InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Cibus cogitato: panem et circenses ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does.
Symbols for thoughts:
`Inuyasha or Others'
Thanks to all the IYFG members who voted for my story! I came in second in the 4th quarter awards in the Characterization category. Since I was competing against all characterizations (Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Kagome, etc.) and I was up against some experienced heavy hitters I'm delighted. I thought I was just up against the “Best Characterization: Inuyasha” stories. Such a n00b! I did pretty well for a new story, so thanks to everyone!
LEMON WARNING! Lemon at the end of the chapter.
Cibus cogitato: panem et circenses
By Licentia poetica
Midoriko rushed up to Kagome, inert in Inuyasha's arms, and fell on her knees next to them. “Gods, Kagome! I am exhausted, so I had her close the time rip by herself. The power that it takes; the control of the four quantum fields…” She touched Kagome's face lightly, stroking the younger woman's cheek. “I should have helped. The number of gluons she had to control by herself…”
Inuyasha blinked at her. “Gluons?”
Miroku transferred his possessive hold from Sango's waist to her hand and pulled her as he walked over, ignoring the frown she directed at him as he hauled her behind him. His brow furrowed as he gazed into Kagome's face. “Part of universal field theory, Inuyasha.”
“What the fuck is that?”
Miroku shrugged and shook his head. “Quantum physics. Something from Kagome's…” he paused, furtively glancing back at Kanna. “uhh…books.” He transferred his worried gaze to Midoriko's face. “But Kagome doesn't even know about it. She never studied it.”
Midoriko glanced from Miroku to Kanna and sat back, considering her words. “She didn't have to know about it to…heal the rip. There hasn't been the time or the need to instruct her on something that she understands intuitively because of her…heritage.” Midoriko continued to stroke Kagome's face, patting her lightly on the cheek. “We have to wake her. Everything is lost if she…if something happens to her.” Her face pinched in concern as Kagome continued to remain unconscious. She whispered her next statement. “Naraku will have nothing standing in his way.”
The Kai-wolves gave a chorus of growls as Kanna took a step toward Kagome. Sesshoumaru growled his own warning and Sango, shaking off Miroku's grip with a glare, stepped between Kanna and the group around Kagome, her face impassive but the warning in her stance clear.
Kanna hesitated, looking up into Sango's quiet but determined face, then retreated, taking a few steps backwards. Sango did not move from her protective position and Sesshoumaru growled again. Kanna turned her head toward him, eyes unblinking in her pale face, then looked forward and sat down on the ground, watching Kagome.
Yourei Taisei, curiously watching the interplay between his students and the strange child, folded his arms and concentrated on Kagome's aura. It was weakened but still stable around a solid core. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scents around him, focusing on the intoxicating aroma that was Kagome. Her scent had an unmistakably mated overtone which made it slightly less alluring and the overall potency was diminished.
`The little miko is weak but not dying. Hhmmm. It seems that her mate is unaware of the ability to share his youki powers.' He shook his head. `It should have become apparent when they first mated. I wonder why he is not aware of the connection, but perhaps I can help.' He smiled as he opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows. “Inuyasha. Waking her should be easy, although I sense that she is quite weak. Use the Mate Call.”
Miroku gave a lecherous grin as Inuyasha glanced furtively in his direction.
“Shut it, monk.” Inuyasha's hands were still raw and bleeding from the battle to absorb the Goraishi's energy, so he used his forearms to pull Kagome closer and began using the private Mate Call.
[There is something…I should remember.Now that we are mated, there's something aboutusingthe sounds of the Mate Call.]
(Baka demon. You remember stuff when it's too damn late. If it's important and it'll help Kagome, remember it now.)
`Shut up, both of you! I'm getting sick of you. I'll confine you to just the full and new moons if you don't stop it.' Inuyasha stared intently into Kagome's face, thrumming the Mate Call and willing her to wake up. `It's almost as if I can feel her…she's not dying, but what's wrong with her?'
Kagome groaned and opened her eyes. Inuyasha's face swam in her vision and she blinked rapidly to clear her sight. “N..y.sha?” It was an effort to speak, but with her body practically screaming at her to find something to eat she had to manage to communicate her predicament.
“Blood…” she forced out, but the effort required to speak just that one word made her immediately stop trying to explain about low blood sugar, fainting, and hypoglycemia. `I used up too much energy closing the rip. They won't understand about hypoglycemia...I just need food.' “Need…food.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened as he processed the three words.
[Perhaps she's…different…since she revived.]
(Blood? She needs to eat blood?)
`Kagome can't have changed that much. She's not going after my hands, and there's plenty of blood there.'
Shippo peered up into her face, his eyes wide as he crouched next to her. “You…need to eat blood, Kagome? Eww!”
Inuyasha pulled Kagome closer with his forearms. “Kagome?” He stared into her eyes, and could tell that she was not focusing on him. “You aren't…asking to eat blood, are you?” The last two words were uttered in a perplexed tone. `But if she wants blood, she can have some of mine. Damn ookami.'
“Not…blood.” Kagome gave a little sigh and blinked at him owlishly. “Blood sug..sugar.” She squinted, as if trying to bring him into focus, then shook her head drunkenly and closed her eyes.
Shippo gave Kagome a quizzical look. “Blood sugar?” He looked up into Inuyasha's perplexed face. “There's no such thing as blood sugar, is there?”
Sesshoumaru eyed Kagome speculatively. “Perhaps the miko requires haku as a result of her recent death and revival. It is, after all, how this Sesshoumaru feeds, and it is carried in the blood.”
Inuyasha ignored the shocked gasps around him at the news of Kagome's death and pointedly stared at Kanna. `She's gotta be moving only on haku. No soul that I can sense. Maybe I'll feed her to Kagome, if that's what she needs.' The skin on the back of his neck rippled with distrust and he gave a low growl as he noticed that she was gazing intently at Kagome. The Kai-wolves answered with growls of their own, baring their teeth at the girl child.
Kagome slumped even further into Inuyasha's arms. “Not…” She made a small sound, a whimper against her weakness. “Food…fast…sug…ar.” Her voice was weak and barely audible.
Inuyasha, absolutely baffled, looked up at the only other member of his Pack who might understand his mate. “Miroku? Is she making any sense to you?”
Miroku kneeled down to touch Kagome's cheek and spoke gently, using his most calm, soothing tones.
“Kagome, just nod your head yes or shake it for no. I think I've read about this in one of your science books. Did you eat this morning?”
Kagome's head lolled back and forth.
“I thought not. Did you eat dinner last night?”
