InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Convoco, corripio ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you to the IYFG (iyfanguild) members who have nominated this story for the 4th quarter awards (Best AU, Best Characterization: Inuyasha, Best Lemon). I can't tell you how wonderful that makes me feel! It is one thing to write, another to place the stories out there for everyone to read, and I always get nervous with each chapter posting (Did they like it? Did they hate it? Why do I think I can write?). I usually find myself sneaking back on after a few hours to see if anyone has bothered to read the chapter. To know that I've been nominated is both humbling and rewarding at the same time. I will do my best to justify your faith in me!
I'm not sure how the voting works, but if you're a member of IYFG and like my story, your vote would be appreciated. It's one way to let me know what you think of my efforts!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does.
`Inuyasha or others'
Convoco, corripio
By Licentia poetica
Miroku and Innin stood by the Well, watching the fading glow of Sango and Shippo's time transfer merge with Tokyo's early morning light. They had decided to leave in two groups through the time portal, both to ease the power drain on Kensei and to make sure that there was no repeat of the previous “Well entrapment” problem. Kensei's power could boost them out of the Well in groups of one or two, but they already knew that only so many could fit the confines of the Well. Sango and Shippo had gone first, carrying Miroku's blue backpack.
`I just hope she doesn't look in it before I get there, although I doubt she would know what the binoculars do,' Miroku thought, hefting Kagome's yellow monstrosity. It was surprisingly light for such a bulky pack. He turned to Innin.
“Lady Higurashi, I thank you for your hospitality.”
“You are always welcome here, Miroku.” Her eyes twinkled. “Any time.”
He laughed at her choice of words. “Is there anything you would like me to say to Kagome when we find her?”
Innin smiled at him. “Not really. Just…well, I hope you all will be safe. I wish I could go myself, but I need to stay here with Sota.” She chewed on her lower lip, and he was once again reminded of Kagome's habit. “Oh. There is one thing. Tell her that the special packages I gave her yesterday are in the bag at the bottom of the main compartment, and that I expect her to use them before she does anything with Inu…” she paused, coloring slightly as Miroku raised an eyebrow. “Well, just tell her to use them. She'll know what I mean. Oh, and tell her to give some to Sango, too.” She could not look him in the eye.
Miroku didn't pry, but he had an idea what might be in the “special packages.” `Hhmm. I wonder if this has anything to do with the talisman against pregnancy that Lady Higurashi gave Sango? I better not ask…'
“Has enough time passed? I would like to find Kagome and the time rip as soon as possible.” He watched in fascination as a blue coruscation developed around her for a moment.
“My husband says they are waiting for you.” Her eyes finally met his, concerned. “Tell her I love her! And thank you, Miroku, for helping her. I feel better knowing that she has such supportive friends.”
“You are welcome, Lady Higurashi. Kagome is blessed to have a mother like you,” he smiled.
He gave her a brief bow before entering the Well's time transfer. As he passed through the portal, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a clue hidden in the blue coruscations of light; something that would help him solve the Wind Tunnel problem. He had felt it in the first transfer, as if some knowledge was held just beyond his reach in the luminous glow. As the time power raised him to the top of the Well, he grabbed on to the edge with his free hand and vaulted over the edge.
The black aura of the time rip was obvious, making him gasp as it pulsed against his spiritual senses. He staggered for a moment, and Sango, waiting by the Well, grabbed his arm to steady him.
“What's wrong, Miroku?” She could see the pain etched in his face.
“It…it's like my hand.” He clenched his fingers around the prayer beads.
“The time rip. But…it's stronger. We need to get there, now.”
Shippo was staring off in the direction of the rip, obviously sensing the black vortex as well. “I don't like…I'm just a kid!” he mumbled under his breath. He looked up into their faces and folded his arms, a miniature Inuyasha. “Well, let's go.”
A blur of white fur dashed across the meadow and leaped into Sango's arms. “Kirara! I'm so glad to see you!”
