InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facile Comme la Vie ❯ H E R M I S T R E S S ( Chapter 1 )

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Title: Her Mistress
Part of: Facile Comme la Vie
Theme: Crossing Over
Word Count: 249
Standard Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inu-tachi; that honor belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I can pretend, though, right? Facile Comme la Vieis a collective of one-shots and drabbles - they will feature a variety of characters, themes, genres and ratings.
From her restful sleep, she felt the call. Her black eyes snapped open - her mistress needed her.

She glanced quickly over her companions - they were tired after a long journey and would sleep soundly. They need never know she was gone.

Graceful and agile, she sprinted away from the camp, heading straight to the forest she knew so well. The trees, so familiar to her senses, waved to her, their branches flailing in the slight winds. She had seen these trees rise from their seed, when she walked this path with her mistress.

Her mistress.

She saw the old well in the distance and lengthened her stride. She leapt when she was mere feet from the structure, landing neatly inside.

The time slip accepted her as it had for so many times in the past year - whenever the soul of her mistress cried out for her.

She landed softly on the dirt floor of the well. She paused for a moment before jumping out and, transforming so as not to scare the other, she entered through an open window.

Her mistress, different in appearance, yet as kind and strong as she was when she first knew her, sat at the table, quiet. She caught sight of the intruder and smiled, automatically sticking out her hand. “Kirara,” she acknowledged warmly, stroking the fire cat behind her ears. She was not surprised - midnight visits like these were the norm when she longed for her daughter.

Kirara purred. She missed Midoriko.