Another floppy negation. This time her head stayed bent to one side, as if the weight of her head was too much to move back into place against gravity.
“You're fainting because your blood sugar is low and you used up all your powers closing the time rip, right?
Kagome sighed and her chin fell toward her chest.
“I take that as a yes.” Miroku smiled and rocked back on his heels, folding his arms. “This is easy, Inuyasha. She's just hungry, but she needs something fast. Preferably something sweet, since that will give her energy quickly, but later she'll need something more substantial.”
Inuyasha gave a sigh of relief and pulled her closer. “Stupid wench. You pushed yourself too hard.” His voice was gruff but his eyes held a gleam of tenderness.
Kagome would have reacted to the comment but couldn't summon the energy. `Lucky for him he sounds relieved, or I'd smack him on the shoulder.'
Shippo gave Miroku an odd look. “Blood has sugar? Like Pocky?”
“Yes, Shippo. The sugar we eat ends up in our blood, and our body uses it. Kagome hasn't eaten so she hasn't got enough energy to move.” Miroku cocked an eyebrow and gave an intent stare at Inuyasha. “You have some explaining to do, though. Kagome was dead…and revived?” He turned his head and stared up at Sesshoumaru, who pointedly ignored him.
Midoriko placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder, staring into his face. “Explain. She died?” The expression on her face was a mixture of disbelief and horror.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and growled. “Kouga killed her, but something else revived her, not the Baka no Taisho.” He looked down into Kagome's pale face, wondering again about the taijitu and ignoring his brother's low growl. “That's all you need to know right now; Kagome needs some food and everything else can wait.”
Shippo, a sober expression on his round face, reached into the folds of his juban and pulled out a box of Pocky. Eyes wide and serious, he offered his precious treasure to Kagome.
“Ma…Kagome? You can have my Pocky. It's my favorite kind, the chocolate kind.” He gave a longing look at the box, but pushed it forward, wrapping her hands around it. “Your mama gave it to me this morning, but I…” he bit his lower lip, “I want you to eat it so you feel better.”
Kagome's stomach gave a loud growl as the smell of the chocolate, warmed by Shippo's body heat, filtered through the air. She gave him a weak but tender smile. “Share?”
Shippo grinned and opened the box. “Share.” He pulled out a group of the sticks, stuck together by softened chocolate, and handed them to Kagome.
She placed the candied ends in her mouth and closed her eyes in ecstasy, sucking hungrily at the warm, soft, chocolate coating. It slid down her throat in a smooth rush of sensation, the aroma and taste both satisfying and exacerbating her hunger. Crunching on the biscuit portion, she finished it quickly, licking the sticky residue off her fingers. When she looked up, Shippo had one stick in his mouth and was handing her another group. She practically snatched them from his grasp and devoured them quickly, savoring the chocolate's creamy taste.
Between the two of them, the box was gone in less than one minute. Kagome was hardly aware of the fact that Shippo had only had two sticks of his favorite Pocky as she leaned back into the comfort of Inuyasha's arms.
“Oi, Pipsqueak.” Inuyasha thrummed the Pack Call in appreciation, reaching over to ruffle Shippo's hair with the tips of his claws, protecting his injured hand but showing his approval.
Shippo's face turned bright red and he ducked his head. `Inuyasha's proud of me?' He squirmed in the knowledge that he hadn't shared all of his Pocky with Kagome; there was another box hidden in his juban. `Maybe I should give it to Kagome, but it's my last box, and I hardly got to eat any of this one!'
His hidden stash of Pocky was saved by Inuyasha's next action: the hanyou tucked his injured hand under Kagome's knees and abruptly stood up, holding her to his chest. `Maybe he'll take her to Kaede's and give her some other food. Maybe she isn't as hungry any more.' Suddenly the little kitsune was disgusted at his own greedy thoughts. `I should give her the other box.'
“Kagome?” He couldn't help it as his voice quavered with sadness at the sacrifice he was making. “I have…another box. Are you still hungry?” Shippo held the box up, unable to look Kagome or Inuyasha in the face, half afraid that she would take the box and half afraid to see anger on either of their faces.
Inuyasha snorted. `I knew he had another one. Sneaky little kitsune. Didn't think he had it in him to give it to her, though.'
Kagome smiled at the downcast expression on her little kit's face. “No more…thank you.” Her dizziness was already receding with the infusion of sugar into her system, and it was slightly easier to speak.
`I need to make Inuyasha let me go. His hands are too injured to carry me.' She could feel the blood from his burns slick against her thigh were his hand covered a rent in her yoga pants; she had also heard his slight intake of breath as the raw nerves in his hands reacted to the pressure of her body when he picked her up.
`He shouldn't be carrying me. His poor hands!'
“I…can walk…Inuyasha.”
He looked down into her face, his eyes knowing and his mouth pursed. “Keh. You can't even see straight, wench. I'll carry you to Kaede's.” He looked up at the rest of the group, ignoring her concerned look.
She opened her mouth to protest, but didn't want to squirm against his hands for fear of hurting him further.
“Inuyasha, I…”
“Quiet, wench. I know what's best for you.” He growled the Mate Call softly and smirked when he felt her body relax against him.
Kagome narrowed her eyes. “That's not fair!” she hissed at him.
“Why did you growl at Kagome, Inuyasha? What's not fair?” Shippo asked innocently, his eyes flicking back and forth between their faces.
“None of your business, pup. Kagome's just beginning to understand how it feels to be…subdued.” Inuyasha grinned at the frustrated expression on Kagome's face as he turned to the rest of the group.
`I'm going to make him pay for that, the arrogant jerk. And I think I know just what to do,' Kagome fumed, quietly beginning to plan her revenge.
Inuyasha, ignorant of the punishment Kagome was devising, spoke authoritatively to his Pack. “I need to get Kagome to Kaede's house and feed her properly. Miroku, Kanna needs to be watched, and I think your Wind Tunnel is the only thing that will keep her in control.” He smirked as Miroku inched closer to Sango. “I'm sure Sango will…help you,” he drawled suggestively, enjoying the discomfiture of the two beta humans in his Pack as Sango blushed furiously.
“I should probably come with you and Kagome, Inuyasha.” Sango sounded defensive, almost angry.
This Inuyashathoughtyou would enjoyspending time withMiroku.You obviously did last night.
(Don't tease her. She'll lose her temper.)
[Yet you will antagonize our brother. Who is more dangerous, foolish human?]
`Quiet, damnit!'
Sango narrowed her eyes and frowned at him.