Kirara purred and rubbed her head against Sango's chest, then began scolding. “Mrrrrr! Phhht! Prrraow mrrrr.” She was glad to have her Sango back, but there were too many dogs in the area of Kaede's hut now, and last night she had actually had to remain on the roof rather than perform her usual midnight hunt. She had kept a wary eye out, ears swiveling as she listened to the barks and howls in the darkness. Why had Sango been gone for so long?
“She says she missed you, too, Sango,” Shippo translated.
“RRAAOOW!” Kirara glared at him until he dropped his head sheepishly. Satisfied with his cowed response, she jumped down from Sango's arms and trotted a few feet away, head up and tails twitching disdainfully. Ah well, they weren't cats. Perhaps she could forgive them.
“Mmaaow.” She transformed and crouched, looking back at the three expectantly.
“Let's get on. She'll take us where we need to go,” Sango said, smiling at her feline friend. She knew from long experience that Kirara would scold her first for her absence but would immediately forgive her. “I need Hiraikotsu, Kirara. Let's get to Kaede's home, first, O.K.?”
“Mmm. Mrrrrrraaaoow!”
“She says we need to hurry!” Shippo said as he trotted toward Kirara. Kirara gave a soft purr to reward him for correctly translating, and he smiled up at her.
The three travelers climbed on her back, and she immediately jumped into the air. Seconds later they were clambering off in front of Kaede's hut. The old miko, eyes reddened and weary from lack of sleep, met them at the door.
“Thank the gods! There is great evil near the village, and your help is needed.”
Sango hugged Kaede. “We know, Kaede-sama. I just need to get my Hiraikotsu.”
As she entered the hut, Miroku retrieved his staff from just inside the door. As he turned back, he noticed a group of five large dogs staring down at him from the top of the adjacent hillside. He tensed, and Kirara gave a low growl while moving next to him protectively.
Kaede noticed the direction of his gaze. “Ah. Ye have discovered Inuyasha's new…friends.” She shook her head. “Ye will find that many things have changed, houshi, in the time that ye have been gone.”
Miroku gave her a wry grin, thinking of the changes that had occurred on his side of the Well. “I hope the changes are for the good?”
Kaede sighed. “I…cannot say. Have ye noticed the changes in Inuyasha? His youki is stronger, yet his chakras are strengthened as well. It is a mystery to me.” She looked at him with her usual forthright stare. “Ye will also find that my sister Kikyou is…gone. Her body is now controlled by Midoriko.”
Miroku digested this information for a moment, and then nodded thoughtfully. “It is better that she does not take part in what we have to do. She is freed of the craving for continued existence and revenge that kept her from correctly understanding the Eight-fold Path.” He looked in the direction of the dark time rip, chanting a silent mantra against the evil pulsation of its power. “I sense a strong presence there. A male demon.”
“Inuyasha's sensei is a powerful hawk demon.”
Miroku's eyes widened. “Sango will be learning from a hawk demon? Is he safe?”
“Kohaku trained under him yesterday in our fields.”
A muffled sound came from inside the hut. Sango appeared at the doorway, pulling on the last of her taiji-ya armor and tugging the Hiraikotsu after her. “Kohaku? Kohaku is here? Where?”
“I am not sure, Sango. He accompanied Midoriko when she came here, so he may be with her now. She is at the time rip.” Kaede watched, surprised, as Miroku walked to Sango and took her hand, gazing earnestly into her face. She was even more surprised to see Sango turn to him with a shy smile and intertwine her fingers with his.
“We will find him, lovely Sango.” They turned to Kaede, and Sango blushed slightly as she noticed Kaede's frank appraisal.
“I can see that there are other changes besides the ones I have seen in Inuyasha and Kagome,” Kaede observed with a knowing smile.
Sango was flustered, but Miroku tugged at her hand and brought her to Kirara's side. “We must get to the rip, Lady Kaede.” He helped Sango onto Kirara's back, his hands at her waist, and Kaede was astonished at the gesture. `She is willing to let him touch her in front of others, and he is treating her with great courtesy. What has happened between these two?' She noticed Shippo grinning at them, and watched as he purposefully climbed immediately behind Sango, earning a frown from Miroku. She cleared her throat, and all three glanced back at her.
