. I tried to argue, but he said he had to teach them another lesson.” She narrowed her eyes in irritation as she recalled his words.
“I must teach them a new lesson, Lady Kagome. You and the other mikos must not be here to prevent the ability of either brother to learn it. I give you my word that neither of them will be harmed further, at least by me.”
She frowned down at the hut. “Midoriko and Kaede wouldn't let me argue. They escorted me out of the room.” In the long summer twilight, she could see Midoriko still seated in front of the door, meditating. She sighed again, pursing her lips in frustration. “Well, I'm not getting anything done sitting here and worrying.” Leaning on the Kai-wolves for balance, she stood and went to the battered, worn-out tools leaning against the side of the shed. The two Kai-wolves followed.
“Midoriko set a strong barrier around the house to prevent anyone from going in or out. She showed me how to anchor a barrier to an object,” she informed the Kai-wolves as she began to rake old leaves from the floor of the shed, “and now I know how Kikyou could sleep and still keep a barrier up.” She laughed as Aoi and Runt trotted outside, sneezing at the dust.
Satisfied with the floor, Kagome began to rummage in her backpack for something she could use to make a home for the Kai-wolves. She paused for a moment, watching the five animals interact. Aoi walked up to Shiro and rubbed her nose against the bottom of his jaw. In turn he stroked the top of her head, but his stance remained cautious, his ears flicking at the unfamiliar noises from the village. The other three trotted to the two alphas, lowering their heads and whining, exchanging dog kisses with each other. Stiffening at the sound of a raised human voice, Shiro gave a low growl and both males went on alert, sitting side to side and facing opposite directions. Each could see the village and the forest.
Kagome giggled and their ears twitched in her direction. “You look like a two headed dog! Don't worry, the villagers will leave you alone now that they know you're with Inuyasha and me. No one will harm you or chase you away.” She kept her voice soothing, wishing she could make the throbbing growl that Inuyasha used to calm them.
Jinx lay down facing Kagome and crossed her forepaws, cocking her head and lolling her tongue out of her mouth as Kagome drew several items out of the backpack. “I'd swear you were laughing at me, Jinx.” The Kai-wolf's ears twitched and she panted.
“Here, Aoi!” Kagome had brought her old sleeping bag, abused and stained from many nights camping in the open. She placed it in the most sheltered corner and coiled a tattered blue blanket on top. “I'm glad I saved these, they'll make a good place for you to lie down. You know, Inuyasha didn't like the blanket, but he used to use it sometimes even after he destroyed it. Maybe you'll like it `cause it smells of him.”
She stroked the nap of the blanket as Aoi sniffed at it experimentally. It had at one time depicted the same Samoyed picture as her old T-shirt, but that was before Inuyasha had shown his displeasure with it, slicing through the material with his claws and tearing long strips in the fabric.
It had been one of their “through the well” fights, right after she had tricked him and placed the Beads of Subjugation around his neck for the second time.
“Oi, wench! I'm not some little pet that you can pat on the head! Get this smelly thing off me!”
Kagome guiltily pulled her hand back from his head, having played with his ears since she thought he was still unconscious. “I was just checking to see if you're hurt, and I just bought that blanket! It doesn't smell!”
“Maybe not to you and your pathetic excuse for a nose!” Grunting with the pain of his broken arm and gut wound, he snatched the blanket off and shredded it with his claws, then threw it toward the fire.
“Stop it, Inuyasha!” She saved the blanket from the fire, but stared in dismay at the rents in the material. It was completely ruined. “Now I have to get a new one, you baka!”
“Just keep it on your side of the well. It's stupid, and it smells.”
“I got it because…” she stopped, not wanting to admit her need to have something to remind her of him after he left with Kikyou. Something that he had used, that might hold his wonderful, spicy smell, if only for a while. Tears threatened.
“Because…” his voice was singsong, sarcastic. “Because you're a weak, stupid idiot!” he snapped.