Kagome, rapidly regaining her energy thanks to the sugar rush from the Pocky, glanced from Sango's embarrassed face to Miroku's amused one. Miroku gave her a big wink and waggled his eyebrows. `Ooohh. I have got to get Sango alone today.' Sensing that Sango was about to lose her temper and would go with them just on principle she strategically intervened, not only to satisfy her own requirements but also to prevent her friend from being teased further. `In order for my plan to work Inuyasha and I have to stay alone for a little while. I have to make sure that she stays, and that Shippo stays here, too.'
“Stop teasing Sango, Inuyasha. Of course she'll stay and help Miroku keep an eye on Kanna. She's an experienced taiji-ya.”
Sango blushed again and muttered “But she surprised me, Kagome. She caught me in her mirror.”
Miroku, his eyes cold and hard, stared at Kanna as he spoke in a flat, serious tone. “She won't surprise us this time, Sango. We'll both watch her.”
Kagome smiled. `“Shippo, you stay here and help guard, too. You and Kirara can both help.” Inwardly she cringed a little at the way she was manipulating her friends. `I have to stop this “Mate Call” subjugation as soon as I can though. It's nicer than “sit” but still…'
Inuyasha gave a low growl. Kanna was staring at Kagome, her face impassive. `She wants something from my mate, and that can't be good.' He barked out orders to the Kai-wolves in Inu.
“Surround Kanna on all sides. She can't use the mirror on all of you that way. Kill her if she moves on one of you, and you'll have to be fast.” He watched in satisfaction as the Kai-wolves followed his orders. He was about to ask Kirara to follow suit when she gave a loud purr of approval and filled in a gap in the circle close to Sango. “Thanks, Kirara.”
Shippo, still clutching his precious box of Pocky, scrambled over to Kirara. Jinx gave an experimental sniff to the package, then wrinkled her nose as Shippo snatched it away from her and climbed up on Kirara's shoulders. The neko demon stared down at Jinx, as if daring her to move one paw closer.
“We are hungry, too, Pack Leader. Feed us, as you promised,” Jinx demanded, pointedly turning her back on Kirara.
Shiro growled. “The Pack Leader's responsibility is to his mate first, and this unscented non-prey is dangerous to the Pack. Curb your tongue, Jinx.”
Sesshoumaru gave a low growl and all the Kai-wolves but Shiro lowered their heads. “This Sesshoumaru requires energy. He will hunt for your Pack, Inuyasha, while they help guard Naraku's spawn.” Inuyasha, his hands throbbing from the slight pressure of Kagome's weight against the raw tissue of his palms, nodded his thanks.
`It is time to remind my students why I am here,' thought Yourei Taisei. He stepped forward and gave a critical look at the blood smears from Inuyasha's hands staining Kagome's pants leg and the haori. “Lord Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Sango. You are all assuming you do not have other obligations. Remember, you are my pupils. Do not make plans without consulting with me.” Sango darted a look toward Miroku and bowed her head, but Inuyasha's ears flattened and Sesshoumaru growled, narrowing his eyes. Yourei Taisei raised his eyebrows. “Do you wish to dispute this?” he asked calmly, his hand placed lightly on the hilt of Kiritsu.
`The miko's aura is no longer decreasing, so this is not an emergency. Discipline is the key to mastering the katana and the martial arts. They will acknowledge their need for training first, then I will let them go.'
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed as his protective instincts flared. “Damnit, Kagome needs decent food. After I take care of her and know that she's safe I'll come do your fucking exercises.”
Yourei Taisei stared at him pointedly. “You acknowledge your obligation to your training?”
Inuyasha growled, the marks on his cheekbones increasingly vivid against his skin. “I said I'd do your damn exercises!” As Yourei Taisei continued to stare at him with a predator's glare, he grudgingly added “I have an obligation to train, Sensei, but I have an obligation to my mate as well. You yourself said training is not only in the dojo.”
Yourei Taisei raised his eyebrows. `So, the whelp listened to me when I first taught him. Interesting. I wonder what else he remembers?'
He nodded once. “You are excused from training for today, Inuyasha. I am not sure that I could teach you anything more meaningful than that which you have already learned this morning.” His glance strayed to the blood still oozing from Inuyasha's hands. “Heal today. Your hands must be whole to wield the katana effectively.”
Turning to Sesshoumaru, he bated his wings for a moment. “Lord Sesshoumaru?”
Sesshoumaru growled, the sound low and feral. The Kai-wolves all hunkered down low to the ground, Runt even laying on her side and exposing her belly. After a long minute, Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and spoke one word. “Sensei.”
Yourei Taisei almost grinned, but held his amusement back. `The youth is stubborn.'
“Your youki is diminished, and you must regain your strength. You are dismissed for the day as well. Hunt for yourself and Inuyasha's Pack.” He glanced between his Inu pupil's faces and gave a slow smile. It was feral, and not meant to be kind. “Enjoy your day. Tomorrow we will make up for lost time. I will meet you here one hour after sunrise. Do not be late.”
Dismissing them with a wave of his hand, he turned to Sango, his final student. Speaking brusquely, he gave her strict orders. `She has yet to learn from me, and I will not give her any allowance for being human.'
“You are neither injured nor weary. You will guard Kanna for the time that I require to hunt, then we will begin your training when I return.” He glanced at Kirara. “I suggest that you and the neko rest while you may.”
Kirara gave him a look of disdain. “MMMmmmrrrr. Phhhhht rrrr mrraaoow.”
“Because she must learn to fight in the air as well as on the ground, and you will assist.”
Spinning on his heel and ignoring Kirara's hiss, he strode off into the forest, nodding to Midoriko as he passed her. Sesshoumaru stalked off in the other direction without speaking another word.
`Yes!' thought Kagome with an inner smile. `Now if Kaede will just be busy in the village, I can teach Inuyasha a lesson.'
Midoriko stepped forward, and Kagome's plans came crashing down. “I will walk with you back to the village.”
`Oh, man! I bet she'll make me train again.'
Midoriko, oblivious to Kagome's disappointment, gazed seriously at Inuyasha. “I understand the need to guard Kanna, and to keep her from the village at this time, but I would like to consult with Kaede about her.” Her gaze turned from Kagome and Inuyasha to Sango. “I will seek your brother as well, Sango, so that the two of you may speak. It is critical for him to find his way back to the Path, and speaking with you is an important first step.” Kagome's hopes rose again at her next words. “I will bring him here to you when I find him.”
“Fine. I'm leaving now,” Inuyasha growled. “I'm not waitin' for you, either.” He moved swiftly, transferring Kagome to one arm and grabbing Midoriko with the other. Ignoring the stabs of pain in his hands and the gasp from Midoriko, he leaped away toward the village.