“I will stay here to guard the village, but if I am needed send Kirara back to get me. I will not leave the area until the evil is destroyed.”
Miroku nodded, and climbed up on Kirara's back behind Shippo. He couldn't resist giving the kitsune a cuff on the head in passing.
Shippo turned his head, grinning back at Miroku. “What? What did I do?”
Miroku just glowered at him as Kirara leaped into the air, heading towards the concentration of evil.
Kagome leaned back against Inuyasha's chest as the transportation cloud skimmed through the morning sky, the wind of their passage whipping her hair and stinging her eyes. He had pulled her close as soon as the cloud began moving, whether to protect her from falling or for some other reason, but she enjoyed the contact. His arms wrapped her in warmth against the chill of the early morning.
She wondered at the change in him; his willingness to acknowledge their bond in front of others. `He's more…confident, somehow, these last few days. More willing to be kind and show his emotions. That's the human side, but his demonic markings are stronger, too. He acts…he's almost normal with Sesshoumaru.' She regarded Sesshoumaru's straight, proud back and remembered Myouga's statements about the agreement between the two brothers. `I wish I knew what it was about.' The air was becoming increasingly cold as the cloud traveled higher and faster. She shivered a bit and crossed her arms. `I wonder how he'll behave in front of Miroku and Sango?' The cold air in the height they were traveling at made her shiver, so she turned in Inuyasha's loose grasp and burrowed closer to his chest, putting her back to the wind and hunching her shoulders against the chill.
Sesshoumaru glanced in their direction and raised his eyebrows at this display of intimacy, but made no comment.
Inuyasha gently tightened his arms for a moment, then pulled slightly away from her to remove his haori and wrap it around her. “Stay warm, Kagome,” he said softly to her, enfolding her in his arms again. He raised his voice. “Hey! Baka no Taisho! Take this thing lower, my mate is getting cold.”
Sesshoumaru refused to acknowledge the comment.
“Bastard, I'm talking to you! If you want her to help, you need to make sure she's not frozen when we get back.”
“Insolent hanyou.” Sesshoumaru turned his head to stare at them. The cloud began to descend into the warmer air, and one side of Sesshoumaru's mouth turned up in a cynical smile. “Perhaps Baka no Taisho is the correct title for this Sesshoumaru now, since he is governing a pack of mongrels and humans.”
Kagome quirked a smile and gave a short laugh. `Unbelievable! Underneath that cold exterior, he might have a sense of humor!'
Inuyasha glanced down at her. “Keh.”
Sesshoumaru turned away again. “When we travel closer to the ground, we must move slowly. Haste is important.” So softly that Inuyasha barely heard it in the rush of the wind, he muttered “Weak humans.”
“You say human like it's an insult, Baka no Taisho. Just remember that it's the human in me that got me the Tetsusaiga, and the human that destroyed Takemaru when we fought the Sou'unga.”
(Mention Rin. See what he does.)
[Do not put Kagome in danger, foolish human.]
`She's always going to be in danger from him while Rin is with us. We need to figure out what his scent meant yesterday.'
“Besides, Rin is human, and she's your Pack. So you're Pack Leader only for the strong, eh? That's why you want to send her to me. Get rid of the weakling, so you look better to the other InuYoukai.”
Sesshoumaru blinked his eyes, but other than that simple response he seemed to ignore the comments completely.
`Damn! He's a cold bastard.'
(Threaten to treat Rin like Shippo. Threaten to hit her if she gets out of line.)
[You are a fool, human. Can you not hear?]
Inuyasha used his youki to listen. A low, subsonic growl was reverberating in the air, almost hidden beneath the rush of the wind. He tensed his body and pulled Kagome a bit closer, readying himself in case Sesshoumaru attacked.