“SIT!” He didn't have far to go, but the spell slammed him down on the broken arm and he hissed with pain.
“Kagome!” Kaede's stern reprimand rang in the small room.
She looked up to find Miroku, Sango, and Kaede staring at her. Horrified at her own actions, she gave a small moan as Kaede frowned at her sternly and Miroku, his lips thin with obvious disapproval, raised one eyebrow. Blushing furiously, she looked back down at Inuyasha and reached tremulously toward him with one hand, whispering, “I'm sorry!”
“Get away from me, bitch!”
She ran to the well to escape the feeling that she had abused his trust, clutching the blanket. She had slept with it at home that night and the next, holding it to her body tightly, hugging the soft material and burying her face in it to catch the tears. When he came for her, healed and grouchy, he had snatched up the blanket to bring it back with them.
She had tried to apologize for the “sit” while pulling the blanket away from him, but he had just pulled it closer and stared at her, the look in his eyes embarrassing her into silence. As she let go her hands tugged at the material and his nostrils twitched. He sighed and said quietly, “You should trust me, Kagome. Ya' didn't need to put these damn beads on me again.”
Aoi yipped at her, bringing her out of her reverie. Kagome sighed, unconsciously echoing Inuyasha's sigh from her memory, and went outside to watch the gibbous moon rise in the twilight sky. Runt and Jinx came and sat down next to her, nudging their noses under her hands until she scratched them behind the ears. “You know, he was right. I never should have tricked him into letting me put the beads on him again. But he did start using the blanket after that. Maybe it didn't smell so bad to him anymore.”
Shiro's ears pricked up, and the sounds of masculine voices raised in anger came from Kaede's hut. Kagome gave a short, relieved laugh, listening to Inuyasha's loud curses. “Well, I still might need to `sit' him!” She shook her head and strolled back down to the village, listening to the sounds of the argument.
The Kai-wolves followed, guarding their Pack Leader's chosen-not-yet-mate while their ears swiveled nervously at the sound of his angry voice.
Midoriko smiled at Kagome as she walked up. “Well, Kagome. At least they're talking to one another.” She winced as Inuyasha's voice rose in a loud growl, breaking the evening calm. “You know, we really shouldn't even be here when they come out. I don't think they will want us to be aware of their conversation. Why don't we take a short walk together?”
Kagome smiled her assent, holding out a hand to Midoriko to help her to her feet. As they strolled away from the buildings, the Kai-wolves trotting near them, Midoriko gave her a sideways glance.
“It's such a beautiful night. Warm and with such a lovely moon! You should sleep under the stars tonight.”
“Well, my sleeping bag is in Kaede's house. I don't know if Inuyasha…” Kagome let her voice trail away as she paused and half-turned back toward the village.
“Oh, I think he'd be happier away from the village, don't you?” Midoriko laughed lightly, placing her hand lightly on Kagome's elbow and steering her back up the hill. “There's this horrible Chinese curse; `May you live in interesting times,' and I think that both of you have had enough interesting events in the past two days. Wouldn't it be nice to spend some time alone with him?”
Kagome blushed, realizing that her life might be even more interesting if she spent time alone with Inuyasha right now. “Umm…well, yes, but…”
Midoriko seemed oblivious to Kagome's embarrassment. “You know, Inuyasha is a very special person. I speak from experience when I say that hanyous can be extremely powerful, for good or for evil.” For a moment her face twisted in pain and Kagome gasped, but in the next instant Midoriko smiled so benignly that the younger miko blinked in astonishment. Midoriko patted her on the arm, continuing, “You have helped him become a force for good. It's so obvious that you love each other.” As they neared the edge of the forest, the older Time Lord sighed in appreciation. “The moon is lovely tonight, isn't it?”
Kagome nodded but remained silent, confused. `The moon? Why does she keep talking about it? What is she trying to tell me?'