Kaede sat with Kohaku at the entrance to her hut, seeming to meditate, but her mind was too busy to be calm. `The boy is in such pain, and is frightened. He needs to speak with his sister and be assured of her forgiveness. He must also learn to forgive himself.'
She sighed and stretched her back muscles, easing her discomfort. `I would leave to find out how the time rip was defeated, but he needs me to stay with him.'
She had watched in relief as the whirlwind that indicated the time rip had diminished, but it had taken some time before she felt the evil aura that it generated vanish. Kohaku had arrived during the waiting period, a troubled look on his face and his eyes downcast. His aura practically sang out its grief and fear. She had prepared him some breakfast and watched as he barely ate anything; she had made enough rice for several people, knowing that he had not eaten dinner the night before, but the meal had remained largely untouched. She had put the containers back inside her hut and joined him outside, waiting.
A sudden flash of red drew her eyes upward. She blinked in astonishment as Inuyasha, carrying Midoriko and Kagome, bounded toward the hut. The two women looked so much alike, both flushed with excitement and tucked under his arms with their black hair streaming behind them, that she initially could not tell the difference between them. With a predator's grace, Inuyasha stopped directly in front of her and released Midoriko, who stepped away from him immediately with a wide smile on her face.
“That was…exhilarating, Inuyasha. Thank you for delivering me here so quickly!”
Kagome took control of the situation before Inuyasha could say a word. He had set her down on her feet, but kept his arm possessively wrapped around her. His concession to the pain in his hands was that he held her around the shoulders, resting his forearm near her neck and allowing his hand to drape loosely in the air.
You are coming inside with me so that I can bandage your hands.” She held up a finger in his face as he opened his mouth to protest. “I can eat after your hands are taken care of, but I won't put a thing in my mouth until you let me bandage you.” Her eyes were narrowed and stern. `He'd better listen to me. I mean every syllable.'
Inuyasha drew his head back, away from the pointing finger, and stared nonplussed at Kogome's fierce face. Midoriko laughed, then quickly turned it into a cough as Inuyasha glared at her. “I will bring food to you both right away,” she gravely said, fighting to control her amusement.
“There is rice and some dried fish in the eating area. I just prepared it a few minutes ago, and you are welcome to it,” Kaede offered, a smile on her seamed face.
Kagome dimpled a smile at the elderly miko. “Thank you, Kaede-sama, and I know that Inuyasha will gladly replace your fish…” she glared up at him and enunciated each of the following words to emphasize her point “when…his…hands…are…healed.”
Inuyasha threw his hands up in the air, both conceding her point and releasing Kagome from his embrace. “All right wench! Get in the house and let's get this over with! I ain't gonna die from this, ya' know.” He glared over at Kohaku, who seemed frozen in place. “Your sister is looking for you, pup.”
Kohaku stirred from his position and his eyes met Inuyasha's.
(He seeks death. Look at those eyes.)
[He does not know if he is free of Naraku's influence.]
Inuyasha sighed irritably and walked over to the youth, staring him down. “Snap out of it, pup. You won't ever know if you're free of Naraku even if the fucking shard is taken outta your back, so quit hiding behind that fear and make your own path. Fight, damn you.” He ignored the gasps from the women. `The kid's a warrior by training, not by choice, but that's all he knows. They're too gentle.' He had an uncomfortable flashback to his recent discussion with Yourei Taisei. `Bastard. He's treating me in the same way I'm treating Kohaku.'
He watched and nodded his head in satisfaction as Kohaku's face transitioned from despair to determination.
“That's right, pup. Fight. `Cause that's your choice: fight or die. And if you die, Naraku wins.” He turned back to Kagome, ignoring the astonished expressions on the faces of Kaede and Midoriko, and pointed at Kaede's home. “In the hut, wench! Let's get this over with so we can deal with Kanna.” Without another word he pulled aside the bamboo hanging and left them all outside, breathless.
Kagome's face blossomed into a nervous smile as she looked at the two older mikos. “Well, I guess…I'd better,” she shrugged helplessly “…go in!”
Kohaku stared pensively at the swinging bamboo and muttered “Kanna?” He looked at Midoriko seriously. “If Kanna is here I should talk to her.”
Midoriko smiled in agreement. “Kaede and I will accompany you back to the area where the rest of the group is guarding Kanna. Eat and relax, Kagome. You have done well this morning, and I agree with Yourei Taisei: a day of rest is needed. We will begin training again tomorrow morning.” She turned to Kohaku and Kaede. “Come. I will tell you what has transpired this morning.”
As they walked away from the hut, a slow smile spread across Kagome's face. `Perfect. The gods must be on my side today.' She pulled the Beads of Subjugation out of the pocket of her yoga pants, both the pocket and the strand of beads still miraculously intact after Kouga's attack. `Oh Inuyasha, you're in for a lesson, but I'll make sure it doesn't hurt.' Her smile broadened into a grin as she tucked the beads inside the fold of Inuyasha's haori and turned to enter the hut.
Inuyasha was sitting on the floor, glaring at the doorway, his hands laid palm up on his knees. “Took your time, wench. I thought you were hungry.”
She smiled at him, refusing to rise to his bait and gathering the necessary ointments and bandages from her backpack. `Go ahead and snarl, Inuyasha. I know better.'
She said nothing as she deposited the bandages next to him on the floor and went to Kaede's kettle. It was already filled with water, so she added wood to the banked fire in the center of the floor and placed the kettle over the flames to heat the water.
`He's going to get angry and yell, but I have to do this. I still don't have much energy, even with the Pocky, and it's the only way to make him listen.'
Inuyasha watched her warily as she moved away from him, searching in her backpack. She removed two energy bars from a side pocket and two styrofoam cups of ramen from the center compartment. Rising from her knees slowly, she made sure his eyes were on her as she walked back toward him, a ramen and a bar in each hand.
“You must be hungry, too,” she stated in a soft voice.
Inuyasha eyed the ramen cups and looked back up at her. “Yeah, I could eat. But you're the one who has to eat first, wench. And you need meat, not Pocky, or those awful energy things.” He wrinkled his nose at the bars with distaste.
“Oh, I'll eat. But I'm going to take care of your hands, first,” she answered him in her sweetest tone of voice.
(Something strange is going on. She only uses that tone of voice to talk to Kouga.)
[She is our mate. She is supposed to obey and respect the alpha…but I agree with the human, something is strange.]
`She's planning something. Kagome never talks like that to me.'
“Oi, wench. What are you planning? You're never this nice to me.”