`Well, shit! If I hadn't heard the growl, I wouldn't know he was angry.'
[He has shown his feelings many times. You have not used me to listen.]
`What's wrong with a good snarl? We'd better back off.'
“Well, Baka no Taisho, just remember that I'll be her Pack Leader, and you still have to ask Kagome. But we fight a lot of demons, and Naraku won't leave us alone just because you're getting rid of your problem.”
The growl escalated in volume, but at that moment Kagome stirred.
“What does Sesshoumaru need to ask me?” She looked back and forth between their faces.
(Hah! I'm gonna enjoy this. The bastard has to ask her.)
“Well, Baka no Taisho?”
Sesshoumaru turned to Kagome, flashing a cold glance at Inuyasha. “This Sesshoumaru would…ask…that you take Rin into your Pack. You have shown a willingness to have pups that are not your own, and Rin has started to ask questions that this Sesshoumaru cannot answer.”
Kagome looked confused. “My pack? Pups?”
(Uh oh.)
[Baka human. You did not think that we have not explained yet.]
`Then I will.'
He put a claw under her chin and lifted her face so that he could look in her eyes. “Kagome. You and I are mated. That means we are a Pack, and you and I are the alpha leaders. It means that you're…the alpha bitch.” He winced at the shocked expression on her face, but continued to explain. “When he talks about pups, he means Shippo. The Kai-wolves and…well, Miroku, Sango, and Kaede are the rest of the Pack I protect. He wants us to take Rin as well.” He sighed, because she did not look comfortable with the news.
Kagome opened her mouth to object, but suddenly faced the Nexus. It was odd to see her hair frozen in time, black tresses mingling with Inuyasha's white strands as if they were glued against the blue sky. The choices that coalesced ahead of her were few. `In two I can accept being considered, an alpha bitch? Gaah! The last path…'
She shuddered at the blackness that stretched from the last path, which offered the choice of her rejecting being a Pack member, the action that she had just been about to take. Turning to the other two, she considered the possibilities as the power began to force her to make a decision. In one, she accepted Rin as a Pack member, and in the other she didn't. It was a simple choice, but both pathways were dark. The power beat at her temples. `I'll accept her, and I guess I'll just have to accept being a…bitch!'
Sliding into time again, she smiled up at Inuyasha. Turning to Sesshoumaru, she smiled at him as well. “Of course we'll accept Rin.” He nodded, an odd light shining in his golden eyes, then stared at Inuyasha for a moment before turning away.
She turned back to Inuyasha, and whispered “I am a magnificent bitch, you know.”
He snorted a laugh, but his arms tightened around her and he whispered back “Yup. You're my magnificent bitch.”
The cloud descended toward a clearing in the forest. Kagome stirred in his arms, looking up into his face with strain showing in her eyes. “Something…it's…it feels so evil.”
They glided into the clearing and came to a stop near Yourei Taisei and Midoriko, who were tensely gazing at the black sphere. As the cloud disappeared and they stood on the earth again, Inuyasha growled. He could smell Kouga, though he couldn't see him, and Kanna was standing next to the sphere.
He strode forward, putting his body between Kanna and Kagome. “What the hell are you doing here, Kanna? Is Naraku coming, too? Or are you just here to report back to him, you little freak?” He began a low, subsonic growl.
Sesshoumaru walked up to stand beside him, eyes fixated on Naraku's incarnation. Inuyasha could hear another growl join his and knew his brother was angry. He flicked a glance in Sesshoumaru's direction, noting that his face, as usual, showed no emotion.
Yourei Taisei gave them a measured glance. “You know this child? She is neither human nor youkai.”
“She uses her mirror to steal souls. She is an incarnation of Naraku.” He raised his hands, cracking his knuckles and preparing to attack.
Kanna regarded Inuyasha with an absolutely expressionless face. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but at that moment Kirara swept into the clearing, landing near Kagome. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo slid off her back, but the neko demon did not revert to her kitten form. She leaped forward to the right of Sesshoumaru and snarled, baring her fangs at Kanna.