“You know,” continued Midoriko casually, seemingly oblivious to Kagome's discomfort, “the moon seems to influence hanyous in strange ways. Their powers ebb and flow, just like the moon, though I'm sure you already know that. They are fertile only on the days that they lose their youkai powers or lose their human side, and it's always some phase of the moon that affects when that happens. It's always the moon…always the phase of the moon.”
Midoriko's voice was reflective and calm, but Kagome was neither. She was grateful for the evening shadows that prevented her Sensei from seeing the fiery blush that she could feel on her cheeks. `My mom talked about the patch this morning, and now Midoriko is telling me about birth control, Sengoku Jidai style. Inuyasha and I must be pretty obvious.'
They had reached the Kai-wolves shack and Midoriko paused. “Why don't you stay here and wait for him, Kagome? I am going to try to find Kohaku.” Midoriko smiled and turned away, walking back toward the village. After a few steps she glanced back. “You know, that anchored barrier might be a good idea tonight. It would give you some privacy with the added benefit of practice, too.” She raised her hand to forestall any words as Kagome gasped, adding “Have a pleasant night, Kagome.”
“Uh…I…umm…thank you, Sensei.” Red faced, Kagome watched her go as thoughts of Inuyasha's kisses sped up her heartbeat and quickened her breathing.
The Kai-wolves gathered round her, sitting next to her with their heads up and alert. Unbeknownst to Kagome and Midoriko, there was the faintest scent of wolves on the evening breeze, and it made them cautious.
`This is uncomfortable.' Yourei Taisei grumbled to himself. Unlike most other taiyoukai, who could change into their youkai form but had to transform completely, he had developed the control to hold an incomplete transformation. `This ability is useful, but that doesn't mean it is comfortable, or desirable, or even pleasurable to look at.'
It hurt, threw him off balance, drained his youki, and his mate had informed him that he was extremely ugly when he did it. `Ah well, I need to speak in their tongue and yet retain my size.' Except for his wings his torso was humanoid, but below his waist the muscles and legs of his giant falcon form provided him the tools to control the belligerent and stubborn Inuyoukai before him. Once he had seen their father discipline two fighting lieutenants and he hoped to use the same method now. `I can only hope that I will be as effective.'
He had asked Kagome to place the youth's katanas in the middle of the floor, not daring to handle them himself for the swords knew their masters and would reject him. He had carefully placed Sesshoumaru on his back on one side of the blades; face turned inwards and arm by his side. He then placed Inuyasha on the other, also looking inwards, so that the brothers would be forced to look either at the swords or at each other. As they began to stir, fighting their way back to consciousness, he grasped them with two of his forward facing claws and his hind talon, pinning their arms to their sides and using his considerable bulk to hold them in place. His primary forward talon he placed very carefully over their necks and heads, pinning them in a position of submission with their faces towards each other. He had seen their father pin the quarreling Inuyoukai in this fashion, and knew that they would be put off balance by the submissive posture.
`I hope it will force them to communicate, but I will pay for this later. I wonder which one will try to kill me first? I only hope they will give me tonight to recover.'
Sesshoumaru regained consciousness first, eyes flashing open and body jerking as he tried to escape the iron grip of Yourei Taisei's talons.
“Release this Sesshoumaru! You will die for this!” His voice was a feral snarl as he began to transform to his youkai form.
Yourei Taisei had been anticipating the reaction. His flexed his primary talon, pressing against Sesshoumaru's neck, threatening him with unconsciousness again as he used both physical pressure and his youki. Calmly, he answered “I expect nothing less from you, Lord Sesshoumaru, but I will not release you, yet. You gave me your word to train with my other student, and I had to break off my evening hunt to prevent you from killing each other. You will settle your differences now, so that I do not have to interfere again and our training can commence. After I am through with you, you are welcome to try to kill me.”
Sesshoumaru subsided, but the intense red glare in his eyes promised retribution.