Kagome looked up at him as she uncoiled several large gauze bandages, her eyes wide with feigned innocence. “I'm not doing anything, Inuyasha. I'm just getting the water ready for your ramen and taking care of your injuries.” She batted her eyelashes at him. `And I'm going to turn that Mate Call thing right back at you while making it impossible for you to do much about it.'
“Here. I'll eat something. Will that make you feel better?” She unwrapped one of the energy bars and made sure he was watching. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth slowly and let her tongue slip out to taste the edge of the energy bar. She pushed her lower lip down with the flat portion while keeping her tongue at the edge, drawing the piece across her lip with an indrawn breath. As the edge left her lip, she caught her lower lip with her teeth and suckled on it. “Mmmm.” She opened her eyes to see Inuyasha mesmerized, staring at her mouth. `Hah! Got `im.' She deftly bit off the edge and placed the bar down with her other paraphernalia, chewing nonchalantly and briskly wetting a towel to clean his hands. Inuyasha blinked at the sudden transformation.
“I'm sorry, Inuyasha. This is probably going to hurt.”
She smiled inwardly as he cleared his throat before speaking. “Keh. I've been hurt worse, wench.”
She couldn't help but wince for him as she cleaned the wounds, wringing water over the surface of his palms and catching the excess in a towel spread below his hands.
She let his hands dry a bit in the air as she ate the rest of the energy bar. “See? I'm eating something, now that you're being reasonable.”
“I'm always reasonable, wench. You're the idiot who takes risks.”
She resisted the urge to smack him with the flat of her hand. `Carefully, slowly. Oh, Inuyasha, you're gonna regret that.'
Smiling sweetly, she carefully licked the crumbs off of her fingers, making sure he saw her tongue swirl around the edges of her fingers and almost laughing as his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Cleaning her hands with some fresh water, she picked up the tube of antiseptic, anesthetic ointment and spread it liberally over the wounds, deliberately biting her lower lip as if concentrating on her actions. She fought the urge to smile as his gaze riveted on her mouth, color rising in his face. `Good. He's looking at my face, not at what I'm doing.' Carefully, she began wrapping the heavy gauze around each of his fingers, leaving the sharp claw tips free. Placing another part of her plan in action, she removed the damp towel from his knees, turned around, and sat in his lap as she began to wrap the entire hand. She felt Inuyasha immediately stiffen behind her.
“What are you doing, wench?” His voice was slightly roughened as he fought the desire to gain access to her neck.
“I'm wrapping the palms of your hands. Just hold still, Inuyasha.” `I don't want you to see that I'm making mittens out of your hands so you can't use them, you arrogant jerk.'
As she finished working on his first hand and turned to his second, she casually reached up and bared her neck by flipping her hair to one side, as if it was in the way of her ministrations. She grinned as she heard his indrawn breath. `Gotcha again, Inuyasha.'
(She hasn't eaten anything but that damn energy bar. She still needs to eat.)
[But she's submitting. Can't we use the Mate Call?]
`Hitotsu. Kekki no yuu o imashimuru koto. The little jigokuneko knows exactly what she's doing…I think. She's deliberately making us think about mating, but she needs to eat.'
“There. All done. Now I'll make you some ramen.” Kagome leaned forward, unthinkingly pressing her hips into his pelvis as she gathered up the scissors, tape, and cut pieces of gauze that had fallen to the floor. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt the hardened evidence of her effect on him push at her from behind. `Oops! I wasn't thinking. He might do it now, but this is the wrong position to be in!'
She stood up carefully, making sure not to touch him anywhere.
`I have to get turned around, or I'll never be able to do it.'
As she had hoped, he kept his eyes on her as she walked over to the kettle. Pouring the boiling water into the cups, she stirred the ramen and let it sit. She picked up the other energy bar and began nibbling, her face turned slightly to the side so she wouldn't begin laughing. `I can't wait to see his face when he notices.'
Dusting the crumbs from the finished bar off her fingertips, she picked up one of the ramen cups and some chopsticks and brought it over to Inuyasha, fighting to keep her expression neutral.
Inuyasha smiled and reached out to take the cup, but then gave a roar of anger. “What the hell have you done to my hands, wench!” He held up his hands, each with the fingers and thumb bound together by multiple layers of gauze, and Kagome gave a peal of laughter as he stared at the useless appendages. “Damnit wench, I can't use the chopsticks!” His eyes narrowed as she continued to laugh helplessly. “You little bitch. You did this on purpose.”
“Uh huh.” Kagome continued to giggle. “I'm just going to have to feed you.”
“Like hell you are.”
She ignored the comment and sat in front of him, smiling up into his angry eyes. She picked up a bit of the ramen and brought it to her mouth. “Mmmm.” She ate as he usually did, slurping the ends of the noodles into her mouth and licking the broth off her lips. “Are you sure you don't want any?”
He stared at her mouth, his breath shallow and fast. “You little bitch,” he said again, less angrily, but his voice resonated in the room as his youki began to surface.
She picked up another bite of ramen and held it up. “Come on, Inuyasha. No one else is here to see it, and I won't tell.” She rubbed the noodles against his lower lip, smiling up at him seductively.
`Hmm. The little jigokuneko knows exactly what she's doing.'
[But she hasn't yet acknowledged how much I am a part of us now.The Mate Call will subdue her.]
(So, let her think she's winning…for a little while.)
`But start the Mate Call where she can't hear it.'
He opened his mouth and slurped the ramen into his mouth, savoring the taste and purposefully letting the broth drip messily onto his chin. “I can't stop the drips with these, ya' know.” He held up his hands and looked at her innocently. As she picked up the towel to clean the drops he began the subsonic, private Mate Call. Her eyes widened and her breath caught, but she immediately threw the ramen aside and grabbed something from inside the haori.
Before he could react, she pulled out the Beads of Subjugation and began to throw them around his neck.
“What the hell, wench?” Inuyasha tried to grab for the Beads before she could get them on, but she was right in front of him, blocking his movements, and his hands were practically immobilized. She got them around his neck and sat back, arms folded and smiling in triumph.
“What the fuck did you do that for, wench? Damnit!”
“You deserve it, Inuyasha. This is payback for controlling me with the Mate Call out there.” All sweetness was gone from her expression and her voice was angry. She leaned forward and grabbed the Beads, nose to nose with him, glaring into his eyes.
“I didn't want to use these on you any more for a reason. I trust you and I don't want to control your actions anymore. But you're not giving me the same freedom. So here it is: payback.”
She leaned forward and threaded her hands through his hair, kissing him languorously on the lips. He tasted like ramen, and she was glad she had eaten some before she kissed him. `He hates the taste of those energy bars, and I've got to keep him interested.'