Miroku strode up to stand next to Inuyasha, his staff in hand. Inuyasha glanced his way, then gave a second glance as he took an experimental sniff.
`They're mated!' Inuyasha turned his head to look at Sango's face, but she was standing in front of Kagome, glaring at Kanna with the Hiraikotsu in a defensive position. He looked back at Miroku and gave a snort. Miroku had been watching his reactions and gave him a cocky half-smile, arching his eyebrows.
Shippo moved up to stand between Miroku and Inuyasha, giving a small growl.
[Our Pack works together well. A few subtle changes in our formation, and our fighting abilities would be increased.]
He watched as Sesshoumaru glided to the right to prevent Kanna's escape from that side, filling the gap between himself and Kirara. Miroku edged to the left. Kanna was effectively surrounded by his Pack and Sesshoumaru. The only other opening available to her led straight back into the sphere surrounding the time rip.
Midoriko blinked at the way the four members who were to create the Living Jewel acted in concert already; without practice, without speaking, without the necessary mind melds. `It is already a part of them. I wonder if they know?'
Yourei Taisei observed from the side. “What is it about this child that creates such a foreboding in me? She has not attacked. She does not radiate evil, yet…'
Kanna raised her mirror, keeping the reflective surface facing away from the group. Inuyasha leaped forward and cracked his knuckles in her face.
“Spit it out, ya' little freak! What are you doing here?”
Kanna showed no emotion. Her child-like voice did not tremble, in spite of the threat of Inuyasha's claws inches from her face, as she replied “I no longer travel with Naraku. I have left him.”
“Why do I have a hard time believing that?” Inuyasha growled.
Midoriko narrowed her eyes. `There is something wrong here. I can remember that the Jewel was used to create her, but I don't understand what she is. How does she exist without kon? She must move using haku, but…'
Kanna gazed at something off in the distance and blinked. Her eyes slowly traveled back to Inuyasha's face. “She is gone,” she said calmly.
“Who is gone?”
“The miko. The one you call Kagome.”
Inuyasha spun around. The space behind Sango was empty.
Kouga's scent swirled through the clearing, and dust was settling in the far distance where Kanna had been gazing.
The demon snarled. [Give me control!]
Convoco, corripio: Latin; Convoco: to call together or convene. Corripio: to seize, snatch up, or steal
Kon and haku: from the manga volume 339. Kon is the heart or soul and haku is the power that moves the body.
Thanks to:
AS: Jay Watson, severed_soul, allegra, Black Templar
The Painted Lady (thanks for telling me about the nominations; I wouldn't have known otherwise!), Photographing Poetry, jcnkitten (patientia, more will be written about Sesshy and Rin), Rosedream (no, Inuyasha is not quite yet in balance), Archangel Gabrielle, Moomoogirl1
Frani1375: Yup, Kouga is kinda dense, but he's also sneaky. He knew that IY would bring Kagome back for him….
melf: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the story!
Lady Banshee 999: Wow, thanks for the kind review! I love playing with the characters and putting them in interesting situations. I'm glad you liked my “Myoda” scene…but I still had too much chocolate. Darth Sesshoumaru: “Choose the dark path, Kagome!”
Leo_mae: Oh yeah, Kouga's in deep trouble now! The demon's mad, and Kagome pulled off the Beads…heh, heh.
cutie pie hentai: Umm, yeah, it was a little too much info, but I'm flattered that you felt so…attached…to the story! Actually, it was a very kind review and I'm grateful!
WOW!: Is that really your user name? But thanks for the kind review, and I update ASAP all the time. Not to worry, I won't leave the story unfinished.
parvatilotus: Hug accepted, and you said some very kind things. *blushes* I am also honored that you would put me in the same category as Sueric. I've read all her stories, too! An “epic IY” story, huh? *Looks down at her science texts, embarrassed but deliriously happy!* Oh man, if you only knew. That was not a “useless review”, at least not to me!