Yourei Taisei suppressed a laugh at his pupil's predictable reaction. `Perhaps reasoning with him will help,' he mused doubtfully. “There are many reasons why you should not kill your only brother, Lord Sesshoumaru, not the least of which is that as Inu no Taisho you are expected to govern all packs.”
“A half-breed's mongrel Pack. Ridiculous!” Sesshoumaru growled angrily in response.
Inuyasha began to stir, ears flicking as his body strained against Yourei Taisei's hold. His eyes flew open, their color matching Sesshoumaru's.
Before he could speak, Yourei Taisei quietly but firmly spoke. “Inuyasha, Lord Sesshoumaru. Look at each other. Find a way to solve your differences, now.”
“Get off me, bastard! I have nothing to say to that asshole!” Yourei Taisei calmly repeated the action of pressing his talon and youki against Inuyasha's throat as the hanyou struggled. Inuyasha stilled, eyes glazing as his blood supply was cut off. Yourei Taisai eased off the pressure.
“Fucking bastard!” Inuyasha glared up at him as best he could from his supine position.
`I did not wish to do this. I'll look ridiculous and it doesn't signify a thing to me, but they will find meaning in it,' Yourei Taisei thought irritably as he brought his face down toward the brothers, baring his teeth. “You will find a way to speak to each other, or you will remain here.” He glared at them each in turn and sighed impatiently before continuing, “Look at your father's katanas, placed in between you. Both are forged from his fangs, both are powerful, and both acknowledge only one of you as master. You have more in common than you will admit.”
Silence. They glared at him out of the corner of their eyes; obviously uncomfortable with the position he had placed them in.
`As stubborn as their father.' Feeling even more foolish, he bared his teeth even further and forced his voice to growl instead of scream. “I have missed my hunt and I am hungry. Perhaps I will eat the two of you if we are forced to stay here for several days.” Placing the force of his youki behind his next words, he spoke in clipped, derisive tones. “Solve your differences. Now!”
“Keh! Get the fuck off me, bastard!” Giving up on the struggle to free himself from the taiyoukai, Inuyasha looked into his brother's angry eyes, inches away from his face. `I'd just stare at the Tessaiga but I bet I'd look as stupid as he does.' Sesshoumaru pulled his angry, cross-eyed gaze away from the Tenseiga, almost as if he had heard Inuyasha's thoughts. “Sesshoumaru, you bastard, this is your fault!”
“Ignorant half-breed, you challenged this Sesshoumaru!”
“I didn't know what the Pack Cry was, you asshole! Myouga told me after I did it!”
Unexpectedly, the flea youkai spoke from Inuyasha's back. “It's true, Lord Sesshoumaru. I never explained to Inuyasha.”
Yourei Taisei immediately snarled, “Myouga. You will remain silent! This is for the brothers to solve.” He put the power of his youki behind his voice as he ordered, “Leave this house at once!”
Myouga squeaked once and leaped for the door. Yourei Taisei turned his head to watch and narrowed his eyes meaningfully as the flea youkai paused in the doorway. With another squeak of fear, Myouga disappeared from view.
Yourei Taisei turned back to his captives and resumed his silence.
“Damn you, get off me!” Inuyasha tried to pull his arms from out of Yourei Taisei's grasp, only to feel the insistent pressure against his neck again. “Bastard!” he choked.
“This Sesshoumaru does not think he will bother listening to you, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha met his brother's mocking eyes and sneered, “Yeah? Well I notice that you're stuck in the same position as me, arrogant asshole.”
Yourei Taisei noticed with interest that both brothers seemed acutely embarrassed, blinking their eyes rapidly and trying not to look directly at each other. `Perfect. This will have work eventually. I hope it is soon! This position is uncomfortable.' He kept his face impassive in spite of the increasing discomfort of his body.
“This Sesshoumaru will explain Pack Law to you, insolent pup, before you are killed for your ignorance.”