Inuyasha, shocked at first but enjoying the kiss, growled in frustration. He held Kagome in place with his forearms, but with his hands plastered in gauze and anesthetic he couldn't feel her. He pulled her closer and concentrated on her unique taste and smell.
(She has a point.)
[She does not understand. We did it to protect her.]
`Did we?'
He began the Mate Call again, and his inner musings were broken as she pushed him backwards. As he leaned away from her she pulled her mouth from his and hissed “sit.”
“Damnit!” He fought the spell unsuccessfully as he fell onto his back. “Kagome! Fuck this! What's your problem? I used the Mate Call to bring you out of the barrier after you revived. Why the fuck are you angry about that?”
She smiled sweetly at him and he cringed inwardly.
`Shit, she's pissed off.'
He eyed her warily as she crawled over him and sat astride his stomach, the smile still on her face.
“Oh, I'm not angry about that time.” She used her sweetest, most reasonable tone of voice. “I know you were just reassuring me, Inuyasha. But you used it again right after that. You remember? You insulted me.” She tapped her chin, pretending to think hard. “Let's see. I think you said I was `fucking brainless' and then you used the Mate Call when I got angry.” She glared down at him, her smile gone, and pointed her finger at his nose. “You tried to control me.”
The spell wore off and he sat up, dumping her off his stomach but catching her in his forearms before she fell. “Bitch, I was trying to calm you down! You were…” he pushed her away and waved his useless hands in the air, wishing he could make a fist and punch something. “Fuck, Kagome. You had that weird glow coming from your eyes and your forehead and I didn't know what the hell had happened. I knew that if it was you and I got you mad enough you'd yell `sit' at me. And by the way, you have fucking controlled me for three…fucking…years! You wanna talk about payback? Shit!” He tried to fold his arms, but the gauze mittens covering his hands made the position uncomfortable. He threw his hands up and glared into her eyes. “Damnit bitch, why did you do this to my hands?”
Kagome had the grace to look slightly embarrassed and wouldn't meet his eyes. “Your hands need to heal. I had to make sure you'd let them.”
`I can't tell him I wanted to make sure he couldn't use them for a while so I could get the Beads over his head.'
“Like hell, woman. You did this on purpose. You said so.”
Sensing she was about to lose an argument, Kagome changed subjects quickly. “You're getting away from the point here. What about the time you used the Mate Call to win your argument with me about Kanna?
He began to growl as he thought of scentless child. “I used it with Kanna because she's dangerous, damnit, and I'm gonna protect you from her whether you agree with me or not. You didn't see her suck up Kinka's youki into her mirror!” He looked at her serious face, determination in his eyes. “Fuck, Kagome. Naraku made her, and the little creep wants something from you, and you think she's just a kid. You're my mate, and I have to take care of you.”
“You used it to shut me up.”
“Damnit! I wasn't using the Call to control you, I was fuckin' usin' it to protect you, and there's a shitload of difference, bitch!”
She opened her mouth to say something, but he placed a gauze-covered hand over her mouth.
“I'm not gonna back down on this, Kagome, whether you leave these fuckin' Beads on me or not. I don't use the Mate Call to control you, but I will protect you. If you had just listened to me in the first place, I wouldn't have Called you that time.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes and remained silent for a moment, then pulled his hand away. “O.K. Inuyasha. I'll try to be better about listening, but only if you agree to listen to what I have to say. You didn't even let me talk.”
Inuyasha growled low. “You talk all the time, bitch. I listen more than you know.”
Kagome huffed out a breath of irritation. “Why did you have say that? Jerk! And I'm not finished with you! What about this last time? Your hands were injured and you picked me up, and when I tried to protect you, you used the Mate Call to shut me up again.”
He raised startled eyes to her face, and she narrowed her eyes at him, sensing victory at last.
“You were protecting me?”
“Yes, you baka! I knew that it hurt you to hold me, and I wanted to get down and help you. You wouldn't let me, and that was the last straw. That's when I decided to put the Beads back on you and…” she dropped her eyes and turned her head away, lowering her voice, “and wrap your hands so you couldn't use them.”
He snorted at her admission, but spoke in a quieter tone. “Kagome, what kind of a mate would I be if I had let you walk when you could hardly stand? We got here faster because I carried you.”
“But you were hurt. What kind of a mate am I if I just…”
“Shh, Kagome.” He gathered her into his arms as best as he could with his imprisoned hands. “We both were protecting each other. That's what mates are supposed to do. Do you understand why I Called you those times?”
She sighed and snuggled closer to him. “I guess. It's just that…this whole submitting thing. I grew up in a time when women have more power, and when you Called me it just felt like you were trying to get your own way and you didn't think that my input was important.”
“It's not like that. I have to protect you; you're the alpha female and my mate.”
“Inuyasha?” The change in his voice startled her, and she tried to pull away from him to see his face, but he pulled her closer. `He's not going to get away with it this easily.'
“Inuyasha, you have to admit that some of the times you were trying to control me.”
“Kagome, you're too trusting and I know more about the dangers in this time than you do. You have to pay attention to me. I'll use the Call if I have to, wench.”
“Arrogant male.”
“Stubborn wench.”
Kagome went nose to nose with him again. “Admit you wanted to control me!”
He narrowed his eyes. “Admit that you were wrong!”
“You're not going to let me win this, are you?”
“Damn right, bitch!”
“Call it a draw?”
“I'll say it again, bitch. If I have to, I'll use the Call to protect you, and I don't give a shit about these damn Beads.”
They glared at each other in the twilight of the hut for a long minute.
Kagome finally sighed and slipped her arms around him. “I love you.”
`Hah. I won that one.' He tightened his arms and rubbed his chin over the top of her head. “Magnificent bitch.”
The two sat in silence. He listened to her heart beat its rhythm into the stillness and remembered the horrible sense of loss that he had felt as the sound had stilled. He nuzzled her hair, drinking in her scent. “Gods, I almost lost you, Kagome.”
He deliberately began the Mate Call in her hearing range. Feeling her stiffen against him, he whispered “I'm not controlling you. Make your own decision, but I want you.”
She nodded against his chest.
Looking seriously up into his eyes, she slid the Beads up and over his head, then placed a finger against his mouth. “Hush, or I can't walk, especially now.”
His rumble stilled and she rose from his lap, walking over to the door. She placed a barrier across the doorway and anchored it to the Beads, then turned around and blushed as she realized what she had to do.
`After what I just did to him I'm still embarrassed?'
Still blushing, she moved to her backpack and pulled off her ruined yoga pants, setting them aside. A growl of warning stopped her as she started to untie the haori.