“I'm not a pup, asshole! And I already know you have to try to kill me or drive me off for using the Pack Cry.”
“This Sesshoumaru would not have to “try” to do anything, Inuyasha. He would succeed.”
Inuyasha gave a snort of derision. “Good luck! I've beaten you before, ya know.”
The two glared into each other's eyes.
“There is more, ignorant hanyou. This Sesshoumaru would have to take your mongrel Pack should he beat you. I do not wish to add another human to my own Pack.” For a moment his eyes took on a distant look. “They are…problematic.”
“Yeah? Well, Kagome would never go with you, the Kai-wolves already said they won't go with you, and I've got three more humans in my Pack, bastard.”
Silence fell within the room. After a long moment, Yourei Taisei shifted slightly, moving his head to stare at each of the Inuyoukai in turn.
[We must find a way to resolve this.]
(Well, he won't listen to me! He hates humans.)
As his eyes started to burn from staring unblinkingly into Sesshoumaru's gaze, Inuyasha finally spoke. “Why do you keep Rin in your Pack if you don't like humans?”
“That is none of your business, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha sighed irritably. “I know that I have obligations to my Pack, and if you're gonna try to drive me away and take them I think I should know why you hate humans!” He sighed impatiently and continued, “I won't go, anyway. You're gonna have to kill me.”
There was another silence. Seconds slowly went by as Inuyasha stared into Sesshoumaru's calculating eyes. His eyebrows rose in surprise as his brother finally, slowly, blinked.
“This Sesshoumaru will offer a compromise. You may remain with your Pack, as alpha, but you will acknowledge this Sesshoumaru as Inu no Taisho.”
[It is much the same as our own Pack. It is acceptable, but there must be some reason why he is doing this.]
(I agree, something's not right here. He never does anything that doesn't benefit him in some way.)
“Why would you do that? What are you getting out of it?”
Sesshoumaru glared at him. “It would seem that you do not recognize the benefits to you and your Pack, Inuyasha. Do not presume to question this Sesshoumaru.”
“Oh stop it, you arrogant bastard. Answer me. Why?”
Sesshoumaru shifted irritably underneath Yourei Taisei's talons, though his eyes remained locked with Inuyasha's. “I do not wish to take on more humans. The one I have is—”.
“Problematic. Yeah, you said. Funny, mine are, too.”Inuyasha pursed his lips for a moment, thinking and ignoring Sesshoumaru's snarl at his interruption. `Rin's just a kid. Wait `til she gets older, asshole, if you think she's trouble now.'
[His scent. Pay attention to his scent! What is he…?]
He breathed in carefully, trying to analyze the scents in the room. Seconds ticked by while Inuyasha tried to figure out the meanings behind Sesshoumaru's scent, but his brother had muted his youki. `What the hell? I can't figure him out.'
Finally, after visibly calming himself for a full minute, Sesshoumaru spoke with great deliberation.
“This Sesshoumaru would ask you to guard Rin. She is reaching an age where she will have questions and your miko can answer them for her. This Sesshoumaru has no other humans in his Pack. Your miko has shown that she will accept pups that are not her own.” He paused, golden eyes boring into Inuyasha's burnished copper ones. “The fact that you intend to mate with your miko is beneficial. Rin will see Pack and human together. By your example, you will teach Rin not to fear Inuyoukai ways.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened as the implications of Sesshoumaru's request became clear. “I'll…be…damned. You! The human hater! You love her!”
Sesshoumaru's eyes hardened to burnished gold. “She is important to me, Inuyasha, but she is a pup and human. Do not presume to understand me.”
Inuyasha snorted. “Why should I start understanding you now? And if you want to have me teach Rin not to fear “Inuyoukai ways” you're gonna have to teach me Pack Law first.” He narrowed his eyes. “If I accept, what do I have to do?”