“Come here, wench.”
“But…your hands. Wouldn't it be easier if I…”
“Don't need `em. Come here and stand in front of me.”
She walked to him, mesmerized by the glow in his copper eyes, knees weak from the Call he began sending.
Using only his teeth, he loosened one tie on the haori and nuzzled the garment open. Gripping the inner T-shirt gently with his fangs, he ripped it and buried his face against the smooth skin of her stomach. Goosebumps erupted on her skin as he licked her belly button, dipping his tongue into the sensitive inner skin and tasting his way to her side. Deliberately taunting her, he held his hands away from her body and loosened the inside tie, refusing to touch her with anything but his mouth.
As he stood up next to her he smirked. “You wanted my hands out of the way, bitch, so that's how it's gonna be.”
Panting, Kagome answered his unspoken challenge. She slipped her mouth inside his juban, kissing his chest as her chin pulled the material down and away. She found his nipple and suckled on it, eliciting a low growl as he tightened his arms around her body. She pulled away and looked up into his face. His copper eyes gazed back at her, filled with desire, and liquid heat erupted low in her pelvis, making her ache.
Unable to wait any longer, she began to loosen the ties of his juban with her hands. He growled again. “What's the matter, wench? Is it too hard not to use your hands? Remember, you're the one that did this to me.” He held up his hands, but she ignored him and peeled the juban off his shoulders and pushed it down to his elbows, pinning his arms in place.
“You can keep it there if you want, Inuyasha.” She began to kiss his chest again, following his example and not touching him except with her mouth. In between kisses she explained, “I'm…just not…as good with…my teeth. Weak human…you know.” He hissed as her tongue swirled around the other nipple. Using her hands, she began to loosen the ties of his hakama.
Damnit, wench, he hissed as her hands stroked the skin of his stomach.
She stepped back and shrugged out of the haori, leaving only her shredded T-shirt and panties on her body. As he allowed the juban to drop on the floor, she pulled her shirt up and over her head, then reached behind for the clasp of her bra. Staring hungrily into his eyes, she flicked the clasps open and let the garment fall to the floor.
Damnit, bitch,” he growled, the frustration in his tone evident as he stopped himself in the middle of reaching for her breasts with his useless hands. He picked her up and brought her over to her futon, stepping out of his loose hakama pants on the way as they fell around his ankles.
His hands, awkward and clumsy in their wrappings, almost dropped her as he lowered her to the futon, and he nearly fell on her trying to get them both safely to the ground.
“Damnit Kagome! I'm going to make you pay for this, woman. No hands allowed.”
He gave her a bruising kiss, pinning her to the futon with his mouth, rubbing the skin of his forearm across her already hardened nipples. He began to taste along her jaw, suckling her pulse point as he moved down to her neck, enjoying the shudder of her body as he stroked his tongue along her neck.
He lay down between her legs, suckling at her breast and supporting his weight on his forearms. She writhed underneath him as he Called her while tasting, the thrumming vibrations coinciding with the strokes of his tongue. She threaded her fingers in his hair, holding him to her breast, and he stopped.
“Wench. You're using your hands.”
She whimpered in response, the aroma of her arousal filling the room and testing his control. As she removed her hands he resumed his attentions to her breast, this time taking tastes from the sensitive area near her ribs, searing a line of kisses up the side, and lightly flicking her nipple. She gasped, and he suckled harder, making her writhe under him again. He smirked against her skin as he saw her hands rise to his head again, then fist and drop to the futon. She moaned and grabbed the material of the futon in her fist as he flicked her nipple again.
He began to travel downwards, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he inched himself lower. He tore the remains of her shredded panties off with his fangs and began to brush his lips and the tip of his tongue over the sensitive skin of her hips, holding her still with his forearms as she twisted under him. He moved downward a few more inches and turned his head, lapping at the inside skin of her thigh, stilling her with a slight nip as she tried to squirm away from him. Brushing with his lips and tongue, he moved upwards, smiling as her hands left the futon again, only to hesitate and fist in the air. She moaned as he tasted her, his teeth gently chafing her as he savored the mixture of scent and flavor coming from her silky skin. He could taste that she was mated to him, and his control began to unravel. He buried his face in her, growling the Mate Call as he suckled on the small nub that seemed to please her the most.
Kagome cried out against the intense stimulation, all feeling focused in one spot as the Mate Call and his tongue nearly drove her mindless. Her body began to tense, her climax building, and she no longer knew what her hands were doing. She reached for him, but as her hands touched him again, he moved away from her and she cried out in frustration.
It took all his will power to stop as he felt her hands fist in his hair. Her thigh muscles quivered around his shoulders as he pulled back.
“Kagome. Hands.”
Kagome moaned as he blew air over her sensitive flesh and stroked the inside of her thigh with his cheek, holding her just below her peak but keeping the stimulation high enough to drive her wild. `Gods! It's not fair that he has better senses than me. I should use the mind meld again, but I don't think I'm strong enough right now to use the power.'
She writhed and cried out as he flicked his tongue over her once, twice, then pulled back as she tensed again. “No hands, Kagome.”
“Inuyasha! Please, I'm sorry I wrapped your hands! I won't do it again. Please!”
“Please what, bitch?” He flicked his tongue out again, just to feel her respond to him.
Rather than answer him verbally, she pulled first on his hair, then on his arms as he moved upward, using her hands to pull him upward into a longing kiss.
He gasped into her mouth as he felt her small hand stroke the tip of his erection, then guide him into her heated core. She moaned in pleasure as he glided into her, and he answered with a low growl. Slowly at first, enjoying the slick feel of her inner muscles as she raised her hips to his rhythm, he rocked into her.
Her hands reached up as she kissed his mouth, massaging just below and to the side of his ears. A rough, guttural sound issued from his throat and his rhythm changed; he began to increase the pace and force of his thrusts, driving them both closer to release.
Kagome's head arched backwards and she gave a wordless cry as she reached an explosive climax. As her inner muscles tightened around Inuyasha he howled, his body shuddering as he arched against her in his own orgasm.
For a moment they each felt a link, as if his youki connected with her aura.
`Did I initiate a mind meld?' Kagome was too tired and hungry to analyze the sensation further.
Satiated, he rolled over to his back, pulling her on top of him. After a few minutes he could feel her heart beat return to normal, and she raised her head off his chest to smile at him.
“Inuyasha?” Her voice was hesitant, questioning.
He blinked. `What's the matter now?'
“What, wench.”
“Am I still your magnificent bitch?”
He snorted. “Yeah, even if you did mess with my hands.”
“And that means you're my mate and have to take care of me?”
“Yup,” he yawned.
“Good. I'm hungry, and the ramen's probably cold. You get to heat it up again.”
He smirked and held up his imprisoned hands. “No hands, Kagome!”
Cibus cogitato: panem et circenses: Latin; cibus (food for people) and cogito (to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan): Food for thought. This is usually translated as pabulum (feed/ fodder/ nourishment) cogitato, but I like the “almost-alliteration” of cibus more. Panem et circenses: Bread and circuses (food and games to keep people happy, Juvenalis)
Gluon: Nope, not a made up word, it actually exists. Physicists have discovered that there are only four fundamental quantum interactions. From weakest to strongest they are: the gravitational interaction; the weak interaction responsible for relativity; the electromagnetic interaction; and the strong quark-building interaction. Each of these has an associated particle called the gluon, and the `stickiness' of the gluon measures the strength of the interaction. The four interactions might really be the manifestation of one universal interaction (unified field theory).
Haku: the force that moves the body.
Taijitu: the well known Chinese symbol which represents the principles of yin and yang joined together in a circle.
Hitotsu. Kekki no yuu o imashimuru koto: One. Develop self-control.
Jigokuneko: hell cat (with special thanks to Fenikkusuken for the translation)
Thanks to:
PMs: Archangel Gabrielle, xprincessxrena, Fenikkusuken, Inuyasha-crazy-fan
Boris-loriga (Thank you, you are most kind, and I hope that the Inuyasha fans in Portugal continue to enjoy my not-so-little story. I am very appreciative of your review, and you write quite well in English, much better than I could in Spanish…although I do know some French and German. I haven't decided on Kouga yet, at least for this portion of the `Living Jewel” series…yes, that means there are other stories brewing in my head. Rin is about eleven or twelve, just old enough to be developing into a woman. I won't reveal what is in store for any relationship with Sesshoumaru yet. It's too bad you only have the anime to judge the Inuyasha stories; I suggest you go to Chris Rijk's translations on-line, he has all of the manga translated into English. Thank you again!)
Taskforce: Spartan (yup, an amazing amount of bioenergy was required to stabilize the quantum fields, so her basal metabolic rate skyrocketed and all of her circulating substrates were utilized in the cellular respiration cycles, probably leading to ketoacidosis. However, the quantum dynamics of the space time continuum would not have been drastically altered by her death because her future time line would have ceased to exist and an alternate time dimension (I think, if my memory serves me correctly, there are 9 dimensional variables required to stabilize the universe, and mathematically changing one would require changes in all the rest)…oops. I think I just lost everyone else who was reading. Ummm…gasp! Another alternate story line comes to mind!!!
Kagome groaned and opened her eyes. Inuyasha's face swam in her vision and she blinked rapidly to clear her sight. “N..y.sha?” It was an effort to speak, but the body, although manufactured from crude biological proteins, cooperated with her efforts as she managed to communicate her predicament.
“Blood…” she forced out, the neural circuits required to communicate awkward and clumsy in her inexperienced control. “Need…food.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened as he processed the three words.
[Perhaps she's…different…since she revived.]
(Blood? She needs to eat blood?)
Darth Sesshoumaru grabbed Inuyasha's bleeding hands and dripped blood into Kagome's mouth. “There. Perhaps the miko requires haku as a result of her recent death and revival. It is, after all, how this Sesshoumaru feeds, and it is carried in the blood. Join me on the dark side or die, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha snatched his hand back, but not before Kagome began sputtering and spitting.
A small gold and silver alien leaped out of the mark of the taijitu on Kagome's forehead, shuddering in distaste. “Gaaack! What the hell was that! This girl needs food, you idiot! Ugh! The taste!” The tiny alien made gagging noises as Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru stared.
The alien looked up into the surrounding faces and seemed to shrink into itself. Suddenly it pulled a straw hat and a black walking stick from thin air and began to dance and sing.
“Hello, my baby, hello, my honey, hello, my rag time gal (Disclaimer, I don't own `Space Balls' or `Alien' either).
The alien took one final look at the shocked faces and ran off, leaving an inert Kagome lying in Inuyasha's arms.
In the shocked silence, a crackling sound was heard in the distance as several limbs of the Goshinboku fell off, crashing to the ground.
Midoriko gasped and disappeared. Kanna, with a wail, was sucked into her mirror, which then pulled itself out of existence.
Kagome's body disappeared from Inuyasha's lap, and he blinked at the people surrounding him before disappearing himself.
A red figure appeared on the trunk of the Goshinboku, trapped for eternity by an enchanted arrow.
“Who the hell are all of you?” asked Sango, before hoisting her Hiraikotsu and stalking away.
Miroku put his hand to his head. He felt as if years of knowledge had suddenly been drained from his brain. `I'd better follow that woman. She's got a beautiful body.'
Sesshoumaru growled at the Kai-wolves and summoned his transportation cloud.
Yourei Taisei transformed to his demon form and flew off to his eyrie. `What the hell am I doing here?'
Later that morning a young girl was pulled through the well by a centipede demon….
Sigh…I know. Not one of my best. Actually it started out a lot bloodier but I disgusted myself. Anyway, Taskforce: Spartan's master was unhappy with my “hesitance to update” and I “tested the patience of [his] master for far too long.” So since the Emperor is not as forgiving as Taskforce: Spartan I included this alternate as an oblique apology for making you wait so long!
FF continued:
Moomoogirl1, Ash Dragonblade, the-freak-on-your-block, Inuyasha05, Ahtari, mcleigh1979, billysgotagun, AngelineL, Fenikkusuken, Archangel Gabrielle, jcnkitten, Mrs. JediK1, SylverAngel, Photographing Poetry, Wings of Tears
Kagome313 and Chanda: Thanks for putting me on your favs list!
Caitriona695: Ahh, ahh, ahh! Can't tell you what I'm doing with Kanna…heh, heh. I will say that she's definitely…oops, no, can't say that yet. Well, she's…umm. You'll just have to wait, sorry! Glad you like the three sides of Inuyasha…I do, and I guess quite a few of the IYFG did, too!
Tevrah: Kanna, evil? Are you sure? After all, she did say that she was “as she was made to be…”
Leo-mae: Ooh. Sorry about the hypoglycemia in your family. It's nasty…I've had an episode myself. But as you can see, a few NRG bars and Kagome's as feisty as ever!
Mel f: Nope, not dying, just HUNGRY!!!
Thank you all for reading, bless those of you who review, and thanks be to Inaqui, my wonderful beta! She keeps me on my toes!