“It requires a ceremony at the tono for your Pack to be accepted under this Sesshoumaru's guardianship. Your Pack will be acknowledged by the other Inuyoukai, and you will be given a territory to protect.” He gave an irritable snort and continued, “This Sesshoumaru will also teach you how to call your Pack to you without using the Cry. That is reserved for times when your Pack is in extreme danger or for challenges. This Sesshoumaru is the only one who can use it to call for Pack assembly.”
“Why haven't I heard it?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes grew colder. “This Sesshoumaru has his own reasons. Do not question him further, Inuyasha. You and your Pack will answer the Pack Cry should he ever use it, and if you Cry after acceptance into his Pack this Sesshoumaru will come to aid you.” He narrowed his eyes and growled, “The Pack Cry is not meant to be used lightly.”
“All right, all right, I get it, asshole! I shouldn't have used it!”
They glared at eachother for a long moment before Sesshoumaru, in spite of his entrapment by Yourei Taisei's talons, managed to move enough of his body to say formally in Inu, “Do you accept my compromise?”
“Yes,” Inuyasha answered in the same language, but reverted to Japanese to snap, “With two conditions.” He ignored Sesshoumaru's angry growl and continued, “First, ya gotta ask Kagome if she'll take on Rin. Second, I ain't movin' to the tono. You'll have to bring Rin here.”
Sesshoumaru smiled in a way that made the hair on the back of Inuyasha's neck rise. “That is acceptable to this Sesshoumaru.”
[Why is he so pleased?]
Yourei Taisei finally entered the conversation. “Excellent! You have resolved your differences.” He flexed his talons slightly to relieve muscle cramps caused by the long period of grasping the brothers and felt the tension in their bodies increase. “Now, you will rest for the night and meet me early tomorrow in the meadow outside.” Leaping backwards, he quickly transformed completely to his humanoid form, smiling as the two brothers reached in tandem for their katanas and sprang to their feet in one smooth, coordinated motion. `Already they act in concert together, even if they are not aware of it.' He ignored their combined glares as he added, “You have much to learn.”
He tensed as Inuyasha sprang forward, but to his surprise the hanyou swept past him, heading out the door without a word. Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows and stalked forward, turning his head to glare viciously at Yourei Taisei as he followed his brother out of the hut. `No reprisals? Perhaps this will be easier than I thought.' Yourei Taisei ruffled his wing feathers and turned to follow his putative students out of the room.
He joined Sesshoumaru as the Inu no Taisho calmly watched his brother raise the Tessaiga, its blade glowing blood red, over his head. `Hhmm. His stance is slightly off and his movements could be a bit faster.' In one swift downward motion, Midoriko's barrier was destroyed. `Excellent form and balance.' As Inuyasha leaped toward the edge of the village, Yourei Taisei narrowed his eyes in irritation. `He has a natural affinity for the motions, but still lacks discipline.' He turned his attention to the silent taiyoukai at his side and said calmly, “I am surprised that he left so quickly.”
Sesshoumaru gave him a brief glance but then followed his brother's movements again. “He follows his miko's scent. It has been too long since he first gave the Mate Call.” He raised his head and scented the air, frowning slightly, then turned to face Yourei Taisei. “He thinks too much with his heart.”
`Looking for an answer already, Sesshoumaru? Why did I agree to do this again?' Yourei Taisei raised one eyebrow and rejoined, “And you think too much with your head, Lord Sesshoumaru.” He smiled placidly at the glare he received in return. `Think on that and learn, young one.'
Sesshoumaru took in a deep breath and his nostrils twitched. “This Sesshoumaru will remember your actions tonight, but there are more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.” He turned and strode forward into the night, moving silently to the edge of the malodorous village. `The stench of wolves is on the evening breeze. Inuyasha is too focused on mating with his miko to pay attention, but I will protect him as agreed. Wolves always mean trouble.'
Yourei Taisei gave a long sigh and transformed, leaping into the air to gain altitude. `I must find a tall tree to rest in for the night. I am tired, and if tomorrow is anything like today I will need to rest.'
Inuyasha leaped up the hill, unconsciously noting the Kai-wolves in their guarded positions as he focused on Kagome. He scooped her up out of the pack, smiling at her surprised gasp as he buried his face in her neck. He tasted her pulse point, trying to control his instincts as her breathy gasp turned into a small moan.
[Take her. She is willing.]
(Talk to her first!)
`Hitotsu. Develop self control.' He took a deep breath and relaxed his arms enough to let Kagome stand while still holding her pressed against his body.
“Are you all right, Kagome? He didn't hurt you too badly, did he?”
Kagome smiled and reached up to touch his face. “I'm fine, Inuyasha. He didn't even break the skin! What about you?” Her hands went to the bandages on his chest, loosening his haori and underlying juban.
[Take her!]
“Kagome, you need to stop that, right now.”
She looked up into his face, seeing an intent focus in his gaze that she had never seen before. It brought her blood alive with a leap of sensuality and expectation.
The change in her scent brought him closer to losing control, but he tried to maintain it by flexing his fingers against her clothes. “Damnit Kagome!” He panted, trying to concentrate on something else besides her scent, and growled, “I couldn't get you out of my mind all day! I can't stop thinking about you.”
She reached up and pulled his face down to hers, the nails of her hands gently scratching just behind his ears, hoping it would keep him calm as she lightly kissed his mouth. Holding him tethered by the lightest of kisses, she trailed her hands to his neck and stroked his jaw with her thumbs. He stiffened as her hands moved down to his shoulders, but she captured his lower lip gently in her teeth and tried to keep her focus as he rumbled a growl and pulled her body closer.
`Finally!' she thought as her hands came in contact with the Beads of Subjugation. `I know this is the right thing. I'm going to trust him.' In one swift movement, she broke the kiss and pulled the necklace up and over his head before he could react. It caught in his long hair, but she held on to it with one hand as the other steadied her against his chest.
He stared into her eyes, startled.
“Sit, Inuyasha,” she whispered, smiling as his body tensed at the word. “Sit,” she repeated and kissed him lightly on the mouth. He held absolutely still, staring at her and not returning the kiss. `Have I done something wrong?' She repeated the word one more time and kissed him again, beginning to panic as his chest remained taut and immobile underneath her hand. `Oh please, understand!' She tried kissing him one final time, a feather light brush of her lips, murmuring “sit,” as she pulled back to smile tentatively up at him. `The spell is removed…please understand why I did it!'
“Kagome…” he breathed, her name trailing off into a low growl as he tried to control his body's arousal. The scent rising from her breasts as they pressed close to his chest was intoxicating, creating a fever in his blood. “Do you think…” he couldn't finish the sentence when she took his chin in her mouth, giving it a slow, sensuous nip, snapping her teeth closed as she cleared the tip.
He pulled her body flush against his, closing his eyes for a long moment as he struggled to stay in control. “I think—”
“Maybe you should stop thinking,” she whispered seductively.
He growled in response, convulsively tightening his grip around her waist as the desire to mate with her overcame any reason.
Canis Primoris: Latin; Canis is dog, primoris means first, foremost or most distinguished. Literally, First Dog, but the best way to read it is: Top Dawg!
Hitotsu: Japanese; One.
R&R thanks:
The Painted Lady, Behind Crimson Eyes, Photographing Poetry, ShadowObscurity, JediK1, Archangel Gabrielle, mcleigh1979, sky dragon, Inuyasha05, yoyo person
InuBaby369246 , Inaqui, inuyashaloverr, Mellie
100+ reviews! Wow! Many thanks to my loyal Niltiak, Hanyou16, Inuyasha luver, Allegra, luvinInuyashainatlantaATL1, InuLuver4Ever, Black Templar!
Thanks for